

784 Uppsatser om Profit-sharing schemes - Sida 22 av 53

"Vi bara frågar dem... Är det fritids nu? ... och då sa de ja!" : En studie om barns perspektiv på gränsen mellan förskoleklass och fritidshem

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the views of the elderly and the caregivers that appear in brochures for the elderly and the discourses that can be found within. The data that the study is based on was collected and analysed using content analysis and Faircloughs (1992) critical discourse analysis. The theoretical frameworks that have been used are social constructionism, critical discourse analysis, assortment and protest, and New Public Management. The results showed two images of older people (I) the elderly as active and autonomous and (II) the elderly as passive and in need of help. The results also showed two pictures of the caregiver (III) the caregiver and NPM, and (IV), the non-profit care provider as a complement.

Internprissättningsproblematiken i ljuset av förslaget om hemlandsbeskattning för europeiska koncerner

Throughout this thesis three main factors have been identified that can be out of significance for transfer pricing in multinational companies if the proposal for Home State Taxation is adopted. These factors are rules for calculation of the tax base, rules for dividing costs over periods and the tax rate. The formula for sharing profits will also become a factor that can have an impact on the European companies'incentives for transfer pricing interacting with above-mentioned factors. The effects of transfer pricing aiming at reducing the total amount of the taxation burden for a group of companies will be strongly reduced in the future if the proposal is adopted. Incentives for transfer pricing will loose importance, though not disappear altogether.

Traditionell ekologisk kunskap i en framtid med lokala, självförsörjande och urbana samhällen

Several scenarios point toward a future where we are far more people on Earth than today, where most of those people will live in cities and where oil no longer dominates in the transport systems and in agriculture as an energy source and where less energy will be available to us. The report investigates what areas in traditional ecological knowledge that can contribute to the transition that follows a future with less energy and establishes three areas with the potential of becoming important: areaspecific biological knowledge in societies that are more dependent upon its surrounding environment and its natural prerequisitesthe local management of these biological resources, which often means a fair sharing and sustainable handling of the resources and which has been observed in Nobel price awarded Elinor Ostrom?s researchthe world views that lie behind how the environment is considered and managed, world views that can inspire and point toward how we in the future should formulate world views that do not give the destructive modern management of the environment It is also noted that the magnitude of the city living in the future is a historical news and that very little research has been done in how traditional knowledge can be transferred into this kind of living..

Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn

This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..

En fallstudie om kompetensförsörjning : Hur ser kompetensförsörjningen ut på fallföretaget och på vilket sätt skulle ett webbaserat verktyg avsett för detta gagna företaget?

This essay contains material of how the competence maintenance works on a chosen company and how a web based tool developed for its use can help companies with competence insur-ance. As competence maintenance is a major factor to have a long term profit it´s necessary to be aware of the company?s future needs in the competence sector. This essay describes the company?s competence maintenance occupation needs taken from internal documents; it also identifies the need for competence maintenance and presents multiple areas of possible im-provements.

Projektet Från tanke till handling - Läsfrämjande i utveckling

The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities for children?s librarians to extend their competence in the area of reading promotion. The study is carried out within an ongoing reading promotion project directed towards small children from 0-7 years. The study aims to answer the following questions: How do children?s librarians develop new skills in a reading promotion project? How do children?s librarians view a broadening of the concept of reading and how does their approach affect which skills that are acknowledged?The study is mainly based on qualitative interviews with five children´s librarians who all participate in the project.

Säkrare byggarbetsplatser : En rapport om arbetsmiljö i allmänhet och fallolyckor i synnerhet

In Sweden there are 299 000 working in the construction industry. The construction industry is one of the industries where most accidents occur every year. During the last ten years there have been 111 death accidents in the construction industry and 48 of them were falling accidents. That means, in average, one death accident every month.Falling accidents gives serious injuries to the persons who are affected by them. It is anticipated that this report will investigate the factors beyond the falling accidents and also to present proposals that can decrease the number of falling accidents in the future.To secure a healthy and safe construction site it is of great importance that both the employers and the employees cooperate towards the same goal.

