

26 Uppsatser om Probiotic cheese - Sida 2 av 2

Det svenska jordbrukets framtid :

The Common Agricultural Policy the European union´s common agreement about the agriculture financial support. A major change is about to take place in the next 3 years. This reform affects the first 15 members as well as the 10 new members in CAP2. This study contains a future of how agriculture will look like in Sweden in 10 years. The study is mainly based on interviews with key-persons3 in Sweden. The first part describes the CAP-reform in theory, the second part the interviews and the last is a conclusion of the material. The future will see larger farm units.

Filamentösa Zygomyceters tillväxt i sulfitlut och ostvassla Growth of filamentous Zygomycetes in spent sulphite liquor and cheese whey

Sulfitlut, en biprodukt som erhölls från pappersmassaindustrin, blandades med ostvassla som är en biprodukt från osttillverkningsindustrin, för att odla fyra olika Zygomyceter i blandningen för produktion av proteinrikt biomassa.Arbetet fokuserades på den maximala produktionen av Zygomycetbiomassa från olika koncentrationer av biprodukterna sulfitlut och ostvassla i skakflaskor och de bästa förhållandena upprepades i en bioreaktor i bänkskala. Bästa odlingen för de olika Zygomycetstammarna vid 35 °C påvisade att vid 30%ig sulfitlut hade M. indicus och M1 producerade maximal koncentration (4,0 respektive 3,8 g/L) och utbyte (0,1 respektive 0,09 g/g) av biomassa efter 72 h. Maximala etanolproduktionen samt utbytet från dessa stammar var vid 38 h 12,4 g/L (0,31 g/g) respektive 13,4 g/L (0,30 g/g). Konsumerat socker för respektive etanolproduktion för dessa stammar var 41,2 g/L respektive 44,0 g/L.För odling i bioreaktor valdes M1 i ett medium med 50%ig sulfitlut med ostvassla, detta för att experimentera med mer användning av sulfitlut samt M1 som ursprungligen har isolerats från en indonesisk maträtt, tempe.

Avelsarbete med mjölkproducerande getter ? fokus på Norge och Frankrike

The main part of the goats in the world is located in developing countries, whereas active breeding programs are mainly restricted to Northern America and Europe. Goat milk can be processed to several products and goat cheese is the main product. An organized breeding program is carried out in France and Norway but is not present in Sweden. Important selection traits for milk producing goats include milk, protein and fat yield along with protein and fat content. Functional traits have been more important the past years and they have large economic importance for the farmers.

Milk yield and composition in Swedish landrace goats (Capra hircus) kept together with their kids in two different systems

Swedish goats are mainly held for cheese production and therefore, both milk quality and composition are of great importance for dairymen. Today, only few data exists on milk composition from Swedish dairy goats and the casein content is still unknown. One way to reduce the work load for goat farmers and increase animal welfare can be to keep goats and kids together for longer periods. The aims of this study were to investigate how milk yield and composition were affected when kids suckled their dams during 8 weeks, and to measure the casein content on farm level by a mid-infrared spectroscopy method, previously calibrated for goat milk. Lactating goats were kept in two different MIX- systems where the dams are both suckled and milked.

Genetisk variation av betydelse för mjölkkvalitet i Rödkullerasen :

The Swedish Red Polled breed is threatened by extinction and there are only around 1100 animals left. The breed was popular in the early twentieth century, but since then the numbers have steadily decreased. The overall objective of this study was to find out whether there may be economic incentives for preserving the breed. The milk quality properties are of major importance in the production of dairy products. Therefore we would like to establish if the Swedish Red Polled breed carries favourable alleles at loci of relevance for milk quality, to potentially make the breed more interesting for milk production.

Nursing technique and growth environment of Rabbit fish (Siganus guttatus) in the area of Tam Giang lagoon, Thua Thien Hue

SummaryIn the area to the east of Hue city, in Vietnam, lays Tam Giang lagoon, one of Asia's largest lagoons, with an area of 22,000 hectares. This lagoon is suitable for aquaculture. One reason for this is because the salinity differs from sweet to salty in different parts of the lagoon. The Vietnamese Government advocates an increase in environmentally-friendly aquaculture and the fish Siganus guttatus (Rabbit fish) is a candidate for this. This fish eats mainly algae and can be cultivated in a polyculture.

Lactobacilli in the gastrointestinal tract of dog and wolf : isolation, identification and characterization of L. reuteri

Since the first wolf was taken as a companion animal a lot have happened with the biology of these animals. Is it possible that changes in the gut microbiota of the domestic dog are involved in the increasing numbers of animals with gastrointestinal disorders? Probiotics have been proven to promote the immune system of dogs by increasing concentrations of neutrophils and monocytes, decreasing the fragility of erythrocytes and increasing the serum IgG concentrations. Probiotics have also been shown to improve the fecal consistency, fecal dry matter and defecation frequency of dogs. The aim of this study was to find out if the bacterial counts in the gut of dogs differed from the gut of wolves, with the focus on lactobacilli.

Dietary intake of zinc and iron within the female population of two farming villages in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

In many developing countries, among them Vietnam, contamination of agricultural land is a major issue that has public health implications. A fast growing population, rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to air and water emissions of potentially toxic elements (PTEs), such as cadmium (Cd). Earlier studies have shown that individuals with low iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) status absorb larger quantities of Cd than those of adequate nutritional status. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the Fe and Zn intake from the foods consumed by women (15-45 years) in selected households in two agricultural villag-es in the Red River delta in Vietnam. In one of the villages the residents were involved in metal (mainly Fe) recycling activity, whereas in the other village the residents had agricul-tural production as main source of income. Interviews, followed by food intake calcula-tions, were performed.

The effect of abolishing milk quotas : a study of comparative advantages amongst European member states

The European Union provide 27 % of total volume raw milk produced in the world. This number is steadily decreasing due to that the world milk production increase is more rapid than EU production growth. The growing middle-class change the demand for food, a higher standard of living increase the demand of milk products as well as other various animal products. Since 1984 the EU milk quota has limited the supply from EU, but the quota will expire April 1st 2015. The European Milk Board expect that the removal of quotas will make the farm gate price decline.

Dokumentation av ensilering med fokus på clostridiesporer i mjölk :

To produce milk of good standard the feed for the animals kept for milk production is an important part in the work of quality. This makes it important to feed them with good forage, especially when feeding with silage. The process of making silage is very complex and requires a careful handling to be successful. The fundamental idea is to create an anaerobic environment in the herbage to favour the desirable micro-organisms, in this case the lactic acid bacteria. This environment is created by careful handlings were the importance is to pack the crop well and cover it as soon as possible to exclude oxygen.

When does the protein profile in milk normalize after antibiotic treatment against clinical mastitis?

Concentration of protein in bovine milk is one of the most significant milk quality parameters, to a large extent determining the price for milk to the producer. Mastitis is a common disease among dairy cows, negatively affecting not only milk yield but also milk protein composition. Milk from mastitic cows tends to have lower cheese yield, negatively affected processability properties and sensory quality, due to changed protein quality and composition. Poorer milk protein quality would have an economically negative impact on dairy industry. Only few studies have investigated the short term effects of mastitis on milk protein composition.

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