

2211 Uppsatser om Product branding - Sida 44 av 148


Today´s roofing of dwelling houses is a very time consuming procedure, which includes a lot of different steps on the construction site. Not only does it cost a lot of money, but often do problems with rot and mold occur in the attics of houses today. The use of prefabricated modules has seen a great breakthrough in the field of construction of dwelling houses; at least when it comes to foundations and walls, where this type of approach makes the construction process way more efficient. What no one previous has succeeded to develop is a corresponding system for roofs that meets the demands of a dwelling house. Accordingly the goal of PlusTak has been to come up with a proper module system for roofing of dwelling houses, where the roofing is completed to meet the demands of the Scandinavian market. During the project a lot of effort has been put into customer contacts and the usability of the product, as well in the manufacturing process as on the construction site. This development has gone hand in hand with several practical tests and tryouts.

Den ständiga förändringen : En komparativ studie i vinstdrivande fo?retag och ideella organisationers varuma?rkesarbete pa? sociala medier

AbstractTitle: The constant change - A comparative study of profit companies and nonprofit organizations' brand management through social mediaAuthor: Agnes Nobel & Matilda VallgrenTutor: Daniel LövgrenPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study profit companies and nonprofit organizations? branding and strategic communication on social media. If social media has supported with new interaction with stakeholders and hence affected the branding work. Also if there are any differences between profit companies and nonprofit organizations.Method/Material: The method that is used in the article is a qualitative research. The research is based on conversations interviews conducted with eight organizations, four profit companies and four nonprofit organizations.Main results: The main result showed that all organizations are actively involved with social media in their strategic communication when in order to increase the interaction with stakeholders and thus strengthen their brand identity. It turned out that all organizations have not adapted the brand to social media, but worked with the organizations values ??and only applied the trademark on social media.

Svensk offentlig diplomati i förändring : En fallstudie om Svenska institutet

The Swedish Institute is a public agency promoting Swedish interest, national image and confidence around the world. This work attempts to investigate how communication and a process over time influences and effects public diplomacy. The analytic discussion is based on a single case study research of this Institute representing ideas in the international science field of public diplomacy. The theoretical ideas of public diplomacy are placed in a theoretical perspective of social constructivism. The method is qualitative, with excerpts taken from interviews, literature, newspapers, articles, state public reports and social media.

Klicka här för gemenskap : Hur interaktivitet skapar engagemang och lojalitet

Digital marketing has been changing continuously and rapidly since the introduction of Web2.0 ten years ago (Lin, Li, Deng, & Lee, 2013). Companies are now engaging their users intheir digital marketing by providing with interactive contents in digital campaigns. The digitalcampaigns are getting more converge with SNS (social networking sites) in order to let the usershare the content with others and therefore the e-WOM (electronic word of mouth) helps thecompanies digital campaigns to be shared by more users (Moran, Muzellec, & Nolan, 2014).The interactive content in the digital campaigns have shown to provide for engaged users andtherefore leads to loyal users. The reason for this has its roots in the culture of consumptionthat has brought our everyday consumption to a whole new level where we no longer justconsumes a product, we are the brand (Davis, 2013).The study, Click here for solidarity, aims to explain the interactive phases and rhetorical elementsthat companies use to engage the user to interact with the content of the digital campaigns.The study is based on four digital campaigns in four different market areas in order to providewith an overall picture of how companies work with interactive and rhetorical elements. Thusthe study falls into the area of marketing and branding.

Verktyg för tillskärning av nätisoleringsmatta : Produktutvecklingsprojekt för en effektivare och mer användarcentrerad metod för tillskärning av nätisoleringsmattor

This report covers a product development project conducted as Bachelor of Science thesis forthe Innovation & design engineer program at Karlstad University.The assignment was supplied by MMB Consulting, Kristinehamn. The purpose of this projectwas to find an alternative way of shaping wire-net insulation mats. This insulation product isused for fire and thermal insulation of technical installations. The insulation consists of stoneor glass wool with a sewn on steel wire netting on the out facing side. This netting has thepurpose to enable fastening to e.g.

Finansiella garantier - en möjlighet att säkerställa ett miljömässigt omhändertagande av uttjänta produkter

Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) is a form of product take-back regulation that requires the producers to manage their products at the end of life. By internalising the products? entire life cycle costs into the market price the ultimate objective of such regulations is to reduce the environmental burden from the products. This Master´s thesis seeks to examine if the total life cycle cost of a product actually is borne by the producer, and if not, predict who will then take this cost. This is done by analysing the market for take-back activities in three different categories of products; electrical and electronic equipment, cars and wind power stations.

Survival of the fittest?: Effekten av en varumärkeskris på konkurrerande svaga och starka varumärken inom en produktkategori

Almost every day newspapers cover companies and brands in crisis. This should worry companies as negative publicity has been shown to have a great influence on consumer perceptions on brands. In addition, brand crises have been shown to be contagious, meaning that they also affect consumers? views on other similar brands. This study aims to investigate spill-over effects of one brand crisis to another within a product category.

Egna märkesvaror i dagligvaruhandeln : - En studie om hur egna märkesvaror påverkar konsumentens impulsköp

The thesis concerns itself with studying the effects private brands has on the consumer?s impulse buying in the grocery industry, as in degree of unplanned spending and the selection process between manufacturer brands and private brands when such a purchase is performed. The study?s methodology is characterised by a qualitative approach, whereby the study acknowledges the inductive approach towards the empirical setting even though the Mehrabian-Russell model along with motivational theories serve as highlighters of relevant aspects in the empirical field. The study concludes that both the utilitarian and the hedonic consumer decide what to buy before entering the store, whereby a low degree of needs arise in the store.

