

222 Uppsatser om Pulse wave velocity - Sida 2 av 15

Implementering av Constant Fraction Detection vid avståndsmätning

This thesis is performed at Saab Bofors Dynamics in Karlskoga and investigates a technique for ranging with laser pulses. The investigated technique is called Constant Fraction Detection (CFD). Described briefly, the received laser pulse is split into two equal parts, where one part is delayed half the pulse width and inverted. This signal is added to the original pulse. The resulting curve has the shape of a laying S and the detection of the zero level is used to stop the time measurement.

Utveckling av en HBV/PULS-model med sammanfogade markfuktighets- och responsrutiner

Soil properties affect the chemical composition of soil water. When studying transport of chemical substances through a basin, it is therefore important to know from which soil layer the main part of the runoff is generated. The aim of this study is to develop an HBV/PULSE model with merged soil moisture and response routines, which generates good approximations of groundwater levels. It should be possible to extend the model to simulate transport of substances and take into account which soil layer the groundwater level is currently in. The hydrological version of HBV/PULSE is used since there is no need to account for pH or alcalinity at this stage.

CFD simulering av kallras : Undersökning av temperatur- och luftbeteende intill höga glasfasader och i vistelsezon med golvvärme som en värmekälla

Glass has sophisticated front properties and are used as facades in high buildings. During cold periods, these glass facades could cause thermal discomfort, due to cold downdraught. Cold downdraught can be countered by placing heaters under glass surfaces. Nowadays technology offers highly insulating windows, which is why there is an interest to investigate the indoor climate with only underfloor heating. The research in this area is limited, and few empirical methods are available.

Skräckfilm och bilden inom bilden : En analys av rörlig bild inom filmen och dess reflexivitet i de japanska skräckfilmerna The Ring, Pulse och Dark Water

Syftet med denna uppsats är att skänka en grundläggande illustration av hur relationen bildinom bild och skräck kan se ut. Studien koncentrerar sig på estetiken och reflexiviteten hosbilderna inom bilden hos de japanska skräckfilmerna The Ring, Pulse och Dark Water. Dessabilder består av ett videoband i The Ring, webbkamerabilder i Pulse och övervakningsbilder iDark Water.Användningen av rörliga bilder inom rörliga bilder är reflexivt i den meningen att vimedvetandegörs om filmmediet självt som en konstruktion av bilder. Detta fenomenuppmärksammar oss också på akten att se. Syftet i skräckfilm är att skapa känslor av olust ochskräck hos oss och detta åstadkoms, bland annat, genom hur bilderna ser ut och är upplagda.Ett återkommande element hos bilderna inom bilden hos våra filmer är otydligheten hosflera av dem och detta att vi inte kan se bilden tydligt kan ge upphov till olustkänslor.

Utveckling och konstruktion av dämpare och låssystem för vågkraftverk

The division of Electricity at Uppsala University is developing a wave energy converter(WEC) consisting of a linear generator connected to a bouy at the water surfacethrough a wire cable called the connection line.During extreme conditions, the wave power plant will experience forces up to 500kN, which lead to unnecessary wear and will ultimately cause the failure of theconverter. To prevent this there is a need for a damper.The wave energy converter works at a maximum efficiency when the translator?sare centered with respect to the stator. Due to tidal movements the position of thetranslator can deviate. There for a mechanical divice that will compensate for this isneeded.This report describes the further development of an earlier project where a tidalwave compensator for a wave energy converter of Seabased AB was developed.

Affärssystem - En studie om tiden efter införandet

De fördelar och värde som ett affärssystem kan bidra med till verksamheten uppstår inte automatiskt när det tas i drift. Det krävs ett fortsatt utvecklingsarbete av system, processer och organisation för att fördelarna ska synas. Studiens syfte har varit att få fram vilka aspekter som är viktiga att ha i åtanke kring fortsatt utvecklingsarbete av ett affärssystem. Därigenom har vi skapat oss en förståelse för hur företag arbetar i Second Wave samt hur teorin förhåller sig till praktiken. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom kvalitativa gruppintervjuer på två stora svenska företag med sammanlagt elva respondenter.

Oljefilmens tjocklek mellan kolvring och cylinderlopp

Hägglunds Drives in Mellansel, Sweden, manufacture radial piston hydraulic motors foremostwithin applications in the industry. These motors have several sliding contacts, one of these, isthe contact between piston ring and cylinder bore. The radial piston hydraulic motors advantageis to produce high torque in very low rotation velocity, this result in that the maximum slidingvelocity between piston ring and cylinder bore, during the whole stroke, is very low. Theconsequence of this low sliding velocity is that the contact between piston ring and cylinderbore, during the whole stroke, is bound to the boundary lubrication regime. This result in, thatthe piston ring is exposed to wear, thus affect the service life of the complete hydraulic motor.To minimize wear of piston ring, it is essential to determine the oil film thickness between thepiston ring and cylinder bore.

