

784 Uppsatser om Profit-sharing schemes - Sida 7 av 53

Vårlamm eller dikoproduktion i Dalarna : fallstudie

This study investigates a farm in Dalarna which includes 16 ha of farmland and 1, 7 ha of pasture. The purpose is to find out if it is possible to start an animal production in Dalarna. The study is set only to compare spring lamb production with nurse cow production. There are two buildings on the farm that can be used for this purpose. One is an old cowshed, and the other is an unused silo for silage with a roof on top. Both of the buildings are compared to every alternative in the calculations.

Att handla till underpris genererar vinst, men fo?r vem? : En studie av underprissatta bo?rsintroduktioner och a?garstruktur pa? Aktietorget

Risk-free profit sounds appealing. The opportunity to arbitrage exists. Investments in underpriced IPO:s can generate profit, but for whom?Previous studies have shown that underpricing is a common phenomenon. This study intends to investigate whether underpricing and the arbitrage opportunity exists on Aktietorget which is a smaller venue.

Idrottslig prestation och ekonomisk ställning : En sambandsstudie i fotbollsklubbar

Purpose: Examine if there is a connection between the athletic performance and the financial status in football clubs.Theoretical perspectives: This thesis is based on the theory that the modern football club is like every other company trying to maximize profit. The clubs should therefore use the same business strategies.Empirical foundation: The study is based on 25 observations over five years and five Allsvenska football clubs. The data is a compilation of the key ratios from the annual reports and the league table, years 2004 through 2008 in the clubs. Year 2009?s league table place is also included since tests have been done with one year?s displacement between the financial status and the league table.Conclusion:There is no correlation between solidity and the place in the league table in Allsvenska football clubs.There is no correlation between net profit and the place in the league table in Allsvenska football clubs.There is no correlation between equity and the place in the league table in Allsvenska football clubs..

Effekterna av att signalera hög annonskostnad för ett välgörenhetsföretag - ett undantag från tidigare forskning om signalteori

In today's fast-paced, intense and complex media environment, it is hard for non-profit charity organizations to reach out and get their messages heard.In this study we examine whether the theories of advertising signaling also applies for charities. Past studies of the signaling theories indicates that higher perceived advertising expense leads to more positive effects on purchase behavior and brand perceptions. However, we believe that this does not apply for a charity organization. We argue that since charitable organizations have a fundamentally different mission than commercial companies, they will need different ways to signal quality and credibility, and therefore the common signal-theories will not hold for these organizations.To test our hypotheses, we conducted two surveys where the respondents saw one of five versions of the same ad for a well-known Swedish charity organization, or one of two ads for a commercial corporation. The ads had been manipulated to simulate different levels of perceived cost.Our results shows that perceived ad cost only affects attitude towards the ad if a charity was the sender, whereas perceived ad cost affects intentions, attitudes and credibility if a commercial corporation was the sender.

Strategisk kommunikation i ideella organisationer ? en fallstudie av Rädda Barnens modell med frivilligarbetande kommunikatörer

This thesis explores strategic communication management within the non-profit sector. Communication models need to be adapted to the specific sector as different sectors require different approaches of strategic communication management. In the spring of 2013, the non-profit organization Save the Children Sweden initiated a communication model based on volunteer communicators. The following study explores how non-profit organizations can manage communications with a focus on volunteers as a communication resource. The applied research questions concern how volunteers may be integrated into communication activities, the opportunities and challenges connected to involving volunteer communicators and how this may affect the role of the organization's employed communicators.

Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten

The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer.

Den ständiga förändringen : En komparativ studie i vinstdrivande fo?retag och ideella organisationers varuma?rkesarbete pa? sociala medier

AbstractTitle: The constant change - A comparative study of profit companies and nonprofit organizations' brand management through social mediaAuthor: Agnes Nobel & Matilda VallgrenTutor: Daniel LövgrenPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study profit companies and nonprofit organizations? branding and strategic communication on social media. If social media has supported with new interaction with stakeholders and hence affected the branding work. Also if there are any differences between profit companies and nonprofit organizations.Method/Material: The method that is used in the article is a qualitative research. The research is based on conversations interviews conducted with eight organizations, four profit companies and four nonprofit organizations.Main results: The main result showed that all organizations are actively involved with social media in their strategic communication when in order to increase the interaction with stakeholders and thus strengthen their brand identity. It turned out that all organizations have not adapted the brand to social media, but worked with the organizations values ??and only applied the trademark on social media.

Supply & value chain analysis of onions in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a developing country situated on Africa?s horn. Ethiopia ranks 173rd on United Nations human development index where the least developed country ranks 186. About 85% of all Ethiopians are employed in agriculture. Onion is one of the basic ingredients in the Ethiopian cuisine and thus an important crop.

