

10146 Uppsatser om Project management - Sida 4 av 677

Eget företagande - en permanent verksamhet inom Sfi? : En projektanalys av "Eget företagande - egen försörjning"

This is a study of an experimental project called ?Eget företagande ? egen försörjning?. The aim of this thesis is to explore if the course self-employment in Swedish for immigrants will become a permanent activity. The study is based on interviews with participants from the projects management team and the interviews has been analysed with methodological inspiration from Jonas Söderlunds project competence model. The focus lies in the participant?s perception of the project work and their thoughts about the permanent activity of self-employment in the future.

Betal- och biljettsystem i kollektivtrafik : en kartläggning av aktörer och roller

An Interoperable Fare Management system for public transport has been a struggle for the actors in industry of public transport. A lot of effort has been put into creating a smart card solution that enables the travellers to use the same card for paying and holding the ticket regardless geographical position in Sweden. That project has failed, mostly due to a lack of taking non-technical actors and aspects into consideration during the project process. This thesis highlights the major actors and their responsibilities. The ARKTRANS framework is used as analytical tool to identify different roles. Throughout the thesis a sociotechnical perspective is used. The developed method in this thesis is suitable for mapping of actors and responsibilities in a network surrounding a complex technical system.

Kunskapsutveckling och lärande vid utveckling av en ny mjukvara. En fallstudie på ESBE AB.

This study is based on the development of a new software, which is used as a recommendationtool for selecting the best product. As part of the software development has an external partnerbeen asked to assist. The report will process the expectations that different people have on anew project but also how information is communicated to an external partner.The results from this study show that a software's function is closely linked to its usability.Therefore shall usability been taken into account when a new resource is created. The study alsoshows the importance of being able to share information, on how the program will beconstituted, to someone outside the organization..

Diagnostisering av projekt : En studie med utgångspunkt från SPA-ramverket

The work in project has been around since humans began to hunt in groups, building bridges or building of the Great Wall of China. In 1960- and 70´s, the word project got their value it has today. A project means a work done during a decided time, with decided economy and non-recurring nature (Jansson and Ljung 2004). The projects had a general analytical model. It was used for all projects the organization engaged.

Projektledning inom mjukvaruutveckling : En studie om betydelsen av teknisk kompetens utifrån projektmedarbetares perspektiv

More than half of the implemented IT-projects go over budget, deadline or simply fail. The processes in an IT-project requires technical competence to be present among the project participants to ensure the achievement of business goals and to make organisations competitive. The success of an IT-project largely depends on the project manager which makes it interesting to further investigate what impact the project manager?s technical competence has on the project. Previous research shows differing opinions whether technical competence is considered important for the project manager to be successful or not.

Automatiskt kabelmärkningssystem

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within Project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

Projektorganisationens hantering av risker och osäkerheter ? Fallstudie av ett promotionprojekt inom musikbranschen

Syfte: Projektet, som vi studerat, har genomförts i en bransch, där uppfattningen råder att osäkerheten i omgivningen är stor och att risker ses som ett frekvent inslag. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska huruvida ett projekt under dessa premisser tvingar fram ett systematiskt användande av Project Risk Management eller om man använder sig av en annorlunda strategi för att hantera risk- och osäkerheter. Vår avsikt är även att se till de orsaker som ligger bakom handlandet och hur projektgruppens arbetssätt har fungerat. Metod: Vi har utgått från det hermeneutiska synsättet, där vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer tagit del av ett promotionprojekt vid en artistlansering. Promotionprojektet avser ett debutband på ett independentskivbolag.

Design av Riskdatabas : En studie för effektivare hantering av risker

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within Project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

BIM på Trafikverket : Förslag till en utvidgad investeringsprocess

2013 a decision was made that all projects at the Swedish Transport Administration shoulduse BIM (Building Information Modeling) to some extent from 2015. BIM is an approachthat allows for streamlining of projects by the use of a 3D-model created in an early stage ofthe project. The 3D-model can carry information about the facility throughout its life cyclefrom planning to management. The use of a 3D-model can help the project to detect errors inearly stages of the project when it is easy and cheap to fix the error instead of finding theerror in the construction phase when it is costly and time consuming to fix it. 3D-models alsolead to improved communication both within the project groups and with the public.

