

6727 Uppsatser om Quality of health - Sida 25 av 449

Ungdomars syn på kvalitet vid inköp av kläder

Teenagers are the group that spends most money on clothing. When choosing clothes, the so called internal and external signals could affect the perceived quality of the teenagers. The external signals are for example price, brand and place of purchase while the internal signals are the physical composition of the product as for example garment and size. The perceived quality is the attributes that the teenagers perceive that the specific article of clothing has. Today?s marketing, within the fashion line, is mostly to present the design of the product and aim the marketing for curtain segments and to keep a distance to others that are not within the segment group.

Nursing staffs´ experience of their situation in the work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities

Background: The oral health is a problem for many people with psychical disabilities. The reason for that is among other things that the psychical disabilities could do it hard to handle fundamental routines in the everyday life. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe how the nursing staff experienced their situation about their work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities. Method: The study has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis. Result: Two head categories were identified; barrier that influence the ability to perform the work with oral health and barrier that influence the performance of the work with oral health.

Egenskaper och kvalitetsaspekter hos kött från mjölkrasgetter

Most of the goats in the world exist in the developing countries where they are important in the meat industry. In Europe, goats are mostly kept for milk production although the interest for meat is growing. Goats have a thin carcass with only small amounts of intramuscular fat, which gives a lean meat. This thin subcutaneous fat cover can cause cold shortening when chilling the carcass. By using electrical stimulation cold shortening can be prevented.

Skiftarbetares självskattade hälsa : Anledning till skiftarbete och kontroll i arbetet

ABSTRACTBackground:To work irregular hours, so called shift work, involves a greater risk to develop bad health compared to work daytime. The society today requires availability 24-hours per day which makes shiftwork necessary. We have to find a way to make shift working people remain at a good health.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine the self estimated health of shift workers. This study concerns significant differences between self estimated health and: main reason for shiftwork, possibility to decide what to do at work and possibility to decide how to perform work tasks.Method:A cross sectional study was performed in four companies in industrial manufacturing, printing business and service business in the community of Örebro. 113 questionnaires were delivered and 71 persons filled the questionnaires and returned them, the reply fervency were 65 %.Results:In this population almost 80 % of the participants declared their health good, very good or excellent and no one declared their health as poor.

Påverkande faktorer för grotens fukthalt

The aim of this study was to investigate how seasonal variations affect the quality of logging residues. The study was hosted by VIDA Energy. Logging residues can be processed and transported within different systems. Today the dominant systems are chipping at landing and bulk transportation of logging residues. In these systems the handling of the logging residues are carried out in the same manner up to the landings. Moisture content at the time of chipping is the primary quality parameter. Fine fractions of logging residues are strongly dependent on moisture content in storage.

Textstorlekens påverkan

Purpose;the purpose of this study is to investigate whether a product ad observer's purchase intention, perception of product quality, brand image perception and price perception is affected depending on the size of the text that was used in the ad to communicate the product price.Methodology;the study was conducted using a quantitative method through a survey. The implementation of the study has been done by using three variants of the same suit ad where the three different variants have been manipulated on the text size on the price information, by reduced / increased the text size. The implementation has also been carried out using two different ad sender, with three ads for each sender.Result and conclusion;the text size on the price of a product ad mainly affects the observer's price and quality perception, where the small text will have a positive effect on quality perception and a negative effect on the quality perception. Even brand image changes depending on the text size where small text will have a positive effect..

Produktkvalitet på svenskt nötkött : en kartläggning av kvalitetsfaktorer inom IP Sigill

Sigill Quality Systems has been certifying beef since the autumn of 2006 using the brand name label Swedish Sigill. IP Sigill (the certifying system for integrated production) encompasses the values: animal ethics, food safety, free range and environmental concerns. Product quality is not yet one of these values, and there is a variation in the quality of Swedish beef. Swedish Sigill wanted to investigate the factors that influence product quality, review which of the present regulations that have an influence on product quality and formulate new regulations with the purpose of enhancing the product quality (sensorial, technological and nutritional quality). A survey of quality parameters and factors that influence product quality was done in order to establish a scientific foundation to work from.

New public management från solidaritet till effektivitet

The public service within health and care has changed remarkably during the last 30 years. It has been inspired by management ideas from profit-making businesses. Those thoughts are an umbrella term called Nex public management. In what way has New public management influenced the public service in Sweden? Important concepts in the change of public service are quality, effektivity and goals.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till individer med hjärtsvikt vid vätske- och saltrestriktion. -en integrerad litteraturstudie.

