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Källsorterade systems påverkan på avloppsreningsverk : växthusgaser, energi- och resursanvändning i modellstudie

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on a simulated wastewater plant regarding GHG emissions and use of energy and resources when implementing source separated wastewater systems. The effects were studied for different restrictions of effluent quality and for different temperatures on the influent. The simulation model BSM2G calibrated for Käppala wastewater treatment plant was used. The task was executed by simulating nine different scenarios with an increase in influent load from new connections equivalent to 3, 10 and 30 % of the present connections. These new connections were served by conventional, urine separated or black water separated systems.

Ställtidsreducering med hjälp av SMED i pressgjuterianläggningar

To maintain production in high salaries countries and strength in competition against other companies, it is today more important than ever to maximize production, offer a wide spectra of products and be able to deliver on the customers desire of shorter and shorter delivery time. Flexible production and short time spent on die changes is vital to achieve these desires. The interest for die changeover time reduction grew in the same pace as the demand for increased product variety grew. SMED as a method of reducing time spent on die changeovers were developed in between 1950-1970, by the Japanese Shigeo Shingo.The purpose of this thesis work has been to investigate the result of SMED in a die casting facility, and compare the result from it with the result considering time spent on die changeovers when investing in new equipment. The goal is to implement a thorough investigation by using the SMED method at Tenhults Pressgjuteri AB and make a brochure that have to be simple to understand, in purpose to draw interest to the advantages of using SMED as a method.Commissioned by the Swedish foundry association Swecast, the work has been carried out by studying die changeovers at Tenhults Pressgjuteri AB, where filming and interviews with the operators have been included in the analysis.

Miljöstyrning i byggprocessen. En kartläggning av pågående miljöarbete och framtida förbättringar.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Visuell planering enligt Lean : Optimering av samordning i syfte att höjakvaliteten i grundläggningsprojekt

Construction production always contains different disciplines whose priorities andinterests can be very diverse. Good communication and coordination are essential tominimize misunderstandings and achieve good quality in the end result. This makesplanning a central part of the production management. In a world where conditionscan change as often as daily, being well prepared increases the opportunities to stayflexible and decrease negative effects of the changes.This study has been done in association with Skanska Foundations district North inStockholm in order to investigate how visual planning can be used in the productionmanagement to optimize the coordination and the quality.The history of Lean started at Toyota, but the concept are now spread over theworld and are used wide outside of the car industry nowadays. What?s challengingabout Lean in foundation projects is to embrace a long-term perspective and invest insolutions that are profitable in the longer term, instead of solve problems by onlytreating the symptoms.A holistic perspective is crucial in order to truly understand Lean.

Optimization of Lentivirus Production for Cancer Therapy

Vectors based on lentivirus backbones have revolutionized our ability to transfer genesinto many cell types. Lentiviral vectors integrate into the chromatin of target cells and do not transfer any viral genes causing vector replication. Both of these features arecommonly used in gene therapy and have been used clinically in individuals sufferingfrom cancer, infections and genetic diseases. It has been discovered that T-cells can be genetically modified to be used as effective weapons against cancer: therefore virus mustbe produced to deliver the gene of interest into the T-cells. In this project, lentiviralvectors have been produced to transfer the gene coding for a chimeric antigen receptor(CAR) which is directed to CD19 on B-cells.

Entreprenörskap i skolan : en studie av lärarroll och entreprenöriella förmågor på gymnasiekurser med konceptet Ung Företagsamhet

During the recent years the interest in entrepreneurial education has increased both in terms of research being made in the subject, but also in the extent of entrepreneurial courses in Swedish secondary schools, where as the concept Junior Achievement (JA) is particularly being used. A common goal of the entrepreneurial education is apart from teaching the students how to start and run a business, to develop the students? entrepreneurial skills and competences. The main purpose of the essay is to describe and illustrate the role of the teacher in the entrepreneurial pedagogy being used in courses with the JA concept and to investigate which entrepreneurial skills are being developed by the students participating in these courses. There is also the purpose of investigate what the characteristics are of this entrepreneurial pedagogy being used in the courses using the JA concept.

Uppdatering av båtnadskalkyl med hänsyn till nya faktorer :

Sweden have 419 000 km road in the country and about half of these roads is forestroads. The forest road net most important mission is to make it possible to deliver wood from the forest to the industries. With a raw material that is spread over a large area the road network is important. Each year has the forest road network been extended with about 1 700 km new roads. To decide if a new road is to be built different forest road cost estimation models has been used.