Förnuft eller känsla? ? en studie om faktorer som gör en arbetsgivare attraktiv

Studien är en kvalitativt inriktad undersökning omfattande sex intervjuer med studenter och alumni vid ett lärosäte i södra halvan av Sverige, som har till syfte att identifiera och beskriva faktorer som gör arbetsgivare attraktiva för gruppen lärarstudenter. Frågeställningarna rör i första hand identifiering av betydelsefulla faktorer i valet av arbetsgivare. Forskningsprocessen har i stora delar varit induktiv och de teoretiska analysverktygen har därför valts sedan det empiriska materialet redan framkallats. Som utgångspunkt för den teoretiska analysen har använts epistemologisk identitetsteori (Demerath), psykologiska kontrakt (Rousseau) och pragmatisk rationalism (Hodkinson & Sparkes). Delar av den teoretiska analysen har gjorts utifrån Bourdieus teorier om habitus och sociala strukturer.

Ur led är tiden: En studie av metoder att korta ledtider inom forskning och utveckling

Product development cycles become shorter and shorter. The time from idea to market has become an important competitive factor. Despite this, methods used for making the product development process faster are surrounded with uncertainty about their efficiency. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the pros and cons of ?best practice? methods for shortening lead times and how these methods effect the lead times in research and development.

Sverige ? ett varumärke? : Hur Visit Sweden marknadsför Sverige internationellt

Bakgrund: Till år 2020 ska antalet exportmogna svenska destinationer ha mer än fördubblats. Detta enligt projektet Nationell strategi som bland andra aktörerna Visit Sweden, Svensk Turism och Swedavia igår i. Visit Swedens roll i projektet är att marknadsföra Sverige till målgrupper utomlands.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Visit Sweden arbetar för att marknadsföra Sverige och dess destinationer till sina utvalda målgrupper internationellt.Frågeställning:Hur arbetar Visit Sweden för att attrahera utvalda målgrupper?Vilken kommunikation finns med målgrupperna?Hur arbetar Visit Sweden för att stärka Sveriges image hos resenärerna?Metod: I denna uppsats har kvalitativa metoder använts med djupintervjuer och litteraturstudier för att ge författarna en bredare och djupare bild av ämnet för att kunna svara på frågeställningarna. Intervjuer gjordes med representanter från Visit Sweden och Svenska Institutet.Teori: De teorier som utgör uppsatsens teoretiska referensram berör image, integrerad marknadskommunikation, positionering, differentiering samt platsmarknadsföring.Slutsats: Visit Sweden definierar sina målgrupper utifrån analyser för att kunna rikta marknadsföringen till rätt målgrupp.

Employer Branding : Nyckeln till att få anställda att stanna i en provisionsbaserad bransch?

Employer Branding, EB, är ett koncept inom marknadsföring som syftar till ett företags marknadsföring gentemot anställda. Konceptet grundar sig i att organisationer genom EB kan skapa ett attraktivt varumärke gentemot anställda för att sedan få dem att identifiera sig med det. EB syftar även till att skapa en trivsam organisationskultur. Detta ska resultera i att de anställda känner lojalitet gentemot företaget och därmed tenderar att stanna längre inom företaget. Tillämpning av detta koncept har i tidigare forskning visat sig gynnsamt då resultaten visar att anställda får en tillhörighet till och fortsätter att arbeta inom företaget.

Consumers? Perceptions of Variety ? the Impact of Private Brands

This study aims to investigate how consumers perceive variety in grocery stores and further how private brands have affected consumers? perceptions of variety in grocery stores.The study focuses on the perceptions and attitudes towards variety and the impact of private brands on perceived variety. Hence, a qualitative rather than quantitative study has been used. Photo elicitation has been used in both focus groups and in-depth interviews, which have been the empirical data collection of the study. Scientific articles and books have also been used in the process.

Rullarmering - Ett rationellt sätt att armera

This is a degree project performed at Halmstad University in Sweden on the subject carpet ofreinforcement. This project is developed in association with Celsa Steel Service in Halmstad.The purpose of this report is to investigate how much time that can be saved if carpet ofreinforcement is used instead of the traditional way to work with reinforcement and seewhat kind of parameters that is important between the choices. We are also going to seehow this product affects the situation for reinforcement workers from an ergonomic point ofview.Carpet of reinforcement is made by straight reinforcement?s bars that are welded togetherwith steel bands. These rolls are made at a factory with a machine that welds together thebars in determined centre distance, with desired dimensions after the constructionengineers? blueprints.

Ergo Mopp : Från koncept till produkt

This thesis describes the work process and the results for the development of a newkind of ergonomic cleaning mop, ranging from basic concept to a virtually productionready digital prototype. The project was made in cooperation with, Ömer Altun, whowas also the project supervisor, and whose plan it is to launch this new product onthe market in a foreseeable future. The mop is meant to be used by both professionalcleaning staff and ordinary home users. What makes this product unique is that it hasa movable center piece that simplifies the cleaning under low furniture.The work began with the establishment of a product requirements specification andlater a study of similar products and existing functional models was conducted. Afterthese surveys the work began with refining the existing concepts in order to makethem more complete.

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