Karin Holmkvist (2014) Sleep, meals and physical activity among professional drivers during the day with work and spare time. Master?s thesis in health at work. University of Gävle. Night work and irregular work hours affects social and biological rhythms in activity, eating, sleep and metabolism. Researchshows how theworking conditions andworking hours affect professional drivers´ lifestyle and there is a negative impact on their health.

SERVQUAL : ett lämpligt mätinstrument av upplevd tjänstekvalitet inom reseindustrin?

The travel agencies exist on a market that is distinguished by increasing competition. A majority of the travel agencies offer different services that all satisfie the same customer need. However,one major difference in the market aspect is the service quality, this making it an important mean of competition. There are several acknowledged methods of measurement when it comes to service quality and it is important to use an instrument that takes into consideration the fact that charter tours is a complex merger of several services. The purpose of this essay is to establish if the SERVQUAL method is a suitable instrument for measuring service quality in the travelindustry.

Manliga romers upplevelser av bemötande inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården

Background: In studies about Romani people?s health, it becomes clear that the Romani inseveral countries have a poor health and avoid seeking health care.Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore Romani men's experiences of treatmentin the Swedish health care.Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with respondents about theirexperiences in individual interviews. Seven male Romanis were elected with a purposefulsample. A content analysis by systematic text condensation on the data obtained was made asdescribed by Granheim & Lundman (2004).Results: The summed up impressions of the responses was perceived to be good, however,many men believe that the information is inadequate. Staff at the emergency department inUppsala should listen more to patients.

Livskvalitet hos vuxna patienter med astma :  

Background: Quality of life is a concept of individual meaning which is perceived differently depending on the person experiencing it. To have a chronic disease in the lung, such as asthma, has an effect on the quality of life. Asthma affects people of all ages. It is a disease that causes a constriction in the patients? airways which leads to a feeling of suffocation which in turn produces a feeling of anxiety.Aim: The purpose is to illuminate which factors affect the quality of life in adult patients with asthma.Method: This is a literary review based on ten articles, both quantitative and qualitative, from four different continents.

Sexuell hälsa, ungdomar och unga vuxna - En studie om efterfrågade insatser i det preventiva och hälsofrämjande arbetet med sexuell hälsa i Västra Götalandsregionen

We have from three studies examined how adolescents and young adults, actors and the researchfield describes the preventive and health promotion work with sexual health. The questions weasked ourselves was based on what efforts adolescents and young adults demand, whether there aredifferences between age, gender, place of residence, ethnicity, employment, and sexual orientation.Furthermore, we investigate if these requirements are consistent with the offered interventions fromparticipants, as well as which perspectives the work with STI / HIV and SRHR issues should bebased on. The investigation concerns the work of Västra Götaland and is answered by interviewswith participants regarding the activities offered by actors, a quantitative analysis and text analysisof the answers of adolescents and young adults, and an international research overview of theresearch field. Our results show a high demand for basic preventive work from the adolescents andyoung adults. Furthermore, there is an increased demand of action from men, LGBTQ group anddepending on the place of residence.

Quality of Service i IP-nätverk

The original promise behind the Internet Protocol was to deliver data from a sender to the receiver using a best-effort approach. This means that the protocol makes no guarantees except that it will try to deliver the data to the destination. If some problem occurs the packet may be discarded by the network without any notice. No guarantees are made regarding the time it takes to deliver the data, the rate at which data will be delivered or if data is delivered in the same order it was sent. The best-effort approach is arguably the reason behind the success of the Internet Protocol and is what makes IP scalable to networks the size of the Internet.

Korttidssjukfrånvaron Vård och Omsorg Öster : vad kan den bero på och hur skulle den kunna minskas

The health care sector Öster has the highest average absence due to short-time sickness in Örebro. It is the short-term absence that has the highest costs for the organisation, not just in money, but also in quality disturbances and administrative work. Health care sector Öster is divided into four areas with a manager for each. We have chosen to conduct our research within the special housings in area one and four, since these two had the lowest and highest short-term absences.The purpose with the research is to examine short-term absences among the health care personnel in the health care sector Öster, see what the absences depend on, and what can be done to solve the issue. We will compare the absences in the area with the highest respectively lowest short-term absences in order to see if there are any prominent differences between the two.

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