

1298 Uppsatser om Professional athlete - Sida 30 av 87

Ena dagen student nästa dag nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska

Background: Every year about 4600 nurses are examined in Sweden. The work as a nurse is responsible and she is often working under time pressure. Aim: To describe nurse?s understandings about her professional role during her first year after the examination. Method: Systematic literature review, where 10 scientific articles were examined.

SJUKSKÖTERSKEPROFESSIONENS IDENTIFIKATION : Medarbetarskap i professionella organisationer

Bakgrund: Människor tenderar att identifiera sig själva med olika sociala grupper, exempelvis utifrån professions- eller organisationstillhörighet. Individer inom samma sociala grupp formar ofta liknande normer och värderingar, vilket skapar en känsla av tillhörighet. I en professionell organisation tenderar medarbetare tillhörande en profession att identifiera sig med sin profession snarare än sin organisation, vilket i sin tur påverkar relationen mellan individ och organisation. Under de senaste åren har begreppet medarbetarskap blivit alltmer populärt på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Begreppet innefattar hur medarbetare hanterar relationen till sin arbetsgivare och till det egna arbetet.

En bank, fem länder : En studie i Handelsbankens expatriaters kulturella anpassning

The purpose of this study is to describe how expatriates at Handelsbanken in France, Hong Kong, China, Russia and Singapore have adapted to the host culture. To illustrate how well they acculturated following seven factors have been chosen: Time, previous international experience, cultural distance, language, work environment, spouse acculturation and met expectations. The study was conducted through interviews with six expatriates and surveys answered by nine expatriates. Our study shows that the expatriates have experienced different lengths for cultural adaptation. The majority of the respondents indicated that it took up to six months before they adapted culturally.

Bibliotekariens kunskap: En textanalys av SOU 1969:37

The aim with this Masters thesis is to examine the professional knowledge of the librarian. The method used is text analysis of a state public investigation, SOU 1969:37, that concerns librarian education. The theoretical starting point is a theory of knowledge thats descended from Aristotle. Three different forms of knowledge are central concepts in the theory: the theoretical, the practical and the ethical. The main issue in this thesis is: In what ways did the investigators look at the librarians knowledge? Was it in a changeable period of time? In that case, what reasons could there be? The conclusion shows that educational political changes were affecting the whole educational sphere at the late 1960:s, and in the beginning of the 1970:s, including library education.

Lärares lärande genom handledning : Lärares uppfattningar av handledda gruppsamtal som ett medel i lärande och utveckling av sin profession

Den här artikelns syfte är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar av handledda gruppsamtal som medel i lärares professionsutveckling. Studien är kvalitativ och tar utgångspunkt teoretiskt och metodologiskt i fenomenografin. Nio lärare har intervjuats på en grundskola i Jönköpings kommun, 2011. I resultaten framkommer att frågandet har en central roll i handledningssamtalet vilket möjliggör fördjupad reflektion med perspektivvidgning som leder till ett förändrat tankesätt hos lärare. Undervisningen utvecklas och anpassas till eleverna, som en följd av handledningen..

Kännedom om och inställning till SAPERE-metoden : En undersökning bland personal på förskolor, låg- och mellanstadieskolor

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Miljöledningssystemet ISO 14001 : En fallstudie av institutionen Vatten och Miljö, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

Nya medier - nya användare

This essay shows how administrators in two different organizations are experiencing freedom of action in their work situation. The essay is made based on a qualitative method and interviews were used to implement the study. People chosen for this study are four administrators at a governmentagency - the Social Insurance agency, and four municipal officers from different Social service offices in southern Sweden. The theoretical framework consists of Weber's theory of bureaucracy, and his discussion of the legal authority. The analysis is designed as adiscussion of the parts that were especially prominent during the interviews.

Att leva med venösa bensår- ur ett holistiskt perspektivEn litteraturstudie

Venous leg ulcers are a chronic disease mostly among elderly individuals. The leg ulcers are often painful and interfere with the individual?s daily life. The aim of this literature review was to describe individuals? experiences of living with venous leg ulcers.

Får barn vara med i köket? : En kvantitativ studie om kommunala livsmedelsinspektörers syn på barns deltagande i kök på förskolor och skolor

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

E-faktura : Relationernas förändring mellan småföretag och storföretag vid införandet av EDI

This essay describes some factors that may effect small business survival in relation to becoming a supplier for bigger companies that may implement the use of EDI for electronic invoicing.The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate what impact may occur during the introduction of EDI between small and big business.Following on from the introduction of methods used in this study there will be a complete analysis made detailing results.From our research we have found that most small business have developed a professional working relationship between themselves and their clients.The adoption of EDI by big business has revolutionised the day to day dealings between both supplier and consumer in that EDI has empowered both chains to collaborate data in real time.In conclusion our research illustrates that in order for small business to survive the must implement EDI. The results of our study have shown that the introduction of EDI to both small and big business has had a positive outcome..

Styrning av skänkflödet i stålverket med programvaran Simul8 Professional - Planner

I samband med att SSAB Tunnplåt AB Luleå utvecklar ett nytt PC-baserat MPS- system som heter PROST 4 ska kompletterande programvaror testas och utvärderas. Simul8 Professional - Planner är en av dessa programvaror och det är främst dess förmåga att tillföra operativ styrning i produktionen samt möjligheter att kommunicera med PROST 4 som ska utvärderas. Ett pilotfall vid skänkhanteringen har därför genomförts för att testa programvaran Simul8 Professional - Planners förmåga att nyttjas till detta ändamål. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att kartlägga flöden och underhållsutföranden för stålskänkarna inom skänkhanteringen samt ta fram parametrar för målstyrning av arbetet inom denna del av stålverket. Vidare skulle en simuleringsmodell utvecklas och dess förmåga att tillföra operativ styrning utvärderas.

En hjälpande hand : Medlarens metoder och förhållningssätt i arbetet med gärningspersoner och brottsoffer

The purpose of this study was to examine the mediators' views on their work; mediation by reason of the breach. The starting point was to find out the mediator's approach and attitude in relation to the perpetrator and victim, and the prevailing regulatory framework. After review of the literature, we came to the realization that knowledge of this area was very limited and thus presents an unexplored topic. It emerged from the results that the mediators emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality and neutrality in the process of mediation and that it is important to create a good relationship with both parties. The methods used by the mediators is not so different much about, but the mediators apply Crime Prevention Council handbook.

Förändringar är till det bättre... eller? : En intervjustudie om kommunikationsförändringar på ett teknikkonsultföretag -ur ett ledarperspektiv

To lead is to communicate, a main part of the leadership. 80 % of leaders working tasks involve communication of some kind. The ambition of this study is to analyze how four leaders of an international technique consulting company experience and handle community and technical development during their professional courses. The leaders have a various experience of leadership which adds depth and width to this study. To perform the study qualitative method has been used in the form of personal interviews.The result indicates that change is not always beneficial in every aspect of communication.

Ett Unikt fall? : En fallstudie om webbverktyget Unikum

Skanska 21 is a student program for university students. The program runs for a year and a half parallel to university studies. It is aimed at those studying a few specific master engineering programs at Lund University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Chalmers University of Technology or Luleå University of Technology. The program consists of a number of program meetings such as company presentations, a boarding school week, rhetoric training and project visits. The aim of the project is to evaluate the Skanska 21 student program.

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