3720 Uppsatser om Public Art - Sida 36 av 248
Fantasy : genrens bildmässiga särdrag
Mitt examensarbete behandlar frågeställningen om hur synen på ett bra barnprogram skiljer sig åt hos public service kanalerna, TV4 och övriga kommersiella kanaler? Detta berör också frågor om vem som egentligen avgör vad som är bra barnprogram; är det producenterna eller mottagarna? Jag har valt den här frågeställningen där för att jag har en nyfikenhet på och ett intresse av hur barnprogrammen skiljer sig mellan kanalerna och hur de kommer att se ut i framtiden.Public Service syftar till att ge allmänheten en särskild sorts berikande programutbud inom radio- eller teveverksamhet. Termen public service har flera olika betydelser; Ofta används den för att beteckna de företag som finansieras av någon slags tv-avgift, har ingen eller begränsad reklam och/eller är statligt ägda/kontrollerade. Det är idag ett turbulent läge för Public service och trycket från de kommersiella kanalerna har sannolikt en inverkan på programverksamheten. Under arbetets gång har det slagit mig vilken stor inverkan producenter och inköpare har på begreppet ?bra? underhållning. Jag har tittat på befintliga barnprogram och gjort en semiotisk analys av dem.
Ett hållbart Sverige : en studie om företagsegenskaper som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningar
The purpose of this study are to investigate and describe if companies? sustainability reports differ in substance and quantity between public and Large Cap companies? and if there are any differences between industries. This study will also analyze if companies? size, stakeholder group or profitability have some impact on the companies? sustainability report. The study includes all Swedish public companies and the Large Cap companies.To investigate in line of the purpose this study will measure both the substance and quantity.
Konkurrensfördelar på en marknad som karaktäriseras av offentlig upphandling
Background: It is necessary for a company to hold some unique and irreplicable competitive advantage in order to be able to succeed in a market. In a market where public procurement is an important part the competitive advantages will be characterized by the fact that some of the participants on the market are public organizations and that their actions as for procurement fall under the legislation LOU. The characteristics of competitive advantage also depend on and change with continuous changes on a market. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the competitive advantages that are presenton a current market characterized by public procurement and how these are created. The purposes is also to based on the trends on the market today study and predict the nature of the competitive advantage on the market in the future as well as the changes that we think will occur on the relevant market.
Projektet Läskonster : En uppföljning av ett lässtimulerande projekt
The purpose of this study is to carry out a follow-up study of the reading stimulating project Arts in Reading. The project was in progress between the years 2007 to 2009 in Sweden and nearly 80 librarians from 57 public libraries participated. The aim of the project was to initiate new methods fot how to stimulate reading for children. The promoters of the project wanted to initiate the use of new art forms in the work for reading promotion, encourage more collaboration with new actors in the culture area, and co-operate more with the children.The aim of the present study is to investigate to which extent Arts in Reading really succeeded in establishing its goals, whether new methods were brought about, and how this work was done. Another aim is to find out how librarians in public libraries work to develop children's reading.The theoretical framework is based on Ragnhild Söderbergh's term inculturation, Elisabeth Björklund's research on how children acquire literacy, and Lev S.
Folkbibliotekarierna och läsfrämjandet ? en diskursiv studie av svensk bibliotekspress 2012-2013
The aim of this thesis is to examine how the identity of the public librarianwith regard to reading is manifested in the library field. The approaches thatare taken to reading and readers are examined as well as the consequencesdifferent approaches might have. The empirical material is based on 93articles published in Swedish library journals. The theoretical andmethodological starting point is discourse analysis. The application ofdiscourse analysis according to Michel Foucault?s hypotheses reveals threediscursive formations regarding the professional identity of public librarianswithin the framework of reading promotion: The public librarian asguarantor of democracy is related to the public library's original mission offostering, cultivating and educating citizens.
Kultursponsring på folkbibliotek ? en ideologikritisk analys av kulturpolitiska dokument
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study various views of sponsorship in relation to public libraries as found within three cultural policy documents. The main objective is to discover which ideas are considered relevant in the partnership between the Swedish retail chain, Åhléns, and the children?s public library, ?Room for Children? (Rum för Barn). In 2005, Åhléns provided SEK3.14 million in sponsorship to ?Room for Children? at Kulturhuset in Stockholm.
