3567 Uppsatser om Project aid - Sida 16 av 238
Dåtid, nutid och framtid : Hur arbetar dagens historielärare i grundskolans senare år med historiemedvetande?
The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for writing without making it boring.
Inloggning : Lösenordskryptering och Brute force attack
This report is the result of a sub-project of a larger project to create a platform formathematical education. The sub-project focuses on authentication with associ-ated security, where security is emphasized. The project environment is Java EE 6where GlassFish 4.0 acts as the server. The project has been divided into threeparts; password encryption, Java EE authentication and brute force attack. Thepassword encryption part focuses on examining different hash functions executionspeed, the result shows that none of the examined hash algorithms is suitable fordirect use.
Dammsugare att motivera till dammsugning
How can a vacuum cleaner motivate you to use it? From a sustainability perspective,the author asked the question of how such a solution would looklike? These where issues that the project tackled and devised solutions for. Theproject wanted to explore the physical modeling and a large part of the finalresult consisted of a full scale model. The project found that the problem ofvacuuming largely consisted of the problem of storage the product. The projectfound that the motivation for the job, therefore, could be resolved by a betterdesigned vacuum cleaner with a built-in hose, folding handles, which couldbe stored integrated within the vacuum cleaner.
SFINX ett integrationsprojekt : ur deltagarnas perspektiv
Abstract This paper is to examine a specific integration projects by the name of SFINX, the participants' perspective. We chose to highlight three themes that concern the analysis what the participants thought about the content / efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency analysis, which means what the participants thought could be improved in the project. What emerged in our study is that research shows that Swedish education with professional orientation and integrated practice is a key factor for migrants to get into the Swedish labor market. And that Sfx teaching has been implemented in several places with good results. SFINX is also a Sfx project but is addressed to engineers.
Att skapa lönsamhet för små företag som arbetar med IT-projekt : En undersökning om projektledning som utförs av små företag inom konsultbranschen för IT-lösningar
Problem: How does project managing appear in small IT-consulting companies and how does the project manager carry out their projects to create successful solutions for their customers?Purpose: The research has the purpose to analyze and review how IT-consults in small companies work and lead their projects to create profitability for the company, which leads to a good development for the company. Methodology: The research is made on eight research objects in IT-consulting business and the sizes of them are between 1-49 employees. The research is made with a qualitative method to get closer to the research objects. Therefore the research is made in forms of interviews. The analysis is grounded on a comparison between the research data and the theories that are used in the research.Theoretical perspectives: The theories which have been used in the research are Involvement theory (Fill, 1999), PAFF-metoden (Marcusson & Ahlin, 2002), Projektledning (Tonnquist, 2006), Jakten på det effektiva projektet (Engwall, 1999) och Mervärde (Grönroos, 2002)Empirical foundation: The research data are founded from the interviews of the eight research objects, they have the fictive names: Gondor, Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, Mordor, Osgiliath, Rivendell, Rohan and The Shire. Analysis/Result: Each study object starts their projects with a pre-study phase, as the PAFF-method describes it.
Optimering av produktionsflo?de fo?r hydraultankar : Fo?r en ba?ttre och sa?krare arbetsmiljo?
?Optimizing the workflow of hydraulic reservoir tanks? is a degree project made by Jonas Olsson, student within the faculty of technology and science, during spring semester 2012. The project comprise 22,5 ECTS.Volvo Construction Equipment, located in Arvika, was the client in this project. The mentor at Volvo CE was A?sa Barck, and the mentor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.
We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.
Dewey Decimal Classification i Sverige?: En studie av synen på bibliografisk praktik i BIBSAM-bibliotekens katalogutredning
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the understanding of classification as it is manifested in the discussion of implementing DDC in the BIBSAM-libraries. This is accomplished through the answering of three questions: 1. How does the discussion go about the implementation of DDC in the "Cataloguing practises: a survey of Swedish research libraries" project?2. Have there been any criticism against the project or the implementation and, in that case, what does it say?3.
Kommunikation med drivlina : Implementering av seriell kommunikation och LabView-gra?nssnitt fo?r DSPer i drivlina
The objective of this project was to develop an application for mobile phones using the Android operating system. The main goal was, with the help of GPS, to pinpoint locations, measure distance traveled and illustrate the progress on a map. Functionalities for just showing the map, fetching addresses and saving to a database was also implemented. The result of the work was a proper application, called MeasureApp, that fulfills the goals set in the planning stages of the project. MeasureApp can be used to measure distances where accuracy is not a main factor, i.e walks or runs.
Dimensionering av ackumulatortank : Undersökning hur en ackumulatortank kan införas till Övertorneå fjärrvärmenät samt dess ekonomiska innebörd
This report will detail the participator view of partnering in Kvarteret Frodeparken. Kvarteret Frodeparken is a new construction project being jointly delivered by Skanska Sverige AB and Uppsalahem AB. The report will focus on the comparison between the participators view of partnering with an emphasis on common partnering goals. The report will also focus on the economical benefits, the time benefits and the social environment benefits you can find in partnering.The principals of partnering are; participants together make the common goals for the projects, make ice breaking activities to improve stakeholder engagement and working with an open economy to find the profitable choice for the project. With a combination of the three principals the team together decide the best solution for the project.
Skriftens magi : en betydelsefull & reflekterande resa
The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for writing without making it boring.
Yrkesrelevant Gymnasiearbete på El- och Energiprogrammet
The purpose of this development project is to create a model for working with a high school project in Electrical and Energy Program. It should be conducted in a form like companies do according to the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education. In order to fully perform this we use the concept of Young Entrepreneurship. The model is created according to the new conditions from The National Electrical Safety Board. There is now an exception saying that a student during education is released from the demand of employment that is the normal procedure where you are under supervision from a certified electrician. During the project there has been theoretical and practical examinations in order to clear out the advantages and disadvantages using this model, but also to examine whether it is useful in the future and to what extent it can be used. The result indicates that the model is useful and fulfills the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education but that the model has its limitations and difficulties.
Kommunikationshjälpmedel Sound and Display Communicator
During the last year in the Innovation Engineering Program, at Halmstad University, a degree project was performed that was carried out during Fall semester in 2006 and Spring semester 2007. The project was performed by two students in corporation with LIC Audio AB, a company in Stockholm. The degree project was meant to result in a communication aid for people with a cognitive handicap. The project focused on people suffering from dementia because of the expressed need within this group. This aid should first and foremost help in a conversation between a person with dementia and another person, like a relative or nursing home staff.
Ett odemokratiskt beslut. En jämförande studie av trängselskattens demokratiska aspekter i Göteborg.
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
Ledarskapsutbildning ? till nytta eller nöje för Kommunstyrelsens ordförande? : En uppsats om betydelsen av ledarskapsutbildning
Many IT projects that have been developed in recent years are often considered to be unsuccessful. According to a study by Exido up to the 72% of all IT projects are considered to be failed. A failed IT projects means that the organizations that have ordered the new system may have higher costs or/and the system will not be ready in time. If costs are too high the new system might not be installed in the organization or if the system is not completed within the specified time frame the organization can become stagnant.In this paper we conduct an investigation of the failure of IT projects there we will examine where, in the systems development lifecycle four different phases, projects fail. We will conduct an empirical study of each phase, where we describe the key steps in the process; we will also investigate failed IT projects that are linked to the current phase.