

7586 Uppsatser om Principal-agent theory - Sida 2 av 506

Vem är din coach? : Var i organisationens hierarki används coacher och vad är en coach?

Sedan år 2005 har det varit obligatoriskt för börsnoterade företag i EU att följa den internationella redovisningsstandarden IFRS 3 vid företagsförvärv. Vid ett företagsförvärv ska förvärvaren allokera kostnaden för förvärvet genom att först värdera de materiella tillgångarna till verkligt värde, sedan de immateriella tillgångarna och till sist allokera det som eventuellt blir över till goodwill. Att identifiera immateriella tillgångar och därmed skilja dem från goodwill anses vara en svår och komplex uppgift. Företagen har kritiserats för att generellt undervärdera immateriella tillgångar och övervärdera goodwill vid företagsförvärv, för att inte lämna tillräcklig information om hur de kommit fram till goodwillbeloppet och för att inte ta uppgiften att identifiera immateriella tillgångar på allvar.Om denna kritik är riktig, vilket mycket talar för, innebär det rimligen att företagsledningarna har ett intresse av att övervärdera goodwill. Detta intresse kan vara helt oegennyttigt, och enbart för företagets bästa, men det kan också vara egennyttigt.

Miljöcertifierade kommersiella byggnader : Undersökning av ekonomisk ansvarsfördelning mellan hyresgäst och fastighetsägare

The Swedish commercial real estate market is in the current situation globally affected and is actively interacting with the rental and capital markets through international tenants and investors who are setting new demands on the property owners. The European Union has set new requirements as well in purpose of reducing humanity?s negative effect on the climate and therefore the international real estate market has introduced Green Building-certificates in order to decrease the real estate industry?s environmental impact.Certificated buildings with low energy consumption are a more common sight in Sweden these days. The development, however, could go even faster if there was not certain difficulties between property owners and tenants. Previous research has revealed that tenants do not always have knowledge about, or may have access to the economic benefits that a green building can provide.

En spelteoretisk analys av lönesystemen i försäljningsföretag och marknadsundersökningsföretag

En spelteoretisk analys av lönesystemen i försäljningsföretag och marknadsundersökningsföretag.

Problematiken kring ett energieffektiviserande projektförslag i en kommunal organisation

When it comes to the priority of a project proposal, a variety of factors is affecting theoutcome. In the municipal sector, factors of non- economic nature appears to be particularlyimportant when the organization is not intended to be profit-making.This study's research question is What problems can occur around an energy-efficiencyproject proposal in a municipal organization? The purpose of this study is to gainunderstanding of what possible problems an energy efficiency project proposal mayencounter, in the municipal implementation process as well as the problems of a changingownership can bring.To conduct this study, the method was qualitative in nature. We have cooperated withVarberg Energi AB and Varberg kommun, which has stood as respondents for the empiricalbasis of the study. In this study, we have conducted four personal interviews.In this study, we have found that there may be several problematic factors associated with anenergy-efficiency project proposal in a municipal organization.

Frivillig revision och dess påverkan på trovärdigheten : En studie av fyra banker

Ett undantag från revisionsplikten infördes för mindre aktiebolag den 1 november 2010, som berör ungefär 70 % av de svenska aktiebolagen eller 250 000 bolag. Vid kreditgivningen behöver bankerna information för att minska risken och vikten vid att informationen stämmer är stor. Revisorn är ett sätt för att bekräfta informationen och öka trovärdigheten för räkenskaperna. Detta ledde till vår problemformulering: Förändras trovärdigheten i ett bolags finansiella rapporter om aktiebolaget väljer bort revisionen? Vilka konsekvenser får det för bolagen i relation till bankerna?Syftet är att få en bild av om trovärdigheten hos ett bolag förändras då de väljer bort revisionen och vilka konsekvenser det kan få.Studien har en deduktiv ansats, vilket innebär att vi började med datainsamling och teorier.

Finansiell teori i praktiken : En studie om finansiell teori och dess förmåga att förklara skuldsättningsgraden i små börsnoterade bolag

I denna studie testas tio hypoteser som relaterar till finansiell teori för att se hur väl teorin kan förklara skuldsättningsgraden i små börsnoterade bolag. De teorier som testas är avvägningsteorin (trade-off theory), hackordningsteorin (pecking order theory) samt teorier relaterade till asymmetrisk information och agentkostnader. Testen genomförs med multipel linjär regressionsanalys och de undersökta bolagen är samtliga bolag med färre än 200 anställda på tre av de mindre börslistorna i Sverige. Resultatet visar stöd för åtta av de tio undersökta hypoteserna och är i flera avseenden tydligare än i tidigare studier som testar onoterade små bolag eller ett bredare urval av bolag..

Påverkar goodwill kapitalkostnaden?

Does goodwill affect the cost of capital? Goodwill is an asset which is characterized by much uncertainty regarding both what it is and how much it is really worth. Based on economic theory about information risk and principal-agent problems as well as theory regarding the cost of capital we test for the hypothesis that debt and equity investors perceive goodwill as something risky and hence demand compensation for taking on this extra risk. The proxies used for the cost of capital are cost of debt, beta and the EP-ratio. On a general level we find that increasing the level of goodwill seems to result in higher cost of capital as represented by the three proxies.

