

882 Uppsatser om Psychological trauma - Sida 2 av 59

Vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att vårda äldre personer med demenssjukdom som har upplevt psykiskt trauma : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Varje år diagnostiseras 10 000 män med sjukdomen prostatacancer i Sverige. Att drabbas av sjukdomen prostatacancer är emotionellt ansträngande. Väntetiden vad gäller behandling för patienter med prostatacancer är lång. Detta gör att patienter med prostatacancer lever med sjukdomen prostata-cancer och känslorna kopplade till diagnosen prostatacancer under en lång tid. Syftet med den aktuella studien var att beskriva copingprocessen för patienter med prostatacancer innan medicinsk behandling.

Prognostisk betydelse av radiologiskt detekterad gasförekomst i tunntarmen hos katter utsatta för fysiskt trauma :

The aim of this study was to see if an increased amount of gas could be seen in the small bowel of cats subjected to trauma and if measuring the amount of gas could be of any use in the clinical evaluation of the patient. When the peristaltic waves in the small bowel decreases due to neurological damage or chock the microorganisms of the gut grow in number and possibly produce more gas and toxins. When the cat is stressed it can swallow more air then usual, and the air that is in solution with the chyme in the lumen of the gut separates from the ingesta. When the bowel isn?t moving it becomes easier for bacteria and toxins to penetrate the wall of the gut, and then get access to the bloodstream.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som drabbats av trauma

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som drabbats av trauma. Åtta intensivvårdssjuksköterskor intervjuades. Data analyserades genom kvalitativ tematisk innehållsanalys och resulterade i två teman och sju kategorier. Dessa teman var: att vilja tillgodose behoven och att bära med sig det svåra. Resultatet lyfter fram vikten av att intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna är väl förberedda inför omhändertagandet av en patient som drabbats av trauma som en förutsättning för att förmedla god omvårdnad.

Att växa genom lidande: posttraumatic growth och positiva förändringar efter en nära anhörigs suicid

Sammanfattning:Denna studie syftar till att fånga upplevelser av hur livet kan förändras i positiv riktning efter bearbetandet av en nära anhörigs suicid, med fokus på posttraumatic growth och positiva förändringar. Studien utgör ett bidrag till forskningsområdet där trauma ses som en möjlig grogrund för gynnsam utveckling hos den drabbade individen. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sex personer som alla mist en nära anhörig i suicid. Deltagarna uttryckte PTG inom temana självperception, interpersonella relationer och livsfilosofi. Följande positiva förändringar framkom: förändringar i personligheten, ändrade prioriteringar, möten med människor på ett djupare plan, ny syn på döden, värdesätter tid med familjen mer, djupare glädje och tacksamhet, samt nya möjligheter.

?Med hjälp av mindfulness kan du leva totalt, vara total? : Religionspsykologiska perspektiv på coping och psykisk hälsa inom mindfulness

The use of mindfulness in healthcare is increasing in Sweden. A so-called secular form of mindfulness is also increasing within mediated contemporary psychology and is used in many areas such as schools, workplaces and when giving birth. The method originates from Buddhism and is much more complex than the form of mindfulness marketed in Sweden today. The religious heritage of mindfulness is interesting to study in such a secular society as Sweden, where the material for this study is found. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate whether mindfulness still is a form of religious coping or if it has become completely secularized, and thus free of its religious origin.

Att bo och arbeta på samma plats : Gränslöst arbete och psykologiska kontrakt

   To work and live in the same place where ones employer also is the landlord, can create a situation with many special requirements for the individual. Constrains regarding time, space and impact on social life is likely to appear. Based on theory and empirical research about the Boundaryless work and the Psychological contract the purpose of this report is to examine employees who live and work at the same place. This is done by studying the regulation regarding time and space factors and the psychological contracts in expectations and in violation of the psychological contract and the risks associated with this like Locked-in factors. The study includes interviews with managers and employees (n=9).

Thembalabantwana ?Hope for our children? ? A study about Social Workers work with children who are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa.

The purpose of our thesis has been to study Social Workers view of children?s needs and how they work with children?s needs when they are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa. The question formulations we used to answer our purpose are:? What needs do the Social Workers consider the children to have?? How do the Social Workers work with children?s needs?We have a qualitative methodological approach in the thesis, where we have performed four interviews with four Social Workers on different organizations in and around Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation of the empirics is made as a summary with representative quotations, which we have interweaved with earlier research and theoretical conceptions.

