

1564 Uppsatser om Professional orientation - Sida 50 av 105

Katastrofberedskap : En samverkans- och kommunikationsfråga för kulturarvet

The aim of this masters thesis, based on discourse analysis and organization theory, is to study how individuals in different Swedish cultural organizations- and agencys are working with disaster preparedness.The purpose of this is to examine whether organizational structures affect different persons work, cooperation and practical application concerning disaster preparedness in collaboration with both external and internal organizations.The research shows that disaster preparedness are affected by priority issues as well as financial resources causing consequences for future work concerning this kind of issues.Another problem which is also examined and discussed in this thesis are the problematic approach to personal initiative which today is the leading operation for the organizations to deal with disaster preparedness instead of creating professional titles for the persons handles these complex issues..

Brinn för friluftsliv! : En kvalitativ studie om friluftsundervisning.

AimThe aim of this interview study was to examine how PE teachers related to factors (ramfaktorer) affecting the implementation of outdoor recreation in school.MethodWe conducted a qualitative interview study with six PE teachers in the Stockholm area. These were selected after all the PE teachers in Stockholm were contacted via e-mail. In the e-mail they declared the number of outdoordays (friluftsdagar) conducted at their school, for grades four, five and six. The selection was carried out in that we chose the PE teachers who declared the most and least number of outdoor days. After the transcription of the interviews we divided the teachers in to two groups, based on the width of outdoor activities in their teaching.

Kompetensutveckling inom IKT Skolutvecklares uppfattning av kompetensutveckling inom IKT

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.

Uppfattningar om trender inom charterbranschen : - vart är utvecklingen på väg?

Aim: By studying the evolution of the market for package holidays over time we hope to get an understanding of the trends that have characterized the market. By doing so, we can get an idea of where the market is moving towards the future. This knowledge is essential for market participants to establish appropriate strategies that follow market trends.Method: We have used qualitative interviews with people involved in the charter industry.Result & Conclusions: The market is characterized by an increase in Internet orientation, where the travel directory and the physical travel agents are becoming less important. The understanding of climate impacts of travel has increased. More people of the third-generation buy package travels and countries in North Africa and Asia are growing in popularity.We believe the market in the coming years will be characterized by lower prices and lower quality.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter att vårda och ha vårdansvar för personer med demenssjukdom i hemsjukvård : - En intervjustudie

The number of elderly in society is increasing and therefore the number of people with dementia. They continue to live in their homes longer, which also increases the responsibility of district nurses. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of district nurses to care for and have responsibility for the care of people with dementia in home care. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study and content analysis was used for data processing.

Val av utbildning : Arbetslivserfarenhetens betydelse för studenternas motivation och grad av self-efficacy

Antal individer som söker sig till vidareutbildning på akademisk nivå har ökat under den senaste finanskrisen. Studier på landets lärosäten är oftast en mångårig process och kräver både motivation och tro på egen förmåga. Deltagarna i denna studie kommer från olika högskolor och studieinriktningar och har i många fall lämnat en trygg inkomstkälla i valet att vidareutbilda sig. För att undersöka betydelsen av en individs arbetslivserfarenhets i valet av utbildning användes mätinstrumentet AMS för att mäta motivation och GSE för att mäta grad av self-efficacy. Resultatet visade att det föreligger en statistisk signifikant skillnad på arbetslivserfarenhet och grad av self-efficacy samt att individer som saknar arbetslivserfarenhet upplever mer amotivation gentemot sina studier.

Myten om användaren - En studie av användardiskursen och dess visionärer

The myth of the user - a study of the user discourse and its visionariesThis study is a discourse analysis of the visions that implicitly are expressed in different texts about user-centered library theory. Several other studies have analyzed the discourse and conceptualization of how the user is expressed in the library debate. Therefore we have chosen to analyze the visions that are expressed by three different sources: the evaluation of the Swedish GÖK project, which was an reorganization of three different libraries in Sweden (Greenhalgh, Worpole & Landry 1995). The influential book by Michael E. Casey and Laura C.

Tillit, spelar det någon roll? En studie av tillit och individuella organisatoriska responser vid arbetsrelaterat missnöje

The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home.

