

10922 Uppsatser om Process of change - Sida 62 av 729

Förändringsbenägenehet för fysisk aktivitet hos patienter som förskrevs Fysisk aktivitet på Recept, FaR® : En kartläggning av patienter som hänvisades till friskvårdslots i Uppsala läns landsting

Syfte: Att kartlägga patientgruppen som förskrevs Fysisk aktivitet på Recept, FaR® och hänvisades till friskvårdslots i Uppsala läns landsting under perioden 090701-091231 samt att undersöka eventuell skillnad i fördelningen av kön beträffande förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet vid första kontakt med friskvårdslots. Vidare var syftet att se om de patienter som avslutade kontakten med friskvårdslots visade ökad förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet. Metod: Patientdata tillhörande patientgruppen (n = 193) sammanställdes och kartlades efter insamling av friskvårdslotsar i Uppsala läns landsting. Patienternas förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet bedömdes av friskvårdslotsen, enligt Stages of change-modellen, i samband med telefonkontakt. Förändringsbenägenheten för fysisk aktivitet vid första och avslutande telefonkontakt undersöktes hos de patienter (n = 39) som inom tidsramen för detta uppsatsarbete hann avsluta sin kontakt med friskvårdslotsen.

En förstudie för bioetanol produktion i Borås

AbstractThe purpose of project is to study the possibility for Borås Energy & Environment to build and run a commercial ethanol production facility in Borås. The project also studies the technology for the production of ethanol using renewable energy, e.g. lignocelluloses with focus on two processes, svag-syra hydrolyse and enzymatic hydrolyse. The technology of the process is based of hydrolysation of biomass (hemicelluloses and cellulose) to sugar and extract it to ethanol. These two techniques will compare with each other to determine which of them that it?s more suitable for ethanol production.

Tjuvögon och långskallar : Skolpersonals beskrivning av erfarenheter och ansvar kring barn med sociala problem

The purpose of this study was to investigate how pupils with social dysfunction were defined and described and how the responsibility of the school concerning the needs of these pupils was apprehended. For this matter, in depth interviews with four headmasters and four teachers at three different schools were carried out.The possibilities to help pupils with social dysfunction were regarded as limited due to limited resources. The school can be described, as a huge refined apparatus of classification where some children very early are eliminated and there does not appear to exist any back up plan for these individuals. In this respect the function of the school is very similar to that of yesterdays school where the elimination process worked just as well, the denotations change but the problems remain the same.The material used in this study is too small to make general conclusions but the results give some indication of the problems of the interaction between the school and its staff and pupils with social dysfunction. We strongly believe that the results warrants further investigation as to in what way the school can improve in helping pupils with social dysfunction..

Dokumentationsskyldighet : Anpassning av dokumentationsskyldigheten i svensk rätt utifrån Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Purpose: This study`s purpose is to investigate the role of a business incubator in the strategic decision situations during the process of a new venture startup. It also aims to explore the methods and instruments the incubator and its advisers applies during the process.Methodology: This study is built on the basis of a hermeneutic approach with qualitative method and abductive design. The empirical material collected consist of interviews from two case studies and secondary data collection from different related sources.Theoretical perspective: The theory in the study consists of the elements of previous research on innovation processes and entrepreneurship. To analyze the data, models and theories related to decision making, incubation, process theories and organizational theories.Empirical foundation: The empirical material consists of interviews and data from two completed case studies. Additionally consist a relatively large part of the empirical data out of a comprehensive information retrieval from various secondary sources such as internet, newsletters and annual reports.Conclusion: The assay was able to detect not just one, but a variety of roles that the incubator occupies at different stages of the innovation process.

Kulturmöten i Svenska läroböcker för gymnasiet : -En läroboksanalys

The purpose of this study is to examin the depiction of culturalmeetings in history books in relatioon to the schoolguidelines, and how and why the description may have changed over time. To achieve this, a qualitative method was used to analyze the content of cultural meetings in Swedish schoolbooks after the World War II. The material used in the study was taken from eight editions of Alla tiders historia published between 1985-2011. The material was then put together and analyzed from the theoretical perspectives, which try to explain the factors that influenced the depiction of the texts.The results of this study shows, that over time, the school guidelines have incresed their focus on human value and the need for students to interact with people from other cultures. The depictions in the history books lives upp to the demands of the school guidelines, but this study shows that the main influence of the content of the book is the social context.

Automatiskt avvägningssystem för obemannad undervattensfarkost

This master thesis work was done at Saab Underwater Systems AB, a company at the cutting edge of underwater technology. Here torpedoes and other underwater vehicles are developed and manufactured. The major customers are navies of different countries, mostly the Swedish navy. The aim of this master thesis is to develop, construct and evaluate an automatic Trim System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. The task of the system is to change the position of the centre of mass and the vehicle?s total mass or volume.

Bland kockrockar och rock-kockar  - En retorisk analys av svenska matlagningsprogram

Aim: The purpose of this paper is to see if there has been a change over time in the performance and in the spoken word of the Swedish cooking programs. By testing the theory of intimization on the cooking programs I get the opportunity to see if the border between the private and the public have become clearer or more difficult to notice, and if the new language, the informal language as intimization entails, has been used in Swedish cooking programs since the 70s until today, or if there´s ever been a formal language in Swedish programs? Method/Material: I'm using a rhetorical approach that includes a three-step analysis. Analysing the context, means to persuade and performance. The empirical material I intend to analyze is Swedish cooking programs from the 70s until today, 2010.

