

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 21 av 43

Barnavårdsutredningar i tid eller otid?

The aim of the study was to investigate social workers and managers experiences of ending child welfare investigations within the statutory period of four months. We also investigated their experience of investigation time is used in practice. To get answers for our purpose, we conducted a qualitative study. We strategic selected three social workers and four managers to our interviews.The results showed that both social workers and managers have experience with child welfare investigations that are not completed within the statutory time. A township that departed had no experience.

Ingen gratulerar en när man får sin första torsk ? En kvalitativ jämförande studie om hur kvinnor i Sverige och Danmark upplever försäljning av sex i relation till rådande lagstiftning kring köp av sexuella tjänster

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Sveriges förbud mot köp av sexuella tjänster respektive Danmarks mer tillåtande inställning, upplevs av kvinnor som säljer sex i vardera land. Vi har valt att fokusera på de faktorer som rör risk- och skyddsaspekter, rättigheter - och skyldigheter, rådande attityder i samhället samt hur dessa kan tänkas påverka kvinnornas privatliv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra sexsäljande kvinnor och sex professionella på området framkommer det en tydlig distinktion mellan de som säljer sex på gatan och de som säljer sex inomhus. Med hjälp av stigmateorin, empowerment samt ett specifikt synsätt på sexualitet har vi kunnat analysera deras polariserade upplevelser och erfarenheter. Utifrån en tematisk analys framkommer det att kvinnorna i Sverige upplever lagstiftningen som paradoxal i avseende på risk- och skyddsfaktorer.

Intressenters agerande ? vid ett undantag från revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag

Ever since Sweden joined EU on the 1st of January 1995 the auditing is regulated not only by our Swedish laws but also by EG:s directives. In the fourth directive the member states are given a possibility to dispense small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. It is up to every member state to decide whether they want to dispense the small companies or not and today Sweden is one of few member states who does not.The purpose of this essay was to describe how lenders and Skatteverket will act in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. The study has been carried out by interviewing four lenders and Skatteverket.The study shows that the lenders and Skatteverkets acting in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts will part from each others. While the lenders stand before a big change Skatteverkets work will be next to unaltered.Half the lenders think that they will continue to demand that the companies? accounts be audited.

Intressenters agerande ? vid ett undantag från revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag

Ever since Sweden joined EU on the 1st of January 1995 the auditing is regulated not only by our Swedish laws but also by EG:s directives. In the fourth directive the member states are given a possibility to dispense small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. It is up to every member state to decide whether they want to dispense the small companies or not and today Sweden is one of few member states who does not. The purpose of this essay was to describe how lenders and Skatteverket will act in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. The study has been carried out by interviewing four lenders and Skatteverket. The study shows that the lenders and Skatteverkets acting in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts will part from each others. While the lenders stand before a big change Skatteverkets work will be next to unaltered. Half the lenders think that they will continue to demand that the companies? accounts be audited.

Kriminaliserad kärlek : En studie av HBT-personers situation och rättigheter i Uganda utifrån ett heteronormativt perspektiv

LGBT people, in Uganda, have since the colonial time been in a vulnerable situation. When the President signed the ?Anti-Homosexuality Act? into law 2014 all forms of same-sex relationships became criminalized. The time after the law passed have been characterized by an increased homophobia and further violence against LGBT people. These are seen as deviants since they do not live according to the social norms, that the right thing to be is heterosexual.

Outsourcing av UAS-data : Informationshantering av data insamlad viaUAS

This reports purpose is to give a general view on how to handle information collectedthrough photogrammetry and laser scanning with the help of UAS. The report ismade in collaboration with WSP Group and will briefly describe howphotogrammetry and laser scanning, also known as Lidar, works and how those areused in the construction business today. Then the focus will be on how gathered datais handled today, how outsourcing of data should be approached and if there are anyconsequences if data is handled in the wrong way. Interviews have been made with allparts in the UAS business. That includes authorities as Transporstyrelsen,Försvarsmakten.

Hållbar växtnäringshantering i Stockholms län : En aktörsanalys

Plant nutrients are important for all life on earth and are also important as fertiliser infood production all over the world. Because of this, plant nutrients are of great valuebut they also bring problems. As an example, the loss of nitrogen and phosphorusfrom agriculture and urban society's sewage systems contributes to some of today?smajor problems in water environment. Another problem associated with plantnutrients is that finite recourses are used in the production of mineral fertilizers.

