

784 Uppsatser om Profit-sharing schemes - Sida 12 av 53

Metadata i publikationsdatabaser Hur används DSpace?

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study how libraries handle metadata in institutional repositories. The methodology of the study is semi-structured interviews with librarians from all Swedish libraries that currently use the institutional repository system DSpace. Metadata schemes from the different libraries have also been studied. As analytical tools the study uses the user tasks presented in Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records, as well as a study of metadata quality made by Jung-Ran Park. The study shows a rather big difference between the ways the libraries use institutional repositories.

Kapitalreglering - Finansmarknadernas räddning, eller bara ett spel för galleriet?

Background: The regulation of banks is increasing in order to stabilize the financial market. Despite this increase in regulation, financial crises still continue to occur. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is gradually increasing the capital requirements for banks, yet the increase in capital requirements doesn?t seem to solve the problem. This raises the question: how does capital regulation affect banks? Purpose: The purpose of this study is, primarily to illustrate the effects that capital regulation has on risk and efficiency on banks within the European Union, but secondary also study the relationship between risk, efficiency and capital regulation.Method: To achieve the purpose of this study, a deductive approach has been used, where the problem is assumed to be due to an agency problem.

Svenska sociala medietjänster : En studie om svenska sociala medietjänsters uppkomst och hur de gynnas av det svenska klimatet

AbstractTitle: Swedish social media services (A study about Swedish social media services birth andhow they benefit from the Swedish climate)Number of pages: 38Author: Robin SchwabeggerTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Fall 2009University: Division of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To see if the Swedish advantage or interest in developing new social mediaservices and networks has anything to do with our society. With society I mean our culture,attitudes and history. Do people, especially young people, have a more positive attitudetowards the Internet and has the fact that we, as a country, were among the first to use theInternet anything to do with it.Material/Method: Data collected from books, newspapers and articles from several sites onthe internet. I?ll use the information I?ve gathered to try to find an answer to my givenproblems for the paper.

Lantbruk i framtiden : ett praktikfall

The economic prerequisite to many farmers in Sweden after the EU membership and the new agriculture policy has generated large demands on the farm management. Until year 2004 you got a grant based on what you had produced and not on consumer demand. In 2005 a new economic aid (Mid Term Revue) was introduced and the conditions has changed again. Due to this I have chosen to do a cost-benefit analysis on a case, to investigate if the present production is sustainable in the future. My conclusion is that the profitability is acceptable even if the farm has a high debt. But to make the production more profitable the products produced should be refined as much as possible at the farm, to get maximum economic return.

Quality of Service i IP-nätverk

The original promise behind the Internet Protocol was to deliver data from a sender to the receiver using a best-effort approach. This means that the protocol makes no guarantees except that it will try to deliver the data to the destination. If some problem occurs the packet may be discarded by the network without any notice. No guarantees are made regarding the time it takes to deliver the data, the rate at which data will be delivered or if data is delivered in the same order it was sent. The best-effort approach is arguably the reason behind the success of the Internet Protocol and is what makes IP scalable to networks the size of the Internet.

Undersökning av modulationsscheman för existerande bredbandsteknologier

In this thesis some different modulation schemes for xDSL-techniques are compared. The investigated techniques are ADSL, G.lite, ADSL2, HDSL, SHDSL and VDSL. The modulation methods used are DMT, CAP and different versions of PAM. Several broadband techniques also use Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) to increase the coding gain of the transmission. For each one of the different modulation methods the signal-to-noise ratio is calculated for generating a bit error rate probability of 10-7.

Sveriges hantering i praktik av EU:s regelverk om samordningen av medlemsländernas sociala trygghetssystem : En fallstudie av svenska offentliga instansers implementering och uppföljning

This essay analyses how Swedish authorities implement the EU regulations on the application of social security schemes and, more specifically, when it comes to health care and sickness benefits. The research is based on a survey and several interviews and aims to answer how the lower echelons of the hierarchy work towards the implementation, what are their working conditions and how the authorities evaluate and optimize the implementation process.The general conclusion of the study is that there are several flaws in the implementation process. The results have shown that there is a lack of resources as well as of tutoring and education amongst the actors. The complexity of the regulations does also seem to have influenced the process. Finally the results have shown that the public instances do not proceed to a systematic evaluation of the implementation process which has led to a bad communication between the different actors as well as to difficulties in improving the flaws in the implementation process..

Finns det grund för att lämna ideella föreningar utanför momsträsket? : Är undantaget i 4:8 mervärdesskattelagen konformt med mervärdesskattedirektivet?

Sports associations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, and since the 1st of July 1987 they have been exempted from the duty to pay VAT. By introducing an sufficiently closely related. When the conflict of law exists, the directive will be accorded priority, which leads to the Swedish Sports Federation must examine and considerexemption for sports associations the income tax field and VAT field correlate and the legislative change resulted in more favorable pre-close solutions for all of Sweden's non- profit organizations.  In June 2008 the European Commission launched a process concerning Swedish infringement against EU-law, and with it the Swedish civil society, where all Swedish sports associations are included, is threatened. The European Commission wants to, among other things, force sports associations into the VAT system for the purpose of the VAT Directive to be achieved.

