

6727 Uppsatser om Quality of health - Sida 42 av 449

Gemensamma kostnader : Det verkliga utfallet

The aim of this report is to develop an improved basis for calculation of common costs as well as to create a support, showing which steps can be taken for improving the future monitoring at NCC Hus in Karlstad.The objective of this report is to improve the quality of the process of quoting by verifying current key numbers, production of new key numbers and to identify the problems affecting the monitoring of projects.The objective is also to provide suggestions of actions improving quality assurance at NCC Hus in Karlstad..

Äldres upplevelser av kvalitet på särskilda boenden

Old people's life situation when receiving municipal help and care in theirlast period of life is sparsely investigated from their own perspective. Thepurpose of this study was focused on the thoughts of the aged people andtheir personal experiences on what quality is within the geriatric care. Inthis qualitative study, 10 elderly people aged 75-90 years wereinterviewed from 3 different nursing homes within Solna Municipality.Qualitative interviews, with the emphasis on their present life situationespecially what brought about a good life, were performed. The interviewswere analysed using qualitative content analysis. The implication of theterm ?meaningful existence? is individual and differs from person toperson.

Hälsoeffekter av patientundervisning och läkemedelsanvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

AbstractBackgroundParkinson?s disease is a chronically not curable progressive disease that leads to different degrees of disability. Controlled studies on how patient education influences subjective health in Parkinson?s disease are lacking.AimThe aim of this study was to examine the influence patient education had on drug requirements and on subjective health status of persons with Parkinson?s disease.MethodologyA short form of Health Survey, SF-12, was used to measure perceived health. SF-12 was administered before and one month after patient education (intervention group; n= 48), and in waiting list control (n= 48).

Förtolkning inför skogsbruksplanläggning med laserdata (NNH), eller traditionell flygbildstolkning?

The purpose of this study was to investigate produced laser data from the new national height model's airborne laser scanning in Sweden, what quality it has and whether it can be used for forest management planning. From airborne laser scanning one can obtain information on forest variables such as tree species, height, diameter and basal area. Norra skogsägarna is the principal employer of this project and they wanted know to the quality of the laser data which needs to cope with their standards. If the laser data the quality required it can replace some of the operations performed by field planners. To examine the quality of the produced laser data a control tax assessment has been performed in 30 forest departments. This was done in an objective manner.

Personer med Multipel Skleros upplevelser av att leva med sjukdomen, samt deras upplevelser av stöd och bemötande från vårdgivare : En intervjustudie

The aim of the study was to describe what it's like to live with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and experiences of social support and being received and met by health personnel. The method was a qualitative interview study of descriptive design and was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Three women and two men (26-75 years) with MS from two municipalitiesin central Sweden participated in the study. The main results showed that the participants felt the disease limited everyday life. The majority described feelings of injustice being affectedby the illness, but they now have a new perspective on life.

Vilka kvalitetsfaktorer anses viktigast vid inköp av grönsaker och frukt för återförsäljare i Sverige :

Since Sweden joined the European Union all Swedish fruit and vegetables are classified according to EU Quality standards. One important function is the product description and how it can facilitate the trade; for example in better comparing prices and also to guarantee the quality of the product. This quality standards or product descriptions are written as words of an Act and obligatory for all countries that has joined the EU. It?s often a demand from the customers to be certificated according to some of many certificating systems. One example is the common worldwide GLOBAL GAP-certification system created by the organisation EUREP which represents the leading European retail traders.

FaR- Fysisk aktivitet på recept : En del i det hälsofrämjande arbetet.  En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Trots all forskning och kunskap om vikten av fysisk aktivitet ökar livsstilrelaterade sjukdomar. WHO (Världshälsoorganisationen) har klassificerat fysisk inaktivitet som en av fyra ohälsosamma levnadsvanor som vid minimering kan förebygga sjukdom och för tidig död. Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) inkluderar hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård och ökad fysisk aktivitet som är två av Sveriges elva folkhälsomål. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka hur fysisk aktivitet på recept påverkar den fysiska aktivitetsnivån. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes och sökning utfördes i LibHub och Academic Search Elite av artiklar publicerade mellan 2005 och 2012.

