

10922 Uppsatser om Process of change - Sida 13 av 729

Simuleringsmodell över Ålö AB

During year 2004 Ålö AB made significant change in their production process. The production of front loaders is nowadays highly automated with short operation times. To be able to control their process in a better way Ålö recently decided that they needed a tool for simulation of their production and to shift patterns. This final thesis started with a pilot study in Ålö?s factory in Brännland.

Byte av kontaktdonsgränssnitt för Scania bromssystem

This master thesis was carried out at Scania in Södertälje, Sweden. It investigates the possibility of changing a connector interface that is used when there is a need for splicing the wheel speed sensor and thereby determine the consequences.The problems that exist with the current connector interface occur during assembly, as more time is required to complete a connection in a reliable manner. A complete connection requires joining the male and female connector, insert the connection into a protective retainer and then strap a cable tie on each end of the retainer. This process makes it more time consuming and it requires 20-30 seconds to complete the connection. Solving this problem would save time and enable easier assembly, therefore resulting in economical benefits.This thesis was accomplished through discussions with different sections at Scania, studying available documentations, observations during assembly, writing a requirement specification and contacting suppliers.The aforementioned methods resulted in four connector suggestions, the DT and DTMH connector from Deutsch, MCON connector from TE connectivity and MLK connector from Kostal, each of them compliant with the set demands of the surrounding environment.

Att förändra det gemensamma

This bachelor thesis is studying the INTERREG cooperation between Denmark and Germany, and if there has been a change to the organization and the individual conditions due to the Danish regional reform in 2007. The research method used is semi-structured interviews and the participants are a mixture of politicians and civil servants. The study is based on two themes, change in work routines and cooperation, and change in visions and targets.The participants have experienced change, both positive and negative, in work routines and cooperation and to a lesser extent in visions and targets. Preparation is the key to success and makes the transition much easier, which has been the case for Denmark. Other mentioned aspects are more work due to more complicated applications, and that the politicians so far lack a regional perspective and tend to stick to the local.

Alla ska va med... : En essä om storarbetslag, modularbete och dess förutsättningar och konsekvenser

I begin my essay with a story that illustrates how a preschool activity organized on a modular work can be perceived. I describe how the environment has been rebuilt and modified to accommodate one large group of children instead of two smaller groups as before. Management´s justification for the change is that it is carried out to give the children better conditions for their learning, but my understanding is that it also hampers preschool-teachers´ abilities to implement their assignment.I try to understand what benefits module work by examining what well-known researchers believe is important for children´s learning in environmental and preschool teacher´s importance. When I use what I have learned to analyze my story, my opinion is that the change of the preschool activity not have just a positive impact but also entails that preschool teachers find it difficult to be present and in interaction with the children as several well-known researchers notes is important for children´s learning. I discuss how a large and rich environment at the same time can be perceived as incalculable for teachers, which can result in not all of the children being paid attention to in the preschool activity.

Från plats till resmål : Etableringsprocessen

In this thesis we have examined why the establishment process of travel destination is essential for the tour operators and how the process can be influenced by different conditions. The thesis is written from the perspective of the tour operators and with the tour operator Ving as our case study, we have been able to create a picture of how the establishment process of travel destination may look like.We have chosen to deal with some different areas in this thesis that all are important for the creation of a holistic picture of the process. The overall segments listed in this thesis are the process itself, the tourist, marketing, the product creation and demand. By connecting our theoretical framework to the collected empirical data from our case study, we have analyzed the establishment process and drawn our conclusions..

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten - En studie av dess påverkan på bankers kreditgivning till små ägarledda företag

In April 2008 an official report, SOU (2008:32), was presented. In that report it was suggestedthat the statutory audit for approximately 96 % of the Swedish companies was to be abolished.The report suggests that the new regulations should apply to all limited companies thatare below two of three limits that have been suggested: a) a balance-sheet total of 41,5 millionSEK; b) a net turnover of 83 million SEK or; c) less than 50 employees. The regulations aresuggested to come into force July 1, 2010. According to the Swedish laws that regulate thelimited companies, Aktiebolagslagen 10:11, should all limited companies regardless of sizehave an chartered accountant or otherwise approved. The purpose of the audit is to create atrust towards the figures that the company shows and also to act as an assurance towards thirdparties (Collis, 2003; Strenger et al, 2008).

