

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 8 av 934

?Vi och dem?? : En kvalitativ studie av hur etnicitet skildras i åtta samtida svenska bilderböcker

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how contemporary Swedish picture-books describe ethnicity. The analysis is based upon eight books that were published during the period 1996 to 2006. The thesis is based upon a qualitative content analysis and a model of analysis that has been constructed with inspiration from Maria Nikolajeva and Pil Dahlerup and their conceptions of analyzing literature. The study?s theoretical framework is primarily based on the sociology of literature and the perspective of the society in literature.

Nyhetsanvändning på Karlstads Universitet : -En studie av vilka nyhetsmedier som är mest använda och har högst förtroende bland studenterna på Karlstads Universitet

This essay deals with the subject of the use of news medium amongst the students inKarlstads University. The presentation of the problem is about illustrating the or thosemedium that is the most used amongst the students, and also which one, ore which onesof the news medium the students puts largest trust in. This subject was chosen with thepurpose to illuminate patterns and attitudes of and to news medium, to make it easierfor eventual research in the future to connect these patterns and attitudes with theparticipation in political elections. The subject in question is interesting because of thefact that the news medium is one of the largest sources of information for the citizensknowledge?s about the society, and the citizen?s attitude to the news medium mightpossibly have the ability to affect people?s commitment in politics.

Unga och arbetslösa : Upplevelser av ungdomsarbetslöshet i en bruksort

This thesis focuses on youth unemployment in Finspång, often referred as an industrial community. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on social constructionism and covers theoretical discourse analysis, intersectionality and social capital. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 7 unemployed individuals between the ages of 19-24 and an interview with an employee at the employment office in the community. The main subject in this thesis is the youngsters experience with unemployment, labour, the employment office, the impacts of social capital and the labour market in the community. The analysis focuses in how the respondents discuss their experienced problems with their unemployment.

Att möta de osynliga : En kvalitativ studie om killar med självskadebeteende

Author: Madeleine Ahlström and Hanna PuontiTitle: To meet the invisible population - A qualitative study of men with deliberate self-injury [Att möta de osynliga - En kvalitativ studie om killar med självskadebeteende]Supervisor: Anders ÖstnäsAssessor: Jan Petersson This study aims to provide a picture of the underlying causes why men deliberately hurt themselves. It also aims to provide a picture revolving how men self-harm and what the direct effects are from their self-harm. The study describes their behaviour and how the behaviour has evolved over time. There is also a focus in the study to illustrate how society´s operative approach towards men makes their self-harm invisible, and make them an invisible population that neither the scientists nor the general population chooses to see. Self-injury is strongly associated with girls and their way of harming themselves.

Att leva nära en döende närstående : En litteratursammanställning om anhörigas behov av stöd inom hemsjukvården

Background: Several patients wish to die at home and relatives often become thecaregivers. This task can be a burden and the opportunity for the patient to die at homecan be overshadowed by obligations and responsibilities. Participation of relatives isoften the prerequisite to offer palliative care in the home environment. The purpose: The purpose of the study was to illuminate relatives? need of support during palliativecare in the home based care.

Jag litar på dig - Är våra läroböcker att lita på?

The purpose of the study is to se how coherent certain parts of four textbooks is with the curriculums Lpo 94 and Lgr 80. The study will examine Christianity and Islam in four textbooks. The aforementioned books are high school textbooks. To help us conduct the study we will use Hellspongs Qualitative analysis method that?s allows us to conduct a profound analysis.

Bilderna i klassrummet : ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to examine what kind of pictures the children encounter everyday in their classroom. Furthermore, the idea was to immerse myself in how girls and boys are portrayed in these pictures from a gender perspective. Three question were set, to enable this study: What kind of pictures will second grade pupils encounter in their classroom, in a city school and in a rural school?How many girls and boys are illustrated in these pictures?How are girls and boys portrayed in these pictures?The examination was done by a field study of two classrooms, where all the pictures on the walls were documented using a digital camera. The collected material were examined, using both a quantitative analysis and a qualitative ditto.

Att tänka jämställdhet är en sak, att göra jämställdhet är en annan : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare beaktar jämställdhet i utredningar

The aim with this study is to analyze how Swedish social services interpret men's and women's needs and whether it is possible to discern any pattern in the social services investigations. The following questions are of importance: how men and women are described in the assistance investigations and if there are any differences between men and women in assistance investigations. The analysis is based on a qualitative text analysis of twenty assistance investigations. The investigations have been studied gradually and interesting patterns emerged which were analyzed by the theory of gender.The results are multifaceted and demonstrate on the one hand that men and women receive the help they apply for and the assessment of their needs is conducted in an equitable way. On the other hand, the study demonstrates that there is a difference in how men and women are described in the investigations..

