

1564 Uppsatser om Professional orientation - Sida 17 av 105

Hit och tillbaka : En studie om vägvisning på evenemang med fokus på Siestafestivalen.

Back and forth is a study on wayshowing at events focusing on the Siesta festivalin Hässleholm. For several years the interest in festivals has increased, whichhas contribute to expansion among festivals. The Siesta festival in Hässleholm istoday one of the major festivals in Sweden, attracting 10 000 visitors each year.The festival?s strong expansion has contributed to disorientation in the festivalarea, because it has never been constant from year to year. A side effect of this isthat the orientation is a constant problem.Therefore this study aims to investigate how a clearer route guidance systems onthe Siesta Festival can be designed based on existing designprinciples onguidance and orientation and how the information can be accessable towheelchair users and those with some kind of colourblindness?Surveys among festival visitors and interviews with the festival organizers for thefestival showed which navigation strategies that are most used on festivals.

Professionell färdighetsutveckling på ett civilingenjörsprogram : en utvärdering av kompetenser hos alumner

The Master of Science in Energy Systems Engineering program at Uppsala University started in 2000 and 221 students has graduated since. This master thesis aims to answer what competencies alumni considers most important for successful professional practice. It also seeks to find out how these competencies are reflected in the program to identify potential gaps between importance and how the competencies are being prepared. With inspiration from similar research a method has been developed consisting of two steps: (1) A survey and (2) interviews with alumni. The alumni survey rates the professional importance of 13 competencies and how well the corresponding competency is prepared in the program.

Mötet med en socialarbetare. Om makt, sekretess och anmälningsplikt

Arbetets ansats är öka förståelsen för vad svenska ungdomar möter när de råkat ut för en allvarlig händelse och söker professionell hjälp. Arbetet berör juridisk bakgrund, det sociala arbetets organisation och närvarande faktorer i mötet mellan socialarbetare och klient. Vidare berörs hur individen påverkas av att möta socialarbetare utifrån symbolisk interaktionism och stämplingsteorin. Genom en enkätundersökning undersöks hur stor svenska ungdomars kännedom om tystnadsplikt och anmälningsplikt är och om det finns könsskillnader i denna medvetenhet. Enkätundersökningen utgår framförallt ifrån svensk stad med cirka 30.000 invånare i kommunen.

Socionomen som chef inom va?rden : En kvalitativ studie av mo?tet mellan medicinsk och social kompetens

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how social workers, working in a management position in the health care system, perceive the encounter of the medical and social perspective. With seven qualitative interviews, the study tries to conclude whether or not social workers are accepted at managerial positions within the health care sector. The social worker is, as a manager in health care, a leader but at the same time in a professional alienation from the medical caregivers. Organizations in the health care sector are often multi professional and have their own long standing tradition, history and culture. The results show that the conditions for social workers, working in a management position in health care appear to be agreeable.

"Det är så himla viktigt kring yrkesidentitet" : En narrativ studie av berättelser om folkbibliotekarien

This Master's thesis aims to investigate librarians' identity construction through the study of their narratives about themselves and their lives. We want to understand in what way the education in Library- and Information science contributes to shape the students professional identity and how these identities then continue to be transformed when they enter their professional lives. We assert that this construction of identity takes place through socialisation. We start with the reference work because we think this is a central part of librarians' tasks. Our theoretical starting point is constructionism, we mean that professional identity is a social construction that continuously is formed and transformed.We interviewed six former students at Library- and Information science at Lund University.

Som en schackpjäs : om socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin yrkesstatus vid handläggning av försörjningsstöd

The purpose of this essay has been to answer the question of whether or not administrators of economic support perceive that their professional status is ranked lower than that of their coworkers in other fields of the social services. We set out to study whether or not their comparative status differed depending on their use of standardized assessment instruments and if their experience with regards to professional status differed depending on the size of the municipality they worked in. We also wanted to determine in what way (if any) the comparative status manifests itself and what factors influences it.We?ve utilized method triangulation in order to answer the questions posed in our purpose. The quantitative study was conducted using a questionnaire and the qualitative with three interviews.

Bibliotekariers resonemang kring arbetet med läsecirklar sett ur ett professionsperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine what view librarians have on reading promotion for adults, in particular reading circles, and in which way earlier experiences, education and competence form this view. To what extent, if any, do perceptions of professional identity influence the interest to carry out some kind of reading circles for adults?Our study is based on qualitative interviews with librarians, both those in charge of reading circles in libraries and those who are not. As theoretical starting point we have used Andrew Abbott's work on theory of professions and Jofrid Karner Smidt's thesis on literary preferences and different kinds of mediation of literature. For our analysis we will also use earlier studies on the subject to place our study in a wider context.Our conclusions show that the librarians in our study have an ambivalent view on their profession and professional identity.

"Hjärnan mot hjärtat": En kvalitativ studie av Migrationsverkets handläggares upplevelser av etiska dilemman.