Effektivare workflow i en myndighet. En fallstudie om hanteringen av medborgarnas ärenden

The goal with this essay is to investigate problems in processes of a government agency andthereby determine whether a Business Process Reengineering can create a more effectiveworkflow. The foundation of this essay lies in how customers perceive its business processesas reported from Internet forums. By adopting a qualitative approach, this is supplemented bythe statements and reports from the public business. The qualitative method that has been usedin this study is a content analysis of the threads from two major Internet forums that highlightthe problems associated with the examination of firearms licensing and the routine that exists.The method also gave us the opportunity to study the public business own view of theirprocesses. This was done by exploring their statements in media and their own reports aboutthis area.This essay is the result of a case-based study and during the course of the study we haveidentified five themes related to; time, management, communication, competence, andregulations.

Om vägen till ett bättre bestånd vid ett skolbibliotek ? en aktionsforskningsansats.

For a school library to function as a support for the students? development of their academic abilities, it must provide material satisfying their needs as well as the needs of the teachers. The school library should assist the students in their research endeavours, as well as inspire reading for pleasure. In order to do this it is imperative that the school library actively develops the existing collection and continually strives to meet the needs of its users. The aim of this Master?s thesis is to describe and reflect upon how a particular school library works with collection development.

Näraståendes upplevelse av förändringar av pragmatiska aspekter i samtalsinteraktion hos patienter med typisk parkinsonism

The purpose of this study was to examine if atypical Parkinsonism affectsthe pragmatic ability in conversational interaction. 15 persons close to individualswith atypical Parkinsonism answered a questionnaire, "Bedömning av förändring isamtalsinteraktion", estimating experienced change in interactive skills comparedto before the disease. The study also examined if perceived change correlates withdisease duration and if perceived change differs between types of atypicalParkinsonism. The results show that at group level the participants experiencechange in many aspects of conversational interaction, particularly regardingspeech, body communication, response latency, phrase length, word finding andability to understand. There was no correlation between perceived change anddisease duration.

Försvaret i förändring

This bachelor thesis in European studies examines the perceived effects ofEuropeanization among officers, soldiers and seamen in the Swedish Armed Forces(SAF) through the use of semi-structured respondent interviews. The study focuses onchange in rules, values, identity and organizational changes.The study shows the most important parts of what is believed to be the biggestfactors behind the major change in the SAF during the last 20 years. The biggestfactors are shown to be the fall of the Warsaw pact and the increasing influence ofNATO in Europe. Interviews show that staff within the SAF has difficultiesseparating change coming from the EU and the above-mentioned factors, partially dueto the fact that most members of the European union are also part of NATO. Although in some areas, such as the completion of the Nordic Battlegroup, EU has played an important role and presents itself as a major factor in the ongoing change of the SAF..

Ett tv-formats utformning mot publicering på webben: Skall television utvecklas, anpassas och förändras utifrån sin publik?

Watching television (TV) has been given a new meaning, you don?t have to book a specific time, a specific date if you don?t want to miss the program you were planning to see. In Sweden now days we can watch TV in lot of different ways, whenever we choose to do so. In this thesis I attempt to explain and document the process of shaping a tvformat, the development and adaptation to a time when the TV medium is in a change. Plus a look at how the television audiences relate to their use of it.

Gränsobjekt i organisationsförändring : En fallstudie av en affärssystemsimplementering


Bolagisering : - På vinst och förlust

This study has it´s beginning in the term corporatization and what the consequences will be for the Swedish athletic club, after the implementation of it. The corporatization among the athletic clubs is a very up-to-date-topic after the ?Riksidrottsförbundets? approved the new law constitution in 1999, that gives the athletic clubs the opportunity to change their legal form. We want to create an image that explains the situation in the two athletic clubs we choose for our study. This image helps us to give examples of how the corporatization will affect them.

Privata skogsägares attityder och anpassningar till klimatförändringar : En fallstudie i Kronobergs län

Conditions for Swedish forestry are expected to change in the future due to the climate. Among other things, increased production is expected in a warmer climate, mainly because of a longer growing season. With the changing climate risk of damage by such as insects, fungi and storms are expected to increase. Hence, it is of highest importance for private forest owners to spread these risks in the way they cultivate their forest. In this study a qualitative method was used to examine ten private forest owners with forest properties within Kronoberg county, Sweden in their attitudes and actions to prepare in terms of climate change and if they have been affected by the climate change debate in their forest decisions.

Skolledares uppfattningar av speciallärares arbete

The essay treats how a process of implementation was executed and the teachers? relation to two curricula, Lpo94 and Lgr11, with two different grading systems, which have functioned as models for one and the same year. The purpose is to investigate the ways in which a change in curricula and syllabus affects teachers in their teaching and assessment practice in the subject of Swedish at secondary school. The investigation had a phenomenological approach and was executed by means of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and one observation. The results are based on a methodological triangulation with qualitative and quantitative data where visible similarities and differences are brought out.

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