Minoritetsspråkliga elevers undervisning : En jämförelse mellan svenska och norska styrdokument

Many students in the Swedish and Norwegian compulsory school do not have quali­fi­cation to search for further education. There is a large part of those pupils who have a different native language than the country?s majority language. These students? possi­bi­lities to a fair and equal education is regulated in national laws and regulations of school activity, the so-called governing documents. The purpose of this study is to compare Norwegian and Swedish governing docu­ments regarding education for pupils with another native language.

Informationsförmedlingen till Försäkringskassans handläggare

The main purpose of this master thesis is to study the information support by the head office of the Swedish social insurance office to its administrators. The thesis only focuses on information that concerns laws, regulations and instructions. The study is based on an interview with the head of the division of law at the social insurance head office and a questionnaire answered by administrators in four different counties. The purpose with the interview was to find out about the information strategy of the head office and in the questionnaire the administrators could describe their opinion of their information support. Our special interest was the information channels and how the administrators were able to absorb the essential information.

Sexuell hälsa som en del av institutionsvården. - en studie av personalens reflektioner kring kunskap och bemötande av sexualitet på behandlingshem

Syfte Sexualiteten är en viktig del av människor välbefinnande. Trots att forskning visat att samtal om sexualitet på behandlingshem kan vara till stor hjälp under institutionstiden tas ämnet sällan upp. Jag vill få en djupare förståelse av hur personalen beskriver sina kunskaper om sexualitet och bemötande av densamma på behandlingshem.Frågeställningar - Hur beskriver personalen på behandlingshem sin kunskap om sexualitet?- Hur tänker personalen kring bemötande av sexualitet på behandlingshem?Metod Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ metod och dels gjort en semistrukturerad intervju, dels skickat ut ett antal frågeformulär med mestadels öppna frågor. Personalen som svarat på frågorna arbetar på ett LVU-hem och ett LVM-hem.

På konservatorsfronten intet nytt Om konserveringsverksamhetens utveckling i Sverige

It often occurs that the spirit regarding the future as a conservator is rather pessimistic. Howcome that there are so few employed conservators, when the need for conservation obviouslyis big? What kind of changes is needed for a better status regarding the conservation?This thesis concerns the development of the field of conservation in Sweden. What havehappened, what will happen and, particularly, what should happen? The information wasgathered from literature studies and interviews during the spring of 2010.

Är Islam lösningen? En analys av Muslimska brödraskapet och deras syn på demokrati

Is the Muslim Brotherhood a political force that can be able to push Egyptian society in to the process of democratization? We think that the answer to that question is yes, even though the movement clearly state that their main aim to create a democratic state, but based upon the Islamic shari?ah-laws. In this paper, we examine if the Brotherhoods? political platforms and ideas are compatible with the classic ideas of how a democratic state should be. We discuss Robert A.


The construction industry accounted for 19 % of all work-related fatalities in Sweden between 2010 and 2013. The exam report has been done to find out what underlying causes there are to the high number of fatalities and to the occupational statistics of the construction industry. Moreover it has been reviewed what improvements can be done to reduce accidents and fatalities in the construction industry. The report consists of a survey of statistics, laws and regulations affecting the work environment and of literature concerning the subject. It has been conducted an interview and a questionnaire survey at the construction company Asplunds Bygg and an interview with an inspector from the Work Environment Authority.

Upphovsrättens effekter på biblioteken : En diskussion kring bibliotekens position, verksamhet och framtid

This master thesis examines the copyright law with the purpose of sorting out the consequences and the effects of the law impacted on libraries. The theories used are mainly discourse analysis and public domain theory. At the centre of the examination is the effects that copyright law bring to libraries and their ability to perform their work. A major part of this thesis is gathered around the analysis of the presumptive key words that give the structures of copyright law the possibility to claim rightfulness. This is an outspoken strategy to illustrate the discourse of copyright law.

Trafficking i lagkontext : En undersökning gällande skillnaden mellan svensk och internationell symbolpolitik och lagimplementering.

The aim of this paper is to examine how the Swedish implementation of the new trafficking laws may differ from the original intention from the UN and EU and if they are substandard due to poorly conducted law implementation. Or if it might be a victim of political symbolism, to win support and votes for the politicians in power from the people, a ?hollow showpiece? only meant to be shown off. Trafficking is a relatively new phenomena and problem to be researched and discussed. This paper investigates the impact of the Palermo protocols international definition of the problem, the convention against organized crime presented by the European Union on the Swedish legal system and its action plan. A qualitative text analysis focusing on the discourse of the intentions behind the internationally presented legal documents and compared against the carrying out of said national objectives.

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