

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 38 av 254

Teknisk och ekonomisk analys av en bränslekonvertering vid SIA TallOils pelletsfabrik :

At SIA TallOil's pellets factory in Latvia wood shavings and saw dust are dried with flue gases from a gas burner. TallOil wants to replace the gas with a biofuel that is available at the pellet plant. The reason for this is the unstable gas market in Europe in combination with the fact that TallOil wants to improve its profile as supplier of renewable bio fuels. In this project the technical and economical possibilities for a fuel conversion to ether bark powder, wood shavings or wood powder have been investigated. These fuels should be burned in one of the following applications: TPS BioSwirl, VTS Multifuel burner or Saxlunds bio fuel combustion plant Due to the fact that the fuel alternatives available are relatively common except for bark powder, the work has mainly been focused on bark powder.

Utveckling av arbete med ständiga förbättringar: en fallstudie vid Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Production Surfactants i Stenungsund

Den ökade förändringstakten i samhället på grund av ny teknik, internationalisering och att samhället blivit alltmer mångkulturellt bidrar till att större krav ställs på företag att hela tiden förbättra sin verksamhet. Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Production Surfactants i Stenungsund, har huvudsakligen sina kunder och konkurrenter runt om i Europa. Då Sverige ligger i utkanten av detta område tar det omkring en leveransdag längre tid för Production Surfactants att leverera sina produkter i jämförelse med företagets konkurrenter. Detta medför att Production Surfactants behöver kompensera denna längre leveranstid genom exempelvis högre produktkvalitet, större flexibilitet eller lägre priser för att ha möjlighet att tävla på marknaden. För att uppnå detta behöver Production Surfactants utveckla och systematisera sitt förbättringsarbete.

Slimmade möten, en undersökning av Leans påverkan på mötesprocesser

Lean has been studied intensely since the 1980s and it has been tested and successfully implemented in a wide variety of businesses. This thesis aims to examine the potential effects of a Lean implementation on meeting efficiency, a topic that has gotten little attention in the research community. First, a number of meeting problems are introduced, as they are perceived from the company that is the subject of the study. Second, the potential of introducing Lean in a meeting process is evaluated using the Lean Thinking principles. Third, the wastes that are generated from the meeting problems are identified.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : kommunikation och trivsel i industriella arbetslag

Relationships and trust between humans create the psychosocial working environment. This is a basic human activity and is communicated in a continually ongoing process. Conciseness about the value of trust and social capital motivates the need for work, with threats to communication, being conflicts and noise. This can create greater trust in the workplace as a whole, as well in the working team. Scientists are increasingly interested in these social relations in the working environment; there are profits, both for production and in terms of individuals2019 well being, in shifting the focus away from a purely production-oriented, economic perspective.

Ständiga förbättringar hos Drive Sol Worldwide AB

The purpose with this report is to give structure to the storage area betweenproduction and packaging at Spaljisten AB in Åseda. The purpose is also to givesuggestions for improvements of work tasks and thereby simplify and improve thematerial handling at the packing process.The background of the task is that Spaljisten AB is going to increase theirproduction and thereby they also need to increase the packing rate of theirproducts. They will manage this by installing a new automated packing line andincrease the efficiency of the old manual one. The theoretical background ismostly obtained from literature which contains relevant facts for our report.The storage area has been studied visually in order to search for improvements oftoday?s layout.

Denim is not dead

För att ett företag ska kunna hålla sig flytande på marknaden idag krävs de att de har hundra procent koll på vad som sker i deras fabriker och att de strävar efter en mer hållbar tillverkningsprocess. Att försäkra konsumenterna om att fabrikerna inte använder sig av barnarbete eller dåliga arbetsförhållanden räcker inte längre utan det krävs en bredare kunskap inom miljö och hållbar utveckling för att den trogna kunden ska stanna. Syftet med denna rapport är att kontrollera det nyuppstartade företaget DENIM IS DEAD?s produktion och utvärdera om hur man kan förädla de olika processtegen samt skapa transparens gentemot kund.Metoden som arbetet utformades efter var genom en fallstudie som är baserad på en mestadels deduktiv metod men med inslag av induktiv metod. Där grunden lades genom en utförlig faktainsamling för att i rapportens senare del kunna analysera de hypoteser och problemformuleringar som ställts.Målet med rapporten var att ta fram en metod eller produkt som ska underlätta kommunikationen med DENIM IS DEAD?s kund.

Den mobila prefabriceringsfabriken : Ett nytt produktionskoncept

This is an investigation of a mobile prefabrication factory´s competitiveness and profitability which also will result in a suggestion for a design of the factory. The mobile prefabrication factory is an idea of a new concept for production which is meant to be used in the manufacture of slab. The main intention with this concept is that by using a fast established prefabrication factory to produce elements near the construction site, thus avoiding transport from the factory to the building site. This means not only an environmental and economic gain, but also that you can avoid risking damage the elements which often occur during transportation. The contractor is owner of the mobile prefabrication factory and can thus avoid long waiting times and cyclicality.

