

1564 Uppsatser om Professional orientation - Sida 48 av 105

Personlig Assistans : utifrån assistentens perspektiv

Personal assistants ' descriptions of their own professional role are usually removed for the benefit of users ' description of the profession. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the assistants perceive their profession by providing assistants a possibility to talk about their experiences of the profession. Data has been collected by twelve interviews with active working personal assistants aged 22-57 years. Assistants interviewed have different experiences and working with people with various disabilities. The method used is a qualitative method with a narrative analysis method, where the twelve interviews have been merged into four fictional stories.

Sociala omsorgsassistenter : de "nya" omsorgsgivarna i en omsorgsförvaltnings "paradigmskifte"

Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to analyse and discuss how employees with a secondary nursing education describe their occupational character whilst working as well as the conditions for caring acts in a changing progress towards professionalism.Questions: What are the conditions to provide a high standard of care in this changing progress? What influence does it have on the occupational character ?Method: Critical case study and focus groupsConclusion: One of the central findings of the field study was the identification of two occupational identities; traditional and pedagogical orientated. These two occupational character traits are connected with different types of occupational competence and demands different theoretical knowledge. They also have different regards concerning the new title; social omsorgsassistent. A conclusion of the study is that a professional project of a non-specific nature is unable to stress the different levels of knowledge and competence that occupational identities have when one seeking professionalism..

Meritpoäng eller skoj? : en undersökning om meritpoängens konsekvenser för ämnet moderna språk och framtiden

The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11?The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects.The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system:The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses.The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future.A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society.The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions..

Recensionernas retorik : Om könsroller i kulturjournalistiken

At the centre of this study lies the question if normative gender thinking affects the way poetry gets reviewed and how the reviews are written, this in relation to both the gender of the reviewer and the poet. The study crosses three academic fields; gender studies, poetry and journalism, and is based on the cultural studies theory of media affecting and even creating the world around it.The study is based on two types of analysis. One quantitative analysis based on the thematic criticism theory about detail studies that shows bigger patterns, this analysis focuses on how the poet and his/hers work are being treated in the reviews in areas such as how much space they´re given in the newspapers, how they are named by the reviewer and the tendency to quote the reviewed work.  And one qualitative analysis based on the new criticism method of close reading, that focuses on the reviewers way of writing and how that may be connected with theories of gender differences, this both connected to the gender of the reviewers and the poets.The material chosen for this study are all the reviews that were published in the same newspapers and that reviewed two specific poetry works by two specific poets chosen with great sensibility to age and career so that their difference in gender would be the most significant difference between them. The works were chosen based on year of publishing, they were supposed to be published as newly as possible and as close to each other in time as possible.

Kontrollmodell för kvalitetssäkring av professionella tjänster

För ett serviceföretag är det väsentligt att kunna leverera tjänstekvalitet för att tillfredsställa kunden. Tjänsternas immateriella produktkaraktär gör det emellertid svårt för serviceleverantören i allmänhet och professionella tjänsteleverantörer i synnerhet att säkerställa kvalitet. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla en kontrollmodell som kan användas av professionella tjänsteleverantörer som ett hjälpmedel i arbetet att säkra servicekvalitet. Modellen bygger på relevant teori och består av tre kvalitetskategorier ? image, teknisk kvalitet och funktionell kvalitet ? genom vilka 13 kvalitetsdimensioner behandlas.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En jämförelse av Utomhuspedagogik och Montessori

The purpose of this study is to examine how educationalists work with bilingual children's language by looking at how and what approaches are used to encourage language development. I have chosen to compare two educational philosophies: Montessori and Outdoor Education, to see how big the differences / similarities are in working methods. The background to this study is that preschools uses various approaches and have different methods to stimulate the children. This means that the conditions for children's language development might look different depending on the preschool they go to. The information used has been gathered through interviews, where I have taken note of educationalists thoughts on their working methods, and through professional literature dealing with this topic.

Användbarheten i Business Intelligens-system : Utvecklingen av användbarheten och funktionaliteten i ett webbaserat BI-system

The purpose of this study is to evaluate an existing user interface. The company in question has a web-based user interface (available through logging in via their website), but they are interested in making the process of using the interface more convenient and the interface more accessible, so that users without a background in computing can properly manage the interface. At the same time they want to apply additional functionalities in order create and to manage increased traffic on the company?s website. For this reason it is important to take into account the issues involved in human-computer interaction (HCI) as well as aspects of cognitive psychology in order to make the tool and the web interface more usable, more motivational, and therefore more efficient and professional.

Degenerering av varumärken: - en juridisk konstruktion eller ett marknadsföringsproblem?

Degeneration of trademarks - a legal construction or a marketing problem? This paper discusses the issue of degeneration of trademarks. The study has its starting point in the conflict that may arise between the principles of marketing and the legislation concerning IP rights and market law. In this study several verdicts are studied in which degeneration has been addressed. Analyzing these rulings as well as the current legislation in the light of marketing theory, a conflict between marketing and legislation can be noted.

HTML-ramverk i praktiken : En studie av HTML-ramverk från utvecklarens perspektiv

This paper aim to present a model for evaluating what we choose to call HTML-frameworks, a framework that contains a set of CSS layouts and occasionally JavaScript support, based on the characteristics of the software quality standard ISO/IEC 9126-1. The methods used to produce this model is based on a field study that involved making a web portal with the help of a HTML-framework, some relevant literature and an analysis of the framework based on the characteristics of the ISO/IEC 9126-1 standard. The result was a model based on twelve different characteristics; functionality, web browser compatibility, collaborative skills, user-friendliness, documentation, visuals, graphic layout, performance, activity, professional support, replaceability and license. This model should be viewed upon as a suggestion to what a model for choosing HTML-framework could look like, because we haven?t had the time to test it in a real situation, so further studies are needed, and we believe there could be improvements made in the objectivity of the assessments of the characteristics..

