6793 Uppsatser om Psychosocial situation - Sida 5 av 453
Medarbetarnas uppfattning om den psykosociala arbetsmiljön - En kvalitativ pilotstudie om engagemang och trivsel på ett logistikföretag
Introduction: Workplace health promotion is important for both the health of the employee and the profability of the company. Among other things the psychosocial work environment tends to be related with motivation and well-being at work. Employees who experience work motivation and job satisfaction are at less risk of illness, which may also result in reduced absenteeism. Aim: The purpose was that of a smaller pilot study examining a qualitative methodology to obtain detailed and concrete information about the blue-collar employees' views on what helps or impair the psychosocial work on the logistics company. Method: A qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews were held with four focus groups was used.
Kvinnors upplevelse av depression och hur de hanterar sin situation
Background: Depression is a very common disease and is caused both by the biological, physical, and psychosocial factors. At least 25 percent of women and 15 percent of all men are affected at some point in their lives. As a nurse, it is important to be aware of women's experience of depression to meet their needs for care.Aim: To illuminate women's experience of depression in order to better understand their needs for care.Method: Literature review in which ten scientific studies were analyzed and thematised. Eight qualitative studies and two studies of qualitative and quantitative method was retrieved from the database CINAHL Complete and PsycINFO. Keywords depression, women?s experience, experience of depression, female, nursing, major depression, women och social interaction were used.
Att utforma en enkät - angående tandhygienistens psykosociala arbetsmiljö
Psykosociala faktorer kännetecknar allt som inte berör fysiska omständigheter på en arbetsplats. En god psykosocial arbetsmiljö ses bland annat när det råder goda relationer med arbetskamrater och när ansvars- och beslutstagande möjliggörs.
Eftersom det i dagsläget råder otillräcklig information inom området är syftet med denna studie att ta fram och utforma en enkät med frågor som berör tandhygienistens psykosociala arbetsmiljö.
Frågorna i enkäten kommer att konstrueras utifrån de redan etablerade frågorna i Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, COPSOQ. Enkäten ska sedan prövas i en pilotstudie.
Barn i terapiskola : en mixad studie om föräldrars upplevelse av sitt barns utveckling på terapiskolan Liljanskolan
This study is an evaluation of the school Liljanskolan, which is a ?therapy-school? for children between the ages of seven and twelve with psychosocial problems. These problems can concern difficulties interacting with adults as well as children, acting out, difficulty concentrating and anxiety. Liljanskolan has a high number of professionals, both teachers and treaters, and few children. The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of how children that have attended Liljanskolan have progressed during their time at the school with focus on their behaviour in school, ability to interact with adults and children, anger management and self-confidence.
"Förlåt dem Fader, för de vet icke vad de gör" : En religionspsykologisk studie av sista uttalanden på Texas Death Row
The United States is one of few Western nations that administers capital punishment to their condemned criminals. Texas has executed the most inmates of any state in the U.S. This prompted questions about the psychological characteristics of death row inmates. The purpose of this essay is to widen the perspective on inmates serving capital sentences by analyzing their final statements. The focus of this essay was centered on acute anxiety of death among inmates, visible in their final statements, as a result of an accelerated process of dying.
Hälsoinspiratörer : En kvalitativ studie om hur hälsoinspiratörer inom kommunal verksamhet upplever stöd och motivation i det hälsofrämjande arbetet
The workplace is perhaps the most developed arena for prevention of diseases and injuries among employees. In addition, according to the Swedish Work Environment Act, the employer is responsible to address physical and psychosocial risk factors. Moreover, many employers use health promotion, primarily related to individuals and their ambition to maintain or improve health, for example through dietary means and exercise. The aim of this study is to investigate health inspirers in municipal activities and their perceived support and motivation in work related to health promotion at the workplace. A qualitative method was chosen where six health inspirers within Ludvika kommun were interviewed.
EN HANDIKAPPAD FAMILJ? - en studie om den psykosociala situationen för föräldrar med funktionshindrade barn
Lindén.S. En handikappad familj? ? en studie om den psykosociala situationen för föräldrar med funktionshindrade barn. Examensarbete i folkhälsovetenskap 20 poäng. Malmö Högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, 2005
Tidigare studier som gjorts på den gruppen pekar mot att föräldrarnas situation är jobbig och ansträngd.
Hälsa och psykosocial arbetsmiljö i grundskolan - en studie av lärares upplevelser av sin arbetsmiljö och sin lärarutbildning
Statistik visar att fem procent av alla sjukskrivna i Sverige är lärare. Sjukskrivningar orsakade av den arbetsrelaterade ohälsan har under senare år alltmer även kommit att förknippas med psykosociala faktorer. Syftet med studien är tvådelat. Vi ville för det första undersöka hur grundskollärare anser att den psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkar deras hälsa. För det andra ville vi undersöka om lärarna anser att lärarutbildningen har bidragit till deras förmåga att hantera den psykosociala arbetsmiljön eller om hälsofrämjande insatser behövs.