Sociala fotografer : En studie av bilddelning på sociala medier

Dagens teknik erbjuder en mängd olika sätt för människor att kommunicera och interagera med varandra. Denna uppsats är en studie i bilddelning på sociala medier med fokus på amatörfotografers användande av tekniken i syfte för att nå ut med sina fotografier. Huvudfokus lades på vad för strategier de använde sig av, men även på användarnas olika målsättningar. Med hjälp av tidigare forskningsarbeten och djupgående intervjuer har vi lyckats återkoppla den egna empirin med våra teoretiska utgångspunkter och dragit slutsatsen att användandet av sociala medier i syftet för att nå ut med sina bilder till andra människor varierar väldigt stort från person till person. Hur tekniken används för detta syfte är därmed unikt för den individuelle användaren, dock har vi lyckats identifiera vissa likheter i användandet av sociala medier i dessa syften. .

Identitetsskapande bilder : En studie om bilddelning och identitet på Facebook

På Facebook är man författare till sin egen digitala självbiografi. Sociala medier och socialanätverk har gjort det möjligt för användare att kunna forma den bild av sig själv man vill visaomvärlden. Vi har gjort en studie om vilka strategier man använder sig av för att dela bilderoch vad dessa bilder säger om användarens identitet. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning samtvår egen studie bestående av intervjuer och enkäter har vi kommit fram till att man ofta delarbilder för att ta kontakt och känna gemenskap med andra människor/användare. Användarnavi undersökte vill visa den bästa bilden av sig själva samtidigt som användarna vill visa en såverklighetstrogen bild som möjligt.

Sociala medier som strategisk kommunikationsresurs för varumärkesbyggande inom hotell- och turismbranschen

The social media arena is rapidly growing and more and moreorganisations take part in the daily ongoing conversations indifferent social media channels. Conversations are being heldacross borders on every available topic and ratings and reviews ofconsumer products and services is one of them. This focus onglobalisation is also the reality of the hospitality- and tourismindustry. Their customers travel across borders and are eager,given the opportunity, to share their experiences with each other.As organisations within the hospitality- and tourism industry meetthese demands in terms of providing technological infrastructurefor information sharing and involve themselves in theseconversations there are some issues that need to be addressed.What does the logic of social media look like? How iscommunicating in social media any different from traditionalmarket communication? And how can hospitality- and tourismorganisations adapt their communication to fit into the logic ofsocial media?To conclude how organisations within the hospitality- and tourismindustry can benefit from the use of social media, I haveinterviewed representatives from a number of organisations andstudied their communication.

Närståendes upplevelser av stöd i den sena palliativa fasen

Family members need a great deal of support during palliative care. It is vital for the family that nursing contacts are accessible all day and night. The nurse can support the family members by sharing a professional knowledge and adapt the information to the recipient, by being present and also encourage them by not only focus on death. The support should be adapted to each individual and also have the possibility to be adjusted in each case. The aim of the study was to illustrate family members experiences of support in a late stage of palliative care.

Hur invandrarungdomar tillgodogör sig svensk musikundervisning utifrån musiklärares perspektiv

Music has a role to play in every country and every culture. Sweden today is a country whith many different cultures, religions and music genres. The purpose of this investigation is to study how immigrants youths profit from music education on the basis of music teachers' perspectives. Questions at issue are: are there immigrant children/ youths who can not take part in music education? Have the students' religions any importance? Do the parents question the offered education? Is there more opposition to some specific kind of music? Are teachers avoiding to present some music? Can music education help the immigrant youths to form their identities? I have used questionnaires and I have made five interviews.

Service-Profit Chain : En Human Resource-modell för tre hotell i Örebro

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

Möjligheter till uppfödning och utsättning av fasaner och gräsänder på Björnslunds gård :

This study treats the possibility of breeding mallards and pheasants on our own farm, Björnslund. From the beginning I considered to breed them from eggs to adults but after visiting several breeders I changed my mind. It seemed to be a lot of work with no economic profit in comparison with buying already hatched birds and then feed them to adults. If the business shall be profitable I have to be soll the hunting for the birds and then sell the dead birds to game purchasers. There are also calculations that show which price you have to charge for the hunting that will give a positive result. Another possibility is to own a slaughterhouse and sell the meat to restaurants and supermarkets.

Upplevelsen av att delta i stödgrupp : Barn och ungdomar med en psykiskt sjuk förälder

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study the experience of participation in support groups for children of mentally ill parents. The research questions dealt with how the children and the adolescents talked about the knowledge, that they believed having assimilated in the support groups. The knowledge concerned mental illness and the possible impact on children when having mentally ill parents. The research questions also dealt with how the children and the adolescents talked about the meaning of being in a group. Qualitative semi structured interviews were used in order to capture the respondents? subjective experiences.

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