?Vi vill ju så gärna hjälpa dom? : Problem och möjligheter med användarundervisning vid ett universitetsbibliotek

The purpose of this essay was first and foremost to find out the problems that exist around user education in a university library and the opportunities that exist for university librarians to improve their work with students. My method of use was qualitative and more precise qualitative interviews. By interviewing five teaching librarians with five different subject specializations, I wanted to get an an-swer to what they teach when they meet the students and how they view their teaching. Responses resulted then in an analysis using Christine Bruce's theory of information literacy and Carol C. Kuhlthaus theory of librarian roles and her theory of information retrieval process.

Det vårdande mötet i hemmet

Home care services have had, and will have a major imortance in the future. More people will be using home care services as a consequence of political strategies but also as an effect of caretakers own wishes. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the factors that are significant for a successful encounter between a caretaker and a caregiver. The study is made as a Qualitative analysis of litterature. The data collection was based on Polit and Hungler's model of information retrieval and the data analysis on Graneheim and Lundman's model of analysis.

Från apparat till App : Public service i ett förändrat medielandskap

This Bachelor thesis is a qualitative study of the public debate regarding the role of Public service in the media converged society today. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the public debate, that is the Swedish Public service television and people with broad representative knowledge about Public service, motivates a change of the function of the Swedish Public service television.Our issues are: What does the public debate say about the function of Swedish Public  service television in our society today and how is a change motivated in this debate? How does the public debate look upon today´s media convergence and the fragmentation of the audience which, according to Denis McQuail, is a consequence of this?The method of this thesis is a Qualitative analysis and we have analyzed ten opinion articles and Swedish Public service television magazine ?DittSvt?. The theoretical background was obtained from Henry Jenkins and Håkan Hvitfelts theories and thoughts about mediaconvergence. We have supplemented this with Denis McQuails theory regarding the fragmentation of the audience.In this thesis, we see that the public debate is a lot about diversity in Swedish Public service television programming and that the democratic base is still very important.

INTERSEKTIONALITET I EU:S J?MST?LLDHETSSTRATEGIER En inneh?llsanalys av EU:s j?mst?lldhetsstrategier mellan 2010?2025

The European Union (EU) has since the Treaty of Rome 1957 pursued the goal of gender equality and one effort is through their gender equality strategies. In recent years EU also has had an increased emphasis on intersectionality. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how intersectionality is portrayed in EUs three gender equality strategies between 2010 and 2025. To investigate this, the problems and solutions presented in the strategies have been reviewed. The study uses a qualitative content analysis and a theoretical framework of intersectionality with an analytical scheme to study the equality strategies.

Det vårdande mötet i hemmet

Home care services have had, and will have a major imortance in the future. More people will be using home care services as a consequence of political strategies but also as an effect of caretakers own wishes. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the factors that are significant for a successful encounter between a caretaker and a caregiver. The study is made as a Qualitative analysis of litterature. The data collection was based on Polit and Hungler's model of information retrieval and the data analysis on Graneheim and Lundman's model of analysis.

Vändpunkten Kristianstad : en stödgruppsverksamhet

The aim of this study has been to investigate children and adolescent development in ?The turning point? children´s and adolescent program in Kristianstad. We also wanted to find out the support group leaders experiences concerning the children´s and the adolescents development in programs and how they apprehended their role as a support group leader. Our intension was also to study how the adolescent and the children considered their own development in the program. To carry through this study, we used two types of qualitative methods i.e.

Evigt offer eller alltid gärningsman? : Framställning av invandraren i den nätbaserade dagspressen

The purpose of this study is to examine how immigrants are portrayed in the Swedish daily newspapers online reporting. The essay investigates in what context immigrants, as individuals, are made visible and how they and their origins are reproduced. The study focuses on the roles victim and aggressor, and is also investigating potential differences between morning and evening newspapers.Present theories are discursive discrimination, critical discourse analysis, cultural racism, stereotypes and structural discrimination. Adopted methods are qualitative and quantitative content analysis, based on the Global Media Monitoring Project-tool.The results show that immigrants are not individually stereotyped or depicted negatively, but that their immigrant origins often have a central part of the story, that they are mentioned mainly in connection with negative news and that negatively charged words occur frequently. .

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