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Österåkers folkbiblioteksutveckling under åren 1958 ? 1983
The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the development of the public library in the district of Österåker during a period of 1958-1983. The main goals have been to identify the crucial events in the history of the library within their historical context and to analyse the factors that have been important for the development: financing, location, staffing, stock of books, book-lending level and different activities for children, youngsters and adults. The consideration has been taken to reasons and consequences of these events. The hermeneutic interpretation model of interaction between parts and wholes, between reasons and results is the basic method in this research which leans mainly upon local archives in Österåker. The public library in Österåker was established in 1952 as a fusion of previously existing small libraries: the parish library in Östra Ryd, the Labour Movement?s library and the temperance movement?s library.
Who's that girl? : Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn
ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.
Bygga broar mellan kulturer: En studie av skönlitteratur, identitet och integrationsprocess
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to explore the meaning of literature forliterate immigrants in regards to identity and integration. The study is based onqualitative interviews with eight Swedes of various backgrounds, but with thecommon experience of an immigration process. In addition to being migrants, therespondents are also public library users who have an interest in literature and whoread literature during their leisure time. To analyze the empirical material ananalytical framework, consisting of a number of analytical concepts from Libraryand Information Science, Literature Science, and Sociology, has been used.
Kvinnodominansen inom folkbibliotekarieyrket i Sverige under 1900-talet - Uppsats baserad på en undersökning av förhållandena i Uppsala, Jönköping och Skara under åren 1938, 1958 och 1978
This essay is about possible causes to the female dominance in public libraries. We have focusedon the 20th century in Sweden and the development of public libraries during this time. Forthis purpose we have done a survey of three different cities, Uppsala, Jönköping and Skara,during three different years, 1938, 1958 and 1978. We have studied salaries, gender and titlesfor the employed at the head library in each city and then made comparisons between them.In conjunction, we have also studied how women were looked upon by the rest of society,regarding their education and work opportunities.To achieve a comprehension of the society's view of women we have, in the essay, put threedifferent theories of the so called "female nature" in center. The genderization in the labourmarket has also been set to discussion.A comparison between librarians, teachers at different levels, and postoffice employees, hasalso been made regarding their salaries during the years (1938, 1958 and 1978)..
Religionskunskapsämnet i förändring : en historisk exposé samt nutida jämförelser
AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to present a picture of the changes in religious education in Sweden, and to make comparisons between Denmark?s and the USA?s model about teaching in religion. I have consequently described the historical development, with the beginning of the establishement of the public school, inte the year of 1842. 1919, a new document about the religious education was released, wich result in some major changes. This was in a time were the debate about religion and the Lutheran State Church of Sweden authority was an issue.
Från vägg till canvas : Värderingar kring Banksy´s bilder genom byte av omgivande kontext
This thesis in Art History and Visual Science is about values to graffiti and graffiti artist Banksy. I have studied values relating to Banksy´s graffiti images through which context they are placed in and where they are located. I have selected two different images of Banksy as an example on the basis of a transnational phenomenon, where the images that circulate in the public arena by street art and other images and imported into the galleries and consumption market. My conclusion is that the values of the images are based on the context in which each room have its surroundings and that therefore the impression will increase. The public space context, signal availability and the white cube context indicates art, and the commercial context signals goods and items that can be bought.
Det krympande klassrummet : En studie av högstadielärares förutsättningar i ett reformerat skolsystem
Since the 1990?s the Swedish school system has undergone major and recurring structural reforms. Two of the most comprehensive changes has been the shift of primary schools as an integral part of the welfare state to the responsibility of the municipalities as well as the introduction of free school choice for the students. Through two months of participant observations and semi-structured interviews this thesis seeks to answer the question of how these reforms has come to effect the work of teachers in a medium sized public school in a small municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. Earlier research has shown that public schools in socio-economically vulnerable areas are disadvantaged due to the reformation of the school system (Beach & Sernhede, 2011; Östh, Andersson, & Malmberg, 2013).
Vem lägger livspusslet? : På jakt efter livspusslets innebörder i media 2009-2011
This essay studies the concept of "livspusslet", a term in swedish that directly translates as "the jigsaw puzzle of life". In recent public debate it has been used to articulate issues concerning the combination of family life and a professional career. The empirical material consists of newspaper articles from nationwide daily newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet between 2009 and 2011. The concept of "livspusslet" relates to the debate about family values, gender equality and the public view on the issue of combining family life with a career. The widespread use of the concept indicates that the social practices surrounding the debate over family policy is shifting.
Så mycket mer än att bara läsa högt: barnbibliotekariens roller i en högläsningskontext
The aim of this study is to examine the roles of the children?s librarian in a reading aloud context. To reach understanding in this subject, we have conducted interviews with four Swedish librarians working in public libraries whom are involved with reading aloud practices. Previous research shows that the reasons for reading aloud in libraries are diverse and plentiful. Such reasons can be to spread cultural experiences, help children develop their language skills and promote the library to the public.
