

3609 Uppsatser om Qality of care - Sida 56 av 241

Dömd på förhand : Upplevelser av stigamtisering vid lungcancer

Lung cancer is a disease which patients experience stigma in society and in care. This is because lung cancer is often seen as a self-inflicted disease. The stigma surrounding lung cancer is due to the strong relationship with smoking and have been shown to have a negative impact on the perceived health. The purpose of this study was to illuminate experiences of stigma for patients with lung cancer. The literature review was based on 11 scientific articles.

Omsorgsarbete i en tid av förändring : En studie av ett privatiserat äldreboende och dess personal

Sammanfattning För att förhålla sig till en modern och föränderlig omgivning genomgår idag många offentliga verksamheter stora förändringar i sina sätt att styra organisationen. En av de största förändringar som skett är möjligheten för privata aktörer att köpa upp och bedriva verksamheter, något som tidigare bedrivits i kommunal regi. Äldreomsorgen är en av de sektorer som idag står inför stora organisatoriska utmaningar där omsorg ska kombineras med strategier som tidigare främst tillhörde marknaden. Den forskning som har gjorts på området är tvetydig och ger inga klara besked om de effekter som privatiseringen har för varesig personal eller vårdtagare. Vi ville därför undersöka ett privatiserat äldreboende för att studera vilka marknadsmässiga tendenser det kan uppvisa samt hur personalen upplever sin arbetssituation. Uppsatsens resultat visar att äldreboendet har flera marknadsmässiga inslag och att personalen i det stora hela verkar mycket nöjda med sin arbetssituation. Vidare framgår de fördelar en privatisering kan innebära för både anställda och vårdtagare beträffande kvalitet och utbud, men även de svårigheter som uppstår i omsorgsarbetet då omsorg som en relativt oförutsägbar verksamhet inte tillfullo kan anpassas till företagsmässiga visioner och strategier. Nyckelord: Äldreomsorg, privatiseringens effekter, standardisering, individuell omsorg, omsorgspersonal..

Personalens följsamhet till riktlinjer avseende glukoskontroll postoperativt efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)

 The aim of the study was auditing medical records examine postoperative blood glucose levels after undergoing CABG surgery. Furthermore the aim was to determine if the ward staff abides the local guidelines frame of reference concerning each ward, regarding blood glucose measurements and blood glucose levels. The study included 70 patients undergoing CABG surgery at the cardiothoracic surgery, Uppsala University Hospital. The study was conducted by retrospective medical record auditing. Studied factors were postoperative blood glucose levels, number of registered blood glucose measurements, a current diagnosis of DM and preoperative HbA1c.

Att behålla hjärna och kropp igång vid åldrandet - Vårdpersonals syn på aktivitet på särskilda boenden

The purpose of this study is to examine how activities are looked upon, organized and put into practice at homes designed for the elderly. To achieve this we have done a survey study, based upon the caregiver´s point of view regarding the subject activity. The result of this study has been interpreted and analyzed with help from the engagement- and disengagement theories. The result shows us that the caregiver´s find the term activity slightly abstract, and rather difficult to define. All of the caregiver´s did agree on the matter that it?s good to activate elderly people and that the elderly people are activated at a large extent.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Egenskaper hos styrelsen som påverkar valet att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning

The aim of this study was to examine the experience, knowledge and attitude to mandatory reports of mistreatments amongst first line managers and assistance nurses in municipal elderly care. The following questions were at the center of the analysis: how do the different professional groups view having to report their own organization? How can various factors affect the mandatory reporting of mistreatments? What knowledge do the different professional groups have of mistreatments and mandatory reporting? A qualitative research method was used to examine these questions in the form of semi structured interviews and a small document study. The interviews were carried out with assistance nurses and first line manages in elder care, we interviewed four respondents from both professional groups. The interviews were then transcribed and coded with help of a content analysis.

Lyssna på mig! : En kvalitativ studie om brukarinflytande för vuxna missbrukare

The aim of our study is to deepen our understanding of how both social workers and clients describe how user influence within substance abuse care for adults can work. What difficul-ties do they describe meeting, with regards to possibilities to influence the care? To achieve our purpose we had a qualitative approach for this study. It?s based on open thematic inter-views with 3 clients who have substance abuse problems, and with 3 social workers, working at Social Services in Stockholm.

Samverkan- gemensamma mål med omsorgstagaren i fokus : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan biståndshandläggare och enhetschefer i äldreomsorgen

The study is about the collaboration between assistance administrators and unit managers. The aim of the study was to understand the assistance administrators and unit managers interpretation of the concept of collaboration, as well as their experience of collaboration in the practical work in elderly care in the common work around care recipients in the evaluation and execution of home help services. The analyse of the interview material was conducted by using collaboration and New Public Management (NPM). We used the qualitative method in our study with semi-structured questions. The interviews were transcribed, coded and thematised based on our questions. When interpreting the interviews we used the hermeneutic circle in which we analyzed the study's various parts and then attached them to the collaboration, NPM and also to earlier research and to each other. The conclusions that emerged raises the important factors for collaboration and could be linked to collaboration, NPM and previous research.

