6007 Uppsatser om Procedural and conceptual knowledge - Sida 14 av 401
Kunskap a?r mer dialogbaserat a?n monologbaserat : En studie om Knowledge Sharing i sma? och medelstora fo?retag
Befintlig forskning pa? omra?det har dragit slutsatsen att Knowledge Sharing a?r av stor vikt fo?r ett fo?retags framtida o?verlevnad och att sma? och medelstora fo?retag i ma?nga fall inte tagit de a?tga?rder som beho?vs fo?r att fra?mja en o?kad kunskapsdelning mellan medarbetarna. Studien belyste da?rfo?r Knowledge Sharing inom sma? och medelstora, projektbaserade fo?retag. Syftet med studien var att o?ka fo?rsta?elsen och bidra med kunskap ga?llande hur medarbetarna inom sma? och medelstora fo?retag arbetar med och kan stimulera Knowledge Sharing.
This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.
Sjuksköterskans upplevelser om sin kunskapskompetens : intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvård
The aim with this project was to describe how nursing staff working in the home care environment perceive their level of knowledge regarding mental ill health and if this level of knowledge is sufficient / insufficient in their dealings with mentally ill patients. The study is empirical and a qualitative method has been used. Questionaires have been used and interviews have been carried out with nurses working in the home care system and data has also been collected from previous research in this area. Result The result show that home care nurses consider that they have inadequate knowledge of treating patients with mental ill health and they seek more training, guidance and collaboration with psychiatric nurses. Conclusion Increased knowledge of mental health care and continuous guidance would make home care nurses more confident in their dealings with patients suffering from mental ill health.
Relationen : en väg till motivation
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka sambandet mellan rättvisa och motivation bland skolelever, då det tidigare saknats specifik forskning inom området. Enkäter delades ut till högstadieelever för att mäta deras upplevelse av distributiv, procedural, informativ respektive interpersonell rättvisa i relationen till läraren samt deras motivation i skolarbetet. Totalt ingick 227 respondenter i studien. Resultatet visade på ett signifikant positivt samband mellan samtliga former av rättvisa och motivation i skolarbetet. Graden av informativ respektive interpersonell rättvisa visade sig även förutsäga graden av motivation i skolarbetet.
Teaterledare på 120 timmar? : En studie om skapandet av en teaterledarutbildning
This paper is a qualitative study of the pedagogical conditions and the knowledge necessary for the creation and development of an education regarding leadership in the field of amateur theatre.The purpose of the study has been for participants to reflect and create knowledge about the creation and implementation of a course for leaders of amateur theatre.Questions raised in the study concern the students? previous experience of drama, theatre and leadership; their desire to become leaders of theatre; their own view of their need for knowledge for their future leadership; their understanding of the contents of the education and the theoretical perspectives upon which a course in theatre leadership can build. Finally, the participants? perceptions of difficulties and possibilities of working as theatre leaders were investigated.All 13 participants have answered a questionnaire regarding their previous experience of drama, theatre and leadership and also about why they want to become theatre leaders. The participants have also taken part in four focus conversations regarding what they think they learned, how they value the knowledge they gained and what knowledge they feel will be needed in a future leadership.The data has been analyzed hermeneutically to find patterns in the participants? perceptions of their learning.
Mönsterframställning- en studie om processen från idé till produkt
ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.
Processuell generering av oändliga spelvärldar : Praktiska problem och optimering
Enligt oss så är det största problemet med att processuellt generera en pseudo-oändlig spelvärld i realtid är att få genereringen att ske så sömlöst som möjligt samtidigt som världen upplevs som konsekvent. För att finna lösningar på detta problem så analyserar vi andra studier och spel som utnyttjar processuell generering. Vi använder sedan de metoder och tekniker vi funnit för skapandet av en egen applikation för att få en djupare förståelse för hur dessa fungerar i praktiken och hur mycket varje metod påverkar prestandan. I vår slutsats beskriver vi de problem vi fann, deras orsak och ger förslag på lösningar. På grund av studiens tekniska karaktär så riktar den sig främst till programmerare.
Mätutrustning för ytjämnhet
This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.
FNA-klassad lastbilspåbyggnad
This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.
Parametrisering av lyftok
This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.
Magiska ögonblick och förlorade möjligheter : En studie i möjligheterna att lära med utgångspunkt i elevernas förkunskaper, svårigheter med lärandeobjektet och variationen i det erbjudna lärandet.
This study is based on an interest in trying to understand what is needed to ensure that students actually learn in a learning object, in this study equations. Algebra is an area of mathematics in several studies proved to be a stumbling block for many students. Using letters in mathematis is difficult for most students according to research reports and it is also consistent with my own experince as a teacher. The purpose of this study was to seek answers to what in the lesson content and also during the interview that allowed the students to learn more about the learning object. Based on students' prior knowledge and the difficulties students might have with the learning object and the offer of learning, I try to get an answer to what might have contribut the students to developed knowledge of the learning object.
Nätmobbning - en ny fråga : En studie om skolkuratorers kunskap och arbete med nätmobbning
The purpose of this study is to understand school counselors knowledge and work with cyber bullying among students. Our study is based on the result from eight qualitative semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted with school counselors working at elementary and high school in the state of Kronoberg, Sweden. Our theoretical base is human services organizations, street level bureaucrats and acting space. Our study shows that school counselors have adopted cyber bullying in various ways which has an impact on their knowledge and systematical work regarding this question.
Hur tre epistemologiska diskurser och hur synen på kunskapsorganisation inom dem manifesteras i text
Our purpose is to analyse three different epistemological discourses that exist in the social practice, Library and Information Science LIS, using the strategy for interpretation from the mimesis model by Paul Ricoeur and the terms from the critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. The aim is also to explore there different views of knowledge organisation. We review previous research involving epistemology, knowledge organisation and discourse analysis in LIS. These show that there are many different epistemological standpoints and that later research has shown a more critical and sceptical state of knowledge organisation than earlier traditional positivist ideals. Discourse analysis is described as an important theory and method in LIS.
M2M - affecting organisations, offerings and relations
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is a phase in the digital revolution connecting computing devices with each other bringing along new business opportunities for companies. Although being a fast growing field it has not been researched to any greater extent, particularly not within the academical literature. Consequently, information on how M2M can affect organisations seems strongly needed. This thesis uses three perspectives, derived from already recognised business benefits of M2M, as an aid to select proper theoretical tools to investigate the phenomenon. The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how an M2M adoption affects a firm?s organisation, customer offerings and customer relations.
PBL som ledstjärna? : Lärares reflektioner kring möjligheter, förändringar och utmaningar med Problembaserat lärande
This survey aims to investigate and analyze how six teachers on a high school in Stockholm reflect on pedagogical aspects of problem based learning( PBL). The survey focuses on ana-lyzing how the teachers relate to the benefits and problems of PBL and how they reflect on the students development. The survey was conducted on a high school and the method used for the study was interviews, each taking 30-45 minutes. The outcome of the survey indicates that the teachers sees problem based learning as an alternative to what they define as tradi-tional education regarding its epistemology. They indicate that PBL allows the students to define their own questions, to be carriers of knowledge and to evolve analytic skills in relation to the basegroup.