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Utvärdering utav effekten av obturatbehandling vid restspalt/fistel hos barn med total läpp-, käk- och gomspalt

On children born with a complete cleft lip and palate (CLP) the repair of the alveolar ridge doesn´t take place before the children are about ten years old. This results in that they have a residual cleft in the alveolar ridge during their early childhood. This residual cleft, and the oronasal fistulas that may appear after the repair of the hard palate, can result in a negative influence on the speech of the children. Thereby it may be necessary with cover for examplewith a palatal plate or an obturator. At the Department of Orthodontics, at Linköping University Hospital, Sweden, some of the children with CLP undergo treatment with sustained palatal fistula obturation in order to cover fistulas or residual clefts.

"Döm inte boken efter omslaget" ? en fallstudie om det Levande biblioteket på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon ?Living library?, where people are lent out instead of books. First it is looked into what the Living library means to the person who is borrowing a living book and what it means to the living book itself. Than the Living library is put in a public library context. This is done through a case study of the city library of Helsingborg and the city library of Malmö.

Utbildning i våld i nära relationer. En kvantitativ studie om betydelsen av personalutbildning för att främja det preventiva arbetet.

Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a large public health problem that foremost affects both women and children, nationally and globally. Several accessible reports about IPV and education for staff that in their occupation can meet battered people shows the importance of increased education for several occupational groups to decrease the large number of unrecorded cases.Purpose: The study explored how six occupational groups, in the municipality of Kungälv, related to IPV in their professions, were influenced by whether they had education in IPV or not.Method: We chose a quantitative approach, a cross sectional study. A questionnaire was constructed and handed out to 156 participations. The occupational groups were a section in a hospital, the police, the home care services, an elementary school, a pre-school and the public dental care. The answer frequency was 86 %.

Public Sector Scorecard : en ekonomistyrningsmodell med kundfokus

The Public Sector Scorecard (PSS) is a younger version of the balanced scorecard, created for public and nonprofit organizations. The latest model of PSS is divided into three main groups and seven perspectives, while the balanced scorecard consists of four perspectives. Organizations who use either PSS or the balanced scorecard are supposed to have a clear vision spread all over the unit. This study has sought differences between the two models of financial control in both theory and practice. The first part of the study is a theoretical comparison between the models? structures and terms used in them.

En undersökning utifrån den ramfaktorteoretiska modellen av tre folkbiblioteks förutsättningar att vara en resurs för högskolestudenter.

The aim of this thesis is to study the conditions three public libraries have to be a resource for university students. The libraries are all situated at a distance from universities that allow the students to commute between the university and their homes. These students often make the same demands on the public library as they do on the university library. In order to conduct this study the frame factor theory has been used. This theory was developed by pedagogic scholars during the 1960s and focuses on how the framework surrounding the school affects the learning results.

Kan ett identitetsarbetete synliggöra biblioteket? : En undersökning av Piteå stadsbibliotek och den gemensamma brandingen av folkbibliotek i Norrbotten.

The focus of the thesis is to examine the regional branding ofpublic libraries in Norrbotten, with the main focus on Piteå public library, in order to find trends that indicate a successful branding based on Hariff & Rowley?s (2011) identified key factors.The empirical data has been collected through a triangulation of interviews and documents. The findings show that they have done a proficient preparatory work prior to the regional branding of the public libraries, and that the libraries have worked together with a communication bureau in their marketing strategies since the beginning of the public library cooperation. The results also show that Piteå public library, through branding efforts, received another relationship with the media where the media now occasionally contact the library.The conclusion of the thesis is that Piteå public library promoted the library through campaigns that provide the opportunity for activities and experiences, and that they want to convey the image of itself as a venue for social interaction. The marketing of the libraries fulfill the most of the criteria, but there are still areas of branding that needs to be further explored..

Lättläst skönlitteratur för barn i mellanåldern på folkbibliotek

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the promotion of easy-to-read fiction for 10-12 year old children in public libraries. The number of easy-to-read fiction books is increasing on the book market. This can be expected to affect the public library. The hypotheses for the study are: 1) Public libraries expose easy-to-read fiction and use it in their reading promotion activities and, 2) The acquisition of easy-to-read books and the use of easy-to-read books in reading promotion activities have increased over the last five years. A self-completion questionnaire was distributed to 44 public libraries in Sweden.

