

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 21 av 44

Studie av sambandet mellan räddningstjänstens förebyggande insatser och anlagda skolbränder : analys av behovet av stöd och vägledning

The purpose of this report is to study the relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. An objective of the project is also to investi-gate the need of developing national methods for fire prevention. The results are based on a questionnaire study among 35 fire departments and further interviews with five of them. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. The relationship is positive in the sense that arson fires in schools decrease with increasing prevention activities.

Design och implementation av konfigurationsverktyg för funktionsblock

Abstract In high voltage substations there is an increasing demand for computerized equipment, and automation of operation and supervision. The future primary equipment will provide the possibility to collect more information and to provide better control for improved effectiveness. Since ABB has got a large customer target, each product must be custom made to fulfil the customers (often from different countries) demands. Later these products will be configured by engineers who may not be familiar with the tools used at ABB. This is a very expensive and time consuming.

Kolliderande standardavtal : En analys av svensk och tysk avtalsrätt beträffandev kolliderande standardavtal

AbstractThe use of standard agreements can hardly be overestimated in the society of today. The amount of standard agreements should barely decrease. One of the standard agreement?s main purposes, to make the concluding of the contract more effective, strongly agrees with the companies will to accomplish fast concluding of agreements using as small resources as possible A dispute that can arise in these contexts is that dissimilar standard agreements collide. Between nations this is called Battle of Forms.

Persontäthet vid utrymningsberäkningar : Köpcentrums persontätheter

The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the value of occupant load is over or under estimated when the Swedish general value for department stores, 0,5 person/m2, is used for dimensioning shopping centers. The data that was analyzed derives from seven shopping centers and one department store. A conservative method was used to calculate the occupant load factor. The analysis shows that two groups can be discerned: one group that is characterized by a lower occupant load factor that does not exceed 0,3 person/m2, and one group with a higher occupant load factor. Shopping centers with a higher occupant load factor are located centrally in large urban areas.

Moralisk balansering i arbetet : En studie av familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete

Familjeutredare på akut- och utredningshem är en yrkesgrupp som arbetar med utredning av föräldrars omsorgsförmåga. I arbetet träffar familjeutredaren dagligen människor som befinner sig i svåra livsskeenden. Detta ställer krav på familjeutredarens förmåga att hantera emotioner. Studiens syfte var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete, vilka emotionella krav som ställs och hur de hanterar det. Studien utgick från Grundad teori (GT) och datainsamling innefattade sju semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Han, Tarzan; Hon, Jane?: En studie om skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor i utredningsarbete på en socialförvaltning

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether there were any differences in social workers way of investigating boys and girls, age 13-15. The main questions we wanted to answer were; which were the factors that the social workers focused on? Did the investigations lead to a measure and if so, which one? How were risk and Protection factors described and ana-lysed?To answer our questions we read and analyzed 22 reports, written by social workers 2004 at the department for teenagers and families at a social welfare service in Sweden. We came to the conclusion that there were some differences, but these were few and not extensive. Recreational activities was mentioned in a higher degree in the boys reports while health, housing conditions and network were mentioned more often in the girl´s reports.

Snabb och säker roaming i WLAN

This thesis investigates how Ericsson AB should do to achieve fast and secure handover when roaming in a WLAN. It also provides a security analysis of the system that the wireless access point is part of. The reason for this is that Ericsson is selling an access point called the ABS 2200 aimed at the public hotspot market. The premise was that they wanted a standardized way of handling the roaming issue. At the outset the 802.11F standard looked like a good alternative (in fact the only standardized alternative).

Automatisk viktkontroll av glascontainer

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Gedevelop in Helsingborg.Gedevelop has developed a camera that can calculate the weight of a liquid glass mass.Because of the density and viscosity changes in the glass, the weight information issometimes incorrect given. Glass industry is today addressing the problem by an operatorperforming a manual weighing of a few bottles which, in turn, calibrates the camera system.The project aimed to develop an automated system to control the weighing of glass bottles forglass industries. This system must be so flexible that it can be easily mounted on plants withdifferent production equipment around the world.The project includes design and construction of equipment that meets the requirementsformulated together with Gedevelop. Work has been done both in Halmstad and Helsingborgand has included both calculations and review of the theory to understand the forces thatinfluence the design of different construction parts. A prototype was produced that meets theoperating requirements for the design and can be used in testing features.

