

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 18 av 934

Analys av en lärares sätt att kommunicera och föra en dialog på : Beroende på vilken klass som undervisades

The main problem that is seen in schools is that teachers sometimes don not reflect on what kind of pupils they have in the class and therefore do not adapt their way of communicate, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings from the pupils side.In this essay I have study a teacher?s way to communicate with her pupils depending of what kind of class she has. The main question is How the dialogue between teacher and pupils looks like, and after that there are two more questions that are answered.The method in this essay is of a qualitative form where the observation is the main method to gather the empiric parts. The analysis is also of a qualitative form.The theoretical frame is taken from different scholars but the main focus lies in the subject of communication and dialogue and how these subjects are depending on the relationships  between people. But there are also a theory from Bahktin were he points out how to succeed with a dialogue in a classroom.The conclusion in this essay is that communication and dialogue in the classrooms are important regardless what kind of pupils you as a teacher have.

Politikern, privatpersonen och pappan : En narrativanalys av dokumentärfilmerna Palme ? älskad och hatad & Bildt ? excellensen

Politics in today's society unfolding more and more in the media, but the media content is limited. Therefore, the media must constantly make choices, choices which are specific to each object. The purpose of this study is to examine how Olof Palme is portrayed as a politician and private individual in the documentary film Palme - älskad och hatad, and also how Carl Bildt is portrayed as a politician and private individual in the documentary film Bildt - excellensen.To study the documentary films I use a qualitative textual analysis with a focus on a narrative analysis. In the narrative analysis, I have been inspired by the categoricalcontent- based approach to study the documentary films. In my analysis, with the help of theories of mediatization of politics, documentaries and stories, I interpret and analyze the films to make them more understandable.The conclusions of the study is that Palme in his role as a politician is portrayed as a humane person who cares about the individual.

Sökande efter mening och identitet - upplevelser i samband med pensionering : En explorativ studie med pensionärers egna berättelser som grund.

This is a qualitative study aiming to examine peoples? experiences when retiring. In that purpose a criteria based sample has been used, participants have been asked in that they fulfilled the criteria?s to be a retiree within the age of 65 to 71 years of age. The reason of the age criteria was that the experiences should not be so far away in time.

IT - Bubblan och CAPM

The aim with this independent degree project of master thesis is to find what the user opinions of the intranet in a county council is. The paper seeks how the question about how the culture in the organisation was affected by the use of the intranet. An important part is to explore the expectations and acceptance of the intranet and get a picture of which functions and services support day-to-day work with good quality. One goal is to find out how the intranet users feel that the communication, information and usability can be developed.The focus group interview is a qualitative method that has been applied for gathering data from the respondents, who participate in the investigation from the county council. The used method is unstructured focus groups containing the three dominating categories of staff in the county council.

'Hen i lådan' : Ett arbete om genusperspektivet på förpackningsdesign

'Hir in the box' is a study about the gender perspective in packaging design and how it is today. The study deals with the product category razors, for both women and men, to examine and compare products with the same function but with different designs. Based on an analysis of how packages are designed for different sexes, information should be given on how gender-neutral packaging can be designed and used in the future to reach the market. The purpose of the study is also to contribute to future research on the subject. To fulfill the purpose of this study, nuanced and in-depth data is collected by means of a small-N-study and a qualitative study in the form of open group interviews where the survey units are reviewed and discussed.

Samverkansprojekt för en bättre psykisk folkhälsa? En litteraturstudie om utvärderingsmetoder och effekter

Introduction: Mental illness is a public health issue which 20-40 per cent of the inhabitantsin Sweden suffer from. Many factors can lead to mental illness and because of that it isimportant that different organisations and professions collaborate in prevention and healthpromotion work. To develop the collaborative process by noticing difficulties and successes,documenting, follow-up and evaluation is of great importance. Aim: The aim of this literaturereview is to investigate which methods are used for evaluation of health promoting anddisease preventive collaborative projects, which focuses on mental health directly orindirectly, and find out what results these projects has revealed. Method: Literature reviewwith descriptive design.

Det värsta har hänt- mitt barn har drabbats av cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie om föräldrars upplevelser under sjukdomstiden

Background:About 250 000 children develops cancer every year. Most of them has a parent and a family who also is getting affected. During this time the parents go through a crisis and the nurse had a central role to help them through the hard time. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parent´s experiences of living with a child with a cancer diagnose during the illness. Method: A literature -based study, qualitative content analysis of 14 qualitative articles.

