

1298 Uppsatser om Professional athlete - Sida 59 av 87

Att attrahera och motivera medarbetare : Varumärket som ett strategiskt verktyg

Since Brand Management and Marketing in theory mainly been focusing on the consumer market, our main purpose of this essay is to analyze how a brand also can be appealing to the labour market, to attract and engage employees. Keywords attached to our essay are, brands, recruitment, Human Resource management, theories of motivation, corporate identity, employer branding and internal marketing. The study is based on a qualitative research. Our main reason for choosing this research was to get a closer insight for the phenomen and to establish a major understanding for the subject. To get a better knowledge and to answer and fulfil our purpose we have chosen to complete eight interviews, of whom six respondents representing Service firms.

Manpeace? - Victims on equal conditions?

Abstract The meaning of this essay is to bring you a picture of a growing unnoticed society problem. The statistics talk for itself. The low number of men who report domestic violence, where they are the victims, shows that the society doesn?t have a good way of meeting this type of problem which is based both on structural and individual problems. The lack of science and the legislation are insufficient and discriminating because they are built on a picture where women are the victims and men are the perpetrators.

Bilden av bilden bildbeskrivning i ABM-samarbetet PictureAustralia, en fallstudie.

This thesis aims at exploring a national collaborative gateway-service, PictureAustralia, hosted at the National Library of Australia. This will be done by means of investigating some underlying principles for descriptive standards and conventions as of the library discourse which is the objective of bibliographic control and access. The reason to do this is to bring some main features of these principles into the context of a cross-institutional cooperation between libraries, galleries/museums and archives in a picture database service. The attention will lay on the objectives of what functions the system is designed to perform to give access, as defined by Elaine Svenonius in the Intellectual Foundations of Information Organization 2000, and how these objectives will affect this particular database-service collocating performance, which is a system- and logical approach. Though, this study will be done in an explorative and qualitative way, by a case-study, which is to examine some sample metadata records emanated from different institutions in this project.

Studie- och yrkesvägledares upplevda yrkesroll vid arbete på flera skolor The perceived professional role of career counselors working at several schools

Denna studie behandlar hur studie- och yrkesvägledare, som arbetar på flera skolor samtidigt, upplever sin yrkesroll. Detta studeras genom att titta på vägledarens upplevelse om krav, resurser, förväntningar och stöd. Genom dessa faktorer får läsaren en klarare bild över hur studie- och yrkesvägledare upplever sin arbetssituation. Den kvalitativa studien har genomförts på så sätt att sex studie- och yrkesvägledare, som arbetar inom grund- och gymnasieskolan, intervjuats. Vi har utgått från Krav-kontroll modellen för att undersöka hur faktorerna påverkar den upplevda arbetstillfredsställelsen.

Folkbibliotekens webbplatsers grafiska användargränssnitt Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga

The web sites of Swedish public libraries display a high level of heterogeneity when it comes to design and graphical user interface. The thesis is based on the opinion that the visuals of a public library web site have implications for the user as well as for the library. The design of the graphical user interface influences the attention of the user and his/her ability to absorb information. Furthermore, there is a connection between the visuals and the users opinion about the credibility of the content of the web site, as well as of the organisation itself. The research question is: Which factors may have an impact on the design of the graphical user interfaces of a public library web site? The purpose is to create an understanding for these factors and emphasize them.

?För hur rock?n?roll är man som chef?? En diskursanalytisk studie av ledarskap i dagens folkbibliotek

The aim of this master thesis is to examine how leadership in public libraries is constructed discursively in the Swedish library field of today. The empirical material reviewed is job postings and articles from three library related journals.The thesis seeks to identify what different leadership discourses can be found by looking at definitions, forms of address, present actors and themes emerging. It also aims to examine the contingent presence of late modern leadership theories in the order of discourse. The leadership theories primarily investigated are New Public Management (NPM) and value-based leadership.The theoretical starting point of the thesis is discourse theory, developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. In the analysis a model of four phases is used; in which central concepts of discourse theory help identify the discourses.

Man eller kvinna - Låt myter om förövaren försvinna : En diskursanalytisk studie av hur personer som begått sexualbrott mot barn framställs i svenska dagstidningar

The aim of this study is to identify the dominating discourse in Swedish newspapers concerning perpetrators who committed sexual offence against children. The study is based on the idea that the media representation play a significant role to the public opinion and awareness of the perpetrators. The study is based upon a selection of 103 articles published between January 2003 and November 2013, taken from four of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. The methodological and theoretical approach in the study has been the one of discourse analysis through which one dominating discourse along with two subsidiary discourses could be identified. The discourse considered to be dominating is the one who presents the perpetrators through the discrepancy between the actions committed and the description of the perpetrator.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av : En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

Psykisk ohälsa i primärvården : Läkares uppfattningar och förhållningssätt till psykisk ohälsa