An implementation of a rational, reactive agent

We are working on the development and design of an approach to agents that can reason, react to the environment and are able to update their own knowledge as a result of new incoming information. In the resulting framework, rational, reactive agents can dynamically change their own knowledge bases as well as their own goals. An agent can make observations, learn new facts and new rules from the environment, and then update its knowledge accordingly. The knowledge base of an agent and its updating mechanism has been implemented in Logic Programming. The agent?s framework is implemented in Java.

Vad kännetecknar ett bra ledarskap i skolan? : En intervjustudie

The purpose of the thesis is to find out what characterizes a good leadership in the school. Five persons from two different schools were interviewed. From one school the female vice principal was interviewed. From the other school four persons were interviewed ? the female principal, the male vice principal, a male teacher and a female teacher.  This was executed  to get a picture of their view on a successful leadership in the school.

Bankers användning av kovenanter

Kovenanter ett amerikanskt fenomen som successivt har spridit sig över världen. I Sverige börjades olika typ av kovenanter användas under 1960-talet som kreditvillkor vid företagsfinansiering. Men även om kovenanter blivit ett vanligt verktyg inom den svenska kreditverksamheten sedan 1960-talet, finns det fortfarande bristande kunskaper om dess praktiska användande. Denna studies syfte är att utforska hur bankers användning av kovenanter i låneavtal påverkas av företagsspecifika, relationsspecifika, lånespecifika och andra faktorer. Studien är inriktad till att studera svenska bankernas användning av kovenanter vid företagskreditgivning och kommer därför inte att behandla privat och offentlig sektor.  Studiens ansats är abduktiv, som möjliggör en växling mellan teori och empiri.

Private equity företagens styrning av sina portföljbolag.: Två fallstudier av relationen mellan private equity företag och portföljbolag.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the characteristics of the management control system private equity firms use to manage their portfolio companies. The thesis takes a share holder value perspective, and it is assumed that the goal of the management control system is to increase the shareholder value in the portfolio company. In a qualitative study two private equity firms and two portfolio companies, one for each private equity firm, were studied in detail. In total, nine in debt interviews were completed. The results from this study suggest that the characteristics of the control system are dependent on the surrounding context; the focus on shareholder value and the specific characteristics of the private equity industry shape the characteristics of the management control system.

Mer än ett pris - : En studie om information, uppfattningar och användning av internpriser.

Background: When companies decentralize their operations into profit centers, transfer pricing often becomes an integral part in intracompany trade. A profit center may affect both revenues and costs and seek to maximize profit. Transfer Pricing is a complex subject because it is affected by a large number of factors including the profit centers will to generate profits. This leads us to the subject of decision-making in a transfer pricing-systems. On what grounds are decisions made? Are transfer pricing purposes, factors and interests taken into consideration? What type of information is used in such decisions, how is the transfer price issue perceived and how is it used?Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze which type of information that is makes up transfer prices, how the transfer price is perceived by different parties and how it is used for decision-making.Completion: A qualitative study has been performed with current theory as a starting point.

Val av fastighetsmäklare : En jämförelse småstad/storstad

The number of new estate agent offices is increasing yearly and each year many hundred new estate agents graduate. The comparing of estate agents by sellers has perhaps been most common in larger cities, but as competition has increased even in smaller towns we experience that it has become a common phenomenon even there. We both come from a small town but are not afraid of the idea of moving to a larger city as newly qualified estate agents. We ask ourselves, which are the determining factors in the choice of a estate agent in a large city as opposed to a small town? Can we see any differences? The purpose with this essay is to give us added knowledge about which factors private persons consider to be important in their choice of an estate agent when selling a house.The body of information is based on two parallel surveys, one in Hudiksvall and one in Stockholm, together with interviews of people in this line of business.

Perspektiv på arbetsmotivation : Om forskningsperspektiv och chefers syn på arbetsmotivation

The aim of this master thesis is to examine research perspectives and a selection ofmanagers? views on the concept of work motivation. With an exploratory approach,based on a literature review and interviews these views are examined and compared inrelation to a theoretical framework. This theoretical framework consists of three keyconcepts, the individual, the context and the regulation of work motivation. Theliterature review reveals two research perspectives, a classic economic perspectivebased on Principal?Agent Theory and a more up to date social psychologicalperspective based on Self-Determination Theory.

Adaptive Capacity through Complex Adaptive System

Problem: The corrugated board industry is highly affected by customer uncertainty, various demands and short delivery times. In combination with a complex multi-step production process managers have to be able to identify bottle-necks and gain knowledge and understanding of how different changes in process will affect the production output. <br/><br/>Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is twofold, (1) to examine applicability of complexity theory through agent-based modelling on a production process (2) to identify improvement areas in order to increase the production output at SKS production site in Eslöv, by modelling and simulating the production process through an agent-based model. <br/><br/>Method: The chosen method of this study is a combination of a case study and a complex system approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews, observation and document studies which were analysed through an agent-based simulation model.

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