

10160 Uppsatser om Project management - Sida 53 av 678

Kunskapsdelning i byggbranschen : Delningsprocessen i Skanskas projektorganisation

Introduction     Knowledge has come to be an increasingly important factor for both individuals in the labor market and companies in competition. When a person leaves an organization the knowledge often follows, and a knowledge gap is created. When knowledge is shared within an organization, the individual?s knowledge is available for all members of the organization. Knowledge can thus be converted from human capital to structural capital.

Lean IT Assessment Tool : Ett verktyg för att utvärdera en IT avdelnings möjligheter till effektivisering genom att implementera lean pä IT service management

Detta examensarbete har syftat till att utveckla ett verktyg för att utvärdera en IT-avdelnings möjligheter till effektivisering genom att implementera Lean på IT Service Management. Verktyget har utvecklats i samarbete med Tina Eriksson på uppdrag av management och IT-management konsultbolaget Connecta AB. Connecta AB har som syfte att använda verktyget för framtida affärer. För att verktyget ska vara användbart och uppfylla Connectas krav så har fyra mål satts upp. Verktyget ska vara trovärdigt, resurseffektivt, användarvänligt samt underlätta för fortsatt arbete och implementering av Lean på IT Service Management.

En studie av utmärkande ledarskapsutmaningar för unga småföretag

Uppsatsen baseras på en fallstudie av högteknologiföretaget Scalado AB, där vi utifrån organisationslivscykelteorier har studerat de ledarskaps- och managementutmaningar som uppkommer vid ett företags uppstart och under dess liv..

Framtidens Teater finns inte. En beskrivning av ett icke-linjärt projektarbete

This is a non-traditional examination paper written after three years of studies at Malmö University and the Kaospilot Program. It is written in Swedish and in the spring of 2009. It describes a non-linear project based on a process-orientated theory called Theory-U by Otto C. Scharmer (2009). The project aims to investigate the changing conditions of Stage Theatre and deals with non-linearity as phenomena.

Betyg och identitet : En undersökning av elevers föreställningar om betyg

A major issue that has been a subject for quite some time is whether there will be a scarcity of metals in the bedrock in the future and whether or not we might end up with a problem similar to that of the big oil crisis in the mid-seventies. Following the oil crisis many oil companies started up with risk management to control future risks. This work presents how Swedish mining companies work with risk management to handle risks that might come up in the future due to metal scarceness. How Swedish mining companies look at the possible metal scarceness and if they use risk management in their decision-making process is studied. By doing interviews with Swedish owned mining companies it was found that the mining companies did not see the future metal scarcity as a risk, even though 2/3 of the companies acknowledged the scarceness to be a reality.

Miljo?klassning inom infrastruktur och anla?ggningsprojekt : - en fo?rdjupning inom CEEQUAL

This thesis has evaluated environmental classifications of projects and the lessons learned to explore what the possible ramifications of implementing this in the construction and infrastructure are. Companies today are looking to develop methods to demonstrate their environmental commitments, but there is an uncertainty regarding the contribution of environmental classifications in this aspect.The literature review presents the theory of environmental classification, which provides a general knowledge of its function. The empirical data is based on an analysis of existing classification methods and qualitative interviews. The analysis shows specific environmental classification system for the area of construction and infrastructure. CEEQUAL is currently the only environmental classification applicable to Swedish projects and therefore serves as the basis for the continued analysis.

Varbergs besökscentrum - Nybyggnation

This report deals with activities that from a CSR perspective are considered to create a shared value for a medium-sized construction company in Sweden. The CSR definition used in the report is the European Commission?s since it reflects the valuecreating aspects of CSR, in contrast to the traditional philanthropic aspect of CSR.Companies in the building construction industry have difficulties identifying activities that create value in society and in the company. The aim with the project is to, from a CSR perspective, identify and evaluate value creating activities in a building construction company. The activities will be evaluated with respect to competitiveness and how they can be implemented into an organization.

