

4379 Uppsatser om Psycho-education - Sida 65 av 292

Riskhantering i vägprojekt : Effekt, nytta och förbättringar

The aim with this thesis is to study the risk management in construction projects at the Swedish Road Administration, SRA. Furthermore, the aim is to find the effects of the risk management. The theorem of this thesis is that the positive effects of the risk management in construction projects create additional value to the project. These additional values are that the project itself becomes resilient and that the project goals are achieved without any significant disturbances.This thesis shows that the risk management in construction projects do not follow the guidelines set out by the SRA. This is due to a lack of education in the method and a difficult method all together.

Education for patients with the diagnos COPD

Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en av våra största folksjukdomar och den fjärde vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen. KOL är en progressiv sjukdom med symtom som påverkar livskvalitén. Rökning kombinerat med hög ålder är dominerande riskfaktor. Behandlingsmål för KOL är att minska symtom, förebygga exacerbationer och förbättra livskvalitén. Patientutbildningens syfte är att stödja och stärka patientens kontroll över sjukdom och behandling.

Möten i kulturmiljöer : En studie av publika insatser i samband med arkeologiska utgrävningar

This essay is focused on the questions of and responsibility for where, when, how and why communication and meetings through archaeology should take place. I have critically studied Swedish public archaeology through three diverse archaeological excava­tions, one took place in the end of the 1980s, and two others in 2012.I have asked for under what circum­stances and with which goals the public efforts become possible. I have inter­viewed leaders for the archaeological excavations and/or the public efforts and questi­o­ned how and why they reached out to the public. I also searched for results and effects in order to problematize and value the public activities.Through interpretation of the resear­ched material it becomes clear that economic issues as well as archaeo­logists interests and engagements are of vital importance for public archaeology. Co-operation in the local community and archaeological documentation is crucial for the deve­lopment of archaeology and its role in society.Keywords: Public archaeology, Community archaeology, Heritage, Communication, Manage­ment, Historic environment education, Time Travel, Living history.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : language development approach in preschool

The purpose of this study was to investigate into the praxis based sociocultural tools that are utilized to enhance language development in early childhood education. Four pre-school teachers were involved in this study. Two were recruited from an independent pre-school "Maria Montessori", practicing the pedagogical philosophy developed by Maria Montessori. Two were from a public pre-school herein named "Kvasten", which has no official philosophy but where the teachers (like in many Swedish pre-schools) work in a general alignment with the principles of Reggio Emilia pedagogics. The theoretical fundament of the study lies in the general theories of language development and education of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotskij, and the comparative element mainly concerns the variations in pedagogical praxis between the two pre-schools, and the way the teachers reason about language development.

"Svergies bästa hus!" : En kvalitativ studie om hälsofostran och demokratisk värdegrund i ungdomsverksamheten Rapatac

På grund av ett intresse för de olika metoder som använts för att kunna arbeta på ett effektivt sätt med barn och ungdomar, valde jag en specifik ungdomsverksamhet. Verksamheten är, på grund av sina avskiljande metoder, unik jämfört med andra ungdomsverksamheter. Stränga och klara regler samt direkta åtgärder är några av de avskiljande metoderna. Då syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka Rapatac?s syn på hälsofostran, och tillämpningen av demokratisk värdegrund i praktiken, gjordes studien i form av en kvalitativ undersökning inspirerad av narrativ teori.

Möte mellan ledarna: fritidsgårdens och skolans samarbete ur ett fritidsledarperspektiv

Sammanfattning: Det här är en empirisk studie om fritidgårdens samarbete med sex olika högstadieskolor i en medelstor kommun. Vi valde endast en fritidsgård för att det är den enda som finns i kommunen. Eftersom att det finns stor kriminalitet bland ungdomarna i den här kommunen undersöker vi vilka åtgärder skolan och fritidsgården tar tillsammans för att hjälpa ungdomarna ifråga.Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och analysera samarbetet mellan fritidsgården och högstadieskolorna ur ett ledarperspektiv. Undersökningen genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie.En av de största hinder är att struktur och mål är oklara i samarbetena. Fritidsledarna och skolans ledning har stor flexibilitet i utbildningsbakgrunden och olika erfarenheter och därför kunde de ge mycket mer i de här samarbetena om mål och struktur var tydligare.

Strategi för IKT i skolan ? att integrera teknik i ett komplex sammanhang : Mätbart, jämlikt, statusfritt

Today there are many studies that have shown positive results in the treatment of ICT at an early age. The focus of the studies vary, and they target everything from the actual implementation of teaching resources in ICT, to student performance with ICT support. Regardless of the amount of studies on the subject, there is no precise strategy for how to implement, working with ICT, integrate ICT in different subjects, utilizing the hardware and software that is or how it will eventually respond to new technologies. This work will there by focusing on trying to develop a basis for further research and hopefully in the future to develop an ICT strategy at a national level.In order to provide a basis, a comparison was made of ten different schools. The schools were entered into a table showing the similarities and differences .

