

3809 Uppsatser om Production start - Sida 34 av 254

Installation av la?glutande fingaller fo?r fra?mjande av ekologisk funktion i vattenkraftverk : En fallstudie av ett kraftverk i Umea?lven

The purpose of this bachelor degree thesis is to analyze technical issues associated with an implementation of a low sloping trash rack with narrow spacing. A hydropower plant in Umea?lven was used as a case study. The basis for the study was a model where trash racks were dimensioned for inclinations between 25 and 45 degrees. Corresponding head loss, durability and water speed through the rack were then determined for each inclination.

Effekten av kvävegödsling på gasproduktionen vintertid i boreala sjöar

To investigate effects of nitrogen on in-lake CO2 and CH4 production during winter, three pair of lakes was subject for a fertilizing experiment in which one lake in each pair was fertilized with nitric acid (HNO3) directly into the water column in the summer of 2012. The lakes in each pair are assumed to be morphologically, hydrologically and biologically similar, that is, the non-fertilized lakes are considered references. The pairs do differ in one major way by being progressively less humic, going from around 25 mg/l to 10 mg/l DOC. Sampling and analysis was carried out at the end of the frozen period in 2013. Results show a significantly higher concentration of both CO2 (p<0,001) and CH4 (?=0,1, p=0,053) between impact and reference sites in the two less humic pairs.

Metanpotential för alger och bioslam blandat med pappersfiber

In this thesis the methane gas potential of three different substrates, two algaes Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata and biosludge mixed with paper fiber was studied. This was done by batch experiments in a laboratory environment to examine the gas production and composition of the produced gas.Biogas production is a complex anaerobic digestion process in which various microorganisms decompose the substrate in steps and at the end produce biogas and a residue. Many factors affect the production of gas, for example the substrate content, temperature and pH in the digester.The analysis of methane potential were divided into two experiments. In experiment 1 substrates were digested along with inoculum from Växjö waste water treatment plant in a temperature of about 37 ?C.

Mobilt internet för skogsbruket med CDMA2000 i450 MHz - bandet :

Improved wireless datacommunication with the forest machines might be the next big step in the logging process. The use for wireless communicationsystems within the forestry is among other things to report the production from the forest machines, to supply the machine opera-tors with the right information and for safety. CDMA2000/ 450 is a third generation mobilecommunicationsystem which could replace the old NMT- 450 and for comparatively low costs. The reason for the low costs is that you only have to use the old NMT- 450 masts and supply them with new equipment. In the test of CDMA2000/450, that has taken place in northern Uppland, two kind of files have been sent.

Framtagning av äldreanpassad stol : the development of a chair suitable for the elderly

This report summarizes a Bachelor Degree Project in Integrated Product Development, carried out during the fall 2007 till spring 2008 by three students at the Product Design Engineering Program at the University of Skövde. The project was performed in cooperation with Lundbergs Möbler AB in Tibro. Lundbergs wants to start selling furniture to the public eldercare. The purpose of this project was to adjust one of their chairs. The project layout was to first make a preliminary investigation where the market, competitors? assortment and the purchasing process are studied.

Doseringsmaskin Preplant

This report presents a thesis project conducted by two students at Mälardalens högskola. The project covers 15 points in industrial design and was conducted during April to June 2014. The principal of the thesis works at Plastic Produkter. The assignment was to develop equipment for an effective way to dose, mix silicon, fill a special designed plastic bag and then seal it. The bag is then formed into a breast model.When a customer for various reasons decides to do a breast augmentation or a breast reconstruction, there may be doubt or uncertainty about the result.

Hur hållbar är serogrisproduktion? :

Raising pigs in absence of a number of certain diseases is called Seroproduction in Sweden. Internationally it?s called SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) ? Production. It results in higher growth, lower feed consumption, and lower medicine consumption. The pigs are produced under the same concept, but the rules vary a bit between countries.

Foreign direct investments under political uncertainty : a case study of crop production in Ukraine

Intense competition among companies and luck or unavailability of certain resources in country of company?s origin force last to cross the borders, and start to hunt for new markets and cheaper inputs. However, by investing abroad the company is not only facing and dealing with cultural differences and new regulatory framework, but also becomes dependent on decisions and actions of different and to large extend unknown government. Moreover, the majority of the investments? flows are directed to developing countries, where power and capabilities of state authorities are considered to be more extensive than in countries of developed economies.

