

5109 Uppsatser om Public and private actors - Sida 46 av 341

Studiebibliotek Halland En undersökning av folkbibliotekariens åsikter om sitt arbete med vuxenstuderande

The purpose of this Master thesis is to investigate issues concerning the role of the public librarian and their work with adult learners. This is done by examining Studiebibliotek Halland, a project initiated and financed by Kulturrådet, with the aim of improving for adult learners to use the public libraries in Halland. The major questions raised in this study are: How do the librarians interviewed experience their role as public librarian since the number of adult learners at the public library has increased? In what way do the librarians think they have to change their work in order to meet the demands of the adult learners? How do they feel about the change? Do they think their work will change more as a result of the project? Data was collected through interviews and the study is a qualitative study. The main results are that the librarians have a very positive attitude towards adult learners using the public library.

Jakten på mänsklighet - Vilket förvaltningsideal styr vid rekryteringen av chefer till kommuner?

Uppsatsen är en studie av hur förvaltningsideal påverkar vid rekrytering av chefer till den offentliga förvaltningen och hur förvaltningsidealet är under förändring. Den ger också en kort genomgång av de två vanligaste förvaltningsidealen, Weber och New Public Management, men presenterar även ett tredje alternativ kallat New Public Service.Genom att studera vilka typer av chefer som kommuner önskar rekrytera har vi härigenom observerat vilket förvaltningsideal som styr vid rekryteringsprocessen och om detta ideal är under förändring.Vår metod är huvudsakligen baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med personalchefer i den kommunala förvaltningen.I uppsatsen stärks vår hypotes om att den kommunala förvaltningen rör sig ifrån ett New Public Management inriktat ideal, som under 1980-talet och 1990-talet haft stor inverkan på kommuner, och att förvaltningen inte strävar mot ett weberianskt ideal utan istället söker sig mot ett mera individ- och medborgarcentrerat ideal som kan liknas vid New Public Service..

Contemporary Challenges of Public Pension Systems and Their Effects on Pension Reform Choices in European and Candidate countries

The process of European Integration and creation of the single market revealed many questions and boundaries on the development and improvement of the European Social Policy. Pension?s sustainability has become the priority issue especially during the EU enlargement processes. Different policy instruments and institutions available to governments of Member States in realization of social objectives resulted in a growing diversity of pension polices which produced different combinations of public and private provisions - ?private-public hybrids? , with the state exercising different degrees of influence in their development.

Samhällsmoral genom lag? : En sociologisk studie av de viktigaste argumenten för en svensk civilkuragelag

A tragic event in 2012 sparked a debate about the need for a law of civil courage when it became clearthat passivity in situations where people ?s lives are put in danger is not punishable. In this essay based on qualitative interviews with jurists and students of law the issue of civil courage is analyzed with the help of sociological theory. My objective has been to try and find out if a law of civil courage can be motivated with the argument that it would strengthen the public moral. My conclusion is that a law of moral courage is not a suitable way of making people more willing to help others or to strengthen the civil courage or the public moral.

KLIMATKONFERENSEN I KÖPENHAMN : En jämförande analys av Kinas och EU:s agerande för ett bindande klimatavtal

Abstract  This paper examines the Copenhagen Climate Conference held in the Bella Center in Copenhagen, December 2009. The aim of this paper was to analyse the highly anticipated conference, and why it did not result in a binding protocol between the world?s states. The focus of this paper was to examine two key actors in the Copenhagen negotiations: the people?s republic of China and the European Union.

En enkätstudie av privata småskogsbrukares inställning till skogsbrukets certifiering

Moelven Skog AB is currently working actively to increase the number of certified forest owners in private small-scale forestry. This study was conducted in collaboration with Moelven Skog AB and seeks to learn why private small scale forest owners not yet have certified their forestry and what should be done to increase the number of certified forest owners. The study was conducted through a questionnaire study. The result of the study shows that information needs of forest certification to private small scale forest owners is great. Many non-certified forest owners have not even heard of either PEFC or FSC. The majority of respondents also have no education in forestry.

Kollektivtrafikens idé : ägandeförändringar i Stockholms samtrafikhistoria

This thesis is about the idea of public transport and the discussions stirred in the media during changes in ownership. More specifically it is a study of the historical situation of Stockholm, Sweden, where the periods chosen are the 1910s, 1960s and 1990s.During the 1910s Stockholm?s first and largest tram company was taken over by thecity, and a period of public ownership began, which in the 1960s changed form whenthe county council took over the city?s principal authority and formed the politicallyadministered company SL (Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, Greater Stockholm LocalTransit Company). Between these periods the word kollektivtrafik (public transport)was established in the Swedish language. This study describes and compares the ideasconcerning the phenomenon of public transport.The aim of the study is to analyse the ideas, values and ideals concerning public transport in the media, defined as newspapers.