Studiens syfte var att analysera effekten av psykodynamiskt inriktad psykoterapi på självbilden för patienter vid S:t Lukas tre mottagningar i Stockholm. De frågor som undersöktes var om självbilden förändrades, hur sådana förändringar samvarierade med bakgrundsfaktorer, om behandlingsländen påverkade utfallet, samt i vilken tsträckning eventuella förändringar hade samband med förändringar i patienternas symtom och med psykoterapeuternas bedömning av besvär.Metoden som användes var kvantitativ och det empiriska underlaget för analys/bearbetning av självbilden utgjordes av SASB självskattningsmaterial samt  CL-90 (GSI).Resultatet av självskattningssvaren visade att patienternas självbild i genomsnitt hade förbättrats i önskvärd riktning för att mer motsvara en normal självbild. De faktorer som kunde predicera förändring i självbild var ålder, civilstånd, boende och barn. Det var de yngre, ensamstående, med eget boende, utan barn som mest förändrade sin självbild i positiv riktning. De samband som konstaterades mellan självbild och symtom pekade på en minskning av symtom med en mer positiv självbild som resultat vid avslutad terapi.

Bättre ut : En kvalitativ studie ur klientperspektiv om frigivning.

The purpose of this study is to from a client point of view study the release process. The first issue is which positive and negative aspects on the release situations that are revealed trough the interviews. The second issue is which changes that are needed to improve the conditions for the release work to be crime preventive. The study has been performed by means of qualitative interviews with clients, and one person with a long professional experience of treatment of offenders. The results show that the release work has generally not been successful.

Revisorns oberoende : Kommunens förtroendevalda revisorer

Det är mycket viktigt att en revisor är oberoende, detta för att ge en opartisk och rättvis bild av finansiella rapporter. Den kommunala revisionen har de förtroendevalda revisorerna som ska granska att verksamheten sköts på ett tillförlitligt sätt enligt god revisionssed. Dock har proceduren för utnämnandet av de förtroendevalda revisorerna kritiserats i media för att vara partiskt och jävigt.Tidigare forskning lyfter fram olika hot som kan påverka en yrkesrevisors oberoende och opartiskhet i sitt arbete. Vissa av dessa hot väljs ut och undersöks. Har de utvalda hoten även en påverkan på de förtroendevalda revisorerna i Sveriges kommuner? Hot mot oberoende undersöks i form av tre undersökningsfrågor: rådgivning, kvalitetskontroller samt längden på uppdraget.

Informationssökning och lärare: En studie av 4-9-lärare i övergången från utbildning till yrkespraktik

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to contribute to the understanding of high school teachers information seeking behaviour in the transition from university studies to occupational practice. The theoretical framework encompasses theories of professional socialization, the sociology of knowledge, of professions, and of library and information science. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with six recently qualified high school teachers in different subjects. The interviews have been analysed on two different levels; first on a descriptive level and then on a theoretical level. The major findings are that the academic context limited the student teachers information seeking and they did not have the opportunity to choose cognitive authorities on their own initiative.

Care Of Haus - Ett varumärke, en uppfattning?

AbstractLevel:Bachelor thesis in Business Administration/Marketing Title:Care Of Haus, "Kan Reklam. Förstår Annat". Ett Varumärke, En uppfattning? Problem:When it comes to building a strong brand it is important that their brand identity, which means how they want to be perceived coincide with how their customers sees them (Melin 1999). Purpose:The purpose of this thesis has been to find out if and how these two aspects coincide with each other.

Hur ser uppföljningen ut för magsäcksopererade och upplever de ett behov av stöd och rehabilitering efter ingreppet?

Background: According to the Swedish Social Board induced abortions are increasing in the modern day society. Nurses who work with in the gynecological department can come across patients seeking care for an induced abortion.Theoretical framework: The findings of the study will be discussed in relation to Peplau's nursing theory, ethical concepts and nursing concepts.Aim: The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the experiences of nurses working with induced abortion.Method: A systematic literature review with an inductive approach was chosen. The findings are based on seven qualitative and two quantitative studies. The articles were assessed through two different modified templates based on qualitative or quantitative design.Findings: Nurses and midwives experienced their work with induced abortions as emotionally stressful. However, it was highlighted that all women have the right whether to choose abortion or to proceed with the pregnancy.

Vågor mot klippan? ? en intervjustudie av godmanskapet inom funktionshinderomsorgen och dess praktik

Being a trustee within the disability care will, in most cases, put big responsibility on the trustee both as a representative for the klient but also as a representative for the standards of the society. The assignment as a trustee is to strengthen the client and ease his/her way of living in the society. The Swedish legislation that controls the process and the regulation of the trustees, is by the authors of this paper preceived as kind of vauge, leaving a lot of room for interpretation. So  how do trustees comprehend their assignment and how do they actually interpret it? Using material from eight interviews with trustees within the disability care, this paper aims to examine these questions, and focuses only on the trustees and their experiences.

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