

766 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 1 av 52

Läsning av QR-koder med smarta telefoner : En undersökning om spridningen av en teknologi

Quick response eller QR är en teknik som tillåter snabb och pålitlig optisk läsning av information som är kodad i ett rutmönster. Som läsverktyg kan man använda läsare som är speciellt tillverkade för ändamålet och numera också vanliga smartphones. Tekniken har i flera år varit framgångsrik i vissa industriella applikationer såsom lagerhållning, men det är fortfarande osäkert i vilken utsträckning den också kan vinna insteg i vardagligt användande av smartphones. Vi har genomfört en enkätundersökning bland universitetsstudenter för att uppskatta hur spridd användningen av QR-koder är och hur denna användning ser ut. För att analysera resultatet har vi använt oss av teorin om diffusion of innovations som tillhandahåller en modell för spridning av ny teknik inom ett sammanhang.

Svarstiden vid klinisk bedömning av högre språkliga förmågor hos vuxna

The aim of the present study was to investigate response time variations in tasks for assessment of high level language functions and how response time is related to education, age and gender. Response time is defined as the time to complete a task after it has been presented. 103 subjects, aged 20 to 80 years, were tested with the Assessment of Subtle Language Disorders, Sentence analysis and Morphological completion. The subtest Comprehension of ambiguous sentences showed the longest response time and Morphological completion the shortest. Correlations were found between increasing age and longer response time for Comprehension of metaphors and between education and response time for several subtests.

Trummor för iPhone & iPad

This project is about development of virtual drums for iPhone and iPad. The project aims to provide the company Toontrack AB with a good foundation to build drumbased apps. The focus has been on getting a Quick response when playing and that user interfaces should be easy to use, intuitive and customizable. The result is impressive and both audio and graphics are of excellent quality thanks to good collaboration with Toontrack, that previously has developed drum-based software. The drum kit offers a variety of articulations and even the ability to play various dynamics, although the screens are not pressure sensitive..

Incidenthantering i molnmiljö

Incident response plans are faced with new challenges as organisations expands to the cloud, this thesis aims to highlight these challenges and their potential solutions. Our work has focused on managing the incident response in contrast to earlier work that has been focusing on preventing them.As with any development, security is seldom prioritized. Instead the focus are often aimed towards usability and functionality, which means incident response plans are written, implemented, forgotten and finally becomes obsolete. This could result in an organization losing their ability to produce acceptable forensic images, avoid severe downtime, or prevent similar incidents in the future, which are all important parts of incident response.Traditional incident response plans does not address incidents in the cloud. Thus, an absence of guidelines for managing incidents in the cloud becomes apparent.

Inkrementell responsanalys : Vilka kunder bör väljas vid riktad marknadsföring?

If customers respond differently to a campaign, it is worthwhile to find those customers who respond most positively and direct the campaign towards them. This can be done by using so called incremental response analysis where respondents from a campaign are compared with respondents from a control group. Customers with the highest increased response from the campaign will be selected and thus may increase the company?s return. Incremental response analysis is applied to the mobile operator Tres historical data.

Evaluation of the retinal ON- and OFF-responses in the dog ERG

The aim of the study was to examine the retinal ON- and OFF-pathways of the canine electroretinogram (ERG). The ON- and OFF-pathways are used to distinguish objects from their backgrounds. A dark object is discernible from a lighter background using the OFFpathway and the ON-pathway is used to descry a light object upon a darker background. This study shows that the dog ERG has both ON- and OFF-responses and that these responses can be separated by prolonging the flash duration over 50 ms. The dog OFF-response waveform was more similar to the cat OFF-response than the human OFF-response (Frishman, 2006; Zrenner and Gouras, 1979). In this study six female three-year-old Beagle dogs were included. Both background and flash stimuli were provided by LEDs (light emitting diodes) with a wavelength of 470 nm, a wavelength that is absorbed almost as effectively by the canine M/L-cones as by the S-cones. These stimuli gave ERGs with both ON- and OFF-responses.

