

3227 Uppsatser om Priority scoring systems - Sida 49 av 216

?Passar inte galoscherna kanske vi får hitta en stråhatt i samma storlek?? En undersökning om bibliotekariers syn på inköp av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to accomplish an understanding for how librarians purchase fiction literature in public libraries. To answer these questions, we have performed four qualitative interviews with librarians in three Swedish municipalities. We have also performed a smaller document study to give us an overview of the used guidelines at the selected libraries. The results of our survey have been analyzed on the basis of our revised version of Sanna Talja?s model The Interpretative Repertoires of the Music Library.

Utvecklingsanalys av installationssystems montering vid industriellt träbyggande : Värme, vatten, ventilation, el och avlopp

The industrialized timber housing process is capable nowadays to build multi-storeyhouses since fairly new changes in the Swedish regulations where made after theadmission of the European Union in 1994.The industrialized process moves parts of the construction process into a highlyeffective factory where 3D-volumes of the building are prefabricated beforetransportation to the building site for assemble.The assembly process is relatively effective compared to the completion of thebuilding service system and this is therefore the main focus in this thesis. This thesisattends problems with completion of the building service system, and thereforedemarcates from other aspects, such as technical and economic aspects, of thebuilding service system.The degree of completion of the flats differs from completion of the connectivepassages, for example hallways, in a way that suggests a need for further investigation.This thesis includes analysis of the possibilities to increase the prefabricatedconnective passages, to the extent of containing building service systems.An increase of the prefabrication of the building service system has a greatdevelopment potential, even though some restraining factors need to be solvedbefore implementation.This thesis was made in collaboration with two of Sweden?s leading companies on themarket of multi-storey industrialized timber housing, Moelven ByggModul AB andLindbäcks Bygg AB..

Network WarWare

Examensarbetet syftar till att kartlägga olika metoder för att attackera ett datorsystem uppbyggt kring kommersiella produkter över ett nätverk. Arbetets inriktning har varit att göra en så komplett kartläggning som möjligt med den tid och de resurser som funnits tillgängliga. Arbetet är gjort på Ericsson Microwave Systems AB.

Jippieserien : En kvalitativ studie om hur multimodal media kan nå ut till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och deras föräldrar

This report describes the work process to an interactive movie addressed to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, where Jippieserien is the client. The aim is to explore how multimodal media can convey Jippieseriens message to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents, by taking the users needs into account.It is important to focus on the people who will use the system when designing interactive systems. This project is therefore using the designprocess human-centered design for interactive systems. The process includes four basic elements and provides guidelines for user-centered design. These parts are analysis, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation (Johansson.

Analys av fysiskt och administrativt flöde för provhantering vid Höganäs AB

In this project, we are studying the material flow and the information flow of sample materials and the appurtenant report of deviation for the purpose to be able to suggest better solutions. The sample material, which is to be analysed, is to be continuously taken from the production flow. The purpose is to navigate the process by the results found by the analysis. Because of this, it's very important that both methods of analysis are ensured and that the sample material is representative for the production flow. However, even more importantly, is that activities and transportations, combined with both flows, must perform in a quick and correct way in order to maintain or improve Höganäs AB's competitive strength.According to reports are about 20 products per day not available, for loading, at the time of delivery.

Estetiska upplevelser av interaktiva system med olika tempo och hastighet : en explorativ användarstudie

På senare år har intresset för att föra in estetik i MDI-teorin ökat kraftigt. Insikten om att användares känslor inför interaktiva artefakter spelar stor roll för tillfredställelsen och användarupplevelsen har medfört ett fokusskifte inom området och flertalet teorier om användares estetiska upplevelser av interaktion har framkommit. Detta arbete har tagit som utgångspunkt de teorier som siktar på att stödja designers arbete med att utforma estetiska interaktioner genom att identifiera manipulerbara attribut i artefakters interaktionsestetiska gestalt. En explorativ användarstudie har genomförts med målet att belysa hur upplevelsen av hastighet och tempo förändras genom införandet av animationer i ett gränssnitt. Resultaten visar på att toningsanimationer i övergångar i ett interaktivt system kan leda till ett långsammare och mjukare intryck av systemet men även att långsamma animationer i vissa fall kan leda till att systemet upplevs som snabbare.

Rostfria stålkonstruktioner och rostskyddsbehandling av stålkonstruktioner enligt Eurocode

Steel is an excellent material to build with, but consideration must be given to the fact that unprotected steel corrodes, rusts, therefore, as a rule, the steel must be protected in some way. This can be done by reducing the tendency of the steel to corrode by using stainless steel or by treating the steel with a protection method. The two most common methods of protection are corrosion protection paint and zinc coating. To determine the method, the corrosive category must first be evaluated and this is done in accordance to EN ISO 12944-2:1998.Stainless steel is available in many varieties but only some of them have properties that make them suitable for use as construction steels. There are many factors to be considered in the design of stainless steel to prevent corrosion from occurring.

