

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 9 av 44

Marknadsföringsrätt : En deskriptiv studie av regleringen kring TV-reklam i Sverige och Italien

Title: Law of Marketing ? A Descriptive Study of Marketing in Sweden and Italy with focal point on TV-commercials(Marknadsföringsrätt ? En deskriptiv studie av marknadsföring I Sverig och Italien med inriktning på TV-reklam) Number of pages: 34 Author: Astrid Lidman Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication C Period: Fall -09 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: My goal with this study is to see the differences and similarities that can be found in the Swedish and Italian Law of Marketing. I want to compare the results to see how our different laws are still able to reach the same results concerning the protecting of our public from bad advertisement. Material/Methods: I?ve been reading laws concerning marketing. I started out my research from different commissions from EU.

Statsförfall ? Transnationellt terroristskydd eller temporärt gömställe?

Many theories describe failed states as potential threats to international security due to the breeding ground they constitute for transnational terrorism. Ken Menkhaus believes however that transnational terrorists are dependent on a state for their own Protection in order to be able to operate.This essay seeks out the relevance in Ken Menkhaus? theory which states that transnational terrorists rather exploit corrupted states than operate in countries where there is a state collapse. His theory will be applied on a case study on post-Libya after Gadhafi?s fall.

Sexualbrott, gärningsman, barn : - En studie i sexualbrottslagstiftningen

Abstract The law in sexual crimeis one of the most important sections in law that we have for the legalsecurity in relation to the victims. It took many years before Sweden began toactively examine how our laws were designed in this area, but throughout the2000s, several reforms have taken place. These have in turn led to SOU 2010:71,the inquiry is for us to have a new sexual offenses law again January 1st 2012. The major reform took place in 2005,which would change the whole structure of Sexual Crimes Act by the new Chapter6. The goal here was to increase the Protection of children victims of sexualabuse of any kind. Furthermore, they changed the term "sexualrelations" to "sexual conduct" throughout the entire chapter 6.The reason for this was that the former term is considered to be misinterpretedthat an assault could be seen as mutual.

Energiberäkningar för passivhus

AbstractClimate and environmental issues are of paramount importance. Researchers agreethat we must all contribute to a reduction of gases that contribute to climatechange. Energy consumption must decrease within all sectors and the promotionof renewable sources of energy must be introduced.Each sector should aspire to decrease its energy consumption. Energyconsumption is strongly linked to waste gases that contribute to climate change.Passive houses are a part of the construction industry's methods to attain energyconservation.Passive houses are derived from low energy houses and super insulated houses. Apassive house is intended to obtain heat from the inhabitants and through theiractivities.

Kvantifiering av föroreningstillskott från dagvatten inom skyddsområdet för Göta Älv : en simuleringsstudie med modellen SEWSYS

The river Göta Älv reaches between Vänern and Gothenburg and is the main raw water source for Gothenburg that supplies about 700 000 people with water. To protect and maintain a high water quality, continuously samples and water analyses are made throughout the river. In 1998 a Protection area was founded between surte and Lärjeholm where the raw water intake is. This was made to increase the awareness of the importance to protect the water. However, there is a lot of contribution of untreated stormwater to Göta Älv within the Protection area.Göteborg Water and Sewage Works commissioned this thesis where two areas, Tagene industrial area and Kärra residential area, with untreated stormwater outlets within the Protection area are studied.

Culpa in contrahendo och formkravet i JB : De lege lata och de lege ferenda

Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer Protection. A good consumer Protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.

Riktvärden för förorenad mark : En undersökning av hur riktvärden för förorenad mark har förändrats gentemot tidigare riktvärden samt hur de påverkas av variationer i geologiska och hydrogeologiska parametrar

Risk assessment is made to determine risks with contaminated areas and to determine which treatment the area requires. In Sweden, risk assessment is divided into three levels: risk analysis, facilitated risk assessment and detailed risk assessment. In detailed risk assessment site-specific guideline values are developed to compare with values of contaminants that are measured in the area.Site-specific guideline values vary with geological and hydrogeological parameters. The purpose of this report is to examine which of these parameters that affect the guideline values. The examination was done using a calculating program for consideration from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency from the year of 1997.