Scenerier i glas - ett projekt om mönstermoduler

The present project was initiated with the aim to create pattern modules for use in public environments. My intention was to let the properties, of the specific materials used, have a marked influence on the realisation of the final form. I also wanted to find a material, which is suitable from the perspective of sustainabilityand possibilities to create modules from it. The work was initiated with a study of some candidate materials and many sketches before I finally made my choice. My decision was clear after a visit to the company Glasfabriken inKalmar.

Svenskt venture capital och dess lönsamhet - i ett internationellt perspektiv

In this thesis, the Swedish venture capital market and its profitability is analyzed. Venture capital is defined as capital that is invested in the early stages of a company's life cycle, in the two investment stages seed/start-up and expansion.A common view is that the profitability of Swedish venture capital has not been, is not and will probably not become high either. With this in mind, we try to answer to the following questions in this thesis:? What has the profitability of Swedish venture capital actually been historically?? Which reasons could be found in order to explain the historical returns for Swedish venture capital, and which factors has been identified in international comparative studies between venture capital markets?In order to answer these questions, data showing historical returns for the Swedish, European and American venture capital market has been gathered, an extensive literature study has been performed, and three interviews with participants from the Swedish venture capital market has been conducted.We conclude that the historical returns of Swedish venture capital is in line with the general view that they have been low. We also see a trend where Swedish venture capital funds that are not specialized in one investment stage generate lower returns than more specialized funds.

Förebyggande Brandskydd

The number of residential fires has not declined sufficiently since the smoke alarm entranced the Swedish homes, fires lead to devastating consequences in which possessions, homes and worst of all human lives are at stake. Every year, about 80 people get killed and more than 500 get´s injured in residential fires, often due to lack of safety equipment. The number of fires caused by electrical appliances has risen and taken over a period of ten years the fire caused by a forgotten stove has increased by 70 percent. Preventing the risk that a fire would start on the stove would saves money, worry and most importantly, lives..

Kunskapssyn och lärande i estetiska lärprocesser och waldorpedagogik

My main purpose with this paper of John Steinbecks Of mice and men is to both analyze the long-lived structures and the unique individual destinies of the novel. I employ the method of the historical Annales-movement and use three divided levels in my analysis to try to capture these high structures and low moments of humanity in Structure, Konjuncture and the Individuality. The first level, Structure, is used to see how long-lived almost invisible geographic structures set the human act of condition. The second level, Konjuncture, is easier to grasp in understanding of time and embraces for example economic structures as the industrialism. The last level of Individuality is the fastest in time and easiest to understand but in the long run also the least important.

Betydelsen av utfodring under sintiden, sintidens längd och kalvningsintervallet med avseende på kons hälsa under kommande laktation

This essay describes and compares the extensive reindeer management to the more intensive, but grazing based, sheep management system in Sweden. Differences and similarities between the two production systems will be investigated by elucidating the economy, land use and possibilities to influence production and economy through breeding, feeding and product development. The reindeer management area covers the northern part of Sweden whilst the sheep management is dispersed over the country. Both reindeer and sheep are ruminants and have relatively high demands on the quality and digestibility of the feed however reindeers graze on mountain-and forest lands whilst sheep often graze inaccessible areas or cultivated grasslands. Selection intensity is generally lower in the reindeer management compared to the intensity in sheep breeding.

Structure and development of a post production pipeline

Planering och förändring av strukturen bakom en postproduktionspipeline, hur hanterar man materialet och vad är det som påverkar. Mina tre huvudsakliga frågeställningar har handlat om hur filstrukturen ser ut och hur den skall förändras. Hur en namngivningsstandard av filer kan underlätta handhavande mellan alla i produktionen, och sist vilka format man använder sig av. Slutresultatet är en startplattform från vilken det fortsatta arbetet med förändringar av företags- och projektstrukturen, kan ta vid..

Priset på åkermark : påverkande faktorer

The price of farmland has risen sharply in the last 20 years. This has led to discussions about what creates the value of farmland. The aim in this study was to try and find what factors are affecting the price on farmland. The area that is studied is the counties around Mälardalen during the period 2005 to 2009.The method chosen to achieve the objective is the hedonic price model. The variables are chosen after a preliminary study where a literature search has been made and a number of interviews with people in the industry.

Vattenhaltmätning i konfektyr och sylt med Karl Fishermetoden

Abstract (in English)The task for the diploma work was to develop methods for measuring of moisture content by the Karl Fischer method, in jam, jelly sweets, and fudge.The start premises was a for the company whole new equipment, which should be started up. Then programs should be developed for different kind of samples.In the task it was as well included to develop methods for dissolving the different kind of samples, since the Karl Fischer method demands completely dissolved sample material..

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