Skatterådgivning: En studie av skatterådgivningstjänster utifrån ett kundperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to achieve an increased understanding of factors and considerations of importance to larger companies? purchases of tax consultancy services. Based on a qualitative case study, the thesis more specifically analyzes purchasing companies? perception of quality in tax consultancy services, how the companies organize their purchases of such services and the relationship between purchasing companies and tax consultants. The study suggests that tax consultancy services constitute a heterogeneous group of services which are normally purchased by people in charge of either accounting or tax matters in the purchasing company.

Brukarinflytande hos personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Brukarinflytande hos PERSONER med psykiska funktiONSnedsättningar : Personalens syn på brukarinflytande.

Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.

Styrning av artikelplacering i lager

This thesis deals with the field of warehouse management, focusing on frequency control of stock. The purpose of the thesis is to reduce the warehouse staff mileage by placing an article based on its number of picks, i.e. how frequently it gets picked. In order to achieve relevant results the following four questions have been answered in the thesis: How should the articles be placed with regard to the picking frequency?Which factors, if any, needs to be addressed beyond the picking frequency when articles are placed based on frequency?Can the present picking system be improved?Is frequency placement with regard to the picking frequency profitable to implement for the company?The thesis is based on literature studies and on the data that has been collected from the company?s business system.

Maktspel i gaturummet : Cyklisternas säkerhet i Stockholms innerstad

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether social counselling via chat conversations could meet the criteria for a professional conversation, and how the six social workers who were interviewed felt that it had affected the profession and the clients who are seeking their help.Communication, professionality, power, roles and regions are the key topics of this study. A hermeneutic approach has not only influenced the interviews but also the content analysis that was used to encode the results.The interviews revealed that the chat conversations was a successful tool but not entirely without difficulties. The initial contact making between the client and the social worker favours the client, since she/he remains anonymous and that was the main advantage of the method. The biggest concern however was that in the anonymity it is not possible to report cases that the social worker are obligated to. The changing of forum does not necessarily affect the professionality but due to the faceless chat conversation an entire dimension of communication disappears because the loss of body language.

Att skapa en motkultur : En religionspsykologisk undersökning av Livets Ord som religiös minoritet i en sekulär kulturell kontext

In this textual analysis I have examined the book Att följa Jesus by Ulf Ekman and information from Word of Life's official website. The aim of this study is to see how a religious leader is shaping the identity of the groups members after a certain pattern that differs from the surrounding, secular society. The research focus  of this essay includes several aspects:  how a culture is formed in a religious minority in contrast to the prevailing cultural context; how the material can be explained by Paul Pruyser?s theory on the psychological worlds; how what Ulf Ekman writes about distinguishing themselves from the environment differs from how other religious minority groups distinguish their identity;  and,  how the psychological world, expected behavior, and context of Word of Life can be structured by Valerie DeMarinis? model of assessment. I have placed Word of Life in a realistic illusionistic world developed from Paul Pruyser?s theory of psychological worlds.

Kundens bidrag i innovationsprocessen : En studie om användande av kunder för att upptäcka latenta behov

Title: The customer?s contribution to the innovation-process ? a study of using customers to discover latent needs. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Robert Klein Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: 2014-06 Aim: The purpose of this study is to gain enhanced understanding of what knowledge costumers contribute with in an innovation-process lead by a producer of goods, and how that knowledge is used to fulfill latent needs. The area of research has formerly described which results customer-involvement lead to, but have been scarce in describing how results are produced. Method: From a qualitative onset, a case-study collecting data through observations and interviews capturing customer knowledge contributions, and producer use of fetched knowledge has been conducted. Data has been analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Results have been processed in several steps in which material has been categorized and enriched continuously. Result & Conclusions: Customer-knowledge is broken down into market-knowledge, everyday-knowledge, and specialist-knowledge, which all are significant to a producer of goods.

Informationsförmedlaren som kommunikatör

This is a study about the communication interaction in the context of the reference work at some public university-libraries and some private company libraries in Gothenburg and Borås. The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the communication interaction in a library situation. The second purpose is to deepen the knowledge, understanding and to establish what is important in this communication. Focus has been on how the intermediaries communicate and how she or he perceives this communication. The intermediary needs to manage the communication with all the different patrons and different information needs of the patrons.

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