Identifiering av upplevelse av smärta hos patienter med cancer som får palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

One third of all Swedish people will suffer in cancer. Pain is a common symptom in cancer patients. The pain is subjective and includes several dimensions. The dimensions of pain are the physical, psychological, social and spiritual. This is a literature review and the aim with this study was to identify the pain experience in patients with cancer receiving palliative care.

Äldreomsorg i svensk dagspress - en kritisk diskursanalys

In light of health scandals and intense debate in the media about the elderly, the authors investigates two Swedish newspaper and their depiction of elder care in Sweden. Using Faircloughs three-dimensional model and critical discourse analysis, it is investigated if there is a more prominent discourse and if so the impact of globalization on this discourse concerning swedish elderly care. A sample of a total of ten articles in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter is analyzed. The authors found that older people who are granted home help or place of accommodation rarely make their voices heard. Rarely were also relatives of residents given the opportunity to speak.

Påverkar mineralbalansering hälsan? : upplevda effekter hos vuxna med visuell problematik

Diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) are two of the most common diseases in the world and the amount are increasing. The treatments of these diseases are self care and a change of lifestyle. For this to be successful there is a need for the person to have knowledge about the diseases and a motivation for making changes in his or her lifestyle. Most of this information is given by the district nurse at the health centre. It is important to get a better knowledge of these persons experiences and how they used the information given to them.

Furunäset och mentalsjukvården : en studie i en institutions kontroll över patienters livsvillkor

The Swedish mental hospitals existed for about one hundred years, the period around 1880-1980. The research is intended to be from a local setting perspective to study the local approach used to meet requirements from Furunäsets mental hospital principals 1960 - 1972, the effect this had on the care and treatment of mentally ill patients and how Swedish society's changing approach to mental health influenced the process. The results of the research showed that Furunäset searched for ways to meet the principals' requirements which often went against the patients? personal best. Furunäsets mental hospital strove to fulfill its institutional goals in them selves rather than giving patients the care and treatment they needed.

Att göra det avvikande normalt eller Att göra den missbrukande kvinnan till kvinna

My purpose in this essay is to show how the staff in an institution for young women with a drug addiction, are looking at themselves as "normal" and the young women as "abnormal", and to analyse how sex and gender are made, in interaction with sexuality and class.The essay is based on interviews and a participating observation. The study is made on a compulsory institutional care institution for young women with a drug addict. To analyse the material I use theories by Beverly Skeggs and Judith Butler.In the study I show that the staff in the institution define themselves as "normal" and intend to act as models for the clients, which are described as "abnormal" in terms of being destructive, boundless and sexual. In making class and gender the staffs efforts to make clients learn domestic values and to make their bodies feminine are shown to be central processes. Sexuality is by the staff seen as something happening only between men and women, and defining relations between men and women as always sexual creates gender.A central tension that I show in the essay is that between normal and abnormal, both in relation to differences between the staff and the clients and in relation to the staffs roles as both models of normal life and of violent and violating keeps of order.

När skötaren leder läraren

The leadership within healthcare is a constantly discussed subject. The discussion today is evolving around the physicians' lack of strive towards becoming managers within healthcare organizations. Furthermore the leadership that the nurse practice when becoming manager is on the other hand not discussed. The purpose of this study is to describe important factors of the leadership the nurse practice upon physicians in a healthcare organization as well as to explain why that is. To fulfill this purpose, we have used a qualitative case study research design including a private Swedish healthcare company.

Genomförandeplanen i hemtjänsten : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur individen beskrivs genom planens innehåll och utformning

The overall purpose with this study was to examine the influence elderly people have over their granted home help. Specifically, the aim was to examine in what extent the image of the elderly as a unique individual emerges in the plans where the home help is described [?genomförandeplaner?]. A plan which is personally designed is used as an indicator of personal influence. A text analysis inspired by Michel Foucault?s discourse concept, was carried out and the study adopts the concepts standardization and categorization as well as the theory of ?Sense of coherence?.

Konsten att balansera närvaro med distans: En intervjustudie om intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta närstående till patienter där livsuppehållande behandling avvecklats

Vården som utförs på intensivvårdsavdelningar präglas av övervakningsutrustning vilket kan medföra svårigheter för de närstående att komma nära den som vårdas. De gånger när livsuppehållande behandling inte räcker till tar vården en annan riktning och övergår till palliativ vård på IVA. Som omvårdnadsansvarig för patienten befinner sig intensivvårdsjuksköterskan ofta nära de närstående. För att kunna främja mötet med närstående behövs en förmåga att kunna sätta sig in i de närståendes livsvärld. Studiens syfte var att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta närstående till patienter där livsuppehållande behandling avvecklats och övergår till palliativ vård på IVA.

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