

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 5 av 43

"Vår tids slavhandel"

Det som framkommit under vårat arbete är att åsikterna går isär. Polismyndigheten i Norrbotten anser att rent juridiskt går det inte att bevisa förekomsten av människohandel för sexuella ändamål i deras län. De medger emellertid att prostitution och sexköp existerar. Länsstyrelsen och Rikskriminalpolisen (RKP) uppger att det formellt sett inte finns något att rapportera om människohandel i Norrbotten. Andra hävdar att det förekommer, bl.a.

Interaktion mellan män på Internetforumen Sekreterarakademin & Flashback : där sambandet är köp av sexuella

In this study I will analyze how men who buy sex interact with one another on two different Internet communities: ?Sekreterarakademin? and ?Flashback?. This analysis is carried out in an attempt to challenge the conventional image of the man who pays for sex.The aim is to examine the role of Internet forums for men who buy sexual services related to cross-border, both in terms of standard borders, gender boundaries, boundaries of sexuality and masculinity. I will also attempt to investigate what opportunities that are available to overrun different borders and how these opportunities affect the conditions of the various players. I will evaluate theories such as homosocialtet, hegemonic masculinity and normalization used by KAST (Köpare Av Sexuella Tjänster, the Swedish public support for clients of sexual services) and which are partially consolidated in studies published by KAST concerning issues related to internet based prostitution..

Det handlar inte om sex ? En diskursiv analys av socialarbetares syn på prostitution och prostitutionens aktörer

Vårt syfte med den här uppsatsen har varit att lyfta och problematisera bilden av prostitution och dess aktörer bland socialarbetare. Våra forskningsfrågor har rört hur socialarbetare beskriver prostitutionen och dess aktörer utifrån orsaker, motiv och konsekvenser samt utifrån kön, sexualitet, klass och kultur. Dessutom har vi undersökt vilka föreställningar de utgår från i sina beskrivningar. Vi har intervjuat sju stycken socialarbetare som arbetar eller har arbetat med prostitutionens aktörer, inom socialtjänsten i Göteborg och Malmö. Vi har gjort en diskursivt inspirerad analys, och vår teoretiska tolkningsram har utgått ifrån queerteori och socialkonstruktivism för att svara på våra forskningsfrågor.

Barnarbete och dess arbetsrättsliga regleringar i Pakistan

Financial exploitation of children worldwide is a global problem, causing consequences for both the national economy and labor market, as well as the working child who is deprived of its rights of education and normal development. Pakistan has several national laws in order to work against and to regulate the existence of child labour. Another important mechanism to fight the financial exploitation of the children is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention was ratified by Pakistan in 1990. As a result, new national laws have been admitted, already existing laws have been amended, educational projects have been established and the common knowledge on the problems regarding the subject have attracted a lot of attention.

Psykiatrireformen - från intention till verklighet? : En analys av psykiatrireformens måluppfyllelse

The purpose with this essay is to examine if the Swedish government?s intentions regarding to the mental health care reform, have been fulfilled. We have classified the intentions into three categories, regulation, financing and responsibility for organizing the policy. The intentions have then been compared with the results of the reform.Our theoretical framework starts with a model, developed by Evert Vedung (1998). We use this model as a tool to examine the fulfillment of the mental health care reform.

"The love that dare not speak its name" : om sexuell läggning och flyktingskap

The purpose of this composition was to examine which international and Swedish laws exist to govern the protection of asylum seekers claiming persecution on the grounds of sexual orientation. Additionally I wanted to look at what the need for such a right to refuge would be based upon, i.e. why asylum seekers ought to be granted such protection. In order to fulfil my objectives I based my material on international and Swedish laws, comparing these to studies of what negative impact growing up and living as homosexual in an oppressed environment can have on the individual, psychologically and socially. To highlight and exemplify my material I used Iran as a case-study to reflect my facts upon.I found that there has been, and still seems to be a lack of interest in and commitment to the persecution of homosexuals around the world.

Marknadsföringsrätt : En deskriptiv studie av regleringen kring TV-reklam i Sverige och Italien

Title: Law of Marketing ? A Descriptive Study of Marketing in Sweden and Italy with focal point on TV-commercials(Marknadsföringsrätt ? En deskriptiv studie av marknadsföring I Sverig och Italien med inriktning på TV-reklam) Number of pages: 34 Author: Astrid Lidman Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication C Period: Fall -09 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: My goal with this study is to see the differences and similarities that can be found in the Swedish and Italian Law of Marketing. I want to compare the results to see how our different laws are still able to reach the same results concerning the protecting of our public from bad advertisement. Material/Methods: I?ve been reading laws concerning marketing. I started out my research from different commissions from EU.

En komparativ studie av svensk och lettisk arbetslagstiftning i skuggan av Laval-målet

After the last European Union expansion the east European countries became members of the European Union. This meant that they would become apart of the Schengen agreement and that they would be able to travel, live and work anywhere in Europe. This came as a shock tothe Scandinavian trade unions that were worried that work migration would escalate, and that it would lead to social dumping, which would make the working conditions worse for the native workers. .The Swedish labour market is build up by the principal of negotiations. The evolution of the labour laws comes from the rules and regulations of collective agreements.The Lex Britannia principal was made to regulate the working conditions for guest workers in Sweden, by making it possible for trade unions to take industrial action against foreign companies to make them sign a Swedish collective agreement.Even though Swedish labour law includes an obligation to maintain industrial peace it is not valid for foreign companies.

