

1549 Uppsatser om Professional encounter - Sida 28 av 104

Gör jag rätt eller fel? : En systematisk litteraturstudie kring sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att medverka vid inducerade aborter.

Background: According to the Swedish Social Board induced abortions are increasing in the modern day society. Nurses who work with in the gynecological department can come across patients seeking care for an induced abortion.Theoretical framework: The findings of the study will be discussed in relation to Peplau's nursing theory, ethical concepts and nursing concepts.Aim: The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the experiences of nurses working with induced abortion.Method: A systematic literature review with an inductive approach was chosen. The findings are based on seven qualitative and two quantitative studies. The articles were assessed through two different modified templates based on qualitative or quantitative design.Findings: Nurses and midwives experienced their work with induced abortions as emotionally stressful. However, it was highlighted that all women have the right whether to choose abortion or to proceed with the pregnancy.

Fritidspedagog eller lärare i fritids?

Syftet med vårt arbete är att belysa lärarnas uppfattningar om fritidspedagogens yrkesroll vid två skolor. Ett ytterligare syfte är att jämföra ovan med rådande uppfattningar från Skolverket samt jämföra utfallet av ovanstående med resultatet av en enkät utförd på fritidspersonalen vid dessa två skolor. Vi väljer att använda en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med förutbestämda frågor. Vi avser att intervjua fyra lärare och delar ut enkäter till fem fritidsanställda på två olika skolor. Vi intervjuar även personal på Skolverket för att jämföra beskrivningen av fritidspedagogens yrkesroll.

Den bristfälliga implementeringen av LSS en studie av maktaspekten i mötet mellan socialtjänsten och människor med psykiska funktionshinder

In this study, the aim is to show how the social services fails to implement a specific rights law (LSS) wich is supposed to have the function of protecting the wellfare and provide specific rights to people with severe mental disabilities. By applying chritical theory on this case the aim is to provide an alternative answer on why it is possible for the social services to ignore these peoples rights.By revealing the power structures in the encounter between the system and a person with mental dissablilities, I conclude that people with mental disabilities does not fit in when it comes the social sevices way of implementing the law and further more that a private person is extreamly exposed to the systems arbitrariness..

?Det här är ett fritt land för mig.? : En studie om synen på hedersrelaterat förtryck bland utsatta kvinnor och professionella socialarbetare.

AbstractWith the murder of Fadime in 2002 honor killings and honour related oppression became a subject of wide public debate. The question was raised whether the Swedish social services had the knowledge and the resources necessary to face the issue with honor related oppression.This study is about the views on honor related oppression among oppressed women and professional social workers and aims to explore the relationship between social worker and client in an honor related context. Does the risk of culture clashes pose a problem in dealing with the Swedish authorities and do Swedish social workers have the necessary tools to help the, often young, oppressed women that seek their aid? This is a qualitative study based on five individual interviews: Two former victims of honour related oppression, two professional social workers and one relative of a young girl who was the victim of an honor killing.Observations:The social workers found that they had adequate resources at hand but that awareness among employees in the social services needed to be improved.The clients felt that the help they?ve received from the social services was helpful but that more information to the public about available resources was necessary along with a better understanding of the differences between their own culture and that of the Swedish society. The clients expressed that the realization that they were being oppressed didn?t come overnight.

Soldaterna utan namn eller uniform : En kvalitativ analy av Stern och Lehis 18 principer.

In my essay the dilemmas originate from what I have experienced. I have observed myself and some of my colleagues, how we meet children who are lacking the qualifications which school and most pedagogues expect them to have. Focus, in my written experiences, is on children who live in poverty, but how we meet and act toward them is often quite the same independent of what qualifications they are lacking. With the support from literature and theories I reflect and analyse the dilemmas. Through essaywriting I investigate my practical knowledge and I examine how we as pedagogues handle the complex situations encounter when in school and how it is possible to understand why we act the way we do.I think that the knowledge which essaywriting gives me will strengthen me as a person and in my work as a teacher for after-school-center.

?Arbetet handlar faktiskt om mer än att bara stämpla ut böcker och vara trevlig.? Arbetsuppgifter på svenska folkbibliotek 1990-2000 ur ett kritiskt diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the profession of librarianship by studying tasks in Swedish public libraries. The method is a textual analysis of articles inspired by the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The theory applied consists of the profession theory of Andrew Abbott and the gender theory of Yvonne Hirdman. The questions raised are: how do librarians speak about their tasks, which discourses can be constructed and how can profession theory and gender theory explain the result.

Kvinnans och mannens behov vid förlust av ett väntat barn

Background: People are individuals who react differently when confronted with unexpected events. To miscarry is nature?s own way of sorting out the foetuses which could never become a fully grown child. The loss can without help be difficult to handle and can impact the couple negatively towards future pregnancies. The nursing staff ought to familiarize themselves with the experience, encounter their feelings and identify their needs.

här sker ett avbrott.