En utvärdering av participation i förändringsarbete : Kvalitetsutveckling och processorientering inom vårdkedjan i Höglandsregionen, Jönköpings läns landsting

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att utvärdera participation i ett förändringsarbete inom hälso- och sjukvården, i ett projekt för kvalitetsutveckling och processorientering inom vårdkedjan i Höglandsområdet, Jönköpings läns landsting.Den övergripande målsättningen med projektet var att utveckla ett processorienterat och därigenom mer helhetsorienterat vårdsystem, för att uppnå bättre kvalitet för äldre vårdtagare, som ofta har behov av behandling vid olika enheter i vårdkedjan.Syftet med studien var också att utvärdera hur participation förhåller sig till ständigt förbättringsarbete och lärande i riktning mot en processorientering av vårdkedjan och ökat fokus på patienten.Vårdinstanserna i vårdkedjan inom samtliga sex kommuner och primärvårdsområden i Höglandsregionen, såväl som en medicinklinik och en rehabiliteringsklinik vid två olika sjukhus, har medverkat i studien. 55 personer, som representerade de olika yrkeskategorierna inom vårdkedjan, har deltgit i utvärderingen. Studien utfördes med hjälp av fokusgrupper och materialet analyserades ur ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv.Resultaten visar att participation på alla nivåer i organisationen är en förutsättning för ett uthålligt kvalitetsutvecklingsarbete och en processorientering av vårdkedjan. Omfattningen av participationen avspeglas i omfattningen av ständigt förbättringsarbete och lärande.Kritiska faktorer var ledningens förmåga att kommunicera med och informera de anställda, ledningens engagemang i fråga om att driva ett strukturerat och långsiktigt förändringsarbete, ett tydligt processägarskap inom vårdkedjan och adekvata resurser. Resultaten genererade åtskilliga intressanta frågor för fortsatt forskning och utveckling..

Kundorientering : Ledarens roll och provisionens inverkan

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera hur ledare jobbar för att åstadkomma ett kundorienterat klimat på en arbetsplats med ett provisionsbaserat lönesystem.Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts i den här studien. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer gav oss det empiriska underlaget som analyserades med hjälp av den systematiska, strukturerade och abduktiva metoden Well-grounded theory. Resultatet presenteras i empirin med hjälp av mönster som upptäckts.Resultat & slutsats: Vi har överlag kommit fram till att praktiken i stora drag stämmer överens med teorin. De intervjuade ledarna har en överensstämmande uppfattning om kundorienteringens innebörd, men har vissa skiljaktigheter i bland annat deras syn på provisionens inverkan. Ledarens roll ansågs även i praktiken vara avgörande för att de anställda ska vara kundorienterade.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien har utförts med inriktning på enbart fastighetsmäklarbranschen.

Ett viktigt ämne, men inte för skönlitteraturen? Mottagandet av fem skönlitterära skildringar av anorexi och bulimi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how five works of fiction about anorexia and bulimia have been received in Swedish daily press reviews. The investigation is based on 60 reviews, which are analysed with a qualitative method consisting of close-reading and where a feministic perspective is used. The main question concerns how and to which extent the basis of valuation in the reviews is effected by the fact that the books describe a primary female world of experiences. The investigation shows, among other things, that many reviewers consider the books about eating disorders to be too many. They categorize the books about anorexia and bulimia as a genre of its own and place the books into the literary system principally by referring to other books about anorexia and bulimia.

Psykologiska beslutsfällors inverkan på investeringsbeslut

Problem: The question is if investors falls into psychological decision traps when they are about to make an investments decision. Research in other areas suggests that this may be case. The reason is that they are not aware of that psychological decision traps exist. If so, it can lead to pernicious consequences for the return on the portfolios they manage. Purpose: To investigate if investors fall into four different psychological decisions traps: anchoring, confirming evidence, overconfidence and regression towards mean, at investments in IPOs Method: We have collected data through a form of experiment.

Mötet med det otänkbara : Värdekonflikter i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för kvinnlig könsstympning

When professionals meet people from other cultures, there are some problematic issues that may appear, especially when considering human rights. Every individual has the right to live as they choose, and have the right to their own culture and traditions even if they have immigrated to another country. Female genital mutilation is a tradition that violates human rights. In this study we will look at what conflicts of values that professionals can have while meeting clients who have been mutilated. We have made qualitative interviews with four professionals working in a small town in Sweden in an area where many immigrants live.

Unga vuxna med unilateral läpp-, käk- och gomspalt ? perceptuell bedömning och självskattning av tal och kommunikation

The purpose of this study was to investigate how young adults withunilateral cleft lip and palate assess their own speech and communication,and to let speech and language pathologists make a perceptual analysis ofthese individuals? speech at the age of 19 years. An additional aim was toexamine the relationship between these two different ways of evaluation.Data was collected through perceptual analysis from audio recordings and byusing a self-report questionnaire based on the ICF-structure (InternationalClassification of Function, disability and health). Altogether, 33 peopleparticipated. One third of the participants had no speech deficiencies.

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