

2211 Uppsatser om Product branding - Sida 10 av 148

Employer Branding : Ett gränsöverskridande varumärkesarbete

Bakgrund: Denna uppsats handlar om hur företag ska kunna attrahera framtida kompetens med en ny varumärkesstrategi. ?Employer Branding? är namnet på denna strategi och beskrivs av konsulter som ett medel för företag att via en genomtänkt varumärkesstrategi profilera företaget på kompetensmarknaden. Grunderna i en Employer Branding-strategi innefattar följande aspekter: att kunna attrahera och behålla den bästa kompetensen samt att ena företaget kring sin vision och kultur. Vi har i denna uppsats undersökt och definierat vad en Employer Branding-strategi innebär och hur begreppet kan ställas i relation till existerande teorier.

Vikten av att skapa ett starkt varumärke

First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.

Eleiko 360°

This report will present athesis on behalf of Eleiko Sports AB and carried out by two students at the InnovationEngineering (University of Halmstad). In this report the project participants willdescribe the project background along with the current product issues andneeds. A clear structure for participants, stakeholders and information flowbetween these parts will be included in this report so that you can clearly seethe areas of responsibility. The report includes a timetable which the grouphas worked along and also methods used. In the development process you will beable to read about how the students in an interdisciplinary way have used themethods and come up with an entirely new product.

Nödlösning i fickformat - stående kissande för kvinnor

The product "urinal funnel" for women has fascinated me for a long time. Not only because it solves a practical problem in a simple way, but also because it challenges our definitions of gender and behaviour. This report describes the process of making a new design for a funnel, taking material, ergonomics and construction in consideration. It also includes structuring a launching of the product in Sweden. It starts up with a large amount of information gathering, both by interviewing testgroup-perticipants, but also by researching and evaluating the range of existing funnels.

Ett lyckat recept - Internt fokus vid varumärkning av en stad

Vi har i vår uppsats undersökt de interna intressenternas betydelse vid varumärkning av en stad. För att utreda vårt syfte har vi valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en fallstudie där vi studerat Kristianstads profilering. Vi har dragit slutsatserna att de interna intressenterna är avgörande för att en lyckad varumärkning ska kunna äga rum. Vi har identifierat två kristiska faktorer för att få de interna intressenternas stöd, dessa är delaktighet och förankringsarbete..

Svävare : Utforming av hytt

The project in question is a joint effort between students at Karlstad University and Marcus Norström at the company Hovercraft solutions. The project is divided into two parts, one focusing on the purely technical aspects of engineering the product and one focusing on the design aspects of the product development. The project described in this report is the design of the product. The assignment from Hovercraft solutions is regarding design engineering of a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD from the manufacturer Griffon hovercraft. The product lacks a cabin and none is offered from Griffon at the time being. 380TD is a relatively small hovercraft with a length of 6.8 metres and a width of 3.8 metres.The surface available for the cabin is not much different from the body of a car.Because of this, research has been focused primarily on car bodies.The product development process used in the project is following a systematic approach.From a chosen concept, the project was finalized with a CAD-modell as well as a detailed prototype.The weight target of 80 kg was reached and the ergonomic aspects were considered developing the sight field, roof- and entrance height.    .

1+1=3? : en studie om co-branding och dess påverkan på ett varumärkes värde

Co-branding, vilket är en typ av varumärkessamarbete, har på senare tid blivit en populär strategi i strävan efter att skapa ett högre värde för konsumenten samt nå fördelar så som ökade intäkter samt möjligheten att skapa och attrahera lojala kunder. Dock finns det siffror som pekar på att många co-brandingsamarbeten misslyckas. Mot denna bakgrund har syftet med denna studie varit att, utifrån lojala kunders perspektiv, undersöka vilken påverkan ett varumärkessamarbete av typen co-branding kan ha på ett av de två varumärkenas värde. För att undersöka detta har co-brandingsamarbetet mellan Nike och Apple i form av produkten Nike + iPod Sport Kit valts som undersökningsobjekt. En enkätundersökning baserad på Aakers modell har gjorts bland alla ?Apple on Campus? representanter i Sverige.

