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Att arbeta för ungdomar på folkbibliotek: Hur visar sig bibliotekariens synsätt och kunskaper?

The aim of this thesis is to explore how librarians approach to and knowledge of young people can be seen in their work methods and in activities arranged for young people. I also want to investigate other factors that librarians think can affect how they work. Five interviews were carried out with five librarians who worked with young people at public libraries. The literature review covers; young peoples needs and leisure activities, young peoples attitudes to libraries, activities arranged for them and towards departments for young people at public libraries. Literature dealing with librarians` attitudes and knowledge of young people was also included.

ATT SKAPA EN BIBLIOTEKSANVÄNDARE: En studie av hur barn i tidig skolålder utvecklas till biblioteksanvändare i biblioteksmiljö

The public library is an institution that throughout history has been associated with anumber of social codes, that seem to be deeply rooted in the minds of the public. Thesecodes regulates how users act and interact in the library environment and as a library useryou have to obtain knowledge about these social codes.This master's thesis aims at studying how these codes are transferred to children in the earlyschool-age, how children react to the social codes and what effects they have on thechildren's development into library users.The empirical material used in this study consists of observations and interviews. Theobservations are conducted during two school classes visits to a public library and focuseson the interaction between librarians, the children and their teachers, and the interviewswere conducted with the two librarians responsible for the library visits.The theories used in this master's thesis consists of symbolic interactionism, in the form oftheories by George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman, Peter L. Berger and ThomasLuckmanns theories regarding the concept of institutions. Another theory that's used in thismaster's thesis is the one concerning the social aspects of information literacy focusing onthe concept of epistemic communities as presented by Kimmo Tuominen, Reijo Savolainenand Sanna Talja.The result of this study is that the social codes are communicated to the children primarilyby the teachers rather than the librarians.

Involvering och värdeskapande i portföljföretag : Statliga och privata venture capital-företag

The major difference between venture capital-firms and other financiers is that their business idea is not only providing capital but also knowledge in business development. The ownership structure of an venture capital-firm can be private as well as public. The Swedish government is today one of the major actors in the Swedish venture capital-industry. The purpose of this study is to shed light on how venture capital-firms involve itself in its portfolio firm and if this contributes to an increased value of the portfolio firm. We also try to shed light on differences in how a public and a private venture capital-firm gets involved in its portfolio firm and if there is any difference in how they can contribute to added value.We have chosen to interview two public and two private venture capital-firms and one of their portfolio firms.

Utvärdering av offentlig verksamhet: begrepp kontext, motiv, strategier, användningen och aktörerna

Based on a review of literature on evalution of public activities and in purpose to introduce amore general framework, this study describes a picture of the concept, context, motives,strategies, use and actors in Evaluation as these are experienced outside the field of libraryand information. The background is the increased need for" evaluations in public libaries and aneed for new LIS knowledge about it. The reviewed literature has its origin in differentdisciplinary contexts and the study include contributions from policy studies, sociologi,education research, business administration, philosophy and anthropology. The focus, though,is not placed upon differences in the literature but on similarities.The review is organised in six parts. In the first part a presentation is given of how evaluationsare conceptualized and its meaning in a historical perspective.

Folkbibliotekets nya roll i det digitala bibliotekets epok: : om e-böcker, Internetbaserade ljud- och talböcker och förbättrad tillgänglighet till folkbiblioteken i Stockholms län

The digital era has led to technical advances that have transformed the role of the public library from being a place that is used only through physical visits and material, into also being a virtual space that can be accessed by users from outside the library through Internet-based access to e-media such as e-books and streamed or downloadable audiobooks.The aim of this study is to examine how the role of public libraries in Stockholm County has changed in the process of developing into digital libraries: how this has affected their organisation, work methods and strate- gies, as well as their accessibility. The theoretical framework of the study draws on Michael K. Bucklands theory of information accessibility, which is based on six factors of access that are determined by different types of barriers. The methodology is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Primary data was gathered through an empirical survey, which consisted of a structured questionnaire distributed to most of the public libraries in Stockholm County and semi-structured interviews with selected librarians and experts for further in-depth understanding.

Att tyda tecknen -En alternativ syn på förändringarna av Japans säkerhetspolitik

Japan's foreign and security policy has seen some substantial changes as a result of events like the first Gulf war and 9/11th. This has been taken as proof, by some, that Japan is abandoning its antimilitaristic stance and pursuing a more traditional hard power role through military means. This essay aims to explore if these shifts have coincided with any substantial shifts away from antimilitarism, which has had a strong influence on the country's security policy since the end of WW2.To do this I use constructivist theory, specifically regarding the impact of norms and identities on states security policy and briefly look into the problem of actor designation. The thematic focus is on security policy, from a narrow perspective, and thus I examine areas like the input and output to the Japanese military and the actual applications of this force. State identity is used to explore the prevalence of nationalistic sentiments and support for anti militarism in the public opinion and the political elite.The result of this study points to the further relevance of constructivist theory and especially the application of norms and identity.

?När högskolan kom till byn..? Folkbibliotekets roll vid högskolestudier på distans.

