

3566 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 49 av 238

Folkbibliotekarien och det livslånga lärandet En undersökning av ett projekt till stöd för vuxenstuderandes livslånga lärande

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate issues concerning lifelong learning and the role of the public librarian. This is done by examining LärForum Forum for Learning, a project initiated at a public library located outside of Stockholm, with the aim of supporting adults lifelong learning. The major questions raised in this study are: How do the seven librarians interviewed define lifelong learning and how do they perceive their own role in relation to lifelong learning in the public library? Do they work with adult learners in a different way than they do with "ordinary" users of the library? Has their conception of their own role as a public librarian changed as a result of LärForum, and do they find it necessary to acquire new skills because of the project? Data was collected through interviews and observation, and the study is a qualitative case study. The main results are that the librarians see their role in lifelong learning in the public library as self-evident, and they see lifelong learning mostly as learning for an individuals personal development.

En park för alla

This Master Thesis is a product development project that has been carried out in cooperation withLappset Sweden AB.The purpose has been to develop a group of products suited for parks andtraditional playground locations. The specific target area has been courtyards of newly builtresidential areas. (These pieces of open land resemble glades that can be found in the forest,which in Swedish is called ?gläntan? and has given name to the product family). Therefore thedesign should match contemporary architecture.

Utveckling av OBD-II-gränssnitt för fjärrdiagnostik av fordon

This Master Thesis documents the development of an On Board Diagnosis (OBD-II) interface for remote diagnosis of vehicles. The Master Thesis is part of a project at the company Wayfinder Systems in Lund. The purpose of this thesis was to design a scantool that communicates with a vehicle through its OBD-II port using relevant standards. In order to make the OBD-II interface development easier, a car simulator was first built. Both the car simulator and the OBD-II interface were implemented using a linux computer running a C-program with serial communication with an external electrical interface.

Viljan att lyssna och förstå : Potters närmande till självskada i möte med Foucault, Derrida och Gadamer

This study is an attempt to develop the discussion about self-injury with the aid of philosophical discussions about understanding. I will present a reading of the discussion between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida about reason and madness, and also an interpretation of the Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer encounter. These readings focus on the concept of understanding, on the possibility to understand the other and on the possibility to reach out from reason toward the irrational. The project to formulate an ethical approach to self-injury by Nancy Nyquist Potter is then used to bring the question about understanding to life. I conclude that the project of Potter, formulated as ?uptake?, is weakened by the fact that she fails to recognize the underlying philosophical problems in stating the possibility to understand the meaning of something that until today has been considered meaningless..

Diskontinuerliga Galerkinmetoder för initialvärdesproblem och prissättning av optioner

Efficient numerical methods for option pricing is an active field of research. This project has the goal to examine possible ways to improve an established method of numerical pricing. The method is based on an adaptive finite difference method in price and uses the backwards differentiation formula of order 2, BDF2, in time. The project will focus on improvements to the time integration through implementation of discontinuous Galerkin methods, dG. Empirical convergence and accuracy results are obtained for equidistant dG-methods up to order 3 and performance is compared to BDF2.

Utvärdering av lämpliga metoder för vattengenerering

This master thesis has been performed at the department of Machine Design at KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology. The thesis has been a part of a global development project in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology, Lund Faculty of Engineering and Stanford University. Corporate liaison and sponsor has been Immerse Global Inc. The project was also performed on sponsorship from the Product Innovation Engineering Program, PIEp. The thesis is a representation of some of the contributions made by the authors.The lack of clean drinking water is one of the key issues facing the world today.

System 348 - Rekombinator : Analys av reglerproblematik vid O2

In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.

Förtätning av film till stillbild

During this project a photographer and an illustrator have explored if a single image can communicate a bigger whole, in this case a movie. By analysing five motion pictures with visual communication theories, semiotics and colour symbolism as tools, ten images was created. These images do not only consist of symbols, but also communicate the overall feeling and colour scheme of the movie.These images have been tested in interviews with six individuals, who, except for one, work with visual communication of some kind. They have studied the communication skills of the images from their own experiences.The result of the interviews showed that all images could not communicate a movie. One reason for this was that only a few of the test persons had seen two of the selected movies.

Informera, konsumera och röra sig fritt : en studie om kvinnors valfrihet och abortens dimensioner i den Europeiska unionen

The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how the European union relates to the different dimensions of abortion. What kind of problem is abortion and whose right is it? Does difference framings of the problem enable different solutions?By analyzing debates from the European parliament through Carol Lee Bacchis method ?What?s the problem approach? I have come to see that different representations of a problem changes the problem it self. This emphasis that a problem is a problem in one context, but not in an other.Depending on the work of, among others, Barbara Hobson and Ailbhe Smyth I have focused upon the European union as a economical project, leaving social issues to national competence. This makes the EU a patriarchal project that fails to guarantee women?s rights.

Language Manager Version 2.0

This report describes an examination project made for the IT consultingcompany Sogeti. The purpose of the project was to develop and modify the translation tool Language Manager (LM) built by Sogeti to be used for translating applications. Employees at Sogeti considered some disadvantages with Language Manager, version 1.0 which among others was that language files for projects were saved at two locations. Partly in resource maps among with the source code of the applications and partly in a database. This was dual work for employees at Sogeti and it also caused redundancy inthe system.

Avståndets blå : En visuell gestaltning av avståndets betydelse i ett erfarenhetsperspektiv

In my degree project, I explore the importance of distance and how our perception of distance is affected by our experiences.During my investigatory work I studied the relation between distance and experiences. Among other things I concluded that distance can refer to several different kinds of distances (for example spatial, temporal or social distances) and that experiences are what you?ve learnt of these distances. The importance of distance can be illustrated by highlighting the effects of the distance, i.e. experiences.My degree project resulted in a pair of interactive binoculars which are used for looking at an virtual world of illustrations in 360°; a world of illustrations where distance and the importance of distance is shown..

Operatörspanel chokladhantering

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Två presentationstekniker för grafer : deras styrkor respektive svagheter inom en bioinformatisk kontext

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product.The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution.This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable..

INFORMATIONSÖVERFÖRING OCH KUNSKAPSÅTERVINNING : En studie i kalkylöverlämningsprocessen hos Erlandsson Bygg i Öst AB

Many enterprises have shortcomings in the transfer of information between different departments. Furthermore, routines for maintaining knowledge in order to be able to use this experience in the future are often lacking. Time and resources spent on improving these systems and procedures can provide significant benefits in terms of saved time and reduced costs in the later stages of a project. The benefit of this is not only a greater clarity and a reduced risk of misunderstandings, but also the preservation of knowledge that would otherwise be lost.The aim of this study has been to examine the process of information transfer and the transfer of knowledge between the calculus department and production manager in projects at Erlandsson Bygg i Öst AB. An additional aim was suggestions for improvements in the calculation handover and at the end of a project, where it was possible.The study was primarily conducted through literature studies and interviews.

Utformning av bullerskydd för timmeravlastning till tåg

This report presents a thesis project conducted by two students at Mälardalens högskola. The project covers 15 points in industrial design and was conducted during April to June 2014. The principal of the thesis works at Plastic Produkter. The assignment was to develop equipment for an effective way to dose, mix silicon, fill a special designed plastic bag and then seal it. The bag is then formed into a breast model.When a customer for various reasons decides to do a breast augmentation or a breast reconstruction, there may be doubt or uncertainty about the result.

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