DISA: en depressionsförebyggande metod för tonårsflickor : Deltagarnas perspektiv och deras sinnesstämningsförändring

Background: Mental ill-health among adolescents is one of the most increasing public health problems in Sweden. Particularly girls suffer from mental and psychosomatic symptoms. The National Board of Health and Welfare recommend the DISA method as a preventive measure. Problem: Investigations has been done of the DISA method, but further investigations needs to be done. Aim: The aim of the study was partly to investigate how participants in DISA groups in two counties understand the method and its eventual effect and partly how their mood change, to contribute with knowledge to the development of the DISA method.

Genetic variation in dairy cattle claw health traits recorded by claw trimmers

Claw health has been recorded by claw trimmers at trimming in Sweden since 1996, but data was then captured at each AI association. From 2003 data was captured by central scanning and entered directly to the national cow data base at the Swedish Dairy Association (SDA). This reporting was introduced because SDA wanted to be able to use these records to improve dairy cow claw health by breeding. It is desirable with cows that have healthy claws, because poor claw health can contribute to impaired production and fertility. The claw health report begins with some information about herd, claw trimmer, date et cetera and continues with the part where the claw health is recorded. Here the ID of each cow is filled in and on the same row the conditions for dermatitis, heel horn erosion, sole haemorrhage and sole ulcer are recorded as no lesion (blank), slight lesion (/) or severe lesion (X).

Avgörande faktorer vid affärsutbyten med Polen : en flerfallsstudie inom miljösektorn

Länsförsäkringar in Värmland, Sweden, had during the year 2003 a total level of 6.1 percent of people on the sick-list, which was higher than average in the business (4,5%) and for salaried employees in the private sector (3,3%). The average age of those put on sick-list was 47 years, whish is four years higher than the average for the whole LF-group. The cost for the total amount of people being on sick-list at LF-company (6,1%) was estimated to 1 500 kkr, according to a calculation model coming from Försäkringskassan. For every percent the sick level could be reduced, the company would save 239 kkr. To map out the state of health of each and every collaborator in LF, the company offered all employees to make a health profile at the company's health service, Clarahälsan AB.

Patienters rökvanor, deras motivation till rökavvänjning samt om de har blivit tillfrågade om sina rökvanor av tandvårdspersonal

The aim of the present study was to examine smoking behaviour and motivation for smoking cessation in patients at a dental clinic. Another aim was to examine if the patients had been asked by the dental staff regarding their smoking habits.Twenty-two patients from a student clinic and twenty-one patients from a Swedish Public Dental Service Clinic in southern of Sweden participated in the study. Participants consisted of eighteen women and twenty-five men. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that was directed at smokers. The questionnaire was answered in connection with the visit to the dental hygienist.The patients smoked between eight and twelve cigarettes per day and had on average smoked between 5 -15 years.

Hundars inverkan på hälsa hos vårdtagare på vård- och omsorgsboende - en litteraturstudie

ABSTRACT Background: Aging and losing cognitive and physical functions is difficult. To also be affected by dementia means that you lose some part of your identity and the ability to take care of yourself. It is important to find alternative, non-pharmacological ways to increase health for the elderly and those who are affected by dementia. When dogs are used for therapeutic purposes in health care it is roughly divided into two different forms; AAA (Animal Assisted Activity) and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy). AAI (Animal Assisted Intervention) is also used as a term, in which AAT is included.

Automatiserad mätning av kvalité : Varför är inte all mätningautomatiserad?

AbstractThis bachelor?s thesis at the Department of Production Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm deals with the subject of automated metrology. The degree of automation of tasks within production has been a growing trend but the measurement of quality has not followed the same trend. The main thesis follows:What incentives are there to automate the measurement of quality in production?What factors are crucial and why are not all metrology automated?The thesis comes along with a number of sub-queries and delimitations.The working method includes both theoretical and empirical studies.

Föräldrars attityder till övervikt hos barn

Background: Overweight in children has been an increasing problem in recent years and research show that early intervention is important. The parents? diet- and exercise habits are important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for their children. Aim: To investigate parents? attitudes towards overweight in children.

Vetenskap och erfarenhet: en analys av kunskapsrepertoarer i gravidforum på webben.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how health information is integrated into knowledge in an everyday health related context on the web. The more specific aim is, from a LIS point of view, to map knowledge related discourses with the focus on pregnancy, in discussion forums on Swedish health related web sites. The following main questions in this paper are: (1) a) What discourses on pregnancy knowledge can be found and b) how are they expressed? (2) What are the functions of the recognised discourses? and (3) what are the relations between the identified discourses? The theoretical and methodological starting-point is discourse theory with the main focus on discursive psychology according to Wetherell?s and Potter?s theoretical and empirical work.

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