Den offentliga bilden av äldreomsorgen : en diskursteoretisk analys av artiklar i Dagens Nyheter under 2006
The purpose of this essay has been to examine the public`s view of the Swedish eldercare during 2006. This study uses discourse analysis as a research method, the reference material has been articles from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The aim of the research has been to find central themes, conflicts and consensus in the discourse of eldercare. The analysis resulted in four main subjects which were based on four main questions; the questions of responsibility and execution, the question of contents, and the question of where the eldercare should take place. The analysis of conflicts and relations of consensus in the discourse of eldercare resulted in two different main views; the traditional and a more modern.
Vad styr nedskrivningen av goodwill i svenska hälsovårdsbolag
Bakgrund och problem: Goodwill är ett aktuellt ämne som många studier grundas på. Sedan införandet av IFRS har goodwillposten i svenska bolags balansräkningar ökat exponentiellt. Varför är det på det här sättet? Vad ligger bakom avsaknaden av nedskrivningar? Syfte: Vårt syfte är att analysera svenska bolags goodwillpost för att ta reda på vilka faktorer som driver nedskrivningar av goodwill och hur bolagens ägare skyddar sig mot earnings management.Studieunderlag: För att undersöka vårt syfte kommer denna rapport undersöka hälsovårdsbolag som är noterade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholms Large Cap-, Mid Cap- och Small Caplista. De år som kommer behandlas är från de nya reglerna trädde i kraft fram till den senast publicerade årsredovisningen (2005 - 2013).
Är biblioteket en väg till integration? Några invandrade kvinnors syn på folkbiblioteket
The purpose of this masters thesis is to find out whether the library can be a way to support integration. To fulfil this purpose we have, by qualitative interviews, obtained information about eight immigrant womens views on and experiences of the Swedish public library. Through the literature and earlier research we have presented a background of immigrants and integration in Sweden along with factors that may influence the integration process. We have tried to give an insight into what is said about the immigrant woman in research and media, which we think affects her life and we also have given a short introduction to immigrant womens life in Sweden today. Of great interest for our essay have also been the public librarys objectives and social role in society.
När journalisten blir PR-konsult, kommunikatör och medietränare : En studie av steget från journalistik till PR
Detta är en kandidatuppsats i journalistik som har för avsikt att göra en lägesbeskrivning på relationen mellan journalistik och public relations. Följande studie har gjorts via två olika metoder: dels via en kvalitativ undersökning i intervjuform och dels via en kvantitativ undersökning i enkätform. Studiens problematisering ligger i journalistens krav på opartiskhet och oberoende till skillnad från och i jämförelse med PR-branschens strävan efter att framföra en viss kund eller organisations intresse. Med denna oundvikliga motsättning i de olika branscherna - samt med utgångspunkten att man inom journalistiken har sett på övergången till PR som att man inom byter sida - ville vi med vår undersökning göra en lägesbeskrivning. I de 15 kvalitativa intervjuerna har våra respondenter bestått av nio personer med en journalistisk bakgrund som har lämnat journalistiken för en karriär inom public relations och sju yrkesverksamma journalister. Detta för att undersöka uppfattningen inom båda dessa grupper.Vår kvalitativa studie visar att den stora majoriteten i bägge intervjugrupperna inte ser någon större problematik gällande övergången från journalistik till PR.
Att göra stad. Om demokrati och deltagande i det offentliga rummet
Malmö has often been described as a segregated city, with relatively low democratic participation and high poverty and alienation. Behind this kind of statements we often find a material reality, with unequal distribution of assets and potentials that needs to be taken into consideration for political action. At the same time this categorisation of people into different groups can take stigmatising effects and result in increased inequality.I find the theoretical basis for my thesis in Lefebvre?s writings on ?the right to the city?, that shortly means that all inhabitants of a city have the right to take active part in the constantly ongoing process of producing and reproducing the city ? on all levels, from a hands-on everyday life level to a more abstract political level.With an interdisciplinary approach, where the right to the city is discussed in relation to citizenship, presence, representation and public space, I try to understand the connections between democracy, participation, justice and equality. These discussions are then applied to examples from Malmö; both publically initiated projects and individual physical markings in the city.
Graffiti : kontextualitet, platsbundenhet och innehåll
The focus of this essay is to investigate if there lies a difference between graffiti art that is placed in the public spaces and graffiti art that is sited in an institutional art setting; in this essay exemplified in a gallery space. My thesis is that graffiti art derives a great deal of its meaning and substance from its situation consequently making a change of cultural context also a change of connotation and understanding of the graffiti art itself. Meaning that graffiti art situated in a communal space is different from graffiti art situated in the gallery space. They share aesthetic expression but their connotations differ; i.e. one being illegal and the other permissible making their meanings dissimilar. I have used a comparison between site-specific art and graffiti art to further strengthen my thesis concerning the importance of understanding how a change of context critically changes the substance of graffiti art..