

304 Uppsatser om Protective isolation - Sida 10 av 21

Färdtjänst ur brukarnas synvinkel. Perspektiv på beroende, oberoende och tillit

This study concerns paratransit service in a relatively small municipality in Sweden. The aim of this study is to describe the user's experience of paratransit service. The question formulation is mainly built around the user's experience of paratransit service and their view on what impact paratransit service has on their lives. The empirical data consists of ten interviews with ten different paratransit service users with ages ranging from 25-95 years. The data has mainly been analyzed through concepts of independence, empowerment and trust. The result of this study shows that paratransit service in many ways can be described as a crucial part of the users' lives.

Gruppverksamhet för barn till missbrukare : en jämförande studie av två gruppmodeller

In Sweden approximately ten percent of all children grows up in a family where at least one parent is having an alcohol related addiction. Since 1998 the development of group activities for children in this situation has been immense. The aim of group activities is to break the child's isolation and make them feel that they are not lonely in their experiences, give them knowledge about addiction and relive the pressure of guilt and responsibility.In a comparative study we examined studied how two different group activity models one with the conception of illness and one without, use the children's network to support the group process. The aim was also to find each models definition of the "normal family", since we understood the groupactivity as a part in the normalization process. We reached our aim through interviews with group leaders and by literature studies.

Automatiska GUI-test : En teoretisk och praktisk studie för hållbarare test

To automate software testing is an investment, and that makes it important to have good knowledge about automation before an implementation is made. In this master thesis a study about automated testing is carried out. The study also includes a closer look at the testing tool TestComplete. TestComplete is one out of many tools on the market that is developed for automated GUI testing and the goal is to get a picture of how well the tool can adjust to CC Systems own applications. Studies show that it is hard to write lasting test scripts.

Isolerad DC/DC-omvandlare

1 SammanfattningCrossControl är ett företag som bland annat tillverkar integrerade datorlösningar. Datorerna drivs normalt med 18-30 VDC och förbrukar som mest 50W. Datorerna säljs till flertalet olika kunder som monterar dem i allt från skogsmaskiner till tåg. I de olika fordonen varierar spänningen i de befintliga elnäten. Detta skapar behovet av att omvandla spänningen till en nivå som datorerna klarar av.

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis hos alpacka : utredning av ett utbrott i en svensk alpackabesättning

The alpaca is a camelid that originate from the South American highland. During recent years it?s been possible to keep alpacas in other parts of the world. Today there is a world-wide interest in alpacas, but there is still limited knowledge about this fascinating animal. There are approximately 350-400 alpacas in Sweden in 2007.

Risk- och skyddsfaktorer, attityder och cannabisbruk : En enkätundersökning med gymnasieungdomar från en kommun i Mellansverige

Ungdomar lever inom en social kontext vilken direkt samt indirekt påverkar deras ställningstaganden gentemot cannabis. För att motverka att bruket ska öka i framtiden bör man se över vilka risk- samt skyddsfaktorer som påverkar deras attityder samt bruk av drogen. Idag råder en oro över att legaliseringsdebatten runt om i världen kan resultera i en negativ följd i form av allt mer liberala attityder bland den yngre generationen. Syftet med denna studie är därav att undersöka relationen mellan ungdomars attityder, eventuella bruk och de risk- samt skyddsfaktorer vilka finns i deras sociala omvärld. Resultatet från föreliggande studie visar att ungdomarna i den berörda kommunen har en restriktiv inställning gentemot cannabis dock visas en liberalare attityd bland de som testat substansen.

Coping - att finna sig till rätta i vardagen efter stroke : En självbiografistudie

Bakgrund: Patienter som har haft stroke kan uppleva många hinder för välbefinnande. Sjukdomen i sig kan innebära trötthet, depression och olika funktionshinder. Omgivningen kan öka illabefinnandet om den präglas av fördomar, brister i vården och problem i relationer till anhöriga. Coping innebär att hitta bemästringsstrategier som reducerar stress och illabefinnande. Syftet: Att genom självbiografier beskriva hinder och förutsättningar för coping ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv hos människor som haft en stroke.

Effektiv ordinlärning? : En studie av aktiv ordinlärning i engelska inom gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this essay is to discuss and compare different ways of learning new words and expanding your vocabulary in a foreign language. This is done by an examination of relevant literature and available research, as well as by an empirical study with two upper secondary school classes, in which two different methods are put to the test: one traditional method of the kind that is found to be most common in second language acquisition, and one designed to take existing research into account. The results show that, although effective in the initial stages of acquisition, the traditional method, where words are learned in isolation and via translation to L1, results in a very limited form of knowledge. A big part of the words acquired via this method is also forgotten soon afterwards. The other method, where words were learned and tested in its proper context, was found to result in a broader form of vocabulary knowledge, covering more aspects, and that remained over time.