Kontrasternas ö : En analys av Ölands image och hur öns varumärke kan utvecklas

Öland?s Business Office is on the verge of developing a strategy for the island?s future tourism. Before any work with developing Öland can be carried out, it is essential to gain an understanding of how the place is perceived today.The purpose of this essay is to study the island?s current image and make recommendations for how the place brand could be developed.The methods used are literature studies and qualitative group interviews. The participants have been inhabitants of Öland and returning visitors from the Kalmar region.

Politiskt självförtroende och samhällsdeltagande : En kvalitativ studie av begreppet politiskt självförtroende i kombination med en kvantitativ analys av dess effekter på europeiska ungdomars deltagande i samhället.

This thesis is about the effect of political efficacy on societal participation among youths aged 15 to 29. It takes a starting point in the gloomy view of the decline of political participation among citizens in the western world, especially pointing out youths as a threat to democracy. This is a broad subject to take on so my aim becomes a bit more specific. The aim of the thesis is therefore to investigate if belief in ones own capacity and in the responsiveness of the political system affects the actual participation among youths in Europe, independent of a set of alternative predictors. Moreover the thesis is divided into two sub-investigations, one qualitative and one quantitative.

Barns inflytande i planeringen av förskolans verksamhet : En studie av förskollärares främjande arbete

The study shows how seven informants, all studying at a university in northern Sweden to become art teachers, perceive and relate to controversial contemporary art in the context of secondary school art education. The study is based on semi-structured interviews. The study contributes to a nuanced view of these informants opinions and thoughts regarding provocative contemporary art, in relation to the school's democratic values ??and founding mission. The seven informants' responses were compiled thematically linked to the study's purpose and issues to allow for comparisons and analysis.

ATT VARA ÖPPEN FÖR OLIKHETER I TIDER AV FÖRÄNDRING : Barnmorskors och BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av föräldrars behov av tidigt föräldrastöd

Society has an obligation to offer parents support of various types, an example of such a support is ?parent support?. The purpose of this study has been to describe midwives and child health care nurses conceptions of the need for early parent support. The definition of early parent support in this study is the first two weeks after delivery. Since the 1970:ies the Swedish delivery and ?BB? care has changed in that the time in hospital care after delivery has been reduced from in average six days, till an average of two days.

Duktiga tjejer läser. En studie av relationen mellan läsning och skapandet av feminina genuspositioner

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how young women create their feminine gender positions in relation to their reading. Using qualitative research methods the empirical material has been collected through so called reflexive interviews with eight young women aged 15-17. From their statements the empirical material has been divided into five themes that are important to the young women, as well as to the formulation of the problem. This constitutes the model of analysis. The analysis has been conducted through an examination of these themes from a gender theoretical perspective and through the application of theories about reading and gender.

Informationskompetens som mål i högskoleutbildningen: Inställning hos ledning, lärare och bibliotekarier vid en mindre högskola

The aim of this Master thesis is to study how management, teachers and librarians at the university college Swedish school of sport and health sciences (GIH) view information literacy (IL) as a standard in higher education. I have used a sociocultural theoretical perspective, as the focus being on co-operation within the institutional context. The following questions are focused on: Of what importance are the control documents concerning IL as a standard in the educational program? How do the respondents view the value of, and the responsibility for, IL as a standard in the educational program? What are the conditions for co-operation at GIH to reach the standards of the higher education act? The methodology used is qualitative case study. Six qualitative interviews were carried out in order to describe the attitudes of the management, teachers and librarians related to this subject.

Caligula och den Aggressiva Pojken : En diskursanalys av Skolverkets utsagor kringlärare och elever som mobbar

The aim of this study was to analyze discursive patterns in publications and attitude researches on bullying published by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The focus was largely on whether there is a pattern in the narration of how teachers and pupils are portrayed as perpetrators in a situation where bullying occurs. The empirical material of the study was acquired by use of a qualitative method where publications published between the years of 2002 and 2014 were selected. Dictums concerning teachers and pupils as bullies have been compared and surveyed where differences in how they were depicted was the object of analysis. To enable such a study, Foucault's theories on discourse and power were applied on the empirical material in the analysis.The result shows that bullying in general almost always refers to the pupil as the perpetrator while teachers are under-represented in the same context.

Sex skogsägares upplevelser av stormen Gudrun: en expolrativ studie

In Sweden we are spared from large natural disasters. However, in January 2005 part of Sweden was struck by a hurricane. It did not only leave a decimated landscape in its wake. It also left its mark on many people who lived in the south of Sweden. In this paper the reader will be presented six qualitative interviews that build on forestowners' experiences during and in the aftermath of the Storm of January 2005.

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