

784 Uppsatser om Profit-sharing schemes - Sida 24 av 53

Bibliotek i kristider: Perioden 1930-1945

In 1930 a new library reform came into force, which in reality was the beginning of the modern Swedish library. The purpose of this reform was to take measures to promote efficiency, for example to increase library co-operation. The Government grants were at the same time raised considerably. However, as early as in 1930, but especially the following year, the depression hit Sweden. The Government reduced the grants until the first half of 1936.

Insamlingsorganisationer - vad förklarar omfattningen av redovisningsprinciper?

The natural disasters of recent time have caused the people of Sweden to donate very large amounts of money to different fundraising organizations. With this in mind, we found it interesting to examine the extent of disclosure in the annual reports of the Swedish fundraising organizations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify which factors that influences the extent of disclosure of accounting principles in the annual reports of Swedish fundraising organizations. To fulfill this purpose we conducted a content analysis of 149 annual reports from Swedish fundraising organizations. To help us explain the levels of disclosure we applied stakeholder theory, institutional theory and legitimacy theory.

Japansk Biståndspolitik - Implementering av Japans ODA-deklaration genom positiva och negativa sanktioner vid internationellt bistånd.

The aim of this study has been to, through a couple of chosen theories, examine in what way and for what purposes Japan has used its international aid system, How can the nation have been said to have implemented and acted in lines with the philosophies and principles set forth in the ODA declaration. What approaches, concerning positive and negative aid sanctions in the matters of aid to Cambodia and Burma, have been chosen and what have the motives for these choices been. What have been the determining factors of the outcome related to these sanctions - economic, political and/or matters of identity? I have found that a concern for possible decrease in economic profit and investment related areas, combined with a feared loss of political prestige and worsened diplomatic relations to the neighbouring countries in the Asian society, have come to overtrump the notion of advocating democracy, human rights, environmental and anti-militaristic issues..

Den allsmäktige kunden : En kvalitativ studie om word-of-mouth, viral marknadsföring och viljan att dela med sig.

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the connection between word-of-mouth and viral marketing, to identify properties of and strategic ways to implement viral marketing and to examine how a company can influence the customers? perception of the brand in social media.This purpose served to answer our research question: How can companies deliberately create viral marketing?To answer this question we based our study on a qualitative method where we conducted eight interviews with different people, all with experience in our research field. We focused on our respondents? own opinions and were more interested in their personal experiences rather than the market in general.In our last chapter our analysis clearly demonstrates that companies can deliberately create viral marketing. This is possible if companies create material that appeal to and that triggers the costumer to share.

Krav på redovisning och prestation: En studie om hur en insamlingsorganisation hanterar externa krav

Much attention has been directed to Charity Foundations and how they use the donations given to them. Donators and external organisations put pressure on and evaluate the performance of Charity Foundations. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how Charity Foundations handle the pressure from external parties through a qualitative case study of one Swedish Charity Foundation. The most important external factors have been identified and the accountability relationships between each party and the Charity Foundation have been examined. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews and from written sources.

Konsekvenser av energimodellerad arkitektur

The interest in building low energy houses has increased along with the rising engagement inthe climate questions. With the advancing energy prices it is highly suitably for those whobuild and administer their buildings in long-term to build energy-saving houses. 40 % ofSweden?s total energy consumption constitutes of the energy in residences, therefore it iscrucial to take advantage of all the free energy as we possibly can. With crucial questions likequality of living and profit low energy building is a subject that concerns us all.Three proposals for apartment blocks are presented in this work on a real estate in Stockholm.Each proposal is developed through unique processes of design with the purpose to displaypossibilities to deal with the energy requirements of today and tomorrow through energybased architecture.The first proposal is an apartment block based on a traditional design process, the demands ofthe property owner and it?s affected by opinions from architects.

Vart bör Kiribati, Tuvalu och Marshallöarnas befolkningar ta vägen? : En normativ analys inom ämnet för klimatförändringarnas utmaningar

The effects of anthropogenic climate change are becoming more and more visible as being highlighted by scientists, politicians and media. The causes of droughts, floods, melting ice caps and rising sea levels can all partially be traced back to human activities. In this study, I examine where the future climate refugees of Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands should go when inhabitants of these low lying island nations are forced to leave their disappearing territories due to sea level rise. By using a normative method of analysis i egentlig mening, arguments deriving from certain values will be presented to confront the problem. These values originate from Edward A.

En ny musikarena utan solister

The music industry has been subject to great changes during the last ten years. The most significant factor contributing to this change is the increasing usage of broadband and thereby the increasing frequency of downloading music illegally. Music piracy and file sharing have caused record sales to plummet. Consumers have now moved on to consuming music in a digital format, not only through downloading but also from streaming music online, an activity partly made possible by social media channels such as YouTube. As the consumption patterns have changed companies within the music industry have been forced to find other sources of income than record sales and they have also needed to find alternate ways to market their artists.

Alternate Reality Games : Framtidens Marknadsföringsform

An alternate reality game, often abbreviated as ARG, is a mix between a game and a crossmedia interactive story using mainly the Internet as a platform. The game is built around the idea of teamwork among its participants. The players cooperate to solve puzzles allowing them to go forward in the story of the game. The marketing element is in different ways included in the story.A few Alternate Reality Games such as The Beast, The Art of the H3ist and The Lost Ring have previously been launched as marketing campaigns. This bachelor thesis aims to examine the possibilities of Alternate Reality Games as an alternative marketing tool for profit-driven companies.