Musiklärares musicerande - några musiklärares tankar och värderingar

Title: Music teachers' practising of music - thoughts and values from a few music teachers. This study is about music teachers' valuation of practising music. The study is focused on the music that these teachers are devoted to but is not a part of their teaching in music. The papershows how the relation between music teachers and their ability to be devoted to practising music of their own choice, affects them as individuals. The study is carried out at a Swedish upper secondary school which has an educational programme that is focused on music.

Vad är elevinflytande? : En kvalitativ studie på två skolor med fyra lärare, en utvecklingsledare och en rektor om deras syn på elevinflytande

Today, student influence is an important part of the school?s activities and is anchored both in Lgr 11 and the school law. Student influence has gained a larger and more important role thru out the years. Previous research points out that teachers and management at school?s have had difficulties with interpretation and understanding the education plan (curriculum) and to know in which way and how much influence the student should have.

Fysiskt aktiva skolungdomar : En studie som belyser högstadielärares motivationsarbete

SummaryAim and research questionsThe purpose of the study is to examine how physical education (PE) teachers can work to increase young people?s interest in physical education but also physical activity in general.- How can PE teachers work to increase student?s interest in physical activity?- Does PE teachers believe that the student?s interest for sports is achieved according to the educations curriculum and in that case, how?- What problems can PE teachers encounter in their efforts to get young people motivated for physical activities during PE classes?MethodPrior to implementation of the study i reviewed on a lot of past research and got interested about the problem with unmotivated students. After this I looked for different theories that I could use for my study and settled with the KASAM theory by Aaron Antonovsky. The method applied in this study was a qualitative interview method. The aim was to find out how teachers work to motivate their students to be physically active and wanting to participate in PE classes.

"Kristen etik och västerländsk humanism" - historiskt förankrade begrepp eller uttryck för en suverän etik? : En undersökning kring resonemanget rörande begreppen i förarbetena till läroplanerna Lpo/Lpf 94

The purpose of this study is to examine discussions held by politicians and experts concerning the concepts Christian ethics and western humanism. I will examine the argumentation for and against the concepts Christian ethics and western humanism, which finally ended in a resolution of using these concepts in the curriculum Lpo/Lpf 94. In this study I am using a qualitative method to examine how different opinions and views are expressed in two different committee reports, initiated by the Ministry of Education, as well as protocols from the debate in the Swedish Parliament.I will attempt to elucidate the political views of these concepts, which will become an integral part of the base of values in the curriculum. Results show that the politicians are unanimous regarding the content itself, but disagree of the thought of establishing the base of values in Christian ethics. But the discussion is ambiguous because the opinion of the politicians is that the concepts, especially Christian ethics, stand for general human values.

Yrkesutbildningens förändring från 1960 till 2011 ur utbildningspolitiskt perspektiv

We conducted this study because a new school reform begins in 2011. Our study is in between 1960 - 2011. The survey methodology is the following; we use literature, previous studies and curricula. Rating has returned to a more equitable system. This means that the range has decreased in each grade level. Industry has been involved and affected programs and curricula. Short courses have disappeared and GY11kommer to tighten eligibility requirements. This places greater demands on schools and students. The new grading scale will be fairer to the students. The courses have been following the development of society. It is also true that businesses have had opportunities to customize programs for their purposes, so that they have professionals with the basic knowledge they need.

Delaktig eller inte, det är frågan : En intervjustudie kring elevens delaktighet i bedömning i svenska utifrån bedömningsstöden »Läsutvecklingsschema» och »Nya språket lyfter!»

Assessment of the level of the pupils´ knowledge and understanding are important parts of teaching. There are diverse ways to do this and many different tools to use.The purpose of this study is to explore, through qualitative interviews, how five teachers work with assessment. The focus lies on both how they work with assessment in general and how they use the assessment tools called »LUS» and »Nya språket lyfter!». The pupils´ participation in their own education is an important part of the Swedish curriculum, which is why the study also focuses on how the informants work to enable the pupils´ participation in the assessment and in their education.The informants all think that both assessment and the pupils´ participation in the assessment are important, since teaching is easier when the pupils are aware of what they need to know and learn. Many of the informants express that time is an issue when it comes to making the assessment trustworthy.

En undersökning av tolkningsutrymmet vad gäller hälsa i kursplanen för idrott och hälsa i grundskolan.

I och med den nya läroplanen för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, Lpo 94, breddades idrottsämnet och ämnet bytte namn från idrott till idrott och hälsa. Då hälsa är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp var syftet med studien att undersöka tolkningsutrymmet vad gäller hälsa i kursplanen för idrott och hälsa. Studien inkluderade två olika undersökningar varav den ena avsåg en textanalys av samtliga läroplaner för grundskolan med inkluderande kursplaner för idrottsämnet. Detta för att belysa hur hälsosynen och tolkningsutrymmet har utvecklats över tid. Textanalysen kompletterades sedan med intervjuer av fyra behöriga idrottslärare för grundskolan i en kommun för att få inblick i hur yrkesverksamma tolkar hälsa utifrån kursplanen.

"Om man vill studera och verkligen kämpar så finns det en väg för det här i Sverige" : En intervjustudie om några unga nyanlända irakiers syn på möjligheter och hinder i en gymnasieskola i Södertälje kommun

This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.

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