

1298 Uppsatser om Professional athlete - Sida 53 av 87

Legitimation för förskollärare : Statens strategi mot ökad professionalisering

This essay discusses the decision of licensing for nursery and school teachers. In Swedish society there has for a long time been discourse about professionalisation within various industries, including teaching. One strategy towards achieving professional status is official authorisation of a profession, which occurs when a profession obtains licensing. In February 2011, the Swedish government announced the decision that nursery and school teachers would be licensed. This means that only those with an education can be employed as a teacher and obtain that license.

E-handel och tillit : En kvalitativ studie om fo?retags och kunders perspektiv pa? tillit

Statistics indicate an increase in online shopping. This indication could result in the loss of safety factors for the customer, for example the possibility to physically examine the product, interact with professional store personnel and try the product before purchase ? factors which all could support the customer in her choice of company and product. The purpose of this study is to increase the theoretical knowledge regarding strategies in the area of trust-development between customers and companies. We have chosen to investigate what strategies web based companies apply and how they are perceived by their customers.

Några folkbibliotekariers roll i en ombyggnadsprocess och i en tillfällig nischverksamhet.

The purpose of this thesis is to get knowledge about how it is to work as a librarian at Gothenburg city library during a rebuilding process and during the time when they have worked in a temporary library so called niche library. Which part did they have in the renovation project and in the niche library? The aim is also to find out how the librarians have experienced their time in the niche library and if it has affected their profession and identity.The method that is used to answer questions of the study is semi-structured interviews with four public librarians. Through comparing previous research in building and rebuilding process I have analyzed the four public librarian?s part in the renovating process and the temporary library.

Samverkan, hur fungerar det? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkansarbete.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur samverkan mellan olika verksamheter kan organiseras.      I uppsatsens bakgrund framhålls varför samverkan blir vanligare samt vad det innebär för professionella som deltar i den. Samverkan blir vanligare genom att regeringen yrkar på samverkan i praktiken samt att det benämns i lagtext. Samverkan är en omfattande förändringsprocess mot något okänt vilket kan leda till en rädsla för samverkan hos professionella som ska praktisera den.      Den metod som användes var kvalitativ och det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semi strukturerade intervjuer.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att vårda sitt nyfödda barn på Neonatal Intensivvårdsavdelning - En litteraturstudie.

Background: Breastfeeding frequency decrease in Sweden and infants born preterm is a particularly vulnerable group to not be breastfed according to current recommendations. Mothers of preterm infants have an extra need of support from the health care system. Mothers' self-efficacy in breastfeeding affects the outcome of breastfeeding. Health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding have an impact on the breast feeding support they provide to the mothers.Aim: To investigate whether an intervention could strengthen self-efficacy in breastfeeding among mothers of premature babies. A further aim was to investigate whether the intervention influenced health professionals' attitudes to breastfeeding.Method/Design: An experimental study with quantitative approach in the form of questionnaire survey was conducted.


Background: Throughout life, sexuality is a central aspect of being human and to experience a full and healthy. Several diseases and treatments can cause problems related to sexuality and sexual health. Despite this, research has shown that nurses, for various reasons choose not to take up the subject with their patients. Aim: The aim of this literature-based study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of talking with patients about sexuality and sexual health. Method: A literature-based study where both qualitative and quantitative studies, have been used.

Chefers syn på master utbildade sjuksköterskor

I denna studie har insamling av referensdata över språkförståelse hos treåringar med typisk språkutveckling genomförts. Till detta har bedömningsmaterialet Sofialådan (Westerlund & Öfverholm-Engström, 1995) använts. Sofialådan bygger som flera andra språkförståelsematerial på den s.k. act-outmetoden där man låter barnet agera med föremål efter en given instruktion. Med hjälp av föremålen i Sofialådan bedöms barnets förmåga att identifiera grundfärger och storleksbegrepp, kategorisera, flytta föremålenligt olika prepositionsanvisningar samt att följa flerledade instruktioner.

Arbetsterapi inom palliativ vård

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och ge en översikt av arbetsterapi inom palliativ vård. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en litteraturöversikt över aktuell forskning inom området med såväl systematisk som osystematisk sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar. De tretton artiklar som motsvarade inklusionskriterierna valdes ut, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med stöd av ett teoretiskt raster. Analysen resulterade i ett övergripande tema: en sammanflätning av olika professionella resonemang möter klienters behov, och fem underteman: interaktivt-, narrativt-, vetenskapligt-, pragmatiskt- och etiskt resonemang. Resultatet visade att arbetsterapi inom palliativ vård är komplext och skiljer sig från traditionell arbetsterapi.