This study is focused on the caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board and their experiences of ethical dilemmas in their daily work with asylum seekers. Our research question is aimed at examining the ethical dilemmas that the caseworker as a social agent is experiencing in the meeting with the asylum seeker. The empirical material in this study is based on interviews with five caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board. The material has been collected through semi-structured interviews and has then been analyzed through professional ethics as a theoretical framework. The results of this study show that ethical dilemmas are constantly being present in the work of the caseworkers. Ethical dilemmas are in different ways occurring in the meeting with the asylum seeker. The law that regulates the caseworkers work is functioning as a limiting aspect, which leads to a feeling of contradiction between the caseworker?s personal ethics and the professional ethics..

Samverkan mellan bibliotek och öppenvård: En fallstudie av biblioterapi i Norrköping

The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how the City Library in Norrköping, in collaboration with the outpatient centre, Gränden, has assisted people with substance abuse problems through a bibliotherapeutic reading circle known as, Människor mellan raderna (People between the lines). My theoretical framework is based upon Ruth M. Tews and Berth Danermark?s theories. Tew states that in order to create a well-functioning team consisting of various professional competences, each individual needs to possess certain character traits including the ability to contribute with their unique competence and an openness to receive and absorb the other participants? contributions.

Frontlinjebyråkraten : en studie om de byråkratiska villkoren för yrkesrollen, den inomorganisatoriska kontrollen och samhällets påverkan

The purpose of this essay was to further develop the discussion around the street-level bureaucrats and the dilemmas that they meet in their work environment. The paper will try to accomplish this by putting the spotlight on the professional role, the organizational control of the street-level bureaucrat and the effect of society on the work environment. Something that also will be discussed is the well-known difficulty of implementation of new programs and methods, especially when street-level bureaucrats are involved. The street-level bureaucrats that this paper focuses on are caseworkers within Försäkringskassan and handle benefits and take decisions about the need for rehabilitation for people who are ill and unable to work.I have used a qualitative method for this study. The empirical material consists of six interviews at two different offices.The main cause of the dilemma of the street-level bureaucrat is that there is a conflict between the human side and the professional role.

Yrkesroll i förändring? : En studie av ett antal statsanställda arkivariers upplevelser av införandet av en verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning

The aim of this thesis is to examine the archivist's professional role in public authorities and discuss if, and in what way, the profession is effected by the new swedish process oriented archival description system. The study focuses on swedish authorities and does not make any international comparisons with other institutions. Neither does it investigate archivists workingin the private sector, but centers on public institutions.The survey is performed in five swedish public authorities, using interviews and observations. Grounded theory is used as a method initially in the purpose of keeping an open mark towards the object of study. The initial results led on to questions about how well the archivists perceived that communication within the authorities served, and how this in turn prepossessed their work situation and the professional roles in which they found themselves.

En fallstudie om en fotbollsklubbs varumärke : ?Kall hjärna, varmt hjärta och rena händer?

Authors: Tobias Nilsson & Vedad LjeljakSwedish title: A case of a football club?s brand. En fallstudie om en fotbollsklubbs varumärke, ?Kall hjärna, varmt hjärta och rena händer?AbstractPurposeThe purpose of our study is to understand brand building of a Swedish professional football club. MethodThe method that has being used in the essay is a qualitative study where we have used semi constructed interviews to create a deeper understanding for brand building in a football club.

Versionsbyte av operativsystem: hur påverkar förändringarna användbarheten

Syftet med denna rapport är att påvisa vilka förändringar som kan ske när man byter version av ett operativsystem. Vi vill visa vilka förbättringar samt vilka problem som förändringarna kan medföra i en ny version. För att en ny version av vilken produkt eller programvara som helst ska ges ut bör användbarheten ha förbättrats. I denna rapport har vi undersökt vilka förändringar som skett mellan Windows 2000 Professional och Windows XP Professional, som är Microsofts två senaste versioner av deras operativsystem. Vi har utfört denna undersökning från ett användbarhetsperspektiv, där vi fastställer om dessa förändringar har ökat eller minskat användbarheten.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Egenskaper hos styrelsen som påverkar valet att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning

The aim of this study was to examine the experience, knowledge and attitude to mandatory reports of mistreatments amongst first line managers and assistance nurses in municipal elderly care. The following questions were at the center of the analysis: how do the different professional groups view having to report their own organization? How can various factors affect the mandatory reporting of mistreatments? What knowledge do the different professional groups have of mistreatments and mandatory reporting? A qualitative research method was used to examine these questions in the form of semi structured interviews and a small document study. The interviews were carried out with assistance nurses and first line manages in elder care, we interviewed four respondents from both professional groups. The interviews were then transcribed and coded with help of a content analysis.

Vägledning till Iittala Outlets entré i Vingåker

I've been studying the entrance to Iittala Outlet in Vingåker with the purpose of finding a way to make the entrance more distinct and also increase the accessibility, the orientation and the availability. With interviews and notations as a method I've determined the extent of the problem and the motions of the visitors at the outlet area. With further support from previous research and litterature I've made a design proposal. The design proposal contains a relocation of the parkinglots that opens up visible walkways to Iittala Outlet..

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