

767 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 2 av 52

Globalt mode på en lokal marknad : - En case study av H&M och hur de väljer att profilera sig i deras globala kampanj, Conscious Collection

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

En jämförelse mellan H&M & Zara´s förmåga att leverera ett snabbt mode - Gentemot kundens uppfattning

During the last year there has been a globalization of trade. Because of the development ofmore sophisticated information's - and communication technology the boundaries and thephysical distance have been smeared out between company as well as countries. Furthermoreit generates that many companies have restructured to global value chains. Because of theincreased access the marketplace has become harder and more competitive than ever.Since the customers nowadays have more access to product information the consume patternsand behaviour has been changed. Through the increased knowledge the consumers requiresmore of the products.

Utveckling av snabbfäste och verktyg för byte av sågklinga

This thesis is based upon the work done at Westinghouse electric company (WEC)inVästerås during the spring semester of 2015 and describes the development of a quickcoupler with associated blade changing tool. These are meant to be used togetherwith a sawing tool that the company uses for the dismantling of nuclear reactors,which is performed under water.The aim of the thesis was to develop a complete manufacturing documentation withdrawings and related CAD models which Westinghouse later can use to manufacturethe tool and the quick coupler. It was also included in the assignment to, if necessary,modify parts of the saw tool to adapt these to the intended blade changing tool.A number of visits to the company's workshop was made during the time to study thesaw that the thesis is based upon. The purpose of these visits was to get a better ideaof the dimensions, construction and the field of use of the saw. On three of thoseoccasions various engineers and consultants accompanied us to discuss possibleproblems with different ideas.This was interspersed with information in the form of literature studies on quickcouplers to create a clearer picture of the nature of the task.When enough information had been gathered a functional analysis was made to dividethe main problem into subthis phase the idea and concept generating process took place.The methods used for this was mainly brain writing and brainstorming.

Värdet av demand response på den svenska elmarknaden

Intelligent IT-based solutions, often called Smart Grids, are considered to be the future balancers of renewable energy sources. One area within the Smart Grid concept is called demand response, which is focused on making customers more consumption flexible by making them more active in their consumption. In this thesis the aim is to analyze a business model by investigating the income potential for a demand response solution as well as its market potential. This has been done through literature studies, interviews and development of a computational model.The use of 5000 households with flexible consumption can provide a cost reduction of 17.2% or 2.4 million SEK for a balance responsible party during an average year. If the solution is used to make strategic bids on the regulation markets the study indicates that the largest potential for revenues lies within this strategy.

Insatsens akustik och dess påverkan på hörapparatens förstärkning

The earmould acoustics affect the amplification that the hearing aid is programmed to give to its user. It is therefore important that the choices made for the earmould are correctly done. One choice is regarding the shape of the soundbore that affects the frequency response of the hearing aid above a certain cut-off frequency. The purpose of this project was to measure the frequency response when altering the shape of the soundbore in the earmould. Additionally, the aim was to examine how the frequency response is affected when the shape of the soundbore is not set or is not possible to set in the software when programming the hearing aid.

Att genom design effektivisera räddningsinsatsen för motorcyklister i trafikolycka

What if the emergency response directly knew exactly where to go and what to do if a road accident occured? During the last ten years the number of motorcyclists in Sweden has doubled. Every year, more than 300 riders are seriously injured and over 40 die in road accidents. Being found in time is critical to increase the chance of survival. The goal of this project is to use design methods to find a solution that enables a fast and adequate emergency response for motorcyclists and other unprotected road users..

En studie av skillnader mellan monotisk och dikotisk 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response

ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to investigate differences between monotich and dichotic 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) with Interacoustics Eclipse.DesignThe aspects studied are test duration, relation be¬tween ASSR and behavioural thresholds (BT), reproducibility and correlation between rejects during Brainstem Response Audiometry (BRA) and differences between ASSR and BT. Monotic and dichotic ASSR-thresholds for eight normal hearing subjects (.

Valutasäkringar och räntebindningar inom lantbruket : åtgärder för att förbättra ekonomin inom lantbruksföretag

The thesis aims to investigate the farmer?s perception of currency hedging and interest rate bonds and to investigate the farm size of companies categorized by number of acres, has no effect on this. The work also aims to gain an insight into what active farmers consider to be important what to consider when they choosing a bank and a personal banker. The work is based on the survey and has been supplemented by a literature review on the subject. For the survey were selected out randomly 50 farmers with Agriculture and Rural Management education. The requirement of the farmers was that they should be farmers by profession, and also made sure that the farmers of various sizes came with. We got a total of 32 responses within the set response time we said, which was better response than we expected. When the final result came we ranged the farms in a size range. We found out that all farmers in the study diligently follow the market and are easy to assimilate new ideas, providing opportunities to profitability of their business with the different instruments that are available on both the financial level and farm level. The investigation revealed that the major in favor of having a personal banker. They think it´s good to have a special plug to turn to who has knowledge and experience of how the agriculture sector operates.

Uppfatta och reagera : En kvalitativ studie om IT-relaterade resursers roll i kundkännedomsprocesser och kundresponskapacitet

The structures of organizations have gone through a dramatic change over the last years; as a result customer service is no longer a small side activity but a critical part in customer relationship management. Development in information technology has created opportunities as well as challenges for organizations when it comes to providing a customer service with capacity of sensing and responding to customers' needs. Previous research shows a relationship between customer response capability and customer knowledge processeses, this study investigates and confirms this relationship. However, findings show that dedication and understanding for customers needs has a direct impact on both customer response capability and customer knowledge processeses, this result indicates that customer knowledge processes and customer relationship management are difficult to differentiate. Furthermore, this study explores IT-related resources impact on customer response capability and customer knowledge processes.