Rostfria stålkonstruktioner och rostskyddsbehandling av stålkonstruktioner enligt Eurocode

Steel is an excellent material to build with, but consideration must be given to the fact that unprotected steel corrodes, rusts, therefore, as a rule, the steel must be protected in some way. This can be done by reducing the tendency of the steel to corrode by using stainless steel or by treating the steel with a protection method. The two most common methods of protection are corrosion protection paint and zinc coating. To determine the method, the corrosive category must first be evaluated and this is done in accordance to EN ISO 12944-2:1998.Stainless steel is available in many varieties but only some of them have properties that make them suitable for use as construction steels. There are many factors to be considered in the design of stainless steel to prevent corrosion from occurring.

Ögonbehandling av häst med lavage system och infusionspump Omvårdnadsaspekter : omvårdnadsaspekter

Objective ? To study the requirement of nursing care of the equine patient during eye treatment with a lavage system together with a constant rate infusion pump. Procedures ? Three veterinary nurses at ATG: s Hästsjukhus in Skara were asked nine questions at individual interviews. Inclusion criteria for participation in the interview were that the nurse should have treated equines with and without the infusion pump to the lavage system, but also traditionally with eye drops. Results ? The equine had a higher well-being since it experienced less stress during eye treatment with the infusion pump compared to treatment given by hand through the lavage system. The treatment would be more effective with constant rate infusion and save costs for the owner.

Klimatkabinett : Komponenter och konstruktion

This report describes the construction of a climate-cabinet for testing of HV-cards (High Voltage) produced at VG Scienta. The main part of the report describes all the different components of the cabinet. The most important parts are a PID regulator from Eurotherm model 2408, a solid state contactor (SSC), a thermocouple, a finned resistor from DBK and different fans. The report even includes the connection between components by cable wiring, isolation, grounding, fuses and shaping of metal goods.As the cabinet also communicates with a computer, the report includes the solution of the data communication using the software iTools from Eurotherm. The communication part includes information about a converter that converts EIA422 to USB.The cabinet was produced at a company, called VG Scienta, in Uppsala during the spring 2010.

Individers erfarenheter av hur migrän påverkar det dagliga livet : En litteraturöversikt

BackgroundMigraine is a comprehensive endemic disease who is affecting both women and men, but with higher prevalence among women because of hormonal factors. Risk factors for the disease are female gender, hereditariness, depression and socio-economic factors. Migraine can be triggered by factors like stress, menstruation, irregular routines for sleep and unbalanced meals and diet. Migraine is a condition that causes a big suffering for the affected individuals.AimThe aim of this study was to describe individuals' experiences of how migraine is affecting the daily life, out of the aspects like working life, family life and social life.MethodA literature overview was maintained, and eight qualitative studies and two quantitative studies between the years 2003- 2014 were analyzed.ResultsThe analysis of the articles lead to one main theme; "Guilt, compensating and restrictions" and seven subthemes "Not being able to perform their best", "Met with incomprehension", "Not being able to take care of home and children", "Not enough", "Avoiding activities", "Always be prepared" and "Living with restrictions".ConclusionMigraine is affecting the daily life among these individuals in a great extent. The disease makes it hard to perform well at work.

Don't be blinded by the words : En uppsats om att kommunicera med hjälp av fotografier

Following study is about the anorexic behavior and the pro-ana movement, which is a web-based subculture where the followers of this, stands for anorexia as an identity position and lifestyle, rather than a disease. The purpose of this study was that, from a sociological perspective give possible interpretations of the anorexic behavior, and interpret why some anorexics choose to be a part of and identify oneself with the pro-ana movement. The reason has been to conduce more knowledge and understanding of the topics, but also to contribute with a deeper perspective and sociological approach to the former research that is already available.To conduct the study, qualitative research has been used, and the chosen methodology was document analysis/text analysis. The collected empirical data consisted material from two pro-ana forums, four blogs and six twitter accounts, where all the users of those claimed to be supporters of the pro-ana. The empirical data has been interpreted by Howard S.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid neutropeni orsakat av cytostatika

Lilja, C & Svensson, K. Omvårdnad vid neutropeni orsakat av cytostatika. En litteraturstudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö Högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2008. Neutropeni är en allvarlig komplikation hos patienter som behandlas med cytostatika och är förenat med risk för vårdrelaterade infektioner och sepsis som kan vara livshotande.

Bakomliggande faktorer till presbyacusis; en litteraturstudie av mindre kända faktorer

Background: More than half of the elderly (65-84 years) in Sweden have problems with hearing. In some studiesit?s discussed if age related hearing loss or presbyacusis is a part of natural aging or if it depends on underlyingfactors.The purpose of this literature study was to analyse scientific papers which illustrate correlations between lessknown underlying factors and presbyacusis, defined from psychoacoustic and/or neurofysiological tests.Material and method; Literature study where scientific papers, relevant to the purpose of the study and thequestions at issue were found in the database PubMed.The result shows that cardiovascular disease, hormones, diet and drugs have an influence on presbyacusis. Thehealth condition of the individual and their lifestyle matters, likewise estrogen which according to the results of 2studies has a protective effect on hearing.Conclusion; The studies show that heart attack and high systolic blood pressure in women have a correlation topresbyacusis, but not in men, - the hormone estrogen, - some vitamins, antioxidants and diet have a protectiveeffect on hearing and studies show that smoking and alcohol have negative effects..

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