

1298 Uppsatser om Professional athlete - Sida 50 av 87

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av elever med självskadebeteende

BACKGROUND: Mental disorders amongst students, has increased, and foremost amongst girls. One way to regulate their emotions, is by deliberate self-harm. Due to their profession, school nurses have the ability to detect self-harm amongst students, and can therefor give them a good professional support. AIM: The aim of this study is to describe the school nurse's experience of deliberate self-harm amongst students. METHOD: The study is based on thirteen interviews with school nurses, via e-mail.

Arbetsterapeutens erfarenhet av den professionella rollen i ett multidisciplinärt team inom psykiatrins ätstörningsenhet

Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av den professionella rollen i ett multidisciplinärt team inom psykiatrins ätstörningsenhet. Inklusionskriterierna för undersökningsgruppen var legitimerade arbetsterapeuter, med minst ett års erfarenhet inom psykiatrins ätstörningsenhet. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av tio arbetsterapeuter med vid geografisk spridning över Sverige. Studien genomfördes via telefonintervjuer och intervjuutskrifterna analyserades med inspiration av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: ?Betydelsen av arbetsterapeutens roll i teamet?, ?Att erhålla stöd från teamets representanter?, ?Otydliga professionella roller i teamet? och ?Att sträva mot samma mål?.

?Jag känner personligen att jag ibland är så mättad av de här berättelserna att jag inte orkar höra ett ord till om våld? ? Hur socialsekreterare upplever och hanterar våldsberättelser

The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the potential effects on a number of social workers that may arise from listening to stories of domestic violence, and how these social workers deal with the potential effects. The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven social workers that work with domestic violence. The theoretical perspective that we used was the theory of coping. The results of this study have indicated that the respondents have been affected of listening to the stories of domestic violence. Examples of different impacts that the work has had on some of the social workers is that they avoid movies and/or books with elements of violence, they are more aware of the domestic violence in the surroundings and there has also been changes in their cognitive schemas.

Konceptutveckling av fyllda balanser

This examination project has been performed in collaboration with Husqvarna AB, one of the world?s leading manufacturers of both commercial and professional garden products such as chainsaws, trimmers and lawnmowers. Husqvarna AB always strive to develop and improve new and existing products and components to ensure an attractive product and a competitive position on today?s market One of these components is filled balances. This is a component unique to the company and is one of the parts in their fuel-powered chainsaws.

Att sätta fingret på emotionell intelligens - En kvalitativ studie om användningen av EQ-test i rekryteringsprocesser

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been claimed to be the most critical factor in determining a person's success in life, both personal and professional. EQ highly affects academic and job performance, leadership, stress, and well-being but is still not widely accounted for in recruitment processes. During the last 20 years a large number of researchers have shown interest in the concept of emotional intelligence, but few have studied its practical implications and how EQ-tests are used as a selection tool in recruitment processes. To create an understanding of the motivation for using the test, as well as its role in recruitment decisions, qualitative interviews have been conducted with recruiters at companies in Stockholm, Sweden. All interviewed companies use the self-assessment test EQ:i 2.0.

Den svenska debatten om Natos bombningar av Jugoslavien 1999

Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.

Det Osynliga Våldet : - socialarbetares syn på kvinnor med funktionsnedsättning och deras utsatthet för våld i nära relationer

The aim of this study was to highlighting social workers perceptions of women with disabilities and their vulnerability to domestic violence - and thereby problematize previous research on gender-based violence on the basis of category of functional ability. We designed this study by using a qualitative approach based on six semi-structed interviews with professionals from different professions. All of them have contact with women with disabilities in some way. The selection was based on gaining an understanding of the social worker?s perceptions regarding abused women with disabilities based on their different professional experiences.

I bilderboken är allt möjligt : bilderboksillustration ur en kommunikativ synvinkel

The general purpose of this dissertation is to study picture communication in picture books and it addresses the following questions:What is the illustrator?s role in the process of making a picture book? What communicative qualities do pictures have in picture books and how do pictures interact with texts? What methods do illustrators use to visualize the meaning of stories in picture books?A genre analysis, a literature study and an interview of a professional illustrator has been conducted to answer the questions. I found that all objects that make up pictures, the arrangement, colours and shapes contribute to the meaning in diverse ways. Pictures also communicate in a different way than texts. An important difference between pictures and texts in the context of picture books is that pictures are more open for interpretation.