QR-koden : ett nytt marknadsföringsverktyg med potential

Titel: QR-koden ? ett nytt marknadsföringsverktyg med potential Författare: Eric Karlsson och Oskar Kristiansson Handledare: Klaus Solberg Søilen Nivå: Kandidatuppsats, Marknadsföring (15 hp), VT 2012 Nyckelord: QR-koder, marknadsföringsverktyg, interaktion, incitament, strategi, Quick response Codes, marknadsföring, print media, smartphones, annonsering, ROIProblemformulering: Hur bör företag använda sig av QR-koder i sina marknadsföringsaktiviteter?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att, med utgångspunkt i den teoretiska referensramen och en kvalitativ studie av fem svenska företag, kartlägga hur QR-koder bör användas i marknadsföringsaktiviteter. Vidare vill vi identifiera fördelar och nackdelar med QR-koder för att se vilka implikationer ett lyckat respektive misslyckat användande har för företagen.Teoretisk referensram: Här presenterar vi olika teorier för att förstå begreppen som ligger bakom samt hjälper till att definiera fenomenet QR-koder och användningen av dem i marknadsföring. Teorierna är även behjälpliga vid vår analys av den empiriska datan.Metodik: Vi har valt en deduktiv ansats till vår uppsats som innebär att vi tittat på tidigare nedskrivna teorier och information för att kunna ta ställning till hur vi ska ställa frågorna till de företag som vi vill intervjua i vår kvalitativa undersökning.Empirisk studie: I empirin presenteras svaren på de djupintervjuer som utförts med våra fem fallföretag.Slutsats: Vår slutsats är att QR-koder bör användas på tydligt, informativt och lockande sätt utefter en tydlig strategi, och att de gå kan gynna ett företag ur ett marknadsföringssyfte genom att de vid ett kvalitativt användande kan nå och engagera fler konsumenter och därigenom öka sin omsättning och varumärkeskännedom. Används QR-koder däremot på fel sätt kan varumärket ta skada istället för att gynnas..

Att bryta tystnaden: kommunikation i matematikklassrummet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers approach communication in their mathematics instruction. The communication involves concepts such as teachers' mathematical language, incorrect answers, and various interaction patterns. In line with this, the study also examines how these types of communication may affect students in the classroom. Furthermore, observations and interviews were conducted with five different teachers in Sweden using an observation scheme and an interview guide. The results reveal that four out of the five teachers use both child-directed and adult-directed language when addressing students at different levels of mathematical understanding.

"Bra jobbat!" : En undersökning av gymnasieelevers skriftliga kamratrespons

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

IgG mediated suppression of immunological memory

Apart from recognizing and neutralizing threats, antibodies also have the ability to regulate immune responses against their specific antigen. IgG administered together with erythrocytes is well known to induce >99% suppression. This has been used to prevent haemolytic disease in new-borns since the 1960's, but the mechanism behind it is still not completely understood. The effect on the primary response is well established, but its influence on induction of immunological memory is still heavily debated. In this study adoptive cell transfer of splenocytes to irradiated mice was used to survey the effect IgG has on induction of immunological memory without disturbance from the primary IgG response.

Pedagogers sätt att bemöta barnens initiativ i förskolan

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

Hedersrelaterat våld : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk dagspress

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

Hur ser lavars fördelning ut runt stammen på ek, och påverkas den av trädets storlek och dess närmiljö?

The aim of this study was to describe preferences of geographic direction of ten, oak-living epiphytic lichen species and how they responded to sun exposure, nearby bushes and trees, bark fissure depth and circumference. The frequency of every species was recorded in arcs of ten degrees around the tree at a height of 130 to 180 cm above the ground. An estimation of the amount of every species in every arc was also recorded. To analyse how the distribution of the lichen species responded to the different factors their concentration for every tree was plotted against the four factors. The distribution of Cliostomum corrugatum had a positive response to high sun exposure and a negative response to a thick layer of bushes and trees.

Gilla, dela och kommentera ? Användarrespons på bibliotekets Facebookinlägg

The focus of this thesis is to examine posts on library?s Facebook pages and to investigate possible connections between posts and user response. The study examines posts published from thirty different libraries Facebook pages over a two week period to examine if any correlation between different subjects or types of posts affects the degree and type of response from the users.The findings show that photos stand for the majority of the published post concerning its type and that activities at the library was the most common subject of posts. After using eta as measure of association a tenuous connection between degree of response and the posts subject and between the degree of response and the type of post was found. The standard deviation, however, was high in the majority of the variables used.

I döda kungars sällskap : Historiebruk och historiemedvetande kopplat till Sverigedemokratisk ungdom på Facebook mellan 2010-2014

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

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