Variationer i kostnader för specialiserad sjukvård - En analys av demografi, socioekonomi och hälsans inverkan på kostnaderna för specialistvård i Västra Götalandsregionen

Abstract. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine certain health, demographic and socioeconomic factors that affect the costs for specialized health care between the municipalities within the Västra Götaland region. Method: The method is explorative and analytical. The costs for specialized health care was divided into three different subgroups; independent somatic specialized health care, specialized health care provided by private practices or outside the region and psychiatric specialized health care. The data was age-standardized.

Moibl interaktion i kollektivtrafik

In this paper we take a look at digital applications to help the user with public transportation. The main goal was to evaluate the problem a user can face when aiming to use the public transportation system, and to create a application for Apple Iphone that can enhance and help the user, no matter if he is familiar with the local public transportation system, or if he is less familiar with it. The aim was that the user wouldnt need any previous knowledge to be able to use our application. We combined Location-Based Services with Realtime-travelinformation and trip planning to examine if this combination could make both of the two different user-groups satisfied. To understand the problematics a user faces when approaching the public transportation-scene, Scenario-Based Design is evaluated as a method to grasp this problem.

Kontaktmannaskap : En studie på en kriminalvårdsanstalt

Purpose/Aim : The aim of this study is to investigate and describe "kontaktmannaskapet" in the Swedish correctional system. I also aim to investigate if there are any differences between how the different actors involved in the correctional system look at this phenomena and how different sociological theories can be applied on "kontaktmannaskapet" in order to make it more comprehensible for the actors involved.Material/Method : This investigation is based on a larger qualitative inquiry consisting of several personal interviews. Further material has been used, such as literature and reports about "kontaktmannaskapet" inside and outside the correctional system.Main results : The overall opinion about the "kontaktmannaskapet" is positive. "Kontaktmannaskapet" as a working method of the correctional officer has a potential to become a useful instrument in rebuilding the lost identy of the inmate as well as reducing the stereotypes often associated with the relationship between inmates and prison personnel..

Folkbibliotekets uppdrag i den nya bibliotekslagen. En idéanalys av sex remissvar på departementsskrivelse 2012:13.

The new Library Act came in force in January 2014, external changes such as globalization and information technologies had changes the way libraries work and the new law aimed to reflect this. The aim of this study is to examine ideas surrounding the mission of the public library as it appears in the referral statements that three state agencies and three interest organizations gave to the ministry publications series Ds 2012:13. The questions this thesis examines are: what ideas can be discerned in the respond-ents' opinion regarding public library's mission? How is the con-sultation bodies? way of looking at public library's mission to-wards the government's approach? In this thesis the empirical ma-terial has been analyzed using a theoretical model called The four spaces ? a new model for the public library designed by Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Henrik Jochumsen and Dorte Skot-Hansen. The model consists of four different goals and four differ-ent spaces and can be used as a basis for discussions about the public libraries role in society.

Hantera medborgarrelationer via Facebook : Karlstads kommuns kommunikation före, under och efter en kris

In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.

Den kommunala folkhälsosamordnaren söker sin arbetsroll

Coordinator of public health has recently become a new profession in the field of Health Promotion. During the last few years the pedagogic perspective has been increasingly important for the coordinators as a way of adapting their work methods to the circumstances. The conditions for coordinators of public health differ between municipalities and thus their tasks and responsibilities may vary with the local structure. According to the literature there are several ways to conduct Health Promotion and it is in the hands of the coordinator to adjust the methods to fit local conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine what influences the coordinators of public health and how that affects their work methods.

Tillväxt i gränslandet mellan det privata och offentliga: En fallstudie av två växande företag som konkurrerar med offentlig sektor

A too large public sector impedes the economic development of Sweden and more privatization could increase the efficiency, quality and diversity of the services offered. It is therefore important that firms operating in traditionally public sectors are given the opportunity to grow. We have through a case study examined two mid-size firms that offer services to, and compete with, the public sector. This thesis aims to describe the growth strategies these firms are using and if competing with the public sector implies any differences in possibilities or barriers when it comes to the firms? growth.

Lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten i Västerås - Möjligheter till ökad användning i befintliga innerstadsområden : Local disposal of storm water i Västerås - possibilities for increased use in downtown areas

The construction of buildings and paved surfaces changes the natural water balance.Precipitation generates surface runoff and storm water instead of infiltrating into the soil.Storm water has come to be considered as a major source of pollution in lakes and streams inthe vicinity of urban areas. Reduction of pollutants in storm water is a key action in order toprotect sensitive recipients and maintain high water quality. Storm water is traditionallytransported by storm sewers to the nearest recipient. In recent years the approach to stormwater management has changed; storm water should primarily be disposed of on site, throughlocal disposal of storm water, LOD. LOD is created by a combination of the function ofseveral smaller local facilities and the general sewer system.

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