Socialtjänsten och barn till irreguljära immigranter : en rättsvetenskaplig undersökning

The aim of this study was to examine how the social services could investigate and support children of irregular immigrants within the boundaries of the law. More specifically it aimed to examine the legal possibilities and obstacles for the social services to support irregular immigrants, how the officials at the social services act considering the legal aspects, and how they reason morally and ethically when dealing with irregular immigrants. To answer the aim of the study the theory of positive law was used combined with qualitative interviews with two officials at the social services. Moreover a small quantitative telephone study with officials in the social services and with voluntary organizations was made. The study has used theories of sociology of law, law and ethics, and professional (civil) disobedience.

Trådlös kamerastyrning

As an amateur it can be difficult filming from several angles at the same time as this requires several cameras. It´s also hard to film at occasions when it´s not appropriate to manoeuvre the camera manually. Systems for solving these problems already exist, but it´s either more expensive, professionalsystems or cheaper systems with limited functionality.The purpose of this project is to develop a cost efficient solution to the problem above that offers a better functionality then existing commercial systems. The biggest difference from existing products is the wireless video feedback from the camera to the remote unit.The result of the project is a system consisting of two units, a manoeuvre unit with a cradle for the video camera and a remote unit from which the operator can control pan and tilt of the video camera.Communication between the two units is wireless.On the remote unit there is a joystick and a display mounted. In addition to this, there is also an IR receiver that is capable of reading the signal from the cameras own remote and sending it to the manoeuvre unit.The manoeuvre unit is equipped with one motor to control the tilt function and one motor to control the pan.

?Ibland känner jag att jag vacklar?- yrkesetiska gråzoner på folkbibliotek

This study examined gray areas within professional ethics of a public library organization and investigated the relationship between the library as an organization and the librarian as an employee when it comes to support and opportunities to make exceptions to rules and regulations. This relationship is then related to workplace issues.Data were gathered via interviews with six librarians who were placed into two focus groups. Library organization documents that contain rules and regulations (guidelines) were examined. The presumption was that conformity between librarians? experiences and actions and the organization?s guidelines will tell us something about workplace conditions.

Socionomprogrammet- en praktik inom forskningsyrket?

Social work has gone from being a primarily philanthropic issue to becoming an academic discipline at university level. To ensure its legitimacy social work must be founded on, and developed through scientific research and documented experience. The purpose of this essay is to review the various arguments on social work in order to evaluate their impact on education, which in turn affects students. In addition, it will demonstrate how different forms of knowledge are valued depending on the contexts. As a means of reaching this objective, the following questions are addressed: ?What are the requirements and recommendations on how the education of social work should be structured, and why are these requirements and recommendations important??, ?How has the education of social work been influenced by the perception of valuable knowledge?? and ?How does the education of social work affect students?? The collected material consists of various arguments concerning the development of social work and the education of social work's formation.

Tillsammans är vi starka? : -En kvalitativ studie i om traineeprogram leder till yrkeskunnande och gemenskapsbildning.

This study aims to investigate how participants in a companys traineeprogram describe that the programmes educational tasks has prepared them for their future work. The study also examines how participants perceive that they have developed skills that are specifik to their profession and how they became part of a community. The following questions were formed to make it possible to investigate the purpose further; ?Do the participants feel that the interaction within the trainee group has promoted their learning??, ?How does the participants describe the training elements in relation to their development of competencies that they use in their professional role?? and ?How does the traineeprogram contribute to the participants becoming part of a community??. This was examined by taking part of what previous research has highlighted as important for learning and socialization in relation to traineeprograms.

Meningen och innebörden i det goda mötet för vårdgivaren : En fenomenologisk intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats

The purpose with this qualitative interview-study was to try, from the carer´s point of view, to describe the meaning and the essence of the good meeting. The participants were selectively chosen and were all women of varying life- and professional experience. They were interviewed with four interrogative forms that dealt with the experiences of the meaning and the essence of the good meeting. The analysis of the contents of the four interviews produced five themes: the meaning and the essence of aware presence in the good meeting, the meaning and the essence of the personal alliance, the carer's need of being seen and getting appreciation, the courage to bring up insulting behaviors while still preserving the relationship, personal qualities of the care. Aware presence was to be a main theme through out the meeting.

Sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar om sin framtida roll som arbetsledare : En intervjustudie

 Ledarskapet är en del av sjuksköterskans arbete och ingår i sjuksköterskans profession. Sjuksköterskestudenterna behöver vara förberedda för rollen som arbetsledare. Syftet med studien är att beskriva sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattningar om sin framtida yrkesroll som arbetsledare. Datamaterialet består av intervjuer med tio sjuksköterskestudenter som studerar på en högskola i Västsverige.  Åldern på sjuksköterskestudenterna varierar mellan 22 och 38 år. Intervjuerna spelades in på band och transkriberades.

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