Tillgängligt - relevant - öppet : En fallstudie av Göteborgs nya stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to study the correlation and meaning of current ideas and practice at the public library of Gothenburg. This was done by comparing the visions and ideas expressed by the library through the library plan, with how the daily practice looks. For the theoretical framework organizational theory is used and research data was collected both from public documents and through observations. The public library of Gothenburg were chosen for the study because of it's newly renovated facilities. The idea is that these facilities make a suitable study object of the current ideas and priorities of the public Swedish library in general.The results show that the public library practice in Sweden still rests on the original public library ideas such as offering information for free and treating every user as equal.

En avdemokratisering av förvaltningen? : - En analys av socialförsäkringsnämndernas avveckling och dess effekter

Swedish public administration has for the last few decades undergone reforms aimed at making it more efficient. A substantial part of these reforms have concerned creating clearer roles for politicians versus officials in the public sector, i.e. giving politicians a responsibility for setting goals and steering activities and public officials the role of implementing them.This study aims to examine one reform following this path that is under implementation in a Swedish public authority; Försäkringskassan, the Social Insurance Agency. The purpose of the reform is to increase the organization?s effectiveness and the rule of law.

Mål- och resultatstyrning inom domstolsväsendet: En fallstudie inom Migrationsdomstolen i Stockholm

The aim of this study is to enhance the knowledge of target and performance management?s effects on the judiciary. In the past decades there have been a number of reforms in the general public sector of many countries. The management philosophy often used to describe these public sector reforms is called New Public Management (NPM). One main theme has been an increased focus on the management control systems, for example a greater emphasis on target and performance management.

Äldre invandrare och den offentliga äldreomsorgen - bistånd, behov och särskildhet

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an increasing amount of elderly immigrants will set new demands upon the public eldercare. The focus is on the officials whithin the public care of elderly in Västra Götaland district, and their experiences. A second purpose of this study is to add the experiences of the officials to former research treating the topic of elderly immigrants and their experiences of the public eldercare in Sweden.The survey has been carried out through interviewing all together seven officials working within the public care of elder in varying districts of Västra Götaland. The interviews have later been summoned under four different themes such as, ?Culture, customs and tradition?, ?Interaction and communication?, ?Information? and ?The future of the public eldercare?.The study indicates that our result based on the interviews, is in several references corresponding to former research on the topic.

"Konflikter bidrar till en levande verksamhet" : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets inverkan vid konflikthantering i privat och offentlig äldreomsorg

This study is based on interviews with four managers in public elderly care and four managers in private elderly care. The aim of this paper is to examine how these managers are experiencing their leadership in relation to conflict management, and if the managers leadership differs depending on private or public elderly care. Leadership and conflict management are theories that have been used in order to analyze the empirical findings. Previous research that has been used in the study concerns ?leadership/leadership styles?, ?conflict management?, ?to be active in the private/public elderly care?.

På väg mot ett hållbart resande? : En fallstudie kring den lokala kollektivtrafiken i Umeå tätort

Sustainability and the traffics impact on the environment have become increasingly central within spatial planning. For many years, planning has been focusing on building new roads - this has resulted in increased use of automobiles, which many believe is unsustainable in the longer term. Therefore, authorities at national, regional and local level want to increase the use of alternative transport modes ? such as walking, cycling and traveling by bus.The thesis intends to study if the Municipality of Umeå?s policies for sustainable development have led to an increased use of public transportation. The use of public transport in Umeå is also compared with developments at national level, in order to see if there are differences in the level and trend.

Korruption och intressekonflikter : Hur hanteras offentliga intressekonflikter av den svenska lagstiftningen?

   Officially, Sweden has a very low level of corruption and in 2008 topped Transparency International?s list in terms of the perception of a lack of corruption. However, on closer examination it would appear that the Swedish public sector is not as clean as the Transparency International list suggests. What appears to be relatively common and quite widely accepted in Sweden, especially in local government, are conflict of interest situations in which public officials use their position to obtain advantages for themselves, their friends and their colleagues, in particular with respect to public procurement. According to the Swedish constitution, the public administration shall be governed by the principles on legality and objectivity. Grave violations of these principles are deemed illegal and contrary to the penal code provisions relating to bribery, public misconduct and breach of confidentiality.

Beslutsstödsystem för munslemhinneförändringar

This thesis has been carried out in collaboration with two students at the Department of Dental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. The aim of this project was to construct a computerized decision support system to facilitate diagnosis of changes in the Oral Mucosa using information collected by the above mentioned students. A program which poses specic questions to the user was constructed with the Java programming language. Depending on how these questions were answered, one or more possible diagnoses were presented by the program. In order to conclude whether or not this program was of any use in terms of time savings, a series of tests were run and timed both when using the program and when not.

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