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to investigate the role of the public library when the local government in the municipality arranges distance education at university level. The thesis has two main areas of questioning and these are goals and resources. In the study it is examined if the local goals have changed during the period 2000 until 2005, due to the development of distance education. It is investigated if change actually has occurred and if it has, in what way the goals have changed. It is also examined if and how the goals correspond with the work that is being performed in the public library.

Svensk ordre public : Mål om makars förmögenhetsförhållanden

Ordre public-förbehållet innebär att svensk domstol har rätt att avstå från att tillämpa enutländsk rättsordning, erkänna eller verkställa en utländsk dom, om det skulle leda tillett resultat som är uppenbart oförenligt med grunderna för rättsordningen i Sverige. Vilkakonsekvenser som är uppenbart oförenliga med grunderna för rättsordningen har intepreciserats av lagstiftaren. Frågan har i stället lämnats åt rättstillämpningen, främstdomstolen, att avgöra. I förslaget från Europeiska kommissionen om domstols behörighet,tillämplig lag samt erkännande och verkställighet i mål om makars förmögenhetsförhållandenåterfinns ett ordre public-förbehåll. Den lag som anvisas enligt lagvalsreglernai förslaget ska tillämpas även om det inte är fråga om lagen i en medlemsstat.

Taggade bibliotek ? en studie av adoptionen av RFID på svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of our research was to examine whether the acceptance and diffusion of RFID technology among the employees at public libraries in Sweden, follow the classic diffusion of innovation model. RFID or Radio Frequency Identification, is a technology that uses radio frequency and microchip technology to track items, in our case, library books and other library materials. Diffusion is the process by which, in our case, the RFID technology is adopted by the library staff. The purpose of this study was to examine what factors influenced the acceptance and adoption of RFID among the library staff. We used Everett Rogers' Diffusion of innovation theory as our framework.

Ett förvaltningsmotiv i förändring -fallstudie av Simrishamn-

Den kommunala förvaltningen har sedan 80-talet undergått flera stora förändringar, flera för att anpassa den kommunala verksamheten till konkurrenskraftiga enheter som arbetar efter samma premisser som den privata sektorn. Ekonomismen eller new public management har slagit igenom i de flesta förvaltningsgrenar, det är bara en fråga om grad. Implementeringen visar sig oftast genom omvandlingen till resultatenheter med arbetsdelsfinansiering. Moroten för en god finansiering blir att locka nya brukare som för med sig sin arbetsdelsfinansiering, exempelvis skolpengen. Detta bidrar till att förvaltningar prioriterar fördelningen av resurser inom sitt verksamhetsområde så att de inom systemet för finansiering får bäst verkan.

Lilla Hjärtat och alla små brokiga bibliotekarier ? En studie av hur Lilla Hjärtat hanterats på folkbiblioteken

This bachelor's thesis is an investigation into the public libraries'actions following the debate of Stina Wirséns character LillaHjärtat, featured in picture books and films for young children.The character was accused of being racist, due to its similarity tostereotypes such as pickaninnies. Because of this, the books'existence in public libraries was questioned.The purpose of this study is to investigate how librarians havedealt with these books, and what they have based their decisionson. To explore the background of these decisions we have usedPatrick Wilson's theory of cognitive authority (1983). We haveexamined which cognitive authorities have been used in thedecision-making process of how to handle the books containingLilla Hjärtat, and why these cognitive authorities have beenchosen. The method used in the study is qualitative interviewswith seven librarians working in public libraries throughoutSweden.The results of the interviews show that the librarians? mostprominent cognitive authorities have been authors and illustratorsof children's books.

Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.

This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .

Territoriell stigmatisering. En litteraturbaserad studie om möjligheten att använda begreppet ?territoriell stigmatisering? i förklaringsmodeller bakom ojämlikhet i hälsa.

Introduction: Public health is based on the determinants of health. They mutually influence each other. Structural factors and life conditions contribute to health inequality both within and between countries. Health inequality can be seen between different social groups, which can be the cause of differences in living conditions, health behavior and disease vulnerability. One of the consequences of this is segregation which means that certain groups live apart, where this distribution can be connected to economic resources and/or ethnicity.

Företagisering av vården

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka vilka specifika konsekvenser företagisering har haft på vården samt få en nyanserad bild av företagisering. För att undersöka detta valde vi Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala som studieobjekt. Kvalitativ metod användes för att samla in empirisk data. Ostrukturerade intervjuer med personal från olika delar av en sjukhus organisation har utförts. Empirin som vi har fått fram har analyserats med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen vilket bestod bland annat av olika former av företagisering samt kritik mot New Public Management.

Tidningen Dagens Nyheters uppfattning om vildsvinen (Sus scrofa)? : en innehållsanalys av en rikstäckande nyhetstidning

Since the wild boars (Sus scrofa) escaped from their enclosures in the 1970s, their numbers has increased dramatically. It is an animal that is currently involved in many traffic accidents. The wild boar is a popular animal to hunt. As the population has grown so has the hunting. But, unfortunately, there have also been an increased numbers of attacks on hunters.

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