3720 Uppsatser om Public Art - Sida 21 av 248
Hur barn prioriteras på folkbibliotek: en kvalitativ studie om barns tillgång till biblioteksverksamhet.
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to investigate children?s access to specific children?s activities at Swedish public libraries 2005. The thesis is based on literature studies and qualitative interviews with children?s librarians, library directors and local politicians at two demographically different libraries in Gothenburg.The sub questions are: What measures exist to promote children?s access to public libraries and children?s activities when it comes to: law and other political statements: different efforts on the state level and different efforts on the municipal level in the direct activity with children at public libraries? What driving forces and needs justify activities for children at public libraries? How will the responsible persons judge that the efforts are sufficient? The result of the study shows that children?s access to library activity has increased in the last couple of years due to reorganization, economic savings with closing down of library affiliates and because libraries have given priority to other things, like IT and new media. Children?s librarians have got new assignments and less time for children?s activity.The conclusion of our investigation is that children?s librarians are ambitious in their work, but unfortunately don?t give children?s library activity adequate resources.
Den deliberativa mötesplatsens vara eller icke vara - En studie om Forumteaterns inverkan på det medborgligt goda samtalet
The theory of deliberative democracy believes in collective decision-making to achieve an expanded legitimacy and rationality in the political process. It is argued that those good public dialogues best take places in public spheres between citizens, where the common interest is carefully thought about. This thesis was done with the assumption that theatre can strengthen the idea of the public sphere and create a meeting place in the civil society, where a good public dialogue can appear. To create a good public dialogue you need citizens that are corresponding and participatory. Citizens who participate in the political process develop an increased knowledge about the society and the more knowledge about the society the larger reason to participate.
Möjligheter - Kärnverksamhet på folkbibliotek
The Swedish public library was founded in the years when the society in Sweden went from being a society of agriculture to industrialism. Modernism was sweeping over the country, everything was possible, which influenced the new society that was built. Now Sweden was going to be a true democracy with responsible and empathic citizens. One of the main tools in this process was to educate people, to get them to read and write and the public library fitted very well into these new ideas. It represented a place, free of charge, where everyone could go to take part of the knowledge and cultural learning that they needed in order to become the citizen that the society required.
Ledarskapskultur: En kvalitativ studie
Människors handlingar förvandlas och samordnas till samhällsprocesser i organisationer, vilket gör att organisationer blir ett centralt område att undersöka. Den offentliga sektorn är något vi alla berörs av i samhället då det är verksamheter som bedrivs av staten, kommun och landstinget. Ledarskap är en kulturpåverkande aktivitet och inom offentliga organisationer finns det många chefer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns en ledarskapskultur som innehåller New Public Management samt om det går att utläsa någon ledarstil i den offentliga organisationen, Trafikverket. Frågeställningar som besvaras i uppsatsen är: ? Vilken ledarstil finns i Trafikverket? ? Vilken ledarskapskultur finns i Trafikverket? ? Hur yttrar sig New Public Management i Trafikverket? Insamling av informationen består av en kvalitativ metod.
Nya medier möter gamla radion : Publikmedverkan i public service-radion nu och då
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur publikmedverkan förändrats i public service-radion i och med digitaliseringen. Publikmedverkan ska undersökas ur flera aspekter men med ett särskilt fokus på nya medieformer.Teori: Då en enskild relevant teori saknas för området publikmedverkan inom public service-radion har tidigare forskning från flera närliggande områden sammanställts i en för uppsatsens syfte unik analysmodell. Denna modell konceptualiserar infrastrukturen för publikmedverkan i public service-radion. Den beskriver hur den tekniska utvecklingen och public service-uppdraget påverkar publikmedverkan och att det främst är nya medier som används för publikmedverkan.Metod: Uppsatsens empiriska undersökning består av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys som mäter utrymmet för publikmedverkan (mängd publikgenererat innehåll i sändning och antal uppmaningar till publikmedverkan) samt vilka medieformer som används för publikmedverkan vid två tillfällen. Undersökningen består av 20 sändningstimmar 1995 och 20 sändningstimmar 2010, jämnt fördelade mellan radiokanalerna P1 och P3.Resultat: Den empiriska undersökningen visar att utrymmet för publikmedverkan har ökat i och med digitaliseringen.
Hur tjänstemän ser på folkbibliotekets IT-utveckling
The purpose of this essay is to examine how officials within the Swedish public libraryorganisation view the IT-development, how the IT-development progresses within theorganisation and if there is a need for a national IT-strategy for the public libraries in Sweden.Four unorganized interviews with officials within the regional- and county libraryorganisation and one within the national organisation where conducted. This study is aqualitative examination where the phenomenographic approach has been used as inspirationfor the analytic model. The analytic result has been compared to the system theory of how anoptimal system should be constructed to perform in an optimal way and to be able to producegood results. The results of this study show a wish for a better national cooperation regardingthe IT-development for the Swedish public libraries. Today?s library structure should bereviewed over in order to enable the libraries to produce even better results from the cooperation?s..