Klimatsimulering av ett kontorsrum : Hur de termiska stigkrafterna påverkar ventilationseffektiviteten

AbstractIn urban societies people spend more and more time indoors, which put great demands on the indoor environment. If the ventilation is to manage the removal of unwanted substances in the indoor air, a good mixing of the air is required. The question arises that, whether the buoyancy forces will counteract a good mixing of the indoor air or not?This report aims to clear up the difficulties whether you need to consider the buoyancy forces or not, when adjusting a ventilation unit. For studying the indoor mixing of the air a two dimensional model is constructed in COMSOL Multiphysics.

Demokrati, diktatur eller demokratur? : En kvalitativ studie av den demokratiska tillbakagången i Vitryssland

This is a study about the transition process and the consolidation of power in Belarus. In this paper the concept of "authoritarian state building and the sources of regime competitiveness in the fourth wave" is the major theory used. After giving a description of the theory?s concepts a short historical background of Belarus follows. Chapters four describes and explain the political situation in Belarus during five periods.

Scintigrafisk undersökning av esofagusmotilitet hos häst :

Scintigraphic examination of the esophagus has for some time been the method of choice for the study of motility dysfunction in humans. The method has not yet been described for horses hence the lack of reference values for passage time for a bolus through the esophagus in healthy subjects. The purposes of this study were to measure passage velocity and time for a bolus to pass through the esophagus in healthy subjects, as well as to evaluate the reproducibility of the method. Eight warm-blooded trotters were used in the study. The horses were sedated with a low dose of Acepromazine prior to onset of the study.

Blodtrycksfall, pulstryck och lindriga kognitiva symptom - En polytom logistisk regressionsanalys

People live longer. There is a growing need to increase the knowledge of aging and of the need among the elderly for medical care in the near future. As a step towards meeting this need, a survey among the elderly in Skåne is made by the division of Geriatric Medicine in Malmö University Hospital. This survey is called Gott åldrande i Skåne, GÅS. A frequent decease among the elderly is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

Elektromekanisk växel för tunga lyft : Konceptutveckling

The basis of the study lies with a newly patented gearbox by cardiologist and inventor Stig Lundbäck. Stig founded CorPower Ocean AB to further develop the gearbox to be used in a wave energy device. The purpose of this project is to develop a concept of a lifting system with CorPower Oceans gearbox that is more energy efficient than a hydraulic lifting system. The goal is to use technology from CorPower Oceans gearbox inversely to perform heavy lifting as an alternative to hydraulics. The project is limited to applying the gearbox and gear rack on a forklift with a lifting capacity of ten tons.The main tool in this project will be the product development process Systems Engineering where only the most relevant parts will be used to develop a concept.

Lärande i andra vågen : En studie om lärande inom företag efter implementering av nytt affärssystem

Introducing a new type of IT-structure means a change that employees within an organization must adapt to. Today, many companies have implemented information technology in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and find themselves in th so-called Second Wave stage where an after work is ongoing with continual improvement that involves changes that employees need to understand and act upon. To learn how to work with these recurrent misadventures is of importance because it is seen as a critical factor in order to take advantage of the ERP system and its benefits. To study this a study was conducted through personal interviews at Apoteksgruppen AB which a few years ago introduced a new ERP system. There the authors saw that employees learned in different ways depending on the position, and that the more responsibility this person had the greater freedom this person had to resolve their problems and therefore learned more effectively.

Studentdrivna onlinediskussioner i högre utbildning - En studie om skolrelaterade diskussioner på Facebook, Google Wave och IRC

Studier på universitetsnivå omfattar oftast mycket eget ansvar och individuellt arbete. På samma gång hörs röster om kollaborativt lärande och gruppkognition där studenter lär bättre när de arbetar tillsammans. I min förstudie intervjuas 4 studenter på det systemvetenskapliga programmet vid IT-universitetet i Göteborg om sitt laptopanvändande i skolan. I intervjun framkommer de att många av studenterna i årskursen på eget initiativ startat kollaborativa mötesplatser för att kunna arbeta och diskutera tillsammans med sina klasskamrater online utan lärares interaktioner. Efter vidare undersökning framkommer det att sådana mötesplatser finns hos alla de tre årskurserna på det systemvetenskapliga programmet.

Sambandet mellan hästens huvud/halsposition och ryttarens rörelse i sadeln :

Dressage schooling is not a subject that rests on science, it is a matter of dependable experience. So far there hasn?t been so much research about it, but more and more is done. Especially the interaction between rider and horse is a nearly uninvestigated field. Riding skills is much about having the right position, and having the horses head and neck in different positions, but there are no research done that support or deny that this old ?knowledge? is for the best for the horse. This study was performed to evaluate if the head and neck position of the horse, and the velocity, has any influence on the position of the rider.

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