Siffror istället för bokstäver : Övergången från SAB till DDK i Sigtuna kommuns folkbibliotek
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the transition from SAB to DDC in the public libraries of Sigtuna.More specifically, it aims at investigating why the decision was made to adopt the DDC and how the system has been implemented. Particular attention is drawn to the difficulties and problems that have arisen while organising the libraries open shelves with DDC and to the ways in which the difficulties have been handled. These questions are examined through a pragmatic perspective on Knowledge Organization that focuses on the contexts and domains in which the classification system is used. The empirical material is drawn from qualitative interviews with the former director of Sigtuna public libraries and with the in-charge of the catalogue department. .
Teorier om socialt liv på offentliga platser : med applicering på Selma Lagerlöfstorg
The undergraduate thesis "Theories on Social Life in Public Places - Applied to Selma Lagerlöf's Torg" consists of two parts: the first part presents theories concerning social life in public places; the second part presents a program for developing Selma Lagerlöf's Torg (a center in a suburb to Gothenburg) into a well-functioning social environment, i.e. a place where the social life has positive consequences on its participants and on society..
En komparativ studie av matematikböcker i grundskolan 1842-2006
This paper is a study of some of the mathematics textbooks that were used in Swedish public schools from 1842 to the present. During this period several revisions of the curriculum took place and led to a change of contents in the various books. The first part is a description of the books chosen and highlights from each are given and compared with the corresponding curriculum. Also social and political change and the role of men and women can be studied in the examples presented. A comparison between similar topics and how they were accounted for in the older versus the newer books follows suite.
Biotopskydd av stenmurar : Skäl för dispens
Stone walls in agricultural land are incorporated in the general protection of biotopes. They are protected because they provide a habitat for endangered species. Therefore it is illegal to carry out proceedings in an area that is included in the protection of biotopes. In order to do that, exemption is needed which can only be granted if there are special reasons. The essay stipulates what these special reasons are.In an exemption errand the interest for nature conservation must be weighed against a public or a private interest.
Därtill är jag nödd och tvungen : En fokusgruppsstudie om distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av läkemedelsdelegering i hemsjukvård
AbstractBackground. The need for drugs delegation is increasing as more and more sick people are cared for at home and too few nurses working in home health care. Because of this, the number of delegations per nurse is often unacceptably high.Aim. The aim of this study was to describe the public health nurses´ experience in drugs delegation to home care staff in home care.Method. In this study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was used.
Konstvägen Sju Älvar : Monumentalitet i Norrlands skogar
An analysis of Konstvägen Sju Älvar, an exhibition of modern Nordic sculpture along a road trough the wilderness of Northern Sweden. Konstvägen is a project for Public Art and contemporary art in northern Sweden. The intention is to see what happens when you exhibit art alongside a road and what function it fills. By comparing the qualities of Konstvägen to the qualities of a monument Konstvägen and it?s exhibitional functions are sought to be understood..
Arbetsförmedlarens arbetssituation i förändring - en studie av ett pilotprojekt om förbättrad service
This study has been executed at the Public Employment Office, an institution that has beensubject for much debate during the last couple of years. The government has instructed theLabour Market Board to change the Public Employment Office toward a more effectiveorganization. This study examines one of the Public Employment Offices that are included in apilot project that aims to improve and develop work methods with the objective to become amore service minded organization. From this starting point we have investigated which effect thisorganizational change has had on the employee within this organization and within the pilotproject. In addition we investigate whether attitudes of the unemployed has an effect on thestaff´s work situation.
Bakom och genom ordet: Selma Lagerlöf i brev och historieskrivning
The object of this study has been to establish how language is used to present and establish a person?s identity. The studied language usage is that of renowned author Selma Lagerlöf and the language studied is that of her personal correspondence. This language picture is placed alongside the public depiction of her and a comparison of sorts is made. The chosen method has been to study Lagerlöf?sprivate correspondence and to compare her language markers in those to the literature history?s picture of her.
Energianvändning i badhus : Simulering och jämförelse av gamla och nya system
Every year new premises are built in Sweden, and even if they are made as energy efficient as possible, this will not reduce the energy demands, but the rate of the increase of the energy use will be reduced. One type of facility in Sweden that is a major energy user is public baths, and this makes public baths an interesting facility to study more closely. There are around 500 public baths in Sweden and about 75 % of those can be seen as older baths with large need of renovation, and they all require a high level of energy efficiency measures. To show how the energy demand increase or decrease depending on the changes chosen to be made, the simulation application IDA Indoor Climate and Energy was used. Simulations were made and compared for several cases, with two extreme cases as starting points.