Ärtrev som substrat för biogasproduktion : En litteraturstudie och rötning i labbskala

Until 2020, 49% of Sweden's use of energy must derive from renewable sources. Greenhouse gases must as well decline with 40% compared to 1990 as a part of Sweden's 16 environmental objectives. Biogas is part of the effort to achieve these objectives, but as the demand for biogas increases, more substrates are needed to meet the demand. The purpose is to investigate the conditions for pea residue as substrate by performing lab-scale mesophilic digestion with different fractions and notch lengths and then to summarize pea residue as a substrate for biogas production. During anaerobic digestion, 1000 ml bottles were used as reactors for digestion.

Axellagring till Klasserare

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

Vad pedagoger anser viktigt för en bra inskolning i förskolan : En granskning av två inskolningsmodeller

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån pedagogers uppfattning om vad en lyckad inskolning innebär granska två olika modeller att skola in barn och dess föräldrar i förskolan. Genom studien vill jag ha svar på vad pedagogerna anser att en bra inskolning innebär, vilka faktorer som är mest betydelsefulla för familjen när de börjar förskolan samt hur pedagogerna gör för att se till att alla barn med familjer får en bra start i förskolan.Metoden som använts i denna studie är kvalitativa intervjuer av sex pedagoger som arbetar på två olika förskolor där den ena förskolan använder kortdagsinskolning och den andra förskolan använder heldagsinskolning.I studien framkom att alla pedagoger i undersökningen är överens om vad en lyckad inskolning innebär. De säger allihop att det viktigaste är att barnen är nöjda, glada, tillfreds och trygga med förskolan och dess pedagoger. Resultatet visade på att den viktigaste faktorn för en lyckad inskolning i förskolan är att samarbetet och kontakten med föräldrarna är avgörande för inskolningens resultat.En slutsats av studien är att de två inskolningsmodellerna är två varianter av samma modell. Modellerna är bara förfinade för att passa de barn och föräldrar och pedagoger som finns just nu på den aktuella förskolan.

Methane emissions from Swedish sheep production

The quantity of methane emissions from sheep depend on several factors, for example, the composition of the diet, feed quality, the age of the animals, time of the day and maybe also breed and sex. A comprising literature review was made about which factors that affect the size of emissions. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to two farms, one with a more intensive production system and another with a more extensive system. Inventories of the two farms were made; the rest of the data needed to conduct the study was taken from literature and other sources. Meat produced at the more intensive farm caused emissions of 0.4 kg of methane per kg of bone free meat and the more extensive farm caused emissions of 0.9 kg methane per kg of bone free meat.

Hyggesbränning på Orsa besparingsskog - en studie på tillväxt och föryngring,15år efter etablering

The main purpose with this study was to investigate whether the tree growth differs or not in prescribed burnt areas compared to mechanically scarified. Together with the result from the main purpose, answers of whether it's possible or not to combine nature conservation with tree production in prescribed burnt areas was presented. In these areas the regeneration were analyzed to see if there was enough tree plants to comply with the Swedish Forestry Act regulations terms for approved regeneration. A field survey was conducted at 6 objects, three objects for prescribed burning and three for mechanically scarification. All objects were planted within the same year.

1600-talets urvalsprocesser för tryckta verk : Produktion och distribution av böcker och dissertationer i Stockholm och Uppsala

During the 17th century the production and distribution of printed works increased in Stockholm and Uppsala. However, all works that the publisher wanted to print, did not reach the reader. This thesis aimed to show when, where and how printed books and dissertations did not reach the reader. To achieve this aim, aspects of several well known models showing systems of book production and distribution were combined and adapted to suit Swedish conditions in the 17th century. This combined model focused on processes of selection and was presented and used as a theoretical approach.

Uppbygnad av ett logiskt flöde vid produktionsövertag

The situation at Plastal AB is following; the plant in Simrishamn has not capacity enough but the plant in Kristinehamn has unused capacity. My task with this master thesis is to build a logistic flow between this two plants, optimize purchase quantities and ensure delivery safety.The production of the Intermediate Section (LS) will be divided between the plants. The LS will be produced in the following way; the injection moulding process will be done in Simrishamn and the assembling and lacquering processes in Kristinehamn, The reason to divide the production is to ensure delivery safety. Plastal AB can not move the whole production of the l.S because the two plants have different processes (moulding res. injection moulding).When the 1.5 has been transported to Kristinehamn following moments are included in this order; lacquering, welding and assembling.

Kapitalstruktur inom Svenska industriföretag : - en studie av Modigliani & Millers teorem

This paper?s objective is to investigate whether Modigliani and Miller (MM) I & II proposition from 1958 with regard to capital structure, is still valid among public Swedish firms.We have chosen the 63 firms on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (OMX) that Affärsvärlden magazine?s general index (AFGX) has categorized as industrial firms. We based this selection on the assumption that these firms are relatively capital intense and have a clear focus on production and, therefore, mainly uses capital structure as a mean to finance their production and not as a means in itself.To be able to fully evaluate these firms we have calculated the current key ratios based each firm?s annual report. To make the figures comparable across the entire population we adjusted them to each firm?s turnover.The results we have reached concur with MM?s proposition I regarding capital structures independence of the firm value.

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