My purpose with this thesis has been to find out how to choreograph a fight sequence in ananimated movie. With the help of professional stuntmen and dancers, I have tried to findmethods and techniques used on stage and in live-action film and apply those to animatedfilms. To successfully identify the techniques used, I conducted a number of interviews andanalyzed literature that deals with the subject of fight choreography. By the analysis of themethods provided by the choreographers and selected parts of the literature, I have compiled anumber of steps I recommend 3D animators should to take in their efforts to create their ownfight choreography..

Vården av äldre med delirium kan förbättras- en litteraturstudie i omvårdnad/ The care for elder with delirium can be improved- a literature review in nursing science

Background: Delirium is a serious condition that often affects hospitalized elder. The condition can be described as an overstrain of the brain which results in a disturbed consciousness. Elder people are particularly vulnerable since many of the risk factors develops with old age. The treatment aims to find and treat the underlying cause. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate factors beneficial for the nursing care of hospitalized elder with delirium.

Hinderbanan - en studie om jämställdhetsarbete och kvinnors förutsättningar inom professionella tjänsteföretag

Although women express a desire to be managers and although they constitute the majority of Sweden's newly graduated academics, they are still heavily underrepresented on senior management level in the Swedish private sector, where men hold as much as 95 % of the top positions. Considering the massive waste of resources that this implies, this thesis sets out to investigate the underlying reasons for the skewed gender distribution on senior management level in two Swedish professional services companies - an industry where the described problem has been palpable. Additionally, the thesis explores the effects of actively working for increased gender equality. With a basis in gender and organization theory, a broad theoretical framework has been compiled and applied to a qualitative case study design. The thesis reveals seven distinct impediments, which together create a parable of an obstacles course, that prevent women from advancing the corporate ladder in the same manner as their male colleagues.

Att förlora en förälder i cancer-En kvalitativ studie över ungdomars behov av professionellt stöd

The aim of this study was to review six professionals supporters work to support adolescents in grief, and if this support is the kind of support adolescents actually need. These professional supporters are two hospital social workers, two hospice social workers and two support group leaders. The questions included in the work are; How does the professional support look like for adolescents aged 12-18, who has lost a parent in cancer? Are the adolescents getting the support they need from these professionals? The study is based on qualitative interviews based on interview guides, which where then analyzed thematically and linked to previous research and grief theory. The result indicate that adolescents may need different forms of support when their parent is dying or has died.

Läs- och skrivlärande : En studie av lärarhandledningar i svenska för årskurs 1

AbstractThe aim of this study is to find out how the central content of the compulsory school curriculum (Lgr11) is handled in three teacher?s manuals for instruction in reading and writing for grade 1, and how these consider interaction and variation in learning how to read and write. Through a qualitative analysis with a hermeneutic approach, the three teacher?s manuals in Swedish for grade 1 were subjected to a close reading. The result shows that parts of the central content of the curriculum are considered, but that it is by studying exercises and texts that these become visible.

Bandagering av framtass på hund och katt : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys

The field of veterinary nursing should be based upon research and proven experience. Few studies have been performed within the area of distal limb bandages. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine and describe how to place a distal fore limb bandage based on proven experience. Data material was collected through four interviews with professional veterinary nurses, and then analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. In the analysis data material was transcribed and then divided into meaningful units that responded to the aim. The meaningful units were then condensed.

IKT och Pedagogik : En kvalitativ studie om datorbaserad undervisning och elevutveckling utifrån språklärares perspektiv

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the foremost teachers thinking of computers in teaching, how they work practically with computers as a tool, and if it is reflected in the students' school performance. To carry out this study, I used qualitative interviews as a method and I have interviewed four teachers where two works at the high school and two in upper secondary school. Both schools use computers in teaching as a supplementary tool for teaching materials. All teachers have similar ideas regarding what purpose one should use the computer and in which way, but the important thing is that the teachers and students receive an introductory course in how to use computers. Educators agree that this approach is and can promote students' language and knowledge regardless of the subject.My informants have come up with own methods that they use in the digital classroom including Skype, YouTube, Facebook and flippedclassroom where one can learn from other educators working.

En skola för alla, men hur? : En studie om hur olika yrkesgrupper inom skolan ser på samverkan kring inkludering ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv.

This study aims to develop knowledge of different professional groups and their views on inclusion and collaboration concerning "students in difficulty." Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, the researcher sought answers to this and also how inclusion, through collaboration between different professional groups, can develop in school.The results of the study have been analyzed according by Nilholms (2007) three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective. The results were also analyzed based on Ahlberg's (2013) communicative ? relationship perspective.The result shows that the concept of inclusion is not clearly defined either in the governing documents or among the interviewees. This makes it difficult to speak the same language in school, which complicates the work of inclusion. Since the governing documents are unclear and somewhat contradictory when dealing with "students in difficulty" educators are put in a dilemma.

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