Förpackningsdesign i en varumärkesstärkande process : En fallstudie av varumärket Coca-Cola

Nowadays, packaging design is seen as a competitive tool and its importance for corporations is becoming increasingly apparent. The rivalry within homogeneous markets puts high demands on differentiation and the ability to create something more than the product itself. With this fundamental question, the soft drink industry has been examined and a case study of the brand Coca-Cola has been performed. The aim is to investigate how packaging design is used as a tool for strengthening a brand and to explore which additional values this contributes. In addition, the study observes the most important factors in the development of packaging design.A theoretical work of reference, consisting primarily of theories related to branding, design development and visual identity, has been developed to support the study.

Produktplacering i svensk film i jämförande internationellt perspektiv

I will write about product placement in film from a Swedish point of view. This entails writing about Swedish films with different types of product placements, not only how they are done but also discuss how they succeed from a sales perspective. In my earlier work I have written about the product placement of watches. In this thesis I focus on the film series about the Swedish agent Carl Hamilton, since here you can see how Swedish film has developed during the past 30 years with regard to product placements. Both world politics and the concrete placements are illustrated in a clear way.

?Den dolda kraften? : En studie om internkommunikation, kultur och internt varumärkesbyggande vid Företaget X

AbstractTitle: Företag X? the hidden power? a study of internal communication, culture and internal branding. Företaget X has in real life a different name.Number of pages: 42 (49 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To analyze the internal communication, culture and internal branding of an insurance company and how they can improve these company tools can be improved.Material/Method: qualitative method using interviews, analysis of internal communication policies and observations.Main results: The policy documents do not match how the internal communication works in every day life. There is a structure that is working and the information flows through the different levels. The vision and goals are difficult to understand as they are written in a complicated way.

Kommersiell närvaro på akademisk mark : En studie av talent management och employer branding på svenska universitet och högskolor

Den fundamentala resursen i en kunskapsekonomi är humankapital och jakten på denna resurs tar sig många olika utryck. Många näringslivsaktörer knyter starka band till universitet och högskolor för att positionera sig som attraktiva arbetsgivare för att rekrytera kompetenta medarbetare. Två begrepp som aktualiseras i denna kontext är employer branding och talent management. Denna studie undersöker hur företag inom revision och rådgivningsbranschen engagerar sig på svenska universitet och högskolor utifrån de två koncepten. Frågor som hur och varför de engagerar sig i en akademisk kontext undersöks utifrån en kvalitativ ansats och 10 intervjuer har genomförts med personer med god insyn i företagens relationer med akademin.

Nyhetens behag: En kvantitativ studie av möjligheter och risker med produktplacering på modebloggar

The advantages with product placement in blogs compared to traditional media is shown in earlier empirical findings where consumers found blog posts more credible and informative than a corresponding article in a web paper. It can therefore be argued that the informal structure and personal tonality of the blog reinforces the effects of product placement on brand attitude and intention to buy as the consumer has no persuasion knowledge and does not detect the rewriting of the product as commercial.This paper?s overall aim is to provide concrete implications for how to manage product placement on fashion blogs. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate the communicative effects of product placement in fashion blogs as well as to examine if a revelation of commercial interest behind a blog posts about a certain brand effects the consumers? attitude towards the blog and/or brand attitude and intention to buy.

Trying to Teach Teachers to Teach : En studie om kompetenser och förutsättningar för nyexaminerade lärare i Sverige och Australien

First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.

Framtagning av fäste för räcke

The mission from IKEA of Sweden was to make a further development of their existing trolley in the FRAKTA -serial. IKEA wants that the new product would make the opportunities better for people who don't have cars to carry their goods home easily on the bus, train or walk after their purchase.The report includes a suggestion for a new product that will fit into the existing FRAKTA -serial. The new development product will continue the same standard as the other products in the serial and it will also make it possible for customers to carry their goods home by public transportations..

Word of Nextopia - en djupare förståelse av Nextopia och hur det påverkar Word of mouth

The purpose of this study is to further develop the understanding of Nextopia, the belief that the next product will always be better, and the effects it has on Word of mouth, both oral (WOM) and electronic (eWOM), and investigate possible causes of this effect. This has been made through an experimental study of responses to two mineral water ads, with a manipulated time frame. First, this thesis supports the fact that there is a general Nextopia-effect on customers being exposed to a future product, which makes them evaluating the product higher in terms of feelings, attitude and intention. Further this study shows that there is also a Nextopia-effect on WOM and eWOM, by customers being more likely to recommend a future product rather than a current one. This propensity to recommend the product also has a relationship with responsibility, which correlates much stronger with WOM than eWOM.

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