Resursrelaterad informationshantering i uthyrningsverksamheter : En studie av verksamhetsstödjande IT-system och identifikationsteknologier

The management of assets in organisations today can be a challenging task and optimising their usage is critical to ensure maximum profit. For rental businesses offering tangible products efficient management of movable assets are an essential part of the business strategy. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how asset management and asset information management can be carried out in rental businesses and in what ways information technology can support it. By doing a literature review combined with a case study where three rental businesses and their use of information technology were examined we could identify several important aspects regarding asset information management. The results we have found is that rental businesses with a high degree of digitization in existing asset information management systems are able to rationalize existing work processes, which in some ways changes the roles of employees.

Inställning av automatikermed spänningsreglerande verkani det sydsvenska 400-130 kV nätet

The voltage level in the power grid varies due to variations in load and production. Normally these variations are manageable, but they may be excessively large during a disturbance. If the voltage is too high it may damage the equipment in the grid and too low voltages may cause problems like voltage instability. The magnitude of the voltage variation depends on the short circuit power capacity of the point of interest.This problem may become lore prominent due to automatic voltage regulation that acts on shunt reactors and shunt capacitors. When the shunt reactor is connected or disconnected to the grid it may cause such large changes in the voltage that the shunt reactor starts hunting.

LEAN produktuveckling : Ett arbete om kunskapsbaserad produktutveckling med fokus på tvärfunktionellt samarbete & lärande

Lean Product Development is a knowledge-based business concept in order to maintain high quality, meetcustomer requirements and to make product development more efficient. An important part of the processis to add a lot of resources at an early stage and execute the development as an iterative process betweendepartments exploring many alternatives thoroughly. The work focuses on how Lean ProductDevelopment is carried out and explores how to manage interaction between different departments andexpertise with regard to cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing i.e. learning.The information for the studies was gathered at a major Swedish company from two projects. The projectswere carried out as cross-functional and possible key factors for cross-functional collaboration wasidentified.The results have been correlated with theories of Lean, Product development, Lean product developmentand Learning.

"Det är så lätt, det är bara att gå in och trycka på ett par knappar." En rättssociologisk utvärderingsstudie av lagen om upphovsrätt (Lag 2005:359) och de viktigaste orsaksmekanismerna bakom fildelning

The purpose of this study was to find out why the law that regulates downloading copyrighted material does not work and which of the most important main reasons lies behind downloading behaviour. The phenomenon being well investigated earlier has actualized a new demand for normative investigation in connection with the hot debated IPRED-law.Using qualitative method comprising of interviews with three typical file sharers and anchored in Max Webers action typology, rational choice theory and the norm model followed by two assessment models, we found that four important reasons lies behind downloading behaviour: 1) economical reasons was the most central and frequent determinant followed by 2) accessibility and comfort, and 3) social acceptance and moral and also 4) habits. Although the content of the law was correctly provided by the interviewees, it was clear that they did not perceive the impact of the law as meaningful or threatening.The results, being compatible with previous research, are discussed in terms of the named theories and assessment models. We suggest further research to take into account peoples norms as the new IPRED-law soon will be functional as well as studies from a perspective of the legal rights of the individual..

Sharing is caring? : Fildelning, en kamp mot kulturindustin

Internet har som ny informationsteknik fört med sig nya möjligheter för informationsspridning. Dessa möjligheter har anammats av människor världen över och information sprids i högre omfattning än någonsin. Uppsatsen tar upp en typ av informationsspridning, fildelning. Målet har varit att undersöka frågor som varför och på vilka grunder organisationerna Piratbyrån, Piratpartiet, Antipiratbyrån och IFPI agerar efter. Diskursteori är det verktyg som användes för att analysera materialet till uppsatsen som är insamlat på ovanstående organisationers hemsidor.

Skogsbruksplanen och dess inverkan på den skogliga aktiviteten hos enskilda skogsägare i norra Sverige

Detta examensarbete är utfört på uppdrag av skogsägarföreningen Norra Skogsägarna (Norra) för att undersöka om innehavet av en uppdaterad skogsbruksplan har något samband med hur stor andel av den produktiva skogsarealen där avverkning och skogsvård årligen sker hos enskilda skogsägare i norra Sverige. Analyserna baserades på enkätsvar, data från skogbruksplaner, uppgifter om utförda avverkningar enligt Norra skogsägarnas verksamhetssystem NOVA, samt offentlig statistik från Skogsstyrelsen och data från Riksskogstaxeringen. Examensarbetet söker besvara sju frågeställningar, tre handlar om den skogliga aktiviteten på privata enskilda fastigheter. och fyra syftar till att analysera Norras skogsbruksplaner med avseende på hur väl de följs och hur virkesförrådet förväntas utvecklas. Data analyserades med hjälp av olika t-test där insamlade data jämfördes med data från Skogsstyrelsens offentliga statistik och data från riksskogstaxeringen. Resultaten visar att skogsägare som investerat i en skogsbruksplan (SBP) utför avverkning/skogsvårdsåtgärder på större andel av sin produktiva areal än de som saknar plan. Den åtgärdade andelen ökar från perioden före till perioden efter att skogsbruksplanen tas emot.

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