Produktutveckling av klämskydd

Abstrakt Klämning mellan dörrblad och dörrkarm är en frekvent förekommande olyckstyp som drabbar såväl barn som vuxna i alla åldrar. I genomsnitt drabbas var fjärde svensk någon gång under sin livstid av så pass allvarliga skador till följd av klämning i dörr, att sjukhusvård krävs. Som regel är det handens fingrar som skadas. På marknaden finns ett stort utbud av tekniska lösningar som i någon mån syftar till att förhindra klämskador i kontakt med dörrar. Dock är de flesta av dessa lösningar utformade för dörrens gångjärnssida.

Är Kinas upphovsrättslag förenlig med TRIPS-avtalet?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has captivated global attention due to its astonishing economic growth. This development has resulted in an enormous growth in foreign direct investments, as well as the country?s new role aseconomic super power. When joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China agreed to adhere to the minimum requirements of the organization?s several multilateral agreements.

Produktutveckling av klämskydd

Abstrakt Klämning mellan dörrblad och dörrkarm är en frekvent förekommande olyckstyp som drabbar såväl barn som vuxna i alla åldrar. I genomsnitt drabbas var fjärde svensk någon gång under sin livstid av så pass allvarliga skador till följd av klämning i dörr, att sjukhusvård krävs. Som regel är det handens fingrar som skadas. På marknaden finns ett stort utbud av tekniska lösningar som i någon mån syftar till att förhindra klämskador i kontakt med dörrar. Dock är de flesta av dessa lösningar utformade för dörrens gångjärnssida. För dörrbladets låssida existerar inget klämskydd som kan göra anspråk på att vara heltäckande.

Kameraövervakning : En juridisk analys

Camera surveillance can provide good Protection against certain types of crime, but it can also invade our privacy. The County Administrative Board monitors compliance with the rules by visiting those places to which the general public has access. They have to issue permits before general camera surveillance to those places which the general public has access. In certain cases, in stores for example, general camera surveillance is permitted only if the Country Administrative Board is notified in advance. The Data Inspection Board is a public authority and responsible for the camera surveillance for those places to which the public not has access.

Vart tog EMV vägen?: En analys av Marknadsdomstolens utvärdering av imitering i dagligvaruhandeln

This paper discusses the issue of trade dress imitation in the grocery sector. Our study has its starting point in the conflict that may arise between a brand owner and an imitator following an imitator?s marketing actions. In this study we look at the Market Court?s precedents in which this question has been addressed.

Katodiskt Korrosionsskydd : Hur fungerar katodiskt korrosionsskydd ombord på fartyg?

Idén till detta arbete uppstod som en följd av att vi på den fartygsförlagda praktiken upptäckt att kunskapen om katodiskt korrosionsskydd är mycket bristfällig hos många ombordanställda. Vi har även gjort en mindre undersökning bland yrkesverksamma maskinister för att se hur kunskapsnivån inom detta område ligger ombord. Undersökningen visar att vår hypotes om kunskapsnivån stämde till stor del. Ytterliggare ett skäl till att vi studerat det här området är att vi själva har velat fördjupa oss i ämnet, då våra egna erfarenheter endast varit att skriva av siffror från en display. Vår huvudfrågeställning har varit, Hur fungerar katodiskt korrosionsskydd ombord på fartyg? För att få svar på denna frågeställning har vi bedrivit litteraturstudier inom ämnet.

Minimiaktiekapitalet i Sverige: En konsekvensstudie av ett slopande av aktiekapitalkravet

In 2007 the Swedish government appointed a commission of inquiry with the task to submit a proposal of reduction in the requirement of a minimum legal capital for private limited liability companies. The commission of inquiry?s main proposal involved a reduction to SEK 50,000 compared to the prevailing SEK 100,000. Following a complementary proposal from the Justice Department suggesting a reduction to SEK 1, this paper aims at providing an understanding of the function and purpose of a minimum legal capital and the consequences that follows from an abolition of the statutory capital requirement. The thesis concludes that the legal capital?s main purpose is that of a standard contract internalizing the shareholder?s risk in business.

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