"Man hittar olika vägar" : En studie om irakiers väg in på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
This paper deals with Iraqis in the Swedish labour market. The main goal was to point out on positive aspects of the Swedish labour market integration. Previous studies were mostly problem oriented on immigrants? situation in finding a job, especially when related to immigrant from non-European countries. Instead this study is focused on the more positive aspects.
Med framsidan framåt ? En studie av taste-cultures och face-front marketing på två svenska folkbibliotek
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians in two Swedish public libraries view the subject of face-front marketing and literary hierarchy. The questions posed in this thesis are: How do two public libraries in Sweden market fictional literature? Which literature does get marketed? How do the librarians view fictional literature? How do the librarians view marketing? and Does Herbert Gans? literary scale work to examine the marketing of fictional literature in two Swedish public libraries? The theoretical starting-points are Niels Ole Pors? thoughts on stock development, Philip Kotler?s thoughts on the responsible non-profit organisation and Herbert Gans? thoughts on taste-publics and taste-cultures. The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews with library staff in two public libraries in the south of Sweden, and by reading a sample of the fictional literature exposed in these libraries.
Den kommunala folkhälsosamordnaren söker sin arbetsroll
Coordinator of public health has recently become a new profession in the field of Health Promotion. During the last few years the pedagogic perspective has been increasingly important for the coordinators as a way of adapting their work methods to the circumstances. The conditions for coordinators of public health differ between municipalities and thus their tasks and responsibilities may vary with the local structure. According to the literature there are several ways to conduct Health Promotion and it is in the hands of the coordinator to adjust the methods to fit local conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine what influences the coordinators of public health and how that affects their work methods.
Folkbibliotekarier om omvärldsbevakning - Intervjustudie med 5 svenska folkbibliotekarier
The purpose of the study is to reach knowledge about how public librarians understands and describes environmental scanning as a working process in a Swedish public library. The study consists of 5 interviews with public librarians working within the same organization. The empirical material is presented in two ways. The first one is what aspects of the external world the librarians find important. The second is through a theoretical framework based on Magnus Hoppes model of environmental scanning, including communication and cognitive processes aswell as ways of analyzing information from the external world.
New Public Management : En analys med Kriminalvården som ett praktiskt exempel
Syftet med uppsatsen är att kritiskt granska och analysera hur New Public Management kan påverka en statlig institution och förändra organisationen. I början av uppsatsen presenteras olika exempel på hur konceptet New Public Management har blivit en utgångspunkt för stora förändringar i tre utvalda statliga institutionerna. Resultat baseras på olika forskningar. Därefter beskrivs ursprunget av New Public Management och de viktigaste kännetecken av konceptet. Kännetecken är till och med underlag till intervjuguiden för alla intervjuer samt även dokumentanalysen. Förutom detta framställas möjliga konsekvenser av reformerna efter New Public Management har implementerats i en organisation. Mitt empiriska material är intervjuer med Kriminalvårdspersonal som innehar en högre befattning och dokument samt rapporter från Kriminalvården.
Innovativt ledarskap : Ledarskap ur ett innovationsperspektiv i den offentliga sektorn
Problem. With the Swedish public sectors problem with efficiency in mind, several reforms have beeninitiated during the last decades. These reforms go, in academic contexts, under the name?New public management?. The reforms have resulted in, among other things, an increasedcompetition, privatization and goal-orientation in the public sector.
Vad är kommersiellt och vad är public service? : Innehåll, form och funktion i radions morgonprogram
Uppsatsen undersöker radiomediets form (utformning, uppbyggnad och dess olika delar) och funktion (för programmens helhet och för lyssnarna) i dagens Sverige.Syftet var att analysera vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan public service radion och den kommersiella radion. Det är framförallt public service radions identitet som relateras i förhållande till den kommersiella radion. I uppsatsen används både kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på medietextens tempo, positionering och intention. Det empiriska materialet består av två av radions mest populära morgonprogram; RIX MorronZoo och Morgonpasset i Sveriges Radio P3, inspelade morgonen den 15/4 samt morgonen den 16/4 -2004. Referenserna består av tidigare forskning om radiomediet, aktuella rapporter, hemsidor, tidningsartiklar och offentliga dokument om styrregler för radion i Sverige.
Glöm inte barnteatern! En studie om barnteater på folkbiblioteket.
This master?s thesis deals with the issue of children?s theatre at the public library. I want to examine what purpose children?s theatre play for the children according to the children?s librarians, what different factors that may influence the purchase of plays to the public library and what the children?s librarians think of the children?s theatre at the public library at present and in the future. Interviews have been conducted with four children?s librarians, at different libraries, who are somehow involved in the purchase of children?s plays to the library.
Folkbiblioteken i Wien ? Biblioteksutveckling i allmänhet samt en fallstudie av tre bibliotek
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.