

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 5 av 254

Framgångsfaktorer och hinder med Lean produktion i Kina

AbstractLean production has become one common concept within industries to make the work more effective and to meet today?s hard competition. A challenge for Chinese production is the threat from new low cost countries. It will become very difficult to succeed to produce to a lower cost than these countries; this led to that Chinese companies must develop new strategies, according to Lee and Zhou (2000). This will put China in front of new challenges and new strategies can be needed to retain their strong competitive advantages.

Slöjd från år 1 : - önskedröm eller möjlighet?

Slöjd från år 1 i grundskolan, är det en möjlighet eller en önskedröm? Denna fråga har legat som grund för vår studie som utförts vid två skolor i Västerbotten. Syftet med studien var att genom intervjuer och enkäter försöka ta reda på lärarnas inställning till en tidigare start av slöjd. Studien riktar sig till alla lärare/pedagoger vid de utvalda skolorna. Vilka är argumenten för och emot en tidigare start av slöjd och varför finns inte slöjd som ämne från år 1 på alla skolor? Det vi kom fram till var att många lärare var positivt inställda till en tidigare start av slöjd men att de både såg möjligheter och hinder.

Slöjd från år 1 : önskedröm eller möjlighet?

Slöjd från år 1 i grundskolan, är det en möjlighet eller en önskedröm? Denna fråga har legat som grund för vår studie som utförts vid två skolor i Västerbotten. Syftet med studien var att genom intervjuer och enkäter försöka ta reda på lärarnas inställning till en tidigare start av slöjd. Studien riktar sig till alla lärare/pedagoger vid de utvalda skolorna. Vilka är argumenten för och emot en tidigare start av slöjd och varför finns inte slöjd som ämne från år 1 på alla skolor? Det vi kom fram till var att många lärare var positivt inställda till en tidigare start av slöjd men att de både såg möjligheter och hinder.

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

Vaktelproduktion för ägg och kött

The aim of this study is to review the commercial quail production for eggs and meat in the world. Another aim is to review the potential for increased production. Globally the quail production is very small, except in China where it is the second largest poultry industry. The production globally is small despite the quail's rapid growth, early sexual maturity and its high feed efficiency. The quail is also used as a laboratory animal and can be reared to be released in hunting areas.

Innovatörer inom vården : Förutsättningar för vårdpersonal att starta eget företag

ALMI Business Partner operating in the years 2008-2010 a project called Vivan which is about innovations made by staff in the health care profession. The project Vivian is to bring new products to the market by establishing new companies. We have looked at why health care professionals to a lesser extent than other professionals choose to start businesses. Another question raised is why it is mostly men who have chosen to start their own business in the female-dominated health profession. Traditionally, men have as an advantage over women in the corporate market in Sweden.

Utvärdering av substrat för biogasproduktion

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the different substrates that enter the digestion on Sundet wastewater treatment plant for production of biogas.This work have done an analysis of data about the biogasproduction from January 2012 to feburari 2013, this showed that the food substrates has a greater gas production than internal sludge.Through laboratory test the VS, TS and COD values for all the substrates used in the biogas production could be determinded. But the COD-method was less optimal for analysis of fat and food, therefore it optimized the method for fat but due to time constraints, this could not be done on the food substrates..

Fullfoder och blandfoder till mjölkkor : vad är viktigt för att lyckas enligt rådgivare och lantbrukare?

Total mixed rations (TMR) and TMR complemented with individual grain feeding to dairy cows are a growing practice in Sweden. This is because the heard sizes of the farms are increasing. Some farmers and farm advisors in Sweden have great knowledge and practical experience of working with TMR. In the same time there are many advisors that do not know how to handle TMR and farms that have a group based feeding of their animals. In this MSc thesis, the knowledge of farmers that use TMR and advisors with lots of experience of TMR are gathered, with the aim to create a guide book for advisors that are about to start or just have started working with TMR.

Opera i Stockholm : Stadsgårdskajen

The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..

Värmebehandlat trä ? att inhämta synpunkter i produktutvecklingens tidiga fas :

This study is a part of a Swedish research and development project that is about heat-treated wood and is led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Luleå University of Technology. Products that are heat-treated already exists on the market, foremost the Finnish brand ThermoWood®, bur the project group want to find out if it would be possible to start a Swedish production with somewhat different applications than what is common today. The heat-treated wood has many attributes that have changed in the heating process. It becomes more biologically durable, it gains stability in form and dimensions and it becomes darker and looses several unwanted extractives such as resin. Disadvantages that can be mentioned are that the wood becomes fragile and the strength properties changes. My main purpose with this study is to look into customer involvement in the early phase of product development. I also want to find out if the customers I interview think that the product is worth working with, which means start a Swedish production.

Ståndortsanpassning och produktionspotential för björk i Gävleborgs län

Large amounts of birch-timber are imported to Sweden, from particularly the Baltic States, since the domestic production can?t support the pulp industry. The goal of this study was to show the potential of birch and the area?s most suitable for birch production. The study was limited to Gävleborg County. Using site characteristics, site index (SI) for birch was estimated on all National Forest Inventory plots in Gävleborg County.

Ställtidsreduktion med hjälp av SMED

Syftet för det här examensarbetet var att praktiskt reducera ställtiden på enbefintlig produktionslinje på Ruukki i Halmstad. Vid tiden då författarna togkontakt med företaget var den nuvarande ställtiden alldeles för lång och långtifrån optimal. I samband med projektets start gjordes det ett antal avgränsningaranpassat till den tiden som fanns tillgänglig.Tillvägagångssättet och metodiken till lösningen bakom ställtidsproblematikenföljer Shigeo Shingos Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), där har författarnautfört analyser i form av iakttagelser och tidtagning. Upptäckterna som gjordesunder analys samt implementering var att även om SMED är en direkt metodik förställtidsreduktion finns det andra faktorer som kan motverka implementeringensamt dess goda resultat. Dessa faktorer som påvisades under projektets gång varbland annat de mänskliga aspekterna och den bakomliggande företagskulturen iorganisationen.

Hur mår svensk filmmusik? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska filmkomposito?rers fo?rutsa?ttningar i det nutida produktionsklimatet

This thesis examines Swedish composers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film industry. It starts off with a historical overview treating live music in early silent film, the conversion to sound and the Swedish production climate until present time. The analysis consists of contemporary empirical studies; interviews with people writing music for film, TV and commercials. The musician's perspective is in focus but directors and other film workers are heard as well. The situation for female composers in a male-dominated industry is also discussed.

Adaptive Capacity through Complex Adaptive System

Problem: The corrugated board industry is highly affected by customer uncertainty, various demands and short delivery times. In combination with a complex multi-step production process managers have to be able to identify bottle-necks and gain knowledge and understanding of how different changes in process will affect the production output. <br/><br/>Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is twofold, (1) to examine applicability of complexity theory through agent-based modelling on a production process (2) to identify improvement areas in order to increase the production output at SKS production site in Eslöv, by modelling and simulating the production process through an agent-based model. <br/><br/>Method: The chosen method of this study is a combination of a case study and a complex system approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews, observation and document studies which were analysed through an agent-based simulation model.

Elstart Motorsåg

As requested by the company Husqvarna AB, we have developed a prototype of an electrical start device to a chainsaw. This was done through the development of new details in Catia, which has been integrated with existing details. Electrical components have been purchased by HAB electronics. In parallel with the modeling calculations was done, which was the basis for determine dimensions and the choice of an electric motor and gears. Prototype 1 improved gradually and led to prototype number 2, which became the final result.

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