Eskort på nätet. En studie om prostitution på Internet ur ett individperspektiv

Titel: Eskort på nätet - En studie om nätprostitution ur ett individperspektivFörfattare: Ayla Irebring-RuiperezKurs: Examensarbete inom medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap 15pUniversitet: Göteborgs universitetTermin: Höstterminen 2009Handledare: Jenny WiikSidantal: 52 sidorSyfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur sexsäljande kvinnor över nätet uppleversin livssituation samt yrkesverksamhetUppdragsgivare: Examensarbetets uppdragsgivare är Prostitutionsenheten i MalmöMaterial och metod: 3 st personliga intervjuer med slumpmässigt utvalda kvinnligaprostituerade via nätet. Samtalet pågick i cirka en timme och utgick från en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Vid två tillfällen har ljudinspelningar genomförts och sedan transkriberats inför analys. Ett av samtalen har utförts via telefon och har då renskrivits utifrån anteckningar som togs under intervjutillfället.Huvudresultat: Undersökningen beskriver hur tre stycken prostituerade kvinnor upplever sin livssituation. Här berättar de hur de upplever de kunder de möter, hur deras yrkesval påverkar relationer i vardagslivet samt ute i samhället.

Arbetsliv och föräldraskap : Missgynnande på grund av föräldraledighet

The main purpose of this essay is to study the Swedish labor law concerning employees who are, aspire to be, or are expected to become parents, both men and women. Thereby accomplishing a gender perspective on the issue at hand. The study also take in to account the laws issued by the European Union, and their impact on the Swedish law system, so as to gain an international perspective. The laws regarding parental leave, both Swedish and European, involve protection for workers from being treated in a less favorable way than someone in a comparable situation, as employers are forbidden to disfavor any employee or job-seeker in basically all situations in the work place or in a recruiting context, if the disfavor is in any way related to the parental leave. The only situation where an employer is allowed to disfavor an employee regarding his or her parental leave, is if the disfavoring is a necessary consequent of the employee?s absence.

Problem vid beslagtagande av egendom

This thesis takes its starting point in the 27 Chapter 1, section 1 of the Swedish code of judicial procedure, where the following is found:?objects reasonably presumed important to a criminal investigation or taken from a person through a criminal act or subject to criminal forfeiture may be seized?In this thesis we have investigated what kinds of problems occur when the seized object is part of an investigation of IT-related criminality. We have used methodological investigations of Swedish laws, legal usage, and the preliminary work with laws. Further have three interviews been made with different actors affected by or involved in seize of objects. These persons were a police officer, a public prosecutor, and a person whose object has been seized.The result we present is that there exist three kinds of problems related to objects that are seized within the demarcation of this study.

Trauma and coping - A study of women that were trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in India

This study was conducted in the red-light area of Pune city, India. The target group of the study is sex workers that are victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The purpose of this study was to examine the initial and continuing trauma and its effects, and the coping strategies that these women develop in order to survive. The initial trauma occurs during the trafficking and seasoning process in the brothel. The term continuing trauma refers to violence and psychological trauma that are part of sex workers lives.

2000-TALETS NATTFJÄRILAR - En kvalitativ studie om konstruktioner kring personer som säljer sexuella tjänster

Detta är en kvalitativ studie som syftar till att uppmärksamma de konstruerade bilder som finns av personer som säljer sexuella tjänster samt hur dessa förhåller sig till varandra och påverkar det sociala arbetet. Undersökningen belyser tre olika perspektiv; sexsäljares, yrkesverksammas inom socialt arbete och samhällets. Genom intervjuer lyfts tankar, känslor och attityder fram kring vad det kan innebära att sälja sexuella tjänster. Sammanlagt har elva personer medverkat i studien varav fem har personlig erfarenhet av att sälja sexuella tjänster och sex personer har erfarenhet av arbete med prostitutionsfrågor inom socialt arbete. För att belysa de olika konstruktionerna utifrån ett samhällsperspektiv har artiklar och litteratur i anknytning till ämnet studerats.

Att konstruera en lag : en diskursanalys av förarbeten till sexköpslagen

The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the dominating discourse in the preliminary work of the Sex Purchase Act. In order to achieve the aim of this study we selected preliminary work of the Sex Purchase Act that was produced between 1977 and 1999. The selection is based on the fact that prostitution began to be recognized as a social problem and a gender equality issue between men and women in society. The ongoing debate during the chosen years resulted in the Sex Purchase Act, which was passed in 1999. By using discourse analysis as a methodological and theoretical approach, we have empirically studied and theoretically analyzed the dominating discourse in the preliminary work of the Sex Purchase Act.

Rutiner och regler kring instegsarbete : En studie gjord för att undersöka vilka regler och rutiner som finns kring instegsjobb för nyanlända, hur dessa följs och eventuella förbättringsåtgärder.

This essay illustrates the rules and procedures when it comes to inclusive labor markets. In Sweden we have a labor market program called entry-level jobs, which makes it easier for immigrants to get work since our public employment agency pay remuneration to the employers.In this essay I am answering the following questions:How does the work of our public employment agency and trade union looks like before, during and after an employee has gotten a subsidized employment called entry-level job, and in which way can this work be improved if necessary?How extensive do entry-level jobs contribute to increased integration and establishment on the labor market for newly arrived immigrants?How does the Swedish measure on entry-level jobs approach within the scope of European regulations about measures for inclusive labor market?To find answers to my questions I have used social science methodology and juridical method. I have performed document studies and interviews with concerned parts.The conclusion of above subordinated questions is that we need to extend the Swedish laws covering entry-level jobs so that the concerned parts know which assignments they will be responsible for when problems emerge on a workplace.When it comes to if entry-level jobs contribute to increase integration and establishment on the labor market it seems to be more important to integrate the immigrants quickly, and with which quality it is made does not seems to matter. The public employment agency has to emphasize the importance of Swedish language so that the employees can be independent from authorities in the future.

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