Ideologi och Kommersialisering : ?En studie om hjälporganisationers användande av sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal

The purpose of this report is to analyze and evaluate non-profit organizations way of working with social media within the organization, from a marketing perspective. We have made observations of three organizations and completed a series of interviews with representatives within the organizations.In the report we came up with five factors that are necessary for non-profit organizations in order to receive long term donations with the use of social media; Trust, awareness, involvement, interaction and Word of mouth marketing.Our result shows that the organizations have realized the potential and benefits of using social media, but have not come very far in the process of using it properly. Our conclusion is that social media can give assumptions for long term donations, if the organizations use a customer perspective and give their customers added value..

Neutralitet med förhinder : En undersökning i hur bilden av Sveriges neutralitetspolitik under andra världskriget har förändrats i läroböcker i historia

Sweden?s role during the Second World War has been a matter that has been under much debate since the war?s end in 1945. The debate has however ebbed and flowed and established a discourse that Sweden was forced to give in to German demands and did so to avoid conflict that would have severely damaged Sweden. However, in 1991 a Swedish journalist Maria-Pia Boëthius published a book known as Heder och Samvete in which she explained that the Swedish concessions to Germany during the war were made out of profit rather than giving in to German demands. This sparked a debate that ended with the establishment that Sweden compromised and even broke its neutrality in favor to gain profit from the war.

Varför ger våra givare?: en fallstudie om ideella
hjälporganisationers kartläggning av givare och deras motiv

The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate how non-profit organizations map the market of potential donors and how they apply their knowledge about the motives of the potential donors. The case-study of Church of Sweden Aid shows how a Swedish non-profit organization applies this in the daily work. In its strategic marketing the organization actively use marketing surveys in different forms. By employing an analyst Church of Sweden Aid has a possibility to make another step forward in order to understand its donor market and to adjust its strategic marketing plan to it. Church of Sweden Aid says that they don?t work with the donor?s motives.

Hur kan gränssnittet mellan sjukhusvård och eftervård för

The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to obtain understanding and knowledge about how literary scholars collaborate regarding information. Seven scholars have been studied in the aim to find out social and cultural elements which create particular prerequisites for their practice, with focus on information sharing. The method used has consisted of semi-structured interviews. The informants have been studied from a socio cultural and domain analysis starting point, which means that they are studied in the light of being members in their practice.

Visbys färger : exteriör färgsättning av bostadshus i Visby innerstad 1860?1930

The main aim of this research is to survey the general colour scheme for private dwellings inVisby, built 1860?1930. During this period the visual appearance of the town of Visby changedsubstantially, since the increased local production of lime led to the plastering of many woodenbuildings. Which colour schemes were chosen for the different building types of the historic centreof Visby, and which colours came to dominate the time period? The methods used for answeringthese questions have partly been field studies on site and sampling of selected buildings, andpartly critical reading and observation of iconographic material (paintings, drawings, aquarelles,postcards and photographs).

Finns det någon här som kan ha en teori om vad det hela kan bero på? : En netnografisk undersökning av diskussionsforumet på träningssajten Funbeat

The purpose of this study is to explore the Swedish site Funbeat which is a space dedicated to people who share an interest in exercising in general, and running in particular. By applying a netnographic analysis, I will investigate if Funbeat matches the criteria of a participatory culture and how the members manage to establish a collective intelligence within the community. In order to achieve this, I will analyze the interactivity between the participants which occurs in discussion threads concerning injuries related to running, in the sites discussion forum. The results will then be discussed in relation to previous research within the field for participatory culture, collective intelligence and interactivity.The outcome of the study revealed that Funbeat can be regarded as very good example of a participatory culture. By each member sharing their individual knowledge in matters regarding injuries, a collective intelligence was established.

"Knowledge Sharing" som stöd för utveckling av organisatoriskt lärande : En utforskning av möjlighet till förbättrad kommunikation globala ledare emellan inom Sony Ericsson

Globalisering är ett ord på allas läppar och i globaliseringens spår följer ett behov av globala ledare. En global ledare är en person som behärskar förmågan att hantera personal av olika nationaliteter, kulturer och team som befinner sig i olika världsdelar.Sony Ericsson, ett "joint venture" företag i mobiltelefonbranschen, tog kontakt med pedagogiska institutionen på Lunds Universitet för att få utomståendes syn på globalt ledarskap. Inom detta område har vi valt att fokusera på "knowledge sharing" av ledarskapsrelaterade frågor och hur detta kan leda till organisatoriskt lärande.Vår undersökning har utförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer av ledare på olika nivåer som alla har konfronterats med utmaningen att leda team i en global organisation.Alla har svårt för att finna den gemensamma värderingen för vad som krävs av globala ledare inom Sony Ericsson. De saknar ett verktyg för "knowledge sharing" av ledarskapsrelaterade frågor. Även HR avdelningen vill ha gemensamma värderingar när det gäller vad som krävs av globala ledare.

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