Landskapsplanering och konnektivitetsförbättringar inom värdetrakter i Västerbottens län :

According to the Swedish strategy for forest Protection, additionally 40 000 ha productive forestland will be protected in the county of Västerbotten, between 1999 and 2010. A national project was carried out to distinguish the proportion of forest with a high biological value, in all counties. The project resulted in demarcation of small landscape areas or small ?biological value regions? (bvr), with higher concentrations of forests with conservation values and red listed species than the surroundings. In Västerbotten, 26 such bvr?s were identified and the Counties Agency and Forest Agency in Västerbotten developed a regional strategy for forest conservation to standardize the forest Protection process.

Varumärkets funktioner : Hur stark är varumärkesinnehavarens ensamrätt?

Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer Protection. A good consumer Protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.

Halvledare för höga strömmar i fordon

Mechanical relays are more and more being replaced with semiconductortechnology. In this thesis it is investigated if and how the larger loads couldbe controlled by transistors. The main part of this work aims to create andverify a solution that can control the starter motor, as well as protect it incase of any failure. The different malfunctions that the solution protectsagainst is high current, too high peak current, low current, maximum cranktime and minimum cool off time. The timers also protect indirectly againstoverheating of the starter engine.The transistors used are BTS555, from Infineon.

Ternära koder för variabelt felskydd

Ternary codes for unequal error Protection is a part of a communication system where different parts of the information to be transmitted can receive different amount of error Protection. There are a lot of applications where the channel conditions fluctuate so that reliable or acceptable communication can not be guaranteed. Regardless whether the fluctuations of the channel are intentional or not the idea is to let the coderate decrease so that the error correcting capability can increase for the part of the information to be more protected. By using the support, the nonzero positions of the ternary code, a new binary code can be extracted with properties different from the ternary code in the sense of cardinality and minimum Hamming distance. When the channel conditions are good the receiver decodes the message using ternary decisions and receives all information included in the codeword.

Kan inhyrning av personal utgöra ett otillåtet kringgående av företrädesrätten?

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the issue of preferential rights in relation to the increased practice of hiring temporary staff. The object is illuminated from a diversity perspective by seeing what a circumvention of the preferential rights may have consequences for vulnerable groups on the Swedish labor market. The question of preferential rights to reinstatement is controlled in  The Employment Protection Act. The preferential right is for the Protection of workers made redundant due to redundancy. The use of agency workers has increased significantly in the Swedish labor market since the industry's legalization in 1993. This has created some problems in terms of preferential rights. To a circumvention of the law, shall exist requires that the measures constitute circumvention is justified, measures should have been sought to circumvent the law and been unfair in view of the particular case.

En ansats för stadsmiljön : ekosystemansatsen som vägledare för Uppsala kommuns ekologiskt hållbara stadsutveckling

The aim of this paper is in part to distinguish the ideas raised in the Swedish political debate on the new discrimination law in relation to Protection of groups. Is Protection by law against discrimination needed for the individual or the group? If it is needed for members of groups, are these groups viewed on as static or variable. Are there any conflicts present between group interests? We link these ideas to three different theoretical perspectives: multiculturalism, feminism and intersectionality and further examine the differences and contradictions between the perspectives represented by members of parliament.

Socialt stöd till ungdomar med kroniska sjukdomar

Social support is important for adults well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. The nurse should respond to the patient's care needs, knowledge of social support for young people with chronic diseases is therefore important. The purpose was to investigate who or which ones provide social support for young people with chronic diseases and what social support contributes to. A descriptiv design where used. The literature search in the database Medline via Cinahl resulted in twelwe articles.

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