Att planera ett storskaligt krishanteringsprojekt : En fallstudie om MSB:s ebolainsats i Västafrika 2014-2015

In 2014-2015 a large-scale Ebola epidemic occurred in West Africa. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency was given the order to conduct the Swedish response. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the impact on project planning of the three factors: the nature of the crisis, political initiative and developing countries. In this case study the crisis was an epidemic, and the project was initiated by the Swedish Government and conducted in two developing countries. The results were intended to contribute to developed understanding and recommendations for future project managers in similar projects.

Controllerns roll i utvecklingsprojekt : Fallstudie hos Volvo CE och Scania CV

In order for companies to be competitive they perform different types of development projects.  Due to globalization a greater focus is added on costs, not least on costs in development projects. Project controllers are involved in development projects in order to review the financial aspects. The authors have examined the role that project controllers hold in respect of two Swedish manufacturers, Volvo CE and Scania CV. The investigation has revolved around three main issues where the authors conducted interviews with controllers that do not work in development projects and project controllers in development projects. The goal of the interviews was to gain a greater understanding of the role of project controllers, how this role will differ from those that do not work in development projects and the difficulties faced by project controllers.

Earned Value Management: en metod för projektstyrning

Projekt har blivit en allt vanligare arbetsform i dagens organisationer, men trots arbetsformens ökande popularitet inom flera olika sektorer så är det inte ovanligt att problem uppstår i samband med ett projekt. För att erhålla en ökad kontroll över ett projekt har därför sofistikerade projektstyrningsmetoder utvecklats, främst av militära myndigheter i USA. Syftet med denna uppsats var att beskriva hur en av de framtagna metoderna, EVM, kan vara ett verktyg för projektstyrning och hur metoden bör implementeras. Vi har också undersökt vilka problem som kan uppstå vid ett byte av projekstyrningsmetod. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har vi genomfört en omfattande litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie på SSAB Tunnplåt i Luleå.

Indoor Energy Academy : Implemetering- och kompetensutvecklingsprogramför nyanställda hos Indoor Energy

Indoor Energy is a company that works in the energy sector. It works through itsthree subsidiaries Indoor Energy Services, Indoor Energy Control and Indoor EnergyConsultants. Because of their comprehensive experience and offering of broad rangeof services they can contribute to integrated extensive solutions for their customers.Indoor Energy Control works with building management through control andregulation. This work is realigned by programmers and project managers. Working inthis area is complex and places a great demand on both technical innovation andprofessional Project management.Due to the complexity of the work Indoor Energy Control has a hard time to get thenew employees to be independent in their work as a programmer.

Projektuppföljning - En studie av relationen mellan projektuppföljning och organisationsstruktur

This paper aims to examine performance monitoring in project organisations. The number of organisations that regularly performs projects as a key part of their operations grows rapidly, why this topic has become of large interest. Through a theoretical framework developed by Lars Östman in 1977, the performance monitoring system of the Swedish government-owned public utility Svenska Kraftnät is studied closely. The results from this analysis are then linked to an analysis of the organisation's internal structure through Mintzbergs generic organisational structures. Close connections are found between organisational structure and performance monitoring, which leads on to interesting observations about the connection between size of a project organisation and choice of monitoring method..

Förstudie kring ledningssystem vid reklambyrån Confetti

The aim of the project is to develop a tool for a management system at the advertising agency ofConfetti. The company has during a longer period of time felt a need of introducing a quality and environmentalsystem but have a lack in resources of knowledge, time and money. Their goal is to have aconcrete documentation which describes their quality policy and the function of the activity.The work has been performed by mapping and analyzing the processes of the company according tothe process model with focus on one pilot process. New routines have been developed and documentedin a management system.Confetti would like their management system to fulfil the ISO-standard so that they eventually inthe future can be certified. Therefore a literature study has been done according to management systemsand standards.

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