Insatsen kontaktperson vid umgängestvister : fyra kontaktpersoners och två samordnares upplevelser kring rollen kontaktperson vid umgängestvister

The purpose of this essay was to enhance the understanding and knowledge about phenomenon access support. Access support means that a third person (contact person) must be present during access visits between a child and its parent, if it is necessary for the child?s security or because the child needs support. The study was based on qualitative interviews with four contact persons and two professional social workers, whose main task have been to support and, partially, coordinate the work of contact persons. During the interviews I put the focus on participant?s experiences and thoughts about the phenomenon access support.

Har du några synpunkter på detta? : - en studie rörande kommunikation i teamsamtal vid en rehabiliteringsklinik

Multiprofessional teams is a common way of organizing the work in rehabilitationmedicine clinics. Team members are usually physicians, physiotherapists, occupationaltherapists, counselors and nurses where the counselor is the only one from the psycho-social discipline. Team care interventions are provided from a holistic perspective inwhich the patient's physical, psychological and social rehabilitation is taken intoconsideration. The meetings between the professional team and patient have the mainpurpose to increase patient participation. The aim of the study is to observe and analyzecommunication between the professionals, the patient and their relatives during teammeetings.

Chefers upplevda stress och kontroll och medarbetarnas tillfredsställelse med chefen

Syftet med studien var att undersöka (1) relationen mellan chefers upplevda stress och kontroll och medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse med chefen, (2) relationen mellan chefers upplevda stress och kontroll samt, (3) medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse med chefen relaterat till angivna demografiska parametrar. 25 chefer besvarade en webbenkät om arbetsrelaterad stress och kontroll och 206 av deras medarbetare besvarade en webbenkät om arbetstillfredsställelse med sin chef. Resultaten visade ett samband mellan medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse med chefen och chefens yrkesroll (delmått i stressinstrumentet) samt att medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse påverkades av deras anställningstid och utbildningsnivå. Vidare visade resultaten att cheferna upplevde en högre grad av arbetsrelaterad stress än kontroll. Dessa resultat indikerar att chefer med en tydligt definierad yrkesroll har mer arbetstillfredställda medarbetare samt, och i linje med tidigare forskning, att medarbetarnas anställningstid och utbildningsnivå har betydelse för arbetstillfredsställelsen med chefen. .

Vägledningssamtal och vägledares yrkesroll på högskolan - Guidance and guidance counselors? professional role at the university

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vägledningssamtalet och vägledares yrkesroll på högskolan. Undersökningen utgår från rollteorier som genomgående ställs mot det empiriska materialet där vägledarrollen på olika sätt kommer in. Studien tydliggör även begreppet projekt som beskriver hur ett vägledningssamtal kan analyserar beroende på vilka förväntningar och syften de olika deltagarna i samtalet har. Metoden som har använts är kvalitativ och studien utgår ifrån sammanlagt sex informanter, varav fyra med vägledningssökande och två med vägledare. Studien visar på att samtliga vägledningssökande har rollförväntningar som till stor del handlar om att få information, och det är just informationsbiten som de ser som viktigast när det handlar om vägledningssamtalen. Båda vägledarna berättar även att de huvudsakligen arbetar med just informationsbiten.

Rätt person på rätt plats

Title: The perfect candidate ? the selection process in a global organization.Authors: Kariin Adolfsson and Simon LeetsaarIn today's society, it becomes increasingly current with correct person on correct place in theworking life. What requires knowledge about how to recruit in a professional manner andreliable ways. In many bigger organizations, there is today a human resources department thatonly works with recruitment of new employees. The purpose with our research is to describepersonnel selection process in a big swedish organization, how they work throughout theentire process.

Vem vill ha Adam och Monika? : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om tolkningar av vistelsebegreppet på 12 socialjourer i Sverige

The aim of this study was to explore how social workers interpret the part of the Swedish social services act that regulates each municipality?s responsibility of the people staying in it. The study?s general methodological approach connects to sociology of law. The research questions were: (1) What factors are considered important by the social workers in assessments of responsible municipality? (2) Are there variations in the assessments of responsible municipality and in that case; how can the variations be explained? (3) What discretion do the social workers consider that they have in assessments of responsible municipality? Previous studies have found considerable differences in professional social work assessments in Sweden.

Kan vi rädda världen? Några folkhälsopedagogers syn på mötet mellan utbildning och arbetsliv

The state of health in Sweden demonstrates a high average length of life at the same time as diseases, due to luxurious living, grew into more and more widespread public health problems. Finding out that information is not enough to get man to live healthy has been conducive to a pedagogic based health education. An illustration of such an education is Public health pedagogy at the University of Kristianstad. The question is, does this education correspond to the new claims that society lays to health work? Our purpose was to throw light upon how individuals, qualified as public health pedagogues, look upon their work on one hand and how different clusters of thought from their study programme are conceived as activated in their professional exercise on the other.

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