Analys av innehållshanteringssystem

It has in a broader extent become important for companies and other organizations with large organizations to have a properly functioning web platform where content management is an essential part. Polopoly is a web content management system developed in Sweden, used by several European corporations but foremost Scandinavian such working in different media related business areas.Our aim has been to analyze this tool and render a report which hopefully will assist the initiator of our thesis; a consulting enterprise called Qurius, in their negotiations with future customers, when to suggest Polopoly as a suitable content management solution.By using case studies at companies currently using Polopoly, our goal is to define which characteristic makes the product a competitive publishing tool. To put our analysis in perspective, we will compare the most important aspects of Polopoly with a similar product.According to the results of our investigation we consider Polopoly being a beneficial choice with regard to a number of important parameters. Finally we have summarized these properties in a list of examples explaining in which cases Polopoly is a preferable alternative as a web based content management platform..

Generation Y i Managementkonsultbranschen: Strategier för att attrahera och behålla 80-talisterna

Management consulting firms are dependent on attracting and recruiting new talents since the human capital has a vital role in these types of organizations. In the following years a new generation, Generation Y, will to a large extent enter the labour market. According to several studies this generation has different characteristics than older generations.This thesis examines management consulting firms? views of Generation Y and which strategies they use to attract and retain the generation. The fact that the subjects are unexplored led the authors to conduct a qualitative study of seven management consulting firms through in-depth interviews.

Konsten att styra konst: - styrning av kreativa projekt inom en nätverksorganisation

This paper describes a case study of the largest film production ever conducted in Scandinavia. The study aims at explaining the complex relationships in the network structure in which the project took place. Coordination of creative projects carried out in a network context, includes handling conflicting interest and contradictions. Creativity needs space and freedom while projects need structure and coordination, whereby controlling these projects becomes complex. Adding to the complexity, does the loose form of organization that the network structure represents, without any long term structure.

Processutveckling inom multiprojektorganisationer : förutsättningar för ett framgångsrikt projekturval

SammanfattningBakgrundI alla tider har människan sökt nya organisationsformer för att effektivisera sitt arbete. Sedan 1900-talets början har organiseringen i projekt fått en alltmer framträdande roll. En effektiv projektorganisering kräver även ett väl avvägt urvalsbeslut för vilka projekt som ska genomföras. Denna studie har valt att undersöka förbättringsmöjligheter inom urvalsprocessen hos multiprojektorganisationer med avseende på effektivitet, konsekvens i besluten samt transparens och styreffekter för organisationen.GenomförandeVi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med ett fallföretag. Syftet har varit att få ett djup i undersökningen och en god förståelse för processen inom flera hierarkiska nivåer.


This report describes a thesis project on 15hp. The purpose of the thesis project is to build a laser projector that reacts on sound waves and thus get a laser beam to draw visualizations of sound waves on a wall. The idea was that the design would be independent and not have to be plugged into any audio equipment. This was achieved by absorbing sound waves into a microphone. Another factor was to get a ?do it yourself? -feeling of the design and therefore it was chosen to be constructed using for example, old hard-drives.The result was a relatively large and bulky designed laser projector that can draw sound waves on a wall..


Our education at Halmstad University was completed with a degree project. Our task was to improve an already existing pneumatic damper to Nederman in Helsingborg. Overall we have made necessary calculations to make the design of the existing damper smaller. When these calculations were done, we moved on with an analysis of the existing damper in order to figure out what improvements could be made on each part of the damper. The result of this project is a smaller and a more supple design of a pneumatic damper. To this we have also created complete drawings, calculated material expenses; we have also created an assembly of a pneumatic damper in Catia v5..

Informationshantering och organisatoriskt lärande i samband med företagens etiska handel

The purpose of this essay is to examine how four Swedish retail companies describe their information management in connection to ethical trade. My purpose is also to examine how this information management relates to organizational learning. My questions at issue are ? ?Which activities related to information management in connection to ethical trade is described by the companies?? and ?How can these activities and statements be related to organizational learning?? My method of investigation is to perform qualitative interviews with representatives from the retail companies and relate the results to theories on information management and organizational learning, mainly theories of double-loop- and single-loop learning. The information management literature address issues such as information needs, information sources and information seeking.

Användarorienterad förarsituation för bergavläsning vid fjärrstyrt skrotningsarbete

Mechanical scaling is one of the most complex operations of all in the mining process. The operators are using both hearing, sight and feel to read the rock and to know where to scale and where to leave. They say they go on gut feeling in great extent, something that comes with experience. The scaling machine is placed into the edge of unsecured and newly blasted rock to hammer off the blocks that has become loose after the blast, but not enough to fall down. It goes without sayingthat it is a risky job.

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