Utveckling av handtag till spolarvätska

Title Becoming involved in the planning process - from the construction workers perspective.University/Institution Halmstad UniversityKeywordsEmpowerment through participation, construction workers involvement in decision making in the planning process, knowledge management and communication in the planning process, partnering, human resource managementAimThe aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide knowledge and examine how construction workers perceive involvement in the planning process of partnering projects, what they can contribute and what they get out of the planning process.Methodology The study was conducted with a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews.          The interview studie consist of 10 interviews with construction workers who are specially educated in participating in the planning process at the company ByggDialog AB.ConclusionAll respondents are positive to be involved in the planning process. The main advantages they can see is that they are able to influence technical solutions and methods that will be used later on in the production. Therefore it is important to consider when construction workers should be involved in the planning process so that they get the chance to influence in this decisions.When it comes to the decision making the construction workers should be involved in the decisions that are related to their tasks in the production such as technical solutions, choice of methods and materials. Their main duties and working hours should be in the production.Involvement in planning does not automatically mean that the construction workers are involved in the decision making, it is up to them how much they participate.

Den allvarsamma leken : Om källan till mening i arbetet

Based on 30 years of work experience in TV and film production, I have made a phenomenological analysis of my perception of meaning in work - how it arises and how it is undermined. The story starts in my experience of early professional film making in the 1980's and describes how a change to work in TV production required the development of a new professional identity. The text also illustrates how as a female director I have managed my role in a male dominated and structured work environment. Being defined as an exception from the male norm has pushed me towards femininist reflection and the need to redefine my own work role - the generally accepted view having felt uncomfortable. An analysis of structural change in TV and film production shows how market pressures and ways of thought have increasingly invaded cultural endeavour. Professional spheres of influence are weakened, while developments in the media are characterised by a commercialism which encroaches more and more upon artistic, spiritual and moral values. This attitude, where quality is in retreat, has transformedprogramme makers from creative originators into becoming suppliers of raw material in a factory- like process geared to produce great volume at low cost.The aim of this essay is to show how changes in society and in TV and film making have affected my perception of my work.

Är merinokorsningar ett alternativi jämtländsk fårhållning?

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Väst och ?de Andra? : En kritisk diskursanalys av ett antal svenskspråkiga artiklars medierapportering om terroristen och islam

During the 17th century the production and distribution of printed works increased in Stockholm and Uppsala. However, all works that the publisher wanted to print, did not reach the reader. This thesis aimed to show when, where and how printed books and dissertations did not reach the reader. To achieve this aim, aspects of several well known models showing systems of book production and distribution were combined and adapted to suit Swedish conditions in the 17th century. This combined model focused on processes of selection and was presented and used as a theoretical approach.

Biogasrötning av socker- och foderbetor : Jämförelse av färska, stuklagrade samt ensilerade betor i laboratorieskala

Fossil fuels are affecting our climate negatively and there is a limited amount of them in the world, which leads to the importance of finding alternative fuels. One alternative is biogas, which is produced though a digestion process of different organic materials in a biogasreactor. Organic substrate that comes from farms has the biggest potential to increase the production of biogas in Sweden. Primarily crops from farms, but also waste products like manure are of great importance.Today there is a calculated theoretical potential for biogasproduction of 14TWh per year, which is around ten times larger than Sweden?s production today.

Människan, kalven eller gödselbrunnen? Mjölkens destination och fördelning - hos mjölkbonden

A variety of food is produced and passes the whole chain by processing, transport and trade and finally it ends up with the consumer. But in many cases, the food is disposed before it is eaten. Some of the produced food does not even pass the whole entire chain before it turns to waste. The question about food waste in debates is a case of access to food for every human beeing. It is question of consumption of the resources, waste management and an issue of environmental impact.

Stopover duration and field site selection by whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) at Lake Tysslingen, Sweden

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) ecology to enhance the ability to predict and also to prevent the crop damage they cause. The largest proportion of damage in Sweden has been reported at stopover sites during spring migration in February, March and April. Therefore, this study focused on an important stopover site, Lake Tysslingen, situated in south-central Sweden. Specifically, the relation between the duration and period migrating swans stage at the stopover site and mean temperature (measured at three different weather stations) for the years 2001-2010 was studied. Furthermore, the swans´ selection for certain fields in relation to field type, distance to roosting site, a supplemental feeding site and forest edge within agricultural land surrounding the lake was analyzed.

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