Intäktsfördelning och ansvarsenhet : En studie av hotellrestauranger

Writers: Johan Lundqvist Eriksson and Elin SandbergSupervisor: Stig AnderssonEnglish title: Allocation of revenue in the hospitality industryKeywords: Revenue allocation, cost allocation, profit center, Du Pont model, taxes and manipulation of data.Date: January 2012Since the taxes for food and lodging has been different in Sweden for many years, the hospitality industry has come up with a way to save money on tax paying. When private customers stay for a weekend where the meals are included, the business is placing more than the relevant revenue on the lodging part, which has the lower tax. Because of this the results has improved and tax money has been saved. Now when the Swedish government has decided to lower the tax on food to the same level as the lodging, the chances for correct revenue allocation arises. When we approached the hospitality industry with our problem area a big interest was showed from the head chefs. They now see a chance to get more income on the meals and through this be able to show better results towards the owners.Two hotel managers at two different hotels and their head chefs were chosen for interviews.

Mina saker; Mitt rum. Patientrum för långtidssjuka barn och ungdomar

The aim of this project was to create an interior design for a children?s hospital patient room with the concept to adapt the room for the wide target group from 0-18 years of age. The analysis in the project is based on the hospital ward 322 at Drottning Silvias Children?s and Youth Hospital in Gothenburg. It?s an oncology ward where the children are very sensitive for infections and therefore need to be isolated in their rooms for 3-4 weeks.The main goal for the project was to create a room that works as a template and gives the people who lives in it the opportunity to create thier own room based on the personal things they bring into it, and how they decide to furnish and use the room.The result of the project is a template room with fixed furniture that can be transformed due to screens in the room.

NGO?s role in a public-private partnership : assessment of environmental educational efforts on short term

Business is changing and so are society?s expectations. Companies are expected to take responsibility for their trade and the context they are operating in, by looking at socially, economically and environmentally aspects. Many companies handle it by implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) to their line of action. This is often handled by collaborating with other organisations, such as non-governmental organisations.

Distribuerad Barnradioterapi Mats Johansson

This thesis work aims to describe the prerequisites for a distributed treatment platform for real-time sharing of rounds performed by paediatric oncologists. The work started during the autumn 2004 and is directly aimed at improving the situation for the thirty or so specialist treating children with cancer. The work is not limited to the description of such a platform but also to select suitable software and hardware for the implementation of the platform and further more to coordinate the implementation. The production of several documents describing the platform is also part of this work. The work successfully led to the implementation of such a platform as described in the published article Barnradioterapi på distans Kristenssen et.

Ska åkerier leasa eller köpa? : Optimal kapitalstruktur för företag med stora investeringar

This study deals with the road freight sector's capital structure and how leases, loans and equity affect the ratios. The study is based on a ten-year period between 2000-2010 in Sweden. Investments in finance is a complex and interesting subject to study, there are many factors that can affect how the company best choose their investments when they have many great business investment the decisions plays a greater role. The aim is to find an optimal capital structure from a financial investment point of view. The purpose will be answered by the following research question: Are there significant differences between leases, loans and equity financed fleet of factors, profitability, tax, turnover, age, and cyclicality. The study will also examine how debt is related to profit margin, DuPont and the tax, all through a regression analysis. Then were plausible economic theories for the study.

Musikklassifikation ? En jämförande studie av de tre generella klassifikationssystemen DDC, SAB och UDC

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to determine which of the three general classification schemes, DDC, SAB, and UDC is the most appropriate for classifying music documents. This is done by analysing and classifying 60 music documents such as recordings, scores and books about music. The codes resulting from the classification are analysed according to a number of evaluation criteria based on classification theory. The criteria focus on the systems specificity, exhaustivity, exclusivity, helpful sequence, hospitality, notation and that related classes are kept together. The study showed that the systems specificity in classification was of great importance in classifying music documents because of the diversity of music genres.

Fallstudie av Pumas Environmental Profit and Loss Account

Introduktion:Att hållbarhetsredovisa efter GRI:s riktlinjer är idag en standard bland multinationella företag världen över. Vi anser dock att det är mer givande för intressenter att placera företaget i ett större sammanhang och för att se hur mycket företagets miljöpåverkan kostar samhället årligen. Sportsko- och klädesföretaget Puma har i en resultaträkning monetärt uppskattat hur mycket miljöpåverkan från deras leverantörer och egna aktiviteter kostar samhället varje år. Den kallas för Environmental Profit & Loss Account och fungerar som ett transparens-, strategi- och riskhanteringsverktyg.Syfte:Den här uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur EP&L kan användas i framtiden.Problemformulering:1. Hur används EP&L som strategi- risk- och transparensverktyg?2.

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