Förutsättningar för skred i Huddinge kommun idag och i ett framtida klimat

It is imperative to provide more information regarding changed conditions resulting landslide events in a future climate. The aim of this thesis is to assess landslide susceptibility in Huddinge Municipality in middle Sweden. The main purpose is to produce a map, to visualize landslide susceptible areas, and to integrate the result with changes in physical factors such as climate change. Also, the thesis aims to analyze anthropogenic factors such as changes in land use and an increasing population in Huddinge Municipality. Methods used are GIS-analyses, interviews with staff of Huddinge Municipality, and field observations.

Competence Management-system på Tetra Pak

Uppsatsen är baserad på en fallstudie gjord på Tetra Pak. Syftet med fallstudien var att utforma en lista med faktorer att som bör beaktas för att ett införande av ett Competence Management-system ska bli framgångsrikt. Tillvägagångssättet i fallstudien har varit en dokumentstudie och ett antal intervjuer. Använda teorier är hämtade från områdena Change Management, Knowledge Management, Competence Management och Human Resource Management. Undersökning resulterade i ett antal intressanta faktorer som bör beaktas.

"In i sagans land" : Aktionsforskning i bibliotekspraktiken med syfte att utveckla sagostunden

The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine children's communication and interaction during story time at the public library. The aim is also to examine how to develop the story time ? in terms of participation and equality ? at a specific library.Action research was used as a research strategy and participant observation, log, tutoring and interviews as methods to collect data. Since action research is done on the basis of practice, a significant collaboration with the librarian and the participant children is taking place within this study.Research from the fields of Library and Information Science, Education and Childhood Sociology form the interdisciplinary research area to which this study links. The theoretical framework consists of theory and concepts from the Socio-cultural Perspective, Poststrucuralist Feminism and Childhood Sociology.

EMU som ett exempel på konstitutionell självbindning

This essay presents an alternative approach to the predominant democratic analysis of the European Monetary Union. As the Treaties stipulate the political conduct within Monetary Union and put certain restrictions on the European politicians they are to some extent constitutional in their character. Essential for constitutional theory is the concept of precommitment; according to which a decision is made in t1 purposing to obstruct certain actions in t2. In light of this the aim of this essay is to investigate whether or not delegating monetary responsibility to the ECB can be seen as an example of constitutional precommitment and if so, if this constitutional perspective can add something to the predominant democratic analysis of the EMU. According to the author the EMU is by and large a form of precommitment as the leading politicians in Europe figuratively have tied their hands from intervening in the common monetary policy.

Demokratisk aristokrati eller aristokratisk demokrati? : Partiorganisatorisk utveckling inom Miljöpartiet de Gröna och Miljøpartiet De Grønne

The subject of this study has been organizational change within two Scandinavian green parties ? the Swedish Green Party and the Norwegian Green Party. Looking at the organizational changes within these two parties using Robert Michel?s famous concept the ?iron law of oligarchy?, I have studied whether these two parties have become more oligarchic after having been elected to the national parliaments of Sweden and Norway respectively. What I have found is that although these two parties still retain much of the original organizational structure that they have had, in particular the Swedish Green Party, change has occurred and seems to be occurring, at least in the Norwegian Green Party, which would indicate that the two parties have become more oligarchic.

Rening av avloppsvatten efter skärprocess

ABB I-R Waterjet Systems combines the robotics and motion expertise of ABB Flexible Automation with high-pressure intensifier/pumping technology from Ingersoll-Rand to provide and continue to develop innovative waterjet cutting systems for global markets. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a process water purifier. The purifier should be applicable as an option to ABB I-R?s production cell Cutting-Box. At first hand the process water should be purified well enough to let out in the municipal sewage system, but the ultimate solution is purifying the process water to the range that recycling is possible.

Klimatförändringarnas inverkan på dimensionerande grundvattennivå

Helsingborg has the intention to build a train tunnel south of Knutpunkten. This report investigates the hydro geological aspects of the project. Questions at issue that will be answered: 1. Which parameters affect the groundwater level? 2. How will these parameters change within 100 years considering climate changes and what will be the consequences on the groundwater level. According to SMHI climate analysis the climate can change causing increasing precipitation, temperature, and a rising sea level.

EU som internationell aktör för demokratiska värderingar : EN beskrivande fallstudie av Ukrainas demokratiseringsprocess mellan åren 2004-2014

This study aims at examine what kind of interest the European Union (EU) have in promoting a democracy process in Eastern Europe. The study is a descriptive case study where the case Ukraine is used to draw general conclusions. The questions asked to pursue the aim are: why does the EU want to promote a democracy process in Ukraine, what kind of methods does the EU use  and why is Russia trying to prevent the EU-Ukraine development and instead supporting a Russia-Ukraine development. In this study an analytical model is created and used to analyze EU:s way in promoting democracy in Ukraine. The analyze model consists of six steps used to describe the general promotion of a democracy process and it?s applied in the empirical analysis.

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