Klassifikationssystem i mångkulturella samhällen

This master thesis deals with classifications schemes in multicultural societies. The aim is to investigate how well the Swedish classification scheme SAB has been adapted to the multicultural society of today. I have done a comparative analysis between the SAB and the UDC to see if an international classification scheme would have better possibilities to represent a multicultural society. I have asked some institutions that have a large collection of documents dealing with minority cultures how they experienced the SAB. I have also read literature about classification theories and compared universal enumerative, facetted and special classification schemes to see if the possibilities to classify documents on, or related to minorities differed from each other.

Jämförelsestudie mellan AP-fondernas Sverigeportföljer och storbankernas Sverigefonder 2002-2006

The first four AP-funds have a well-diversified Swedish portfolio, which is managed in similar way as the largest Swedish bank funds. Up until today, there has not been any comparable study that focuses specifically on this part of the AP-funds. Our aim is two-folded; First we will look at how well the AP-funds have managed their Swedish assets compared with Swedish funds of the four largest banks in Sweden during 2002-2006. This will be done by looking at some important key ratios and both absolute and active return. Secondly we will present a descriptive analysis of the management structure within the respective organisations, to be able to draw conclusions regarding the possible deviations in investment return.

Patienters upplevelser av ett akutmottagningsbesök

The pressure is getting tougher on Accident and Emergency departments. Therefore it is crucial to study how the patient?s perceive their visit to the Emergency department. Knowledge about this enables improvement of routines, patient participation and patient safety. The purpose of the study was to investigate patient?s experiences of their visit at the Emergency department.A descriptive design was used.

Schweiz integration på den inre marknaden. En undersökning av Schweiz övertagande av acquin.

Standing outside the EU and the EES, Switzerland is a unique state characterized by federalism, direct democracy and neutrality. Though always focused on preserving these features and its sovereignty, Switzerland has managed to gain access to some sectors of the single market through bilateral agreements with the EU. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what level of integration Switzerland has reached in those bilaterally regulated sectors of the single market. As integration cannot easily be assessed, the extent of the Swiss adoption of the acquis is seen as an indicator of the level of integration and is thus examined. The conclusion is that Switzerland, mostly due to the economic interest of common rules, but partly due to pressure from the EU, almost completely adopts the acquis in the bilaterally regulated sectors, including the interpretation of the ECJ.

Lönsamhet av Självscanningssystem

During the last decade, there has been an increase in the use of technology-based self-services within the retail sector. The increase is particularly noticeable within the grocery market. The reason behind the increased use of these systems is partially due to the fact that companies within highly competitive retail markets continually look for ways of decreasing costs while upholding efficiency. The problem is that it is difficult to understand the true economical implications of investments relating to these machines. The purpose of this study is to investigate and contribute with new insights regarding the cost-structures of the stationary self-checkout systems and traditional cashier desks, within the retail grocery market.

Hur jobbar pedagogerna när det gäller barn som är tvåspråkiga och har ett annat modersmål än svenska i förskolan? : Förskolans arbete för att stödja och stimulera första och andrahandsspråket hos barn med annat modersmål än svenska.


Jordbruksdränering, kostnader och genomförande :

Underdrainage is a costly investment but often a necessity to maintain rationalized plant cultivation, one can also see underdrainage as insurance to successful plant cultivation. Late ripening crops, low yield and difficult tillage cultivation are examples on an insufficient drainage. (Kvarnemo 1983) A drained field rise in land price and the scheme of the tiled drains is seen as a value item. The interest for underdrainage among the farmers follows with shifting economic situations within agriculture and has for long time been low. A big part of the Swedish tiled drainage systems is since 1930 and ahead. Many of these tiled drainage systems need to be replaced or complemented. The life length of one tiled drainage system varies with maintenance but can still remain in good function after 75 years with correct management.

Visualisering av Flight Recorder-data i Saab 2000 avionikrigg

The main purpose of a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) is to facilitate the investigation of incidents. In order to interpret the data that has been recorded in the FDR the data has to be visualized in some way. This can be done with software on a computer or with hardware that is specific for the model of aircraft that the data originates from.The aim of this project is to visualize data for six parameters from the FDR of Saab 2000 in an avionics rig. The avionics rig resembles the cockpit of Saab 2000 and the displays in it are identical to the ones found in the plane. All six parameters are shown on the same display.Due to safety regulation vital systems in aircraft are doubled, with one system on the left side and one on the right.

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