IT som verktyg i behandling inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

Information technology is increasingly used in healthcare. New methods, such as apps and computer programs and Internet-based treatments are introduced to treat various medical diagnoses. Increased demand for help in mental illness means that it is necessary to develop alternative assessment and treatments to traditional treatments that may be offered by primary care and specialist psychiatry. Government and Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) have agreed to support, and treatment on the web is part of that development. The work is all about, and how Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ( Bup ) , use psychological e- services, and apps for the treatment of adolescents and the types of psychological e-treatments for adolescents are available in Sweden today.  Methods used are interviews and literature studies, where I examined the use of computerized psychological treatments in Västernorrland and Stockholm County Council.

Omvårdnad efter traumatisk skada : vårdtagarens erfarenheter

Bakgrund: Fysiskt trauma orsakas ofta av en oväntad händelse med yttre våld som kan påverka flera organsystem med risk för dödsfall. Höga krav ställs på sjuksköterskans kompetens i omhändertagandet av personer med livshotande tillstånd då händelsen skapar rädsla men även då flera komplexa aktiviteter pågår samtidigt för att rädda kroppsfunktioner. Omhändertagandet kräver att sjuksköterskan arbetar utifrån både omvårdnadens sakaspekt och relationaspekt. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdsökande personers erfarenhet av omvårdnad vid trauma. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med induktiv kvalitativ ansats.

Hur resonerar terapeuter i den offentliga sjukvården kring svårigheter att arbeta med trauma?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur terapeuter inom den offentliga sjukvården resonerar kring svårigheter i att arbeta med trauma. Frågeställningarna var: hur resonerar terapeuter kring svårigheter att arbeta med trauma; vilka känslomässiga reaktioner har de; vad säger de om handledning, kollegialt stöd och organisationen inom vilket de arbetar; samt hur de resonerar kring kultur, språk och tolkanvändning. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem terapeuter som arbetar inom primärvården respektive psykiatriska öppenvården. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades genom Tematisk Analys. Resultaten visar att traumatiserade personer upplevdes som en tung patientgrupp och att de önskade sig mer handledning och utbildning för att klara av arbetet.

Bemanningsanställda : Upplevelsen av arbetsklimatet hos kundföretag utifrån bemanningsanställdas perspektiv

This study examines how temporary agency workers experience the working climate in client firms, i.e. how their psychological climate is affected. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with temporary agency workers. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge about the triangular relationship between the temporary worker, the temporary employment agency and the client firm. Another purpose is to describe how the temporary workers experience the working climate and how this experience is influenced by a number of circumstances. The research question this study aims to answer is How do temporary agency workers experience the working climate in client organisations? And What factors influence this experience? The conclusion of this study shows that the volun- tariness of the psychological contract positively influence the psychological climate, and also whether the temporary workers? expectations correspond to those of the client firm or not.

Fria leken

This social psychological qualitative study demonstrate how the children?s play begin and what significant important it has in the child?s identity progress. The main subject in this social- psychological study is the child?s self and how through imagination, creativity and spontaneity the human?s personal identity is discovered. However the study is based upon the children?s plays in day- care, the children whom are being objects for the study are from 3-6 years old.

Nytt ljus över dagbesvär vid insomni: spelar psykologiska processer en underskattad roll?

This study examined the psychological processes of autonomic arousal and distress, erroneous beliefs about sleep, worry about sleep, selective attention and monitoring and safety behaviours related to sleep, on the subject of daytime impairments associated with insomnia. The psychological processes were evaluated against as follows: sleep measures, anxiety, depression, medical disease and the use of medications. The measure daytime impairments complied with the established research diagnostic criteria. A correlation analysis indicated that psychological process, anxiety, depression and one of the sleep measures are associated with daytime impairments. The results of a multiple regression analysis proved that only erroneous beliefs about sleep, worry about sleep and safety behaviours related to sleep are linked to daytime impairments associated with insomnia.

Psykologiska beslutsfällors inverkan på investeringsbeslut

Problem: The question is if investors falls into psychological decision traps when they are about to make an investments decision. Research in other areas suggests that this may be case. The reason is that they are not aware of that psychological decision traps exist. If so, it can lead to pernicious consequences for the return on the portfolios they manage. Purpose: To investigate if investors fall into four different psychological decisions traps: anchoring, confirming evidence, overconfidence and regression towards mean, at investments in IPOs Method: We have collected data through a form of experiment.

Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn

This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..

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