Jämförelse mellan ?Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) och ?Auditory Steady State Response? (ASSR) för att uppskatta hörtrösklar på barn i narkos. Kan testtiden minska om 500 Hz utesluts vid ASSR-mätning?

ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to investigate the clinical application to use ASSR in anesthetized childrenDesignOne main ambition of the investigation was to compare hearing threshold using ABR with estimated hearing threshold using ASSR. Another aim was to examine if the duration of an ASSR measurement could be reduced by only using the frequencies 1, 2 and 4 kHz and exclude the frequency 0.5 kHz. This is a retrospective study using electrophysiological measurement from a database.ResultResults showed a high correlation between hearing threshold using ABR and estimated thresholds using ASSR, with the frequency 0.5 kHz showing a slightly lower correlation. Result also showed that the test duration was increased when using all test frequencies in ASSR-measurement compared to when 0.5kHz was excluded. ConclusionThe study showed a high correlation when comparing hearing threshold using ABR and ASSR.

Reader-response-kritiken och uppnåendet av estetisk känslighet - en uppsats om tolkning av skönlitteratur i 2000-talets gymnasieskola

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie om svensklärares attityder och förhållningssätt till hur skönlitteratur används i undervisningen och om det görs några tolkningar av de lästa verken samt hur dessa tolkningar tar sig uttryck. Området som undersöks är i vilken utsträckning lärarna låter sina elever göra subjektiva tolkningar av de litterära texterna som de möter och om det är läsarens egen upplevelse och den estetiska känsligheten som eftersträvas i klassrummet eller om skönlitterära verk har andra värden som känns viktigare för yrkesverksamma lärare.Vad som också utreds är om lärarna på något sätt är influerade av reader-response-kritiken och om de anser att reader-response-kritiken har påverkat skolvärlden under 1900-talet.Undersökningen ger först och främst en bild av sex svensklärares inställningar och attityder gentemot användningen av skönlitteratur på gymnasiet. Dessutom redogör uppsatsen för olika teorier om reader-response-kritiken och estetisk känslighet vad det gäller tillägnandet av skönlitteratur och vilken bild kursplaner samt läromedel ger av hur läsning av skönlitteratur kan se ut i dagens gymnasieskola..

Erfarenheter av forcerad materielförsörjning av Vapensystem 01

This Thesis in Military Technology deals with experiences drawn from the forced introduction of Weapons Station 01, 2009. The work aims to identify the experiences regarding the forced procurement of military equipment to see how they can develop normal and fast procurement of equipment. The main conclusions of  this work, is to achieve greater capability and increase the military utility, are: -          Common objectives and priorities of stakeholders-          Response and joint types shall determine requirements for system-          Ensure an integrated project team also at lower levels-          Engage the integrated logistic support early in the materiel process-          Include Armed Forces staff as early as possible in the testing and validation-          Prioritize work to facilitate the rapid development of decision on use (BOA)-          Provide back up for increased redundancy in the mission area .

Surgical stress response in dogs diagnosed with pyometra undergoing ovariohysterectomy

The aim of this study was to investigate the intraoperative surgical stress response in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy and to compare acepromazine and medetomidine as premedications. 15 dogs diagnosed with pyometra were used in this study. Blood pressure and heart rate were used as parameters to measure surgical stress response. The surgery was divided into four phases. Phase 0 was the period 10 minutes before the skin incision, phase 1 was skin incision and opening of abdomen, phase 2 was manipulation of uterine horns, ligation and transection of mesovarium and phase 3 was ligation of cervix, removal of organs and closing the abdomen. The results showed that phase 2 was the most intense phase of surgical stress, regardless of which premedication the dogs received. When acepromazine and medetomidine were compared the results showed that within phase 3, all dogs that were given medetomidine had higher blood pressure compared to dogs that were given acepromazine. The dogs that were given acepromazine had higher heart rate than the dogs that were given medetomidine in phase 0, phase 2 and phase 3. .

EBH - Easy Battery Handling

The project Easy Battery Handling - EBH has been carried out in our auspicial and completedfor Devantini Corporation, a development company in Halmstad with its main concern inenvironmental friendly innovations.EBH has solved one of many technical challenges in one of Devantini corporation?s largerprojects. This main project involves the development of an electric powered formula racingcar. The part of this car that involved EBH was the battery handling to guarantee safe andquick battery exchanges during pit-stops.The solution became an entire battery module, hanging on the side of the car on two spearspointing out from the car. The batteries are exchanged by a specially designed trolley that isinserted under the battery module.

Att gestalta en mördare : En studie om mediernas gestaltning av Thomas Quick

Media has a big actuating power over the public opinion. The image of reality that media choose to reproduce will affect the recipient view of reality. The case about Thomas Quick and its associated news coverage has been used as an example to illustrate the problematization regarding media imag-es and media framing attempt. The purpose of this essay was to illuminate how daily and evening newspapers works with various framing methods.The theoretical framework for this essay will discuss the media framing theory and its ramification attribute framing theory. This laid the foundation for the research question.

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