Teater för försoning: Hur forumteater kan användas som metod för att främja psykosocial försoning
Theatre is often seen as an act to entertain or provoke, however the main argument of this paper is that theatre also can be seen as a process to build peace. This study focuses on and explores how artistic processes, such as Forum Theatre developed by Augusto Boal, can be used as a method to promote psychosocial reconciliation in war-shattered areas. With the use of Forum Theatre the spectators becomes the spect-actors, the subjects that act and not the objects that are acted upon. Subjects that are encouraged to try and find solutions to social problems by acting out possible solutions and evaluating them. By analyzing how a number of organizations have worked with Forum Theater on the Balkans and with a theoretical approach combining Homi K.
Varför gjorde jag inte som jag tänkte, för jag kände att det var något fel : Arbetsordningoch upplevd psykosocial arbetsmiljö på operationssalen
The purpose of this study was to study how surgical nurses experiences their work order in the operating room (OR), and how they experience their psychosocial work environment and work organization in terms of hierarchical structures..
Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöregleringen : Med inriktning på arbetsrelaterad stress
This essay focus on work related stress and psychosocial enviroment in working life. The purpose of this study is to present a detailed description of regulation of the the Occupational Safety and Health Act and investigate how well employees are being protected by the law.I will also explain with the help of statistic which employees that most often suffer from work related stress and the results is discussed from a gender perspective.Work related phycosocial health is a big issue in todays workplaces, and people who suffers from stress are supposed to be protecteded by the the Occupational Safety and Health Act, but is that really the truth? The Occupational Safety and Health Act is a frame law, meaning the law is general and needs binding regulations to define the rules, and there is no such act about work related stress at the moment. No employer has ever been convicted for work related stress. At the same time the Occupational Safety and Health Act explains that the employer has a responsibility to take arrangement to prevent mental illness in working life.It?s mostly women who suffer from work related stress.
"ADHD vanligt bland unga brottslingar" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter framställer ADHD
ADHD is the fastest growing diagnosis of the last decade and there is an ongoing debate about how ADHD should be understood with a psychosocial perspective opposed to a medical perspective. The purpose of this study was to investigate how a Swedish daily and evening newspaper (Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter) portrays ADHD. Further, the study asked whether medical or social explanation is used in the discourse that appears in newspaper articles, how ADHD is described as well as which people are quoted in the articles. In this study we used Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse analysis with the 26 sampled articles which we believe highlight different perspectives on ADHD diagnosis.Our study shows that there are representatives cited in the articles from school, the judiciary and the medical field. However representatives from social work are conspicuous by their absence.
Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienten med afasi : en litteraturöversikt
Background: Communication allows people to gain understanding of themselves and their surroundings, which is a prerequisite for good health. The nurse may in her communication help patients develop a feeling that they are not alone in their situation. If the patients cannot express themselves and make themselves understood, it can lead the patients to feel left out which emphasizes the suffering at having aphasia. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the components which affect nurse?s communication with patients with aphasia.
Den bortglömda vårdaren : Anhörigas upplevelse av börda och stöd vid vård av närstående med demens.
Att vårda en närstående person med demens innebär en stor börda för anhörigvårdaren vilket kan resultera i psykisk ohälsa. Stöd är en viktig del för att minska bördan. Syftet med studien var att ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv belysa anhörigas upplevelse av psykosocial börda och psykosocialt stöd vid vård av en person med demens i hemmet. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie som baserades på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. I resultatet framkom att anhöriga som vårdar en person med demens upplevde en psykisk och fysisk börda.
Vägen mot kunskapsmålen : Ur ett lärar och elevperspektiv
The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers 'and students' understanding of why students finish school with incomplete scores and which resources they consider necessary for students to accomplish the goals that are set for the students. Owing to the reuse of pupils and teachers' experiences, this study will highlight significant qualitative aspects of work with students who finish school with incomplete high school grades. Hopefully, will this study be a support and information base in secondary school.The material forming the basis for the report's theoretical assumptions and the basic assumption is based on Lev Vygotsky sociocultural perspective on learning that Olga Dysthe discuss and develop further in his book, Dialog, samspel och lärande. The present work is based on qualitative research method. I selected this research method because I am interested in getting an understanding of the importance and significance of this research The study applied a qualitative interview format.As a result of the investigation as it has appeared that students difficulties to achieve the goals,depends on several factors, mostly on the student's socio-economic and Psychosocial situation